PhpCodeStore RSS Feeds - PHP Scripts PhpCodeStore RSS Feeds - PHP Scripts en Copyright 2024 PhpCodeStore - All Rights Reserved. InBefore v1.0.6 - News Aggregator with Search Engine

✔ Price: $32

InBefore is an automated news aggregator, that can import latest content from unlimited RSS feeds. With no-cost Google CSE based search engine that searches different portions of the web. Including different types of search sections, like web, videos, torrents even subtitles. No API keys are needed.

InBefore is not your average RSS aggregator, it comes with special features like HTML DOM based full-text fetching for articles, cron based automatic content fetching and deletion of the old content after a certain period and many more.

InBefore is the perfect choice for anyone who’s looking to build their very own content portal with no much server load to worry about.
Inbefore by Miraz Mac
Highest rated RSS aggregation tool on Codecanyon Inbefore features overview RSS Aggregation with Full text import


Before you buy or try to install inbefore please make sure your server meets the following requirements

  • PHP 7.4 to PHP 8.3 – Linux/unix web-server.
  • Apache 2.4+ with mod_rewrite
  • MySQL 5.6+
  • Standard cPanel with CRON support
  • cURL - PHP Extension
  • PDO-MySQL - PHP Extension
  • Mbstring - PHP Extension
  • fileinfo - PHP Extension
  • libxml- PHP Extension
  • DOM - PHP Extension


Please check the live demo and ask questions before you buy. Pre-sale questions are always welcomed. Ask questions and take your time before you buy to make sure you’re not buying something that you don’t want. Feeds must be added by yourself, only valid feeds are supported. Check if a feed is valid or not from here:

There will be no refund once the item has been downloaded.


Live Preview

Live Demo:
Admin Dashboard:

Admin Credentials

Password: 123456

Search engines not working all of a sudden?

If your search engines are not showing any results, download to the latest update and at the root you will find a file named “engines-fix.sql”. Import that file to your current installation’s database. It will reset the engines with new default values.

Or you can manually run this SQL query:

TRUNCATE `in_engines`;
INSERT INTO `in_engines` VALUES (1,'Web','68c42d53085561644',0,0,1567321257,1580814530),(3,'Videos','e403897ed3d957745',0,1,1567321259,1580814558),(4,'News','b16521454a1884f6a',0,1,1567321259,1567321259),(5,'Torrents','6ff7034d0894868ee',0,0,1567321259,1592295317),(6,'Subtitles','93314d2add702dbab',0,0,1567321259,1567321259),(2,'Images','954a56c1e00db57aa',1,0,1567321258,1592295337);

Or, alternatively, go to Dashboard > Engines

And change the Google Custom Search IDs of the engines to the following new values:

Web – 68c42d53085561644
Images – 954a56c1e00db57aa
Videos – e403897ed3d957745
News – b16521454a1884f6a
Torrents – 6ff7034d0894868ee
Subtitles – 93314d2add702dbab

Further disclaimer about the Search Engines

The search engine part of the script depends on a free third party API named, Google CSE. If a situation arrives when the API is discontinued, the search engines will stop working. As I have no control over third party APIs, I won’t be able to do anything to fix it. So if you are purchasing this solely for the search engines then make sure you understand this, thank you.



Minor Bug fix and Improvement - October 09, 2023 (Only for 1.0.6)
- Replace the following files from the archive to your installation:



v.1.0.6 - PHP 8 Support - Sep 14, 2023
- Added PHP 8 support (Only for new installations, upgrade isn't possible due to a lot of changed files).

October 2, 2022
- Minor Reflective XSS Fix on the search pages "no search results text" 
in: src/controllers/SiteController.php 
changed line: 'noResultsString' => sprintf(__('no-search-results', _T), $q),
'noResultsString' => e(sprintf(__('no-search-results', _T), $q)),

Thanks to @allyelyas for reporting.

Important Fix - October 22, 2021
- For some odd reason Google has disabled all my CSEs. I have created new ones and added them to the SQL file. If you are running an existing installation just import the <strong>engines-fix.sql</strong> in your current database.

Minor Bug fix - Feb 09, 2021
- src\drivers\Http\RssImporter.php - Fixed content limit wasn't working. Just replace this file in your current installation from the new archive.

v.1.0.5 - New Year's Update - Dec 31, 2020
- Added image search support in search
- Added keyword based post ignoring/importing feature
- Added content length based post importing
- Added character limit based filtering on imported posts
- Added in site articles search
- Added ability to view posts of a specific feed in frontend
- Added import and manual writing support for HTML5 video, audio content (No custom player)
- Added ability to import iFrames based content, with domain white-listing (By default youtube, vimeo, twitch is enabled)
- Added ability to set time interval for the popular posts (Daily/Weekly/Monthly/Yearly/All time)
- Added ability to set the search engine as default homepage
- Added full support for YouTube channel feeds, now videos will be embedded
- Completely revamped post importing algorithm, last refresh time now resembles the latest imported post's publish time, and if no post is found, last refresh time won't be updated. Also duplicate posts check now checks the post URL as well as the title
- Frontend design revamp with support for tablet devices
- [Plugin] Same site RSS Feed can now show full content and thumbnail
- [Plugin] Added category wise RSS feed for site
- [Plugin] New synonyms based Article Rewriter Plugin (English only)
- [Fix] Fixed broken instant answer images in search
- [Fix] Fixed issues where FeedBurners feed would be considered invalid
- [Fix] Added support for many third party image tags to make fetching the thumbnail image easier
- [Fix] Fixed issues regarding rich snippets (breadcrumbs)
- [Fix] Fixed issues regarding last refresh time
- [Fix] Automatically detects feedburners feeds and appends necessary parameters to import the feed
- [Fix] Newly added pages now appear at sidebar footer
- [Fix] Fixed the cron command to be compatible with all kinds of hosting.

v.1.0.4 - Quick Bugfix and Feature Update, April 14, 2020 (Recommended)
- Added ability to automatically fetch fulltext without any CSS selector (should work for most 80% of the sites)
- Added an option to forcefully add invalid feeds (eg. feeds with invalid mimetypes)
- Disabled SSL verification of the Feeds (known to cause cURL SSL issues in some hosts)
- Fixed encoding issues with foreign characters in CSS based fulltext fetching
- Some minor tweaks of the system files

v.1.0.3 - Quick Bugfix, April 4, 2020 (Updating Recommended)
site/plugins/sitemap/lib/SiteMapController.php - Fixed the issue where another sitemap would only show in index when the total limit is reached
src/functions/formatting.php - Fixed invalid max file size value for some sites
src/functions/system.php - Fixed some featured image URLs being broken
src/helpers/UrlSlug.php  - Slugs now support foreign character normalization

v.1.0.2 Quick Bugfix, March 25, 2020 (Update immediately)
- Added missing language parameters
- Fixed social share and image thumbnail issue
- Fixed some issues with unicode/complex characters in URL

v.1.0.1 Quick Bugfix, March 21, 2020 (Update immediately)
- Fixed issue of white screen on search page
- Removed YouTube downloader completely 

v.1.0.0 - February 23 - InBefore Next - Major Update
- Added Support for Translations with two pre-loaded languages (English, Bengali)
- Added Dynamic Sitemaps with sitemap index
- Added RSS Feed
- Added User Management with Roles and Permissions
- Added support for user registration (Can be disabled)
- Added support to enable or disable Google CSE Ads (Adsense for Search)
- Added ability to change trending searches region
- Added support for toggling the YouTube downloading feature
- Added ability to select the default search engine
- Added support for Theme Options
- Added pagination for homepage
- Added post view count
- Default theme has two layouts for the article page
- Added Facebook comment-box
- Added Related Posts
- Fixed critical issues of double encoding of URLs
- Fixed YouTube feeds fetching swf files instead of the thumbnail issue
- RSS Importer now loops through all the enclosures to find a image
- Fixed an issue where importer was fetching video URLs, even when image was present
- Updated the docs with solutions to the most common issues

v.0.1.4 - January 31, 2020 - YouTube Signature HotFix (Update immediately)
- Downloading YouTube videos will now work with the latest YouTube Cipher Update

v.0.1.3 - December 22, 2019 - YouTube Downloader Hotfix (Update immediately)
- Fixed YouTube downloading issues

v.0.1.3 - December 22, 2019 - YouTube Downloader Hotfix (Update immediately)
- Fixed YouTube downloading issues

v.0.1.2 - November 17, 2019 - Hotfix (Update immediately)
- Fixed critical fulltext fetch error bug in src/controllers/Site/SiteController.php
- Fixed chmod related bugs  in:
- Changed post_title field to MySQL TEXT instead of VARCHAR to prevent MySQL Truncate issue.

v.0.1.1 - Ocober 15th, 2019
- Fixed a critical RSS import bug in src/drivers/Http/RssImporter.php

v0.1 - October 10th, 2019
- Created
Sat, 04 Nov 2023 21:40:07 +0100 Kristyna
HelpDesk v3.63 &#45; Online Ticketing System with Website &#45; ticket support and management

✔ Price: $25

Live Demo Online Documentation Get Support \\

HelpDesk is a powerful ticket management system that can manage massive data. It’s a single-page application made with Laravel, Vue.js, and InertiaJS.

You don’t need any other website as HelpDesk has front pages supporting the blog post, FAQ, services, privacy policy, terms, knowledge base, etc.



Change log:

--- 3.64 (3 November 2023) --- 
- IMPROVEMENT: Knowledge Base issues are fixed based on we get some support mail regarding the date issues.

--- 3.63 (22 October 2023) --- 
- IMPROVEMENT: user role things on the edit user page for the super admin

--- 3.62 (19 October 2023) --- 
- IMPROVEMENT: Added missing words for the translation 
- FEATURE: Added Lithuanian language translation

--- 3.61 (16 October 2023) --- 
- FIXED: Front Page(Home) removing features section issues

--- 3.6 (11 October 2023) --- 
- FIXED: Disabled deleting default language(English)

--- 3.5 (25 Sep 2023) --- 
- FEATURE: Added Hebrew Language

--- 3.4 (19 Sep 2023) --- 
- FEATURE: Added color scheme switcher for the landing page

--- 3.3 (15 Sep 2023) --- 
- FEATURE: Added ticket subject edit option for the Admin/Manager/Moderator 
- FEATURE: Added ticket description edit option for the Admin/Manager/Moderator 

--- 3.2 (26 Aug 2023) --- 
- FIXED: Customer can update status, select another customer, assign user (now customer won't be able to do) 
- FIXED & IMPROVEMENT: KnowledgeBase database and seeder.

--- 3.1 (14 Aug 2023) ---
- FIXED: Fixed ticket status issues while a ticket not closed
- IMPROVEMENT: Setup default ticket status and hide this from the initial ticket creation
- FEATURE: Auto fill up user details while create a new ticket by Logged in user from the front pages.
- FEATURE: Added CronJob URL, so cronjob can be set with cPanel or Shared hosting.
- NEW: Updated documentation for the email piping cronjob setup

--- 3.03 (14 July 2023) ---
* FEATURE: Remove further access for the closed tickets.
* NEW: Added Portuguese and Swedish Languages

--- 3.02 (15 Jun 2023) ---
* FEATURE: Added services front page

--- 3.01 (27 May 2023) ---
* FIXED: Pusher setup configuration page issue fixed for the admin panel.

--- 3.00 (22 May 2023) ---
* NEW: Email Piping (Sending an email will automatically create a new ticket)
* IMPROVED: FrontPages Update with New Design
* UPGRADE: Installation System Upgrade

--- 2.93 (10 May 2023) --- 
- IMPROVED: Improved installation functions and migration options 
- FIXED: Fixed permissions issues

--- 2.92 (4 May 2023) --- 
* FIXED: Auto logout issue while changing user profile photo

--- 2.91 (28 April 2023) ---
* TINY FIXED: Contact page email address link issue.
* TINY FIXED: Contact page phone number link issue.

--- 2.9 (13 April 2023) ---
- NEW: Added contact email recipient option where to send email
- NEW: Added an option login to create a new ticket for the front page
- FIXED: Browser top bar app title change

--- 2.8 (02 April 2023) ---
- FIXED & IMPROVEMENT: Chat Functionalities
- FEATURE: Permanently delete options
- FIXED: SMTP setup
- FIXED: Front page ticket submit issue (The email has already been taken)
- IMPROVEMENT: Improved some inner functionalities

--- 2.7 (20 March 2023) ---
- NEW: Added enable/disable options for Chat, Services, Knowledge Base, FAQ, Blog, Organization, Contacts, Notes and Show Login on the front page.
- NEW: Add/remove Language from the site, including the menu

--- 2.6 (25 February 2023) ---
- NEW: Footer text(under the Logo) change option for the front pages.

--- 2.5  (21 February 2023) ---
- NEW: Added Custom CSS option on the settings page
- NEW: Added favicon adding option
- FEATURE: Auto add default logo on the email template

--- 2.4  (08 January 2023) ---
- NEW: Added RTL feature for the front pages

--- 2.3  (05 January 2023) ---
- IMPROVEMENT: Refactor Contact Front Page
- FIXED: Contact Form Submission

--- 2.2  (02 January 2023) ---
- FIXED: View ticket link for the email

--- 2.2  (30 December 2022) ---
- NEW: front page footer(copyright) option
- FIXED: Ticket pages UID issues

--- 2.1  (16 December 2022) ---
- NEW: Import Databased Seed As Demo Data
- FIXED: FAQ items limitations
- FIXED: Internal System Performance
- FIXED: Migration

--- 2.0  (09 December 2022) ---
- NEW: RTL Support (dashboard)
- NEW: Hide particular ticket field option
- NEW: User Permission and Role Management
- NEW: Forgot Password option
- FIXED: Chat improvement
- FIXED: Fixed Organization and contact creation issues
- FIXED: Improved ticket filters

-- 1.0 (01.11.2022) ---
* Initial Release

\\ \\

HelpDesk has the following features:

  • Ticket Support/Assign
  • Email Notification
  • Front Pages with Management
  • Ticket/Thread Discussion
  • Live Chat
  • Contacts/Organizations Management
  • Notes modules
  • Customer/User management
Sat, 04 Nov 2023 21:02:57 +0100 Kristyna
Golo v1.0 &#45; Office Rental And Coworking Space Script Theme

✔ Price: $35


Limited Discount 25% off For The First 25 Buyer


Golo – Office Rental And Coworking Space Script Theme the system preferred to work on the languages of Arabic, English and France. Golo is a fresh and perfect .Golo is perfectly designed for Coworking Office Space & Rental website.You will be able to attract more visitors to your cause with a modern design. Golo additionally with blazing fast loading speed and many other features you’ll be able to get your website up and running in no time.Golo all the files are editable and we also included documentation so anyone can edit them.Golo website template designed keeping in the mind the latest trends and with an aim to simplify easier to explore for its Users Checkout the demo to learn more .

This Golo – Modern Directory Listing Script has been tested to work best with IE10+, latest versions of Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, Android and iOS mobile browsers.

Demo Admin Contact Us To Login Details


  1. Manage Membership (Add/edit/remove Membership) (for admins and managers only);
  2. Supports multi-languages (Default languages: english and arabic and France)
  3. Setting: general setting such as logo, blog title, website icon, Home Page
  4. Manage Events (Add/edit/remove Events) (for admins and managers only);
  5. Manage Blogs (Add/edit/remove Blogs) (for admins and managers only);
  6. Manage Roles (Add/edit/remove Roles) (for admins and managers only).
  7. Categories: category name, slug, description and feature image
  8. User: name, email, password, profile picture and description
  9. Template, pagination, xml sitemap, comment(Disqus comment)
  10. Manage ads (url/image/google ads) (left for you option)
  11. Access the control panel via Login/Register Features.
  12. image: easily upload multiple images with ajax
  13. Manage Membership (Add/edit/remove Membership).
  14. This script comes with a powerful CMS
  15. Manage Services (Add/edit/remove Services).
  16. Made with security in mind (Stable version)
  17. Manage ThePlace (Add/edit/remove ThePlace).
  18. Reports – (for admins and managers only).
  19. Manage User (Add/edit/remove User).
  20. Send Message From User to admin
  21. User Login & Register System
  22. Documentation file included
  23. Video Backgrounds Page Header
  24. Cross Browser Compatibility
  25. Animated Preloader Section
  26. Easy to use and customize
  27. Creative Interaction UI
  28. RTL & LTR Support
  29. 404 Page
  30. User Management.
  31. 3 User roles.
  32. HTML5 Validation
  33. Based on uikit 4.x
  34. Animated Navigation
  35. Flowless CSS transition
  36. Cross browsers support
  37. SVG + Image icons
  38. Google Fonts
  39. Favicon Options
  40. Advertisement Options
  41. Social Media Options
  42. Translation Ready
  43. 100% Responsive Design
  44. SEO Friendly
  45. Contact Form
  46. Navigation Options
  47. Layouts & Elements
  48. Boxed Layout Design
  49. Adaptive Images System
  50. Optimized Codes
  51. Comment System
  52. Fancybox Support
  53. Theme Updates
  54. Support & Documentation
  • Security
    • Totally secured system (SQL injection, XSS, CSRF)
    • Built on Powerful laravel 9 Framework that has been tried and tested by millions of developers.
    • Passwords are encrypted using php library to make sure your data is safe.
  • Media Builder
    • Members / Admin add unlimited recipes.
    • SEO optimized for Services using meta keywords and meta tags.
  • Admin Panel
    • Flexible control panel system with full options.
    • Only admin role can login admin panel.
    • Change website settings(name, logo, favicon, timezone, site description,...).
    • Change website SEO settings (meta keywords, meta description).
    • Change social media pages.
    • Manage Media categories (add, edit, delete, view).
    • Approve member Media to appear on website.
    • Can view/ delete users subscribed.
    • Manage sliders that appears on website (add, edit, delete, view).
    • Totally with this admin panel can manage and control every thing appear in website with full option.
  • Other Features
    • Easy to install and usability(without any coding knowledge needed).
    • Awesome Design for Website and admin panel
    • Fully Responsive for Website and admin panel
    • Clean Code with hight performance.
    • Easy Customization
    • Friendly with SEO.
    • High performance.
    • More features will coming up.


  • Backend Framework: Built on laravel 9
  • Backend Framework: Built on laravel 8 Native admin
  • Requires php To 8.0
  • Supports MySQL, Mysqli.
  • Supports SMTP Email, PHP Mail()


Sat, 04 Nov 2023 21:02:55 +0100 Kristyna
eCommerceGo SaaS v2.9 &#45; eCommerce Store with Multi theme and Multi Store

✔ Price: $89


Experience the unmatched integration of your store’s backend and frontend with eCommerceGo SaaS. This comprehensive platform empowers effortless management of your store, from products to orders, all in one user-friendly interface. Enjoy a well-organized storefront and intuitive user experience, revolutionizing your eCommerce operations like never before.

eCommerceGo SaaS - eCommerce Store with Multi theme and Multi Store - 1 eCommerceGo SaaS - eCommerce Store with Multi theme and Multi Store - 2 eCommerceGo SaaS - eCommerce Store with Multi theme and Multi Store - 3 eCommerceGo SaaS - eCommerce Store with Multi theme and Multi Store - 4 eCommerceGo SaaS - eCommerce Store with Multi theme and Multi Store - 5


URL : Demo Link
Login as Super Admin : / 1234
Login as Owner : / 1234

Grocery Theme : Check Grocery Theme Demo
Babycare Theme : Check Babycare Theme Demo

More Premium Mobile App Addons: Buy From Here

eCommerceGo SaaS - eCommerce Store with Multi theme and Multi Store - 6

eCommerceGo SaaS - eCommerce Store with Multi theme and Multi Store - 7
eCommerceGo SaaS - eCommerce Store with Multi theme and Multi Store - 8 eCommerceGo SaaS - eCommerce Store with Multi theme and Multi Store - 9
eCommerceGo SaaS - eCommerce Store with Multi theme and Multi Store - 10

eCommerceGo SaaS - eCommerce Store with Multi theme and Multi Store - 11

What can you expect from eCommerceGo SaaS – eCommerce Store with Multi theme and Multi Store?

  • 35 Complementary Themes: Organize your store with 35 complementary e-commerce-based themes.
  • Custom Domain and Subdomain: Organize your store with personalized domains and subdomains.
  • Dual Dashboards: Effortlessly navigate both backend and frontend interfaces for clear insights.
  • Storefront Management: Seamlessly list products and categories for easy storefront management.
  • Tax Management: Create and assign tax rates with simplicity.
  • Multi-Theme Flexibility: Choose from various color options in multi-themes. (Check Complementary Themes Here)
  • Mobile App Integration: Enjoy mobile applications for each theme. (Check Mobile Apps Here)
  • WooCommerce Integration: Elevate your online store’s potential with WooCommerce Integration, harmonizing inventory management and supercharging your e-commerce capabilities.
  • Shopify Integration: Seamlessly unites your Shopify store with eCommerceGo, enhancing product management and sales efficiency.
  • Order Tracking Update: The Order Module in eCommerceGo SaaS enables admins to monitor orders and payments, and customers can track and cancel orders prior to “Unpaid” or “Delivered” status.
  • Order Refund Settings: Effortless and streamlined refund management for admins, along with a user-friendly customer-initiated refund process.
  • Order Notes: Streamline customer communication and order updates with ease.
  • Order Reports: Your key to data-driven e-commerce success, offering sales, product, category, and downloadable product insights.
  • Stock Reports: Streamline inventory management with a list-based view and admin control for accurate stock tracking.
  • Customer vs. Guests for Customer Traffic Analytics: Elevate your e-commerce strategy with Customer Traffic Analytics in eCommerceGo SaaS. Gain insights into customer and guest traffic trends, enabling data-driven decisions for tailored marketing and improved store performance.
  • Customer Timeline: Access crucial customer data, monitor their activities, and make informed decisions with eCommerceGo’s Customer Timeline while maintaining your platform’s appearance.
  • Customer Filter: Gain valuable customer insights and enhance marketing strategies with ease.
  • Data Export in Customer, Coupon, and Order Modules: Effortlessly manage and analyze customer data.
  • Custom Field Management: Simplify product listing management with Custom Field Management in eCommerceGo SaaS. Admins gain control by enabling or disabling custom fields during product creation, optimizing efficiency and organization.
  • Coupon Management: The Marketing Module’s Coupon Management settings enable the creation and customization of discount coupons, including percentage, flat rate, and fixed product discounts, and the generation of unique codes.
  • Top Selling Products: Easily monitor top-selling products, optimize strategies, and boost revenue with eCommerceGo’s real-time data-driven Dashboard.
  • Flash Sales: Effortless creation of customized Flash Sales with options for sale details, discount types, and targeted promotions.
  • Newsletter Subscribers: Manage your newsletter subscriber list efficiently.
  • User-Friendly Shopping: Enhance the user experience with a user-friendly storefront for smooth shopping.
  • Webhook Integration: Seamlessly connect and enhance modules with a simple setup, streamlining data exchange and boosting platform capabilities.
  • WhatsApp API: Enhance customer engagement with automated notifications for orders, status changes, stock updates, and more, customizable to your preferences.
  • Full White Label Customization: Tailor your store to your brand with full white-label customization.
  • Checkout Options: Enable COD and Bank Transfer for secure offline payments.
  • Store QR Codes: Utilize store QR codes and unique links for easy access.
  • Multi-Store Capability: Manage multiple stores under a single company umbrella.
  • Product Management: Effectively manage product shipping methods, variants, and coupons.
  • Seamless Shipping Management: The Shipping module streamlines your shipping processes, from defining methods to managing classes and zones, ensuring precise and hassle-free deliveries.
  • Shipping Label Generator: Elevate shipping processes with the Shipping Label Generator.
  • Downloadable Products: Enhance the shopping experience with Downloadable Products.
  • Wishlist: Send personalized product alerts to customers about wishlist items, boosting engagement and sales, all within our Marketing Module.
  • Abandon Cart: Recover lost sales effortlessly by sending reminder emails to customers who abandoned their carts, all within our Marketing Module.
  • Blog and Custom Pages: Integrate blog and custom page modules for informative insights.
  • SEO Optimization: Each store features meta keywords and descriptions for improved SEO.
  • Guest Checkout: Provide a hassle-free guest checkout option without requiring registration/login.
  • Style Customizing: Custom CSS empowers Super Admins in the backend and Individual Admins on the front end to precisely tailor the platform’s appearance.
  • Impersonate Login: Super Admins can easily log in as regular Admins by clicking the “Login as Admin” button available in the user module of the Super Admin side, providing seamless access to admin-level functionalities.
  • Cloud Data Integration: Integrate cloud data storage options like Local, AWS, and Wasabi.
  • Customizable Settings: Personalize settings including RTL support, color themes, layout, and more.
  • Email Template: Enhance communication efficiency with Email Templates managed by the Super Admin in eCommerceGo SaaS. Choose from pre-defined or custom email layouts for streamlined and uniform email creation.
  • Twilio Integration:Experience seamless communication with Twilio Integration. Get real-time text message notifications for various activities, ensuring you stay informed on the go.
  • Enhanced RTL Experience: Ensure a user-friendly experience for RTL languages like Arabic, Hebrew, and Urdu.
  • Enhanced Security with Email Verification: Prioritize security with Email Verification.
  • Social Share: Amplify your reach with Social Share.
  • Plan Wise Storage Limit for Super Admin: Easily tailor e-commerce plans with custom storage limits for Super Admins in eCommerceGo SaaS, ensuring a precise fit for client needs and staying ahead in the dynamic industry.
  • Flexible Payment Methods: Any of the plans’ payments can be done using 20+ diverse payment gateways namely Stripe, Paypal, Paystack, Flutterwave, Razorpay, Paytm, Mollie, Skrill, Mercado Pago, CoinGate, Paymentwall, SSPay, toyyibPay, PayTabs, Iyzipay, Payfast, Benefit, Cashfree, aamarPay, PayTR, Telegram, WhatsApp, Yookassa
  • Built with Laravel 9: Built on the reliable Laravel 9 framework for robust performance.

Salient Features of eCommerceGo SaaS – eCommerce Store with Multi theme and Multi Store

The Transition from the Front End to the Back End

A robust backend is crucial for efficient store management, regardless of whether it operates online. The smooth functioning of the front end relies heavily on a well-functioning back end. From managing product inventories and orders to ensuring seamless order fulfillment, an interactive front-end interface complements the backend operations.

The Stunning Dashboard

Operating on two fronts, eCommerceGo SaaS presents a dual-dashboard system to ensure efficient management of both back-end and front-end aspects.

Comprehensive Dashboard Overview: The eCommerceGo SaaS store dashboard provides a comprehensive snapshot, displaying total products, sales, and orders. It also offers quick access to your latest products and recent orders. A graphical representation of your past week’s orders is available for easy tracking.

Theme Barcode and Link: Another section of the dashboard showcases your store’s theme barcode and corresponding link. This theme is the one you’ve chosen during the store creation process.

Social Share: Share your content effortlessly with the new Social Share feature. A dedicated button next to the theme link lets you quickly share links on social media platforms like Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and more. Amplify your reach and engage with your audience effortlessly.

Quick Add Functionality: Simplify the addition of new elements with the “Quick Add” feature. This streamlines the process of adding New Products, Tax categories, Main Categories, and Coupons, eliminating the need to navigate to individual modules.

In-Depth Store Analytics: Unlock comprehensive store analytics through various charts. These charts cover diverse aspects such as traffic sources via different browsers, devices, and platforms, as well as insights about top URLs. This analytical dashboard provides a thorough understanding of your visitor demographics and behavior.

Elevate your store management experience with eCommerceGo SaaS’s dual dashboards and insightful analytics, ensuring seamless control over your online business operations.

Themes Add-on

Easily enhance your store’s aesthetics with the Themes Add-on in eCommerceGo SaaS. Selecting a desired theme becomes effortless – simply choose from the assortment of themes available during the store setup, and witness your store’s appearance undergo a captivating transformation. With theme switching, your store’s color palette harmoniously adjusts to align with the chosen theme, guaranteeing a unified and visually pleasing journey. Check Premium Themes Here.

Store Setting

Within the Store Setting module, eCommerceGo SaaS offers a range of customization options:

Theme Setting: Revamp your store’s appearance effortlessly with the Theme Setting feature. The automatic generation of the theme link simplifies the process. This tab showcases your selected “Theme Name” and grants precise control over the theme’s aspects including logo, invoice logo, and favicon, as well as management of Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, Meta Keywords, and Description.

Home Page Content: Personalize your theme’s entire home page content with the Home Page Content feature. This versatile tool allows customization of elements like Header, Banner – Card, Category, Review, Discount – Section, Products, Bestseller, Feature – Product, Feature – Category, Testimonial, Blog, List page, and Footer. Accompanied by the ability to incorporate essential images, this feature includes various social media settings, with many offering enable/disable or on/off options.

Order Complete Screen: The Order Complete Screen feature signifies the successful conclusion of a purchase. Dynamic text elements such as Title and Description guide customers towards the completion of their transaction, initiating subsequent processes like item processing and packaging for a seamless delivery experience.


Categories play a crucial role in effectively organizing and presenting your listed products. In the eCommerceGo SaaS product module, we’ve incorporated a user-friendly feature to manage and classify your main product categories. Each category can be registered with an associated image and icon, and you can even indicate whether it’s currently trending. This functionality is designed to simplify product organization, leading to an enhanced user experience for both admins and customers.

Main Category: To ensure proper recognition and identification of listed products, categorization is essential. The product module of eCommerceGo SaaS offers a convenient feature to manage main product categories. Register each category with an image and icon, indicating if it is currently trending or not. Simplify product organization and enhance user experience.

Subcategories: The subcategory feature, available within select predefined store themes on eCommerceGo SaaS, is aimed at refining the product browsing experience. Through this module, you can effortlessly categorize and navigate products, significantly improving the way customers explore your offerings. Simultaneously, admins benefit from streamlined product management, ensuring an efficient overall process.

Product Management: Your store’s entire product lineup is conveniently accessible in this section. Manage every aspect of your products, ranging from their names, prices, categories, quantities, SKUs, and product descriptions to their accompanying images. This comprehensive tab serves as your control center for maintaining accurate inventories and product details.

Product Variants: Incorporating product variants involves grouping related products within a single family. This family consists of a master product accompanied by various child products, each differing in characteristics like colors, sizes, pricing, materials, and specific features. The goal of this feature is to offer customers an extensive array of personalized options, thereby increasing the appeal of your offerings. The simplified presentation of choices makes it easier for customers to quickly understand the available options. This abundance of choices under a unified roof also greatly enhances product visibility, attracting more attention from potential customers.

Custom Field: Custom Field Management in eCommerceGo SaaS provides Admins with greater authority when crafting product listings. By enabling or disabling custom fields during product creation, this feature offers adaptability and simplifies product management, enabling you to create and organize product listings according to your specific requirements, thus enhancing efficiency and organization.

Downloadable Products: Enhance your customers’ shopping experience with “Downloadable Products.” Enable this option when creating new products, and a unique capability becomes available. After an order for a downloadable product is successfully delivered, the system automatically recognizes the change in order status. Customers can then access a convenient download option from the front end of your online store, allowing them to download related product images. Admins have full control and visibility over this feature on the backend, ensuring accurate access for customers.


Efficient shipping management is a cornerstone of successful online stores, yet the complexities involved can be daunting. Enter eCommerceGo SaaS’s shipping module—a solution designed to tackle this challenge. This module empowers you to customize shipping rates by zone, offering versatile options such as flat rates, free shipping, and local pickup. Simplifying the shipping process, eCommerceGo’s module is a valuable tool for seamless operations and enhanced customer satisfaction.

Shipping Label Generator: The Shipping Label Generator of the eCommerceGo SaaS platform, is designed to elevate your shipping processes. With this feature, admins can easily generate barcode labels for their shipments, simplifying the shipping workflow, and ensuring accurate tracking and efficient product delivery. Say goodbye to manual label creation and embrace hassle-free, automated shipping label generation with our Shipping Label Generator.


In the “Order” section, you gain access to a comprehensive overview of each order. This includes a detailed breakdown of order specifics such as billing and shipping information, as well as the current payment status. Obtain a comprehensive insight into a specific order number, offering you a complete understanding of its intricacies. Manage the order status and conveniently generate receipts directly from this platform.


For Admins (Backend)

Order Status Monitoring: Admins can view the status of orders, including “Confirmed,” “Picked Up,” “Shipped,” or “Delivered”.

Payment Status: Admins can easily identify whether an order has been marked as “Paid” or “Unpaid.” The “Unpaid” status will fall when there is COD.

Cancellation Control: If the status is “Unpaid,” only customers can cancel the order, providing a clear distinction in the cancellation process.

For Customers (Frontend)

Order Status Tracking: Customers can check the status of their orders on the front-end theme, keeping them informed about the progress of their purchases.

Order Cancellation: Customers have the flexibility to cancel their orders before the status transitions to “Unpaid” or “Delivered,” enhancing their control over their shopping experience.

These functions collectively improve the efficiency of order management for admins and empower customers with convenient tools to track and manage their orders in the eCommerceGo SaaS platform.


Settings from Backend (Admin)

From the order refund module of eCommerceGo SaaS, the admins find a well-organized view of refund requests, including crucial details such as the Order ID for quick identification, the Refund Request Date for tracking, and the Refund Request Status (Approved, Processing, or Canceled) for prioritizing requests. Additionally, admins can customize their refund process through the Refund Settings section. They can enable or disable features like “Manage Stock,” which automates restocking of refunded items, “Attachment” for allowing customers to submit files with refund requests, and “Shipping Amount Deduction” for accurately adjusting refunds based on shipping costs.

Process from Frontend

On the front end of eCommerceGo SaaS, customers can effortlessly initiate refund requests only for delivered orders. Within the “View Order History” section in “My Account”, a “Refund” button becomes visible beside the specific order. Clicking this button opens a user-friendly interface for initiating refunds. Customers provide necessary details, such as the reason for the refund and any relevant information, before submitting the request.

Order Notes

eCommerceGo’s order module features Order Notes, a convenient way to communicate with customers. Users can send messages or notes related to an order, providing transparency and updates. They can keep notes private or share them with customers.


Order Reports: The Order Reports module offers comprehensive insights into e-commerce operations, including Sales Reports, which track sales on various timelines, Product Reports for product-specific data, and Sales Category Reports for category-wise sales. These features enable data-driven decision-making, allowing businesses to optimize sales, product offerings, and category performance, ultimately enhancing their e-commerce success.

Stock Reports: The Stock Reports section focuses on your inventory. It offers a list-based view of your stock, enabling you to manage and track available products easily. Additionally, admin privileges allow you to make necessary stock adjustments or edits directly within the platform, ensuring accurate inventory management.


Within the customer module, effortlessly access a comprehensive list of all your customers. This module provides a user-friendly interface to swiftly navigate through your customer base. Additionally, you’re offered the convenience of creating new stores and seamlessly switching between different stores as needed, further enhancing your management capabilities.

Customer vs. Guests for Customer Traffic Analytics: The Powerful enhancement of Customer vs. Guests for traffic analytics equips you with monthly and yearly graphs that visualize customer and guest traffic trends, enabling data-driven decisions. By comprehending customer behavior and seasonal patterns, you can tailor marketing strategies, optimize operations, and elevate your online store’s performance, ensuring a personalized and successful e-commerce journey for your customers.

Customer Filter: eCommerceGo SaaS provides a customer filter tool that offers valuable insights into your customer base. This tool allows you to analyze essential customer information like names, email addresses, and total spending. This helps you tailor marketing strategies and customer interactions to better meet their needs and preferences. The Customer Filter feature is crucial for informed decision-making and effective customer relationship management.

Enhanced Customer Insights with Customer Timeline

Within the Customer Module, we’ve introduced a powerful feature that equips admins with invaluable insights into customer behavior. Seamlessly integrated into eCommerceGo, this tool provides a comprehensive view of your customers’ interactions without affecting your platform’s appearance.


Customer Name: Identify and personalize interactions with ease.

Customer Email: Improve communication and engagement with accurate contact information.

Total Spend: Gain deeper insights into individual spending patterns.

Total Orders: Track each customer’s order history for more effective decision-making.


Register Date: Stay informed about new registrations, helping you understand your growing customer base.

Last Login: Gain insights into recent customer activities to refine engagement strategies.

Wishlist Actions: Track when customers add or remove items from wishlists, facilitating personalized recommendations

Cart Management: Monitor items added to or removed from shopping carts, optimizing the shopping experience

Order Placement: Stay updated on successful order completions, ensuring efficient order processing.

With the Customer Timeline, you have the power to make data-driven decisions, refine marketing strategies, and enhance customer engagement effortlessly. This invaluable tool seamlessly enhances your eCommerce operations while keeping your customers unaware of the backend improvements.

Data Export in Customer, Coupon, and Order Modules

Effortlessly manage and analyze your customer data with the new Data Export feature in the Customer and Order Module of eCommerceGo SaaS. Simply click the “Export” button, and watch your order and customer lists seamlessly transform into Excel sheets. Say goodbye to manual data entry and hello to efficient organization. Make informed decisions effortlessly with this convenient function.



The Coupon feature within eCommerceGo SaaS equips you with the capability to seamlessly generate, handle, and monitor coupons for your promotional endeavors. This functionality empowers you to establish coupon codes, outline discounts or special offers, establish usage constraints, and diligently monitor the utilization of coupons for enhanced campaign management.

Coupon Management: eCommerceGo’s Marketing Module provides a Coupon Management setting for creating and managing discount coupons. Users can choose from three discount types: Percentage, Flat Rate, or Fixed Product Discount. Key parameters include spend requirements, usage limits, expiry dates, and code generation. The “Generate Code” button completes the process. eCommerceGo’s comprehensive tool helps design discount coupons that align with store goals, enhance marketing efforts, and attract customers with percentage-based savings, fixed-rate discounts, or specialized promotions.


The Newsletter module within eCommerceGo SaaS empowers streamlined management and utilization of customer newsletter subscriptions. It simplifies the collection, organization, and segmentation of subscriber data, facilitating precision in targeted email campaigns. Featuring advanced analytics and tracking capabilities, you can evaluate engagement, fine-tune content, and cultivate robust customer relationships. This module guarantees effective communication and cultivates customer loyalty through personalized and captivating newsletters.


The eCommerceGo SaaS product’s Marketing module allows admins to create customized Flash Sales by adding a sale, providing details like sale name, start/end dates, discount type, discount amount, and price criteria. They can target specific categories, products, or price ranges to tailor promotions effectively.
All changes made at the backend will be visible on the front end.


With this module, you can email customers about the products they’ve added to their wishlists. It’s a simple way to keep customers informed and boost your sales.

How does it work?

Product Alerts: You can send emails to customers when the products they’ve saved in their wishlists have special offers, or discounts, or are back in stock.

Personalized Communication: These emails are personalized, making your customers feel valued and appreciated.

Boost Sales: By notifying customers about the products they’re interested in, you’re more likely to convert their interest into purchases.


With our “Abandon Cart” feature in the Marketing Module, the admins can send emails to the customers regarding the products they have added to their carts.

How does it work?

Easy Product Selection: Admins can choose products directly from customers’ wishlists to include in reminder emails.

Recover Sales: By sending friendly reminders, you can help customers pick up where they left off and complete their purchases.

Boost Conversions: Encourage undecided shoppers to make a purchase, increasing your sales and customer satisfaction.

WhatsApp API

WhatsApp API Notifications in eCommerceGo SaaS enable businesses to send automated notifications about order creation, status changes, stock availability, abandoned carts, and wishlists. This feature allows admin control, enhancing customer engagement and improving the shopping experience by providing valuable updates and enhancing the overall shopping experience.


Synchronizing your WooCommerce products with your store is effortlessly achievable through the aid of the WooCommerce Module. The process is simple: just choose a product from WooCommerce within the module, then click the “add” button, and in a matter of seconds, the chosen product seamlessly integrates into your store. This module also extends its functionality to incorporate coupons and manage customer information that is synced with WooCommerce, further enhancing the efficiency of your operations.


eCommerceGo offers a Shopify Integration module, enhancing the efficiency of managing and selling Shopify products. This module, designed for business owners and store admins, streamlines the process of syncing products, categories, and coupons, thereby expanding eCommerce capabilities and increasing online sales.

Customers Support Ticket

The support ticket module serves as a convenient platform for customers to establish a direct connection with the owner regarding issues such as damaged products or incorrect replacements. Likewise, this module empowers owners to address customer concerns promptly. Functioning as a virtual help desk, the support ticket module enables customers to articulate their issues comprehensively, even attaching relevant images to provide visual context. This streamlined communication channel enhances customer-owner interactions and issue resolution.

Point of Sale (POS)

Warehouse and Purchase Management: eCommerceGo SaaS brings you a streamlined solution for establishing and managing multiple warehouses effectively. This platform simplifies the management of products and services from various vendors, thoughtfully categorized based on pre-registered categories.

POS and POS Order Management: Unlock the convenience of eCommerceGo SaaS as it enables a seamless shopping experience. Effortlessly add products to the cart by selecting the relevant warehouse. This feature caters to both existing and walk-in customers, ensuring smooth purchases through the Point of Sale (POS) management system.

Style Customizing

Settings from backend (Admin): eCommerceGo’s Super Admins have the power to tailor their platform’s look and feel with custom CSS. This can be managed from the CSS editor of “Style Customizing” from the settings. Super Admins can customize their eCommerce platform’s appearance, layout, and styling by entering and saving custom CSS code, granting them complete control over its visual aspects. Here, the customization made from the backend will be the same for the frontend view as well.

Settings from theme side (Frontend): Same as the Super Admins, individual Admins can also enhance the platform’s appearance by adding custom CSS for the themes they have from the “Theme Setting” under the “Store Setting” section of settings. This will help each store to create a unique and tailored appearance that aligns with their branding, and design preferences, and enhance the overall customer experience with personalization..

Impersonate Login

Super Admins can easily log in as regular Admins by clicking the “Login as Admin” button available in the user module of the Super Admin side, providing seamless access to the particular admin-level functionalities.

Webhook Integration

eCommerceGo SaaS offers seamless integration of modules through webhooks. Users can create a webhook by selecting a module, selecting a data exchange method, and entering the webhook URL. This allows for efficient and real-time module integration, making the platform more robust and connected, and enhancing the overall functionality of the platform.

CMS Pages

With the CMS Pages module in eCommerceGo SaaS, you’re equipped to effortlessly craft and oversee your theme’s pages. This module presents a user-friendly interface to facilitate the creation, customization, and organization of pages within your chosen theme. Enjoy the flexibility to add content and fine-tune the layout to align with your vision. From design to structure, this module offers complete control over your theme’s static pages, enabling you to curate a seamless and engaging online experience.


The Blog feature in eCommerceGo SaaS’s Help module serves as a versatile platform for delivering valuable content to your customers. It offers a range of articles, guides, and updates covering product insights, industry trends, and customer interests. This not only boosts customer engagement but also establishes your brand as a reliable source of information, fostering trust and credibility.

Contact Us

The Contact Us module within eCommerceGo SaaS empowers you to efficiently handle customer inquiries and contact details. This centralized platform facilitates the viewing and responding to customer messages, enabling the tracking of communication history and contact updates. With this vital tool, you can streamline customer support, bolster responsiveness, and uphold effective communication practices to ensure seamless interactions.


The FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) feature within eCommerceGo SaaS’s Help module serves as a valuable resource to address customers’ common queries and concerns. By offering clear and concise answers, this feature empowers users to easily access information, thereby minimizing the need for extensive customer support. This approach contributes to a positive shopping experience, enhancing convenience and satisfaction for customers as they navigate your platform.

Question Answer

In the interactive Question and Answer module of eCommerceGo SaaS, you’re empowered to provide swift and effective responses to your customer’s inquiries. This dynamic feature allows for seamless communication, enabling you to address customer questions promptly and comprehensively. This capability not only fosters positive customer experiences but also reinforces your commitment to excellent customer service.


The tax module of eCommerceGo SaaS offers flexibility with both percentage-based and flat tax options, allowing you to choose the most suitable method for your business needs.


The review module of eCommerceGo SaaS allows you to manage customer reviews effectively. It provides tools to monitor, moderate, and respond to reviews, ensuring quality feedback and enhancing customer satisfaction. You can gather insights, address concerns, and maintain a positive reputation, build trust and credibility.

Customer Login and Registration

With the help of the customer login and registration module, the customer can only place the order when he/ she has already registered and logged in. This is for the safety and security purposes of the customer as well as the owner due to the authentication of information. Also, the customer can take a look at his/ her previous orders.

Guest Checkout without Register/ Login

The guest checkout feature exemplifies customer-centric functionality, eliminating the necessity for registration or login when making a purchase. This streamlined approach accelerates initial transactions and minimizes account setup hurdles. Beneficial from a business standpoint, this feature enhances the customer’s future purchasing journey and fosters improved customer retention rates.

Twilio Integration

The Twilio Integration in this system provides a convenient way to receive real-time text message notifications for job-related activities. These notifications are sent to your registered mobile number, ensuring you stay updated even when offline, a significant advantage. Additionally, the integration allows the company to generate dynamic messages, enhancing communication efficiency within the platform.

Enhanced Security with Email Verification

At eCommerceGo SaaS, we prioritize your security. That’s why we’re introducing the Email Verification feature. Now, when users sign up or make changes to their email addresses, a verification process ensures the authenticity of the provided email. This additional layer of security safeguards your account and sensitive information, offering peace of mind and a safer online experience.

AI Module

The AI module is a transformative feature that integrates artificial intelligence capabilities across various modules, enhancing efficiency and effectiveness throughout the platform. By harnessing the power of AI’s predictive analytics, automation, and intelligent insights, this module elevates user experiences and outcomes across functions like employee management, CRM, financial management, project management, HRM, POS, inventory management, data analytics, and reporting. With AI, businesses can make data-driven decisions, automate processes, and adapt to changing scenarios with greater accuracy and agility, making it an invaluable asset across our suite of products.

Plan Wise Storage Limit for Super Admin

The Plan Wise Custom Storage Limit empowers Super Admins within eCommerceGo SaaS to customize storage limits when designing plans, offering a versatile and competitive advantage. This feature ensures your e-commerce services align precisely with your client’s requirements, enhancing scalability and simplifying administration. It’s a strategic tool to stay at the forefront of the dynamic e-commerce industry.

Integration of Cloud Data Storage like Local, AWS, and Wasabi

Ensuring the safeguarding of your data is an imperative concern. The Cloud Data Storage feature caters to this necessity, offering users a reliable solution. It seamlessly provides both internal and external data storage capabilities, serving purposes like backup, archiving, disaster recovery, cloud data processing, and storage tiering. This encompasses various factors such as cost, availability, performance, recovery, and migration requirements. Third-party verified Cloud Data Storage providers like AWS and Wasabi guarantee data security against potential breaches, all while offering cost-effective solutions.

Each store has a Meta keyword and description for SEO purposes

SEO serves the primary goal of enhancing your store’s visibility. This achievement is facilitated through the utilization of Meta keywords and descriptions, serving as meta tags that provide search engines with pertinent insights into your store’s content, consequently yielding more relevant results. The Store Settings feature within the Store enables you to seamlessly add or update Meta keywords and descriptions associated with your business store(s), optimizing your online presence for improved search engine ranking.

Email Templates managed by Super Admin

The email templates feature lets users choose from pre-defined and individualized email layouts rather than creating an entirely new email each time. Additionally, this provides readiness, uniformity of drafts, accessibility, and reduced effort required to draft the same email repeatedly. These templates can be created according to various needs.

Store Front-End

The front end serves as a reflection of the settings you’ve configured in the back end, manifesting as a tangible shopping site view. Here, products are neatly categorized and listed, streamlining the shopping experience. By clicking on a tab, users can access comprehensive product details and conveniently add desired items to their cart. Subsequently, clients proceed to checkout, inputting essential shipping and billing particulars. The order finalization entails secure payment processing through a trusted gateway. Once the order is confirmed, stock management in the back end is automatically adjusted within the product inventories, ensuring accurate inventory tracking.


In conclusion, eCommerceGo SaaS emerges as a comprehensive and versatile solution tailored to streamline every facet of your online store operations. With its user-friendly interface, the platform effortlessly manages backend and frontend integration, allowing for efficient product inventory management, order fulfillment, and seamless customer interactions. The Themes Add-on provides a range of customizable options, while the Newsletter module facilitates targeted communication. The Tax and Review modules ensure precision and customer satisfaction. Moreover, customer engagement is elevated through features like blogs and FAQs, while secure checkout options enhance user convenience. The robust Cloud Data Storage feature prioritizes data protection, and SEO optimization through Meta keywords and descriptions enhances store visibility. The dynamic front end replicates backend settings, facilitating a smooth shopping experience. In all, eCommerceGo SaaS is a comprehensive toolkit for effective online store management, enhancing customer engagement, and fostering business growth.


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eCommerceGo SaaS - eCommerce Store with Multi theme and Multi Store - 12

eCommerceGo SaaS - eCommerce Store with Multi theme and Multi Store - 13

eCommerceGo SaaS - eCommerce Store with Multi theme and Multi Store - 14

Sat, 04 Nov 2023 21:02:53 +0100 Kristyna
Mingle SAAS v5.1.2 &#45; Social Auto Poster &amp;amp; Scheduler PHP Script

✔ Price: $65


Mingle – Social Auto Poster is a SaaS-based Social Media Auto Poster & Scheduler with payment gateway support and a wise choice to publish your content automatically on well-known social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Google My Business, Reddit, Blogger and Pinterest. Mingle – Social Auto Poster will help you confidently create, manage and track membership subscriptions and sell social media auto poster tools as a service. With the help of this SaaS-based Social Auto Poster, you can reach out to the world with just a click. Therefore the saying that “the world is just one click away” we are the ones making it come true.

This script has a one-of-a-kind feature that allows you to schedule your material to auto-post whenever you choose. The script functions nicely well with personal profiles, corporate sites, groups, etc. If you are on the lookout for starting your own SaaS business; adding a membership system based on different tiers will allow you to immediately begin charging your users for access to your content.

This system was made using the core php framework. Strong security was maintained during the development, and there is no SQL injection, XSS attack, csrf attack possible.

Key Features

  • SaaS Integrated
  • Membership Levels
  • Payment Gateway
  • Payment Tracking
  • Upgrades and Renewal with Proration (distribution)
  • Auto Post New Content
  • Configure Unlimited no. of Social Media Accounts
  • Scheduled Posting
  • Total Control Over Social Media Shares
  • Logs Statistics / Posting Statistics
  • Share Your Content More Than Once
  • Customize Message Format
  • URL Shortener
  • Quick Publication View
  • Manage Membership & Customers
  • Multilingual Support

Admin Features

  • Add/Edit Membership levels
  • Enable social networks access for each membership levels
  • Pricing and Duration for membership levels
  • Add/Edit customers
  • Assign membership to customer
  • Add/Edit membership
  • Track/Edit payments
  • Payment Gateway settings (Manual payments and stripe)
  • Email templates
  • Profile information, photo, password change option
  • Forget and reset password option

Customer Features

  • Login, forget and reset password option
  • Change profile information, photo and password
  • Social network configuration
  • Quick post
  • Multi post (Post schedule option)
  • Social posting logs
  • Social posting reports
  • Posting debug logs
  • Google Analytics campaign tracking
  • Enable or disable auto posting for specific network
  • Configure unlimited no. of Social media accounts
  • Total control over Social media shares
  • Customize message format
  • URL shortener
  • Posting preview

Minimum Requirements

Below the minimum requirements you need to use the Mingle Social Auto Poster – PHP Script are listed.

  • cURL is required for the script to function properly, and don’t worry at all because most of the hosting provider has already enabled it. However, if it is not enabled the script will show you the notice, so you can ask your host to upgrade your server.
  • PHP version 5.6.0 or greater
  • MySQL version 5.0 or greater
  • The mod_rewrite Apache module (For permalinks)
  • You should also check PHP minimum requirements.

Know the Benefits of Purchasing the Mingle PHP-Script

  • Time Saver:- It automatically shares your content to all the famous social media platforms (Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Google My Business, Reddit, Blogger and pinterest)
  • SEO Friendly:- It improves your website’s SEO by increasing the number of backlinks from social networks, and it’s also the quickest way for your website to attract more traffic.
  • Cost Effective:- Becomes your social media marketing manager & thus it saves your money.
  • asily Manageable:- It is the most easy way of managing, scheduling, and sharing your post to all the social media sites you have configured.
  • Track Post Performance:- Use Google Analytics to monitor and track the post interactions to track progress and to define social media marketing strategies for each of the social networks you have configured.
  • Best Solution for Marketing:- In the form of PHP script it is the best solution to increase your growth on social media.
  • Free Lifetimes Updates:- with Mingle Social Auto Poster, you will receive life time free updates even after your support period has expired.
  • Establish Social Media Presence:- With the help of Social Auto Poster, you can keep your social media content as fresh as new. Consistent online presence because content is automatically posted; consumers discover more of your content on their social media platform. It is a long-term strategy for establishing a strong social media presence.

Main bannerfeature listfeature list Supportautoupdates Documentation Tutorial

Payment Gateway Integration

This Social Auto Poster PHP Script includes a Stripe payment gateway that can handle both one-time and subscription-renewal payments. Manual payments are another payment option available in the Mingle-PHP Script. Manual Payments enable your customers to pay you instantly by check, cash, or another payment gateway. Customers selecting Manual Payment will be noted as pending during registration and will not be granted access until the administrator allows them.

Please note that Stripe has dropped support for the Stripe India so, it won’t accept the payments in Indian currency.

Single Payment Gateway Integration

Customer Email

The essential feature of any membership system is sending notification emails. This social media auto poster tool comes with a variety of email templates that send out emails to customers when their subscriptions are renewed, cancelled, or when their memberships expire.

Customer Email

Managing Customers

The most important part of any SaaS system is adding new customers and managing them, which has been well implemented in Mingle – Social Auto Poster. Customers, emails, role and client status are easily viewed. By clicking on the customer’s page, you will be redirected to the customer details page where you can easily see customer data, membership details and recent customer payments.

In most cases, customers will sign up by entering their own information and making payments. Mingle has the ability to allow the administrator to add new clients from the backend by entering and activating all customers’ details. Remember that if you add customers manually, no membership will be created for them automatically. Admin will have to manually create a membership for them to grant them access to the system or else customers will login to Mingle and purchase a membership by making a payment.

Managing Customers

Membership Levels

Your system can have an unlimited number of membership levels via Mingle. Each level created can have its own price, duration, and access to social networks. Social networks in a system can be restricted to specific membership levels, administrators will frequently create multiple membership levels and then use restriction settings to determine what members of each membership level can access. The membership levels are subscription plans and admin can create a multiple number of membership on the system.

Membership Levels

Membership Management

On the membership page, you can easily view all memberships with membership levels, assigned customer, payment gateways ID, membership status, recurring status, creation and expiration dates. Any ongoing membership can be modified by the admin.

Membership Management

Upgrading Membership

Customers may require additional items after using the system, they are using auto posting service for two networks, and after seeing the benefits they may require additional items after a few days. Customers can easily upgrade between membership levels in this social auto poster PHP Script at any time by visiting their Subscription page and enabling more networks to use the auto posting service. When upgrading a membership, the customer’s purchase will be prorated based on how much they have already paid and how long their current membership is still active.

Upgrading Membership

Proration Discount

Proration discount is a must-have feature in any membership or subscription-based system in order to build customers’ trust as well charging the customers fairly to avoid Loss of Recurring Revenue and Repute. When a membership is upgraded; the billing of the customer is prorated based on the amount already paid and the time remaining in its existing membership.

For example,
Proration with upgrades

In an instance when subscription is upgraded, Mingle calculates the amount for the remaining period of the new plan.

Current Plan: $100 / month

New plan: $150 / month

Proration logic:

  • $100 paid at the beginning of the billing cycle.
  • Assume, changes are made exactly in the middle of the billing cycle.
  • Prorated “consumed” charge $50.
  • Prorated credit remaining is $50.
  • Additional charge on new plan for remaining period: $75
  • Net additional charges after adjusting credits: $25

Proration Discount

Membership Renewal

The SaaS-based PHP Script allows you to set up a subscription-based royalty-earning business. When a customer has an active subscription that will expire on a specific date and if they have chosen the recurring payment option, the membership will be renewed automatically. However, if they did a one-time charge, they will no longer have access to the auto-scheduler after their subscription expires and will only see the renewal membership screen when accessing the system.

Configure Unlimited Accounts

Does this sound good? Yes, Social Auto Poster has a large capacity to handle an unlimited number of accounts for each Social media site. Configure as many as possible. There is no such thing as a limit…!!

Configure Unlimited Accounts

Schedule Content

When you have international readers and want to reach out to a specific country’s audience, you must always publish something during their time zone. Google Analytics is also integrated in this automation tool to provide information about their internet presence. During that period you can make a post and publish based on their online presence and get a high engagement and click through rate and this schedule will help to improve your company’s engagement ratio. In this way you will not avoid the peak hours of social media and engage with as many people as possible by using post scheduling. You can choose whether to publish or not to publish the content with the help of Social Auto Poster PHP script. You can also schedule or delay posts and select specific hours and days. You have control over what you publish, and what you don’t publish, and when you publish. Set these options with a few clicks, and Mingle – Social Auto Poster will take care of the rest.

Schedule Content

Quick/ Single Post

Quick share is a feature that allows you to post and schedule images, links, and messages without having to create a WordPress post. This will allow you to make announcements or do other things that require you to reach a large number of people but do not require you to create a blog in WordPress. In this case, the Social Auto Poster – Quick Share feature can be used. Simply put, it is the most effective strategy for increasing your website’s social media presence.

Quick/ Single Post


Multipost has a similar feature set to Quick Share, with the exception that you will be able to customise content and images for each social media network, as well as set different posting times for each. The multi-post option is mostly used as a scheduler.


URL Shortener

URL shorteners are well-known. The post URLs will always be long and distracting, which we always try to shorten, as the URL you publish on social networks should be pleasant or you may startle your followers. The social auto poster supports TinyURL, Bitly URL, and ShorteSt URL, as well as the option to post the Perfect plain URL.

Twitter only allows 280 characters, so if your URL is too long, it will be counted in those characters and you will be unable to describe your message. Using a URL shortener, you can shorten the length of your URL and convey your message without difficulty.

URL Shortener

Google Analytics

We’ve all heard about Google Analytics, right? Because the Social Auto Poster PHP Script is integrated with Google Analytics, you can simply add your analytics tag to the PHP Script and start tracking immediately. The tracking of each social network helps you monitor and identify the best possible time for enhanced interaction, engagement and clicks.

Google Analytics

Posting Logs

Each success and failure must be documented in a log. The Social Auto Poster PHP Script displays all of your posting logs on a single page, complete with post title and link, posting execution time, and post preview with social network post link, allowing you to simply check the published post from the logs. In addition, depending on the social networks selected, posting reports generates a pie chart that can be adjusted by year, month, and days, as well as a custom period.

Posting Logs

Debug Log

Debug Log helps you to find the cause of post failure. The Social Auto Poster Debug Logs are quite easy to understand. For instance, if your post is not being published on any social network, you can easily navigate to the debug logs and find a very detailed log for each post, complete with post ID and social network posting account. If it fails, you will always find a reason for the failure of your publication, and then you can set it up and post it again.

Debug Log

Custom Message

Sometimes you don’t want to publish the complete piece but only the punch line, title, or some of the material. The Mingle – Social Auto Poster includes a function that lets you add a custom message to each post. This option is also available in the multi post settings and applies to all posts.

Custom Message

Only White Label Posting

The primary goal of this PHP Script is to allow you to solely promote yourself. The PHP Script publishes to your configured social media accounts. There are no messages such as “Posted by Mingle – Social Auto Poster PHP Script” or “Shared by Mingle – Social Auto Poster.”

Multilingual Support

Both the front and back ends of Social Auto Poster PHP Script are fully translatable. Because you are all well aware that every PHP Script available on the market has an English interface. And not all countries speak English, they must first translate a script into their native language. But don’t worry, because Social Auto Poster ensures that it can be translated into any language.

Supported Social Media Networks

  • Facebook (pages, groups)
  • Twitter (accounts)
  • Linkedin (accounts, companies)
  • Pinterest (account boards)
  • Tumblr (accounts)
  • Google My business (locations, grouped locations)

Get latest updates

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to get latest updates:

Follow us Follow us

Change Log:

= version 5.1.2 (2023-10-04) =

* [*] Fixed an issue of report.
* [*] optimized the script code.

= version 5.1.1 (2023-09-28) =

* [*] Updated APP permission for Facebook and Instagram.

= version 5.1.0 (2023-09-26) =

* [*] Optimized the script code.
* [*] Modified the core labels.
* [*] Fixed social posting limitation issue for all social networks.
* [*] Fixed an issue of removing social accounts after adding it.

= version 5.0.4 (2023-08-18) =

* [+] Announcement added about Linkedin API method being deprecated.

= version 5.0.3 (2023-08-16) =

* [*] Fixed an issue of Cancelled or expired subscription email notification not working.
* [*] Upgraded Facebook Graph API. Account reconnection needed for Facebook.

See full change log here

Sat, 04 Nov 2023 21:02:51 +0100 Kristyna
ProForum v1.0 &#45; Professionals Forum and Jobs

✔ Price: $29

Demo Access:

Username: testuser | Password: 123456

Username: admin | Password: admin


ProForum, developed on the robust Laravel 10 framework, serves as a versatile platform for professionals. It ingeniously integrates knowledge exchange, skillful candidate recruitment, and networking capabilities. With its adaptability across diverse sectors of interest, ProForum stands as an invaluable tool for a wide array of industries. The platform boasts robust security measures and a clean, intuitive design, ensuring a safe and user-friendly experience for all.

Beyond its seamless integration of knowledge-sharing and skilled candidate recruitment, it introduces a unique credit system and supports over 10 payment gateways. What sets ProForum apart is its user-friendly installation process that requires no coding knowledge. This platform proves invaluable across various industries, providing a secure and seamless experience for all users. With stringent security features and a sleek interface, ProForum sets a new standard in professional forums and job platforms.

Top Features

- Beautiful Frontend and Backend Template
- All Browser and Device Support.
- Multi-language.
- Global Settings.
- SEO, Recaptcha & Live Chat.
- 10+ Payment Gateways
- Email Setting.
- Email and SMS Templates.
- GDPR Cookie Policy.
- Privacy Policy Pages.
- Fast support.
- Easy Documentation

Admin Features

- Forum Posts Management
- Jobs Mangement
- Categories Management
- Users Management
- Credits Management
- Report/Flags Management
- Pages.
- Page Contents.
- Global Settings.
- Subscribers.
- Logo settings.
- Live Chat.
- SEO.
- Recaptcha.
- SMS Gateways.
- Payment Gateways.
- Email Settings.
- GDPR Cookie Policy.

User Features

- Profile Management
- Posts Management
- Jobs Management
- Applicants Management
- Security Settings.
- Two Factor Authentication.

Technology Used

Built with future-proof technologies.
- Laravel 10
- Bootstrap 5.x
- jQuery 3.7.1

Included with the script

- Full Source Code
- Documentation
- Database


If you have any feedback or suggestions, please open a ticket Click Here


Version: 1.0.0

Sat, 04 Nov 2023 21:02:49 +0100 Kristyna
OpenAI Davinci &#45; AI Writing Assistant and Content Creator as SaaS v2.9

✔ Price: $39


OpenAI Davinci is a powerful SaaS platform that allows your users to use sophisticated OpenAI Artificial Intelligence technology to generate various Text Contents, such as articles, blogs, ads, media and so on in 53 languages. Potentials of what your users can generate is basically endless. Users can also generate AI Images just by describing the image via OpenAI DALL-E-2 and Stable Diffusion (by solutions. Davinci has a powerful backend admin panel that allows you to control what kind of Openai Models (GPT4, GPT3 Turbo, GPT3: Davinci, Curie, Babbage, Ada) you want to allow for each user groups. AI Code feature is also available, users can generate code in any programming language with the help of the AI. Our interactive AI Chat system will allows your users to ask any questions and get any result as they prefer and come with 42 AI Chat Bot Assistants to use by default, just like ChatGPT platform. Users can also create a transcription of audio and video files with the Speech to Text feature via the OpenAi Whisper model. On top of the features above, your users can also generate AI Voiceovers with more than 540 Voices and 140 Languages and Dialect, combine up to 20 Voices in a single task, and synthesize text up to 100K characters, all powered by leading cloud service providers: Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform. You can also create granular subscription plans that will include precise models to use and plenty of additional features. Its writing assistant capability fits into any business and helps to save ton of time. Start your personal SaaS business within minutes with Davinci today!

For all Prepaid and Lifetime plans you can also accept Bitcoin | Bitcoin Cash | Ethereum | USD Coin | Litecoin | Dogecoin | Dai cryptocurrencies via Coinbase gateway.

OpenAI Davinci - AI Writing Assistant and Content Creator as SaaS - 1

OpenAI Davinci - AI Writing Assistant and Content Creator as SaaS - 2

Online Demo

OpenAI Davinci - AI Writing Assistant and Content Creator as SaaS - 3 OpenAI Davinci - AI Writing Assistant and Content Creator as SaaS - 4 OpenAI Davinci - AI Writing Assistant and Content Creator as SaaS - 5

Features of OpenAI Davinci:

  1. Set any of OpenAI Models as needed (GPT4 (8k/32k), GPT 3.5 Turbo (16k), GPT3: Ada, Babbage, Curie, Davinci)
  2. Support for OpenAI DALL-E-2 to generate AI Images
  3. Support for Stable Diffusion to generate AI Images
  4. Support for Generating Text in 53 Languages
  5. Unlimited Custom Template creation feature
  6. Unlimited Custom AI Chat Bots creation feature
  7. AI Speech to Text feature
  8. AI Text to Speech feature with 540 Voices and 140 Languages (Azure & GCP)
  9. AI Chat Assistants feature with 42 Different Bots
  10. Available 69 Prebuilt Templates (More to Come Soon):
    • Blog Titles
    • Blog Section
    • Blog Ideas
    • Blog Intros
    • Blog Conclusion
    • Facebook Ads
    • Article Generator
    • Content Rewriter
    • Paragraph Generator
    • Talking Points
    • Pros & Cons
    • Summarize Text
    • Product Description
    • Startup Name Generator
    • Product Name Generator
    • Meta Description
    • FAQs
    • FAQ Answers
    • Testimonials/Reviews
    • Problem-Agitate-Solution
    • Video Descriptions
    • Video Titles
    • Youtube Tags Generator
    • Instagram Captions
    • Instagram Hashtags Generator
    • Social Media Post (Personal)
    • Social Media Post (Business)
    • Facebook Headlines
    • Google Ads Headlines
    • Google Ads Description
    • Academic Essay
    • Welcome Email
    • Cold Email
    • Follow up Email
    • Creative Stories
    • Grammar Checker
    • Summarize for 2nd Grader
    • Video Scripts
    • Amazon Product Description
    • Text Extender
    • Rewrite with Keywords
    • Song Lyrics
    • Business Ideas
    • LinkedIn Posts
    • Company Bio
    • Email Subject Lines
    • Product Benefits
    • Selling Product Titles
    • Product Comparisons
    • Product Characteristics
    • Twitter Tweets
    • TitTok Video Scripts
    • LinkedIn Ad Headlines
    • LinkedIn Ad Descriptions
    • App and SMS Notifications
    • Tone Changer
    • Amazon Product Features
    • Dictionary
    • Privacy Policy
    • Terms and Conditions
    • Clickbait Titles
    • Company Press Release
    • Brand/Product Press Release
    • Attention-Interest-Desire-Action (AIDA) Framework
    • Before–After–Bridge (BAB) Framework
    • Promise–Picture–Proof–Push (PPPP) Framework
    • Brand Names
    • Ad Headlines
    • Newsletter Generator
  11. AI Code Feature
  12. Control Text Result Lengths
  13. Team Members Management Feature
  14. Convert any Template to Professional Category
  15. WYSIWYG Editor
  16. Combine up to 20 voices on single synthesize task
  17. Synthesize text up to 100K characters in length
  18. Export results in PDF, Word and Text documents
  19. Set Templates as Favorite
  20. Store AI Image results in Wasabi and Amazon S3
  21. Control Template Category Access per User Group/Subscription Plan
  22. Control AI Chat Bot Category Access per User Group/Subscription Plan
  23. Google 2FA Authentication
  24. Google Adsense Support
  25. Openai Multi API Feature
  26. Stable Diffusion Multi API Feature
  27. Sensitive Words Filtering Feature
  28. Use Personal Private API key for OpenAI
  29. Use Personal Private API key for Stable Diffusion
  30. Live Chat with Feature
  31. Monitor User Spendings and Balance
  32. Promocode feature for Prepaid and Lifetime plans
  33. Full Affiliate/Referral system
  34. Fully Responsive Interface
  35. Create Prepaid Plans
  36. Create Monthly Subscription Plans
  37. Create Yearly Subscription Plans
  38. Create Lifetime Subscription Plans
  39. 13 Included Payment Gateways:
    • Paypal (Online) (Prepaid/Monthly/Yearly/Lifetime)
    • Stripe (Online) (Prepaid/Monthly/Yearly/Lifetime)
    • Razorpay (Online) (Prepaid/Monthly/Yearly/Lifetime)
    • Paystack (Online) (Prepaid/Monthly/Yearly/Lifetime)
    • BankTransfer (Offline) (Prepaid/Monthly/Yearly/Lifetime)
    • Mollie (Online) (Prepaid/Monthly/Yearly/Lifetime)
    • Flutterwave (Online) (Prepaid/Monthly/Yearly/Lifetime)
    • Paddle (Online) (Prepaid/Monthly/Yearly/Lifetime)
    • Yookassa (Online) (Prepaid/Monthly/Yearly/Lifetime)
    • Braintree (Online) (Prepaid/Lifetime)
    • Midtrans (Online) (Prepaid/Lifetime)
    • Coinbase (Online) (Prepaid/Lifetime)
    • Iyzico (Online) (Prepaid/Lifetime)
  40. Closely Monitor Monthly & Yearly Incomes
  41. Fully Ready to go SaaS Platform
  42. Dark Mode
  43. Powerful Admin Panel
  44. Developed with PHP 8.1 and Laravel 9.1
  45. Detailed and Comprehensive Documentation
  46. One Click Update Feature
  47. 6 Month Support Included


Please note, for the script to work correctly, you need to have a valid OpenAI account for Template/Chat/Image/Speech to Text services. It is a 3rd party AI service provider and they provide a paid service. For Text to Speech service, you need to have a valid Azure and/or GCP accounts, which are 3rd party cloud service providers. Also note, although we make it fully responsive for mobile devices, it is not a native mobile application.

OpenAI Prices

Visit Pricing Page

Release Notes – Change Logs:

02.11.2023 - v2.9
     - New: AI Chat template groups added
     - New: AI Chat prompts feature added
     - Update: AI Chat (shift + enter) replaced for new line
     - Update: AI Chat mobile responsiveness improved
     - Update: AI Chat table display improved
     - Update: AI Chat response copy button added
     - Update: AI Chat info banners updated
     - Update: AI Chat generated url links are clickable now
     - Update: AI Chat code view updated
     - Update: Contact us reCaptcha v3 feature updated
     - Update: Private API key enforcement added when enabled
     - Update: Unlimited words support for free tier user added
     - Fix: Subscription plans unlimited validation fixed
     - Fix: Contact us disabling via admin panel fixed
     - Fix: Voiceover issue fix
     - Fix: Documents - Workbooks change issue fixed
     - Fix: Youtube social settings missing fixed
     - Fix: AI Chat new conversation fix
     - Fix: AI Chat cyrillic words display fix
     - Fix: AI Image creation date fix
16.10.2023 - v2.8
     - New: Iyzico payment gateway added for prepaid/lifetime plans
     - New: Unlimited words/images/characters/minutes option added
     - New: Use your own personal Openai API key feature added
     - New: Use your own Stable Diffusion API key feature added
     - New: About Us page added
     - New: Contact Us page added
     - New: Frontend - update How it Works section via admin panel
     - New: Frontend - update AI Tools section via admin panel
     - New: Frontend - update Features section via admin panel
     - New: AI Chat conversation search option added
     - New: AI Chat assistant info line added
     - New: AI Chat voice input added
     - New: AI Chat code format highlighter
     - New: AI Chat stop feature added
     - New: Macedonian language added to templates
     - Update: All missing translation words added
     - Update: All disabled AI features are disabled everywhere
     - Update: Language change option added at frontend top
     - Update: Language change option added at login/registration pages
     - Update: Personal API features added to the subscription plans
     - Update: Stripe complete redesign with official PHP SDK
     - Update: Table sorting for dates updated
     - Update: Home page blog posts listed based on created date
     - Update: Twitter logos updates, youtube social media link added
     - Update: Update page view updated
     - Update: AI Chat input field changed to textarea to support larger text inputs
     - Fix: CSS issue in the AI Images fixed
     - Fix: Stripe for India issue fixed
     - Fix: Cron task credit renewal issue fixed
     - Fix: Download button in the transcribe result page issue fixed
04.09.2023 - v2.7
     - New: AI Image creation page redesigned
     - New: Document view images page redesigned
     - New: Negative prompt added for Stable Diffusion
     - New: CFG Scale (prompt strength) added for Stable Diffusion
     - New: Diffusion Steps added for Stable Diffusion
     - New: Independent models for AI Chat at subscription plan creation added
     - Update: All spelling errors fixed
     - Update: Count Chinese and Japanese words improved
     - Update: Performance of all select dropdowns improved
     - Fix: Promocode for lifetime checkout page missing fixed
     - Fix: Twitter login improved
23.08.2023 - v2.6
     - New: Frontend layout redesigned
     - New: AI Image SDXL v1.0 support added
     - New: Set default template language via user profile page added
     - Fix: Support pages view improved
     - Fix: Paddle webhook improved
     - Fix: Yookassa issue fixed
24.07.2023 - v2.5
     - New: Paddle payment gateway added
     - New: Yookassa payment gateway added
     - Update: Team members feature updated
     - Update: Templates max word length accuracy updated
     - Update: Paypal webhook updated
     - Fix: Ai Voiceover css mobile alignments improved
     - Fix: User dashboard favorite templates & chats views fixed
16.07.2023 - v2.4
     - New: Team Members feature added
     - New: Flutter payment gateway added
     - New: Midtrans payment added
     - Fix: Template user notifications fixed
     - Fix: Youtube tag generator template fixed
     - Fix: Instagram hashtag generator template fixed
     - Fix: Meta description generator template fixed
     - Fix: Dashboard setting templates as favorite issue fixed
     - Fix: Affiliate feature not visible in the side menu when disabled improved
     - Fix: Voiceover delete synthesize result fix
02.07.2023 - v2.3
     - New: Template text streaming feature added
     - New: Stable diffusion SDXL v0.9 engine added
     - New: OpenAI GPT 3.5 Turbo 16K model added
     - New: New tag added for original and custom templates
     - New: 15 New Languages: Tamil (Malaysia), Persian (Iran), English (UK), Slovak, Latvian, Albanian, Filipino, Khmer (Cambodia), Bangla, Bengali (India), Welsh, Catalan, Serbian, Maltese, Irish added
     - New: Text Extender templates added
     - New: Rewrite with Keywords templates added
     - New: Song Lyrics templates added
     - New: Business Ideas templates added
     - New: LinkedIn Posts templates added
     - New: Company Bio templates added
     - New: Email Subject Lines templates added
     - New: Product Benefits templates added
     - New: Selling Product Titles templates added
     - New: Product Comparisons templates added
     - New: Product Characteristics templates added
     - New: Twitter Tweets templates added
     - New: TitTok Video Scripts templates added
     - New: LinkedIn Ad Headlines templates added
     - New: LinkedIn Ad Descriptions templates added
     - New: App and SMS Notifications templates added
     - New: Tone Changer templates added
     - New: Amazon Product Features templates added
     - New: Dictionary templates added
     - New: Privacy Policy templates added
     - New: Terms and Conditions templates added
     - New: Clickbait Titles templates added
     - New: Company Press Release templates added
     - New: Brand/Product Press Release templates added
     - New: Attention-Interest-Desire-Action (AIDA) Framework templates added
     - New: Before–After–Bridge (BAB) Framework templates added
     - New: Promise–Picture–Proof–Push (PPPP) Framework templates added
     - New: Brand Names templates added
     - New: Ad Headlines templates added
     - New: Newsletter Generator templates added
     - Update: Side menu panel updated
     - Update: User credits view updated
     - Update: AI Voiceover characters view feature updated
     - Fix: Ai Voiceover result view audio play bar fixed
     - Fix: Saving stable diffusion main api key issue fixed
     - Fix: Dark mode payment tables css issue fixed
04.06.2023 - v2.2
     - New: Multi API keys for Openai added
     - New: Multi API keys for Stable Diffusion added
     - New: Live Chat ( feature added
     - New: Sensitive words filtering feature added
     - New: AI Chat search feature added
     - Update: Languages list scrolling updated
01.06.2023 - v2.1
     - New: Dark mode added
     - New: Template search feature added
     - New: Custom category description added
     - Update: Templates page updated
     - Fix: Ai Chat first response text missing fixed
28.05.2023 - v2.0
     - New: Stable Diffusion for AI Images added
     - New: AI Image Lightning style added
     - New: AI Image Artist selection added
     - New: Export user email list as csv/excel/pdf added
     - Update: User dashboard updated
     - Update: Favorite AI Chats added to dashboard
     - Update: Promocodes updated, now supports 100% discounts
     - Fix: Custom chat avatar issues fixed
     - Fix: CRON task daily value fixed
     - Fix: User profile subscription status text issue fixed
18.05.2023 - v1.9
     - Update: Template package system updated
     - Update: Ai Chat bot package system updated
     - Fix: Ai Chat bot css styling issues fixed
     - Fix: Ai Speech to Text file type blocking issue fixed
17.05.2023 - v1.8
     - New: 42 AI Chat Bots added
     - New: Unlimited Custom AI Chat Bots creation feature added
     - New: Premium/Standard/Free tier categories for templates and chats added
     - Update: Ai Code feature updated
     - Update: Ai Speech to Text feature updated
     - Update: CRON task for yearly/lifetime credit processing updated
     - Update: Add default credits to manually created users updated
     - Update: Enable/Disabling various features via subscription plan updated
     - Fix: Referral system BankTransfer payment fixed
     - Fix: Referral system payout buttons fixed
     - Fix: AI Speech to Text AWS and Wasabi storage issue fixed
23.04.2023 - v1.7
     - New: Lifetime plans added
     - New: Promocodes for Prepaid Plans and Lifetime Plans added
     - New: User Account deletion feature added
     - Update: Voiceover symlink dependency removed
     - Update: User Subscription table is separated from Transactions table in menu
     - Fix: Voiceover AWS storage issue fixed
     - Fix: AI Chat is visible to user and subscribers
     - Fix: AI Speech to Text storage issue fixed
     - Fix: AI Speech to Text minutes balance counter issue fixed
     - Fix: BankTransfer approval issue fixed
19.04.2023 - v1.6
     - Update: Davinci Settings: STT controls added and enabling Ai Code and AI Voiceover updated
     - Update: Adding characters and minutes via admin panel added
     - Update: Webhooks support for characters and minutes updated
     - Update: AI Chat download buttons added
     - Update: Free characters and minutes are added during registration updated
     - Update: Default Language and Voice is added to new user upon registration updated
     - Fix: Registration server error issue fixed
     - Fix: AI Chat and AI Voiceover are visible to users as well fixed
     - Fix: AI Chat stop if user runs out of characters fixed
     - Fix: Characters and Minutes are visible in Prepaid plans fixed
17.04.2023 - v1.5
     - New: AI Chat system added
     - New: AI Speech to Text with OpenAI Whisper added
     - New: AI Voiceover powered by Azure and GCP added
     - New: Ability to merge up to 20 AI voices for synthesize task option added
     - New: Generate up to 100K synthesize task option added
     - New: Voices customization option added
     - Update: All documents section updated
     - Update: Subscriptions plan creation updated
     - Fix: Razorpay webhook issue fixed
     - Fix: Paypal prepaid issue fixed
     - Fix: Bank Transfer referral - payment cancellation issue fixed
26.03.2023 - v1.4
     - New: GPT 4 (8K/32K) model added
     - New: Support for Thai, Bulgarian, Lithuanian, Ukrainian added
     - New: Amason S3 storage for AI Images added
     - New: Wasabi Cloud storage for AI Images added
     - New: AI Code feature added
     - New: Art Styles feature for AI Images added
     - New: Art  Medium feature for AI Images added
     - New: Art Mood feature for AI Images added
     - New: Custom category creation feature added
     - New: Custom template editor feature added
     - Update: Language file en.json with missing words updated
     - Update: Subscription plan cancellation keeps credits until depleted or renewed
     - Update: Login/Registration page copyright info removed
     - Update: Login page default credentials removed
     - Update: Ability to removing .00 in pricing added
     - Update: Stripe webhook controller updated
     - Update: Paypal webhook controller updated
     - Update: Coinbase webhook controller updated
     - Update: Razorpay webhook controller updated
     - Update: Paystack webhook controller updated
     - Fix: Razorpay prepaid plan payment issue fixed
     - Fix: Google 2FA issue fixed
     - Fix: Referral payment system tracks payment commissions correctly now
     - Fix: Copy referral link button fixed
     - Fix: Recover password page responsiveness fixed
     - Fix: User profile shows correct subscription between monthly or yearly now
09.03.2023 - v1.3
     - New: Unlimited custom templates creation feature added
     - New: ChatGPT 3.5 Turbo model added
     - New: Academic Essay template added
     - New: Welcome Email template added
     - New: Cold Email template added
     - New: Follow up Email template added
     - New: Creative Stories template added
     - New: Grammar Checker template added
     - New: Summarize for 2nd Grader template added
     - New: Video Scripts template added
     - New: Amazon Product Description template added
     - New: Templates filter feature added
     - New: Export in Text format added
     - Update: Result and Template view pages updated
     - Update: Auto save feature for text results removed
     - Update: AI Image results table updated
     - Update: All Documents table updated
     - Fix: User default workbook creation issue fixed
     - Fix: Workbooks page responsiveness improved
     - Fix: Login page default credentials removed
     - Fix: Login page responsiveness improved 
     - Fix: Support email link fixed
     - Fix: Referral email register link in the email fixed
21.02.2023 - v1.2
     - New: Support for Portuguese(Brazil), Slovenian, Vietnamese, Swahili, Romanian added
     - New: Problem-Agitate-Solution template added
     - New: Video Descriptions template added
     - New: Video Titles template added
     - New: Youtube Tags Generator template added
     - New: Instagram Captions template added
     - New: Instagram Hashtags Generator template added
     - New: Social Media Post (Personal) template added
     - New: Social Media Post (Business) template added
     - New: Facebook Headlines template added
     - New: Google Ads Headlines template added
     - New: Google Ads Description template added
     - Update: Templates styling updated
     - Update: Credit view within template and image generation added
     - Update: Translation file has been updated with missing words
     - Fix: Stripe 3D payment issue fixed
     - Fix: Bank Transfer payment issue fixed
     - Fix: Profile view monthly/yearly mix fixed
     - Fix: Missing icons on some hostings fixed
     - Fix: Blogs view excerpt updated, hide html tags fixed
16.02.2023 - v1.1
     - Update: Backend side menu user UX update
     - Update: Redirect users to Templates page
     - Update: Max text result number increase to 4K in Davinci settings
     - Fix: Workbooks view table fix
     - Fix: Subscribe button in user dashboard route fix
     - Fix: Default image credits assignment fix for new registered users
13.02.2023 - v1.0
     - Initial Release
Sat, 04 Nov 2023 19:35:24 +0100 Kristyna
Bitakon &#45; AI Prompt Buy Selling Marketplace (Multi Seller)

✔ Price: $39

Bitakon - AI Prompt Buy Selling Marketplace (Multi Seller) - 2

Welcome to the Bitakon AI Prompt Selling Marketplace, your premier destination for unlocking the limitless potential of artificial intelligence! Our platform is a dynamic marketplace where creative minds, developers, and AI enthusiasts converge to buy and sell AI prompts, taking innovation to new heights. Bitakon script has 11+ automatic payment gateways and unlimited offline payment gateways and it has built with the latest in web development technologies, including Laravel, Inertia.js, Vue.js. It has included two-click web installer to install the script from User Interface mode.

How It Works:

  • Browse & Explore: Dive into our marketplace and explore a vast selection of AI prompts. Use our search filters to find prompts that align with your needs.
  • Purchase & Download: Select the AI prompts that capture your interest, make a secure purchase, and download them instantly.
  • Create & Collaborate: Unleash the power of AI in your projects, whether it’s content generation, data analysis, or problem-solving. Collaborate with fellow AI enthusiasts to take your ideas to the next level.
  • Sell Your Prompts: If you’re an AI expert or creator, you can join our community of sellers and share your AI prompts with the world. Monetize your expertise and contribute to the AI revolution.

Script Demo:

Admin Panel Credentials

Admin Login Url:

Password: password

User Panel Credentials

User Login Url:

Password: password



Author & User Features

  • Clean & Informative Dashboard
  • AI Model Based dynamic Prompt
  • Prompt Collection or bundle
  • QR Based Device Login
  • Sales Report
  • Purchase Log
  • Like or Favourite modules
  • Secure payout models
  • Profile Settings
  • Orders Log
  • Followers Log
  • Following Log
  • AI Generate Image
  • Credit Purchase History
  • Notifications

Admin Features

  • Informative Dashboard
  • Dynamic AI Model modules
  • Order modules
  • Customers modules
  • Payment gateways modules
  • Users log
  • Support modules
  • Blog
  • Drag and drop menu builder
  • Role-based multi admin
  • Storage Settings (local and wasabi cloud)
  • 10+ automatic payment gateways
  • Custom Page.
  • SEO.
  • Developer settings.
  • Notifications.

Site Features

  • Latest Technology (Laravel & Vue js & inertia js) 
  • Dark and Light mode Frontend 
  • 100% responsive
  • 3 Unique Home Page
  • 2 prompt detail layout 
  • Prompt Listing Page
  • Social Login (Facebook and Google)
  • Cart page
  • Checkout Page
  • 11+ Payment Getaways
  • Faq
  • SEO friendly
  • XSS Protection
  • Unique and Modern Design.
  • Fully Customizable script.
  • Clean Admin Dashboard.
  • Blogs.
  • Page wise seo.
  • Custom error page
  • Multi-Language supported (need to complie manually or support team will help you)
  • More….


Bug fixed
some minor bug fixed 
minor bug fix
initial release
Sat, 04 Nov 2023 19:20:34 +0100 Kristyna
LaraClassifier &#45; Classified Ads Web Application

✔ Price: $79

Rebranding Customizable Classified Website Classified - Multi Countries Support Classified - Multi Skins Responsive Classified Ads Website Classified - Multi Languages Classified - Multi Countries Classified - Admin Panel LaraClassifier Features

LaraClassifier is the most powerful Classified Ads Web Application in the market. An Open Source and modulable classified app having a fully responsive design. It is packed with lots of features.

Online Demo

Front Area

Password: 123456                           

Admin Panel

Password: 123456                           

Support for multiple countries

Run our classified script only for your country or for multi-countries:


  • Custom Fields (Create your own Classified Ads, Auto Deals Classified, Real Estate Classified, Directory Listings or Jobs Portal websites)
  • Based on a REST API (RESTful API)
  • Clean and Modern Design
  • Fully Responsive (also in Admin panel)
  • Built with PHP/MySQL & HTML5/CSS3
  • Frameworks: Laravel, Bootstrap, jQuery, VueJS
  • Geo location supported (with Maxmind free or pro database)
  • Multi Currencies
  • Support for RTL direction
  • Multiple Languages Available
  • Unlimited Colors
  • Homepage Customization (Change and Order the Home Sections from the Admin panel)
  • Users, Roles and Permissions System (ACL) integrated in the Admin panel
  • PayPal Integrated
  • Google Adsense integrated
  • Google Maps integrated
  • Twilio and Nexmo APIs integration
  • Facebook comment integrated
  • ReCaptcha integrated
  • Turn ON/OFF Ads activation Option
  • Turn ON/OFF User account activation Option
  • Allow guests to post an ad without being logged
  • Email Notifications (Using local SMTP or Amazon SES, Mailgun, Mandrill, or Sparkpost API)
  • SMS Notifications (Using Twilio or Nexmo API)
  • Resend Mail or SMS verification feature (Get more users with valid email or phone number)
  • Messaging System between Sellers & Buyers integrated (NOTE: Only Buyers can start the conversation)
  • CMS for Static pages (Create pages like: About Us, FAQ, Terms & Privacy, etc.)
  • Contact page (Contact form & Google maps)
  • Website Sitemap page
  • Google XML Sitemap
  • RSS feeds generator
  • List of countries page (If activated, SEO supported)
  • SEO optimized
  • WebP image format support
  • Website backup (Admin panel module)
  • Blacklist (Admin panel module)
  • Plans/Packages (for Premium Ads)
  • Front End Listing Submission
  • Social Networks Login (Facebook, Google)
  • Protecting the users phone number against crawler
  • Well commented code.
  • Ready to use
  • Easy to use. Only 2 minutes to install it.
  • and much more..

LaraClassifier is built on Laravel, the most modern, powerful, and secure PHP framework ever created.

If you want to contribute translation please send us at

LaraClassifier Changelog

System Requirements

PHP 8.1 or greater (with all default PHP functions enabled including exec(), escapeshellarg(), etc.)
MySQL 5.7 or greater (The MySQL user need to have a full privilege to manage the database)
BCMath PHP Extension
Ctype PHP Extension
Fileinfo PHP extension
JSON PHP Extension
Mbstring PHP Extension
OpenSSL PHP Extension
PDO PHP Extension
Tokenizer PHP Extension
XML PHP Extension
GD PHP Extension (or Imagick PHP Extension)
PHP Zip Archive
Rewrite Module (Apache or Nginx)

PHP.INI Requirements

open_basedir must be disabled

Read about Laravel official requirements

Images, icons and plugins (add-ons) are not included.

Help Center

Sources and Credits

Sat, 04 Nov 2023 18:44:23 +0100 Kristyna
Porichoy &#45; Multitenancy Based Portfolio Builder Platform (SAAS)

✔ Price: $59

Porichoy is a multitenancy-based portfolio platform customers can create portfolio websites within 5 minutes. This script support subdomain, custom domain also path based domain for portfolio URL. Anyone can build any kind of portfolio site using this script. Customers can create portfolio websites, online CV, VCard (Online Business Card), and QR Builders. We have integrated 4 portfolio themes, 2 VCard themes, 5 online resume themes and added 12 payment getaways. All payment Getaways supported sandbox mode and live mode and fully securely. This script included 2 click site installer to install this script without your technical knowledge.

Demo Access:


Admin Login:

Admin Access:

Email: | password: rootadmin

Customer login:

Login Access:

Email: | password: rootadmin

Portfolio Templates Demo

Theme 1

Live Demo:

Theme 2

Live Demo:

Theme 3

Live Demo:

Theme 4

Live Demo:

VCard Templates Demo

Theme 1

Live Demo:

Theme 2

Live Demo:

CV Templates Demo

Live Demo:

Payment Gateways:

  1. Paypal
  2. Stripe
  3. Paystack
  4. Razorpay
  5. Instamojo
  6. Mollie
  7. Toyyibpay
  8. Mercadopago
  9. Mollie
  10. Payu
  11. Thawani
  12. Bank Transfer
  13. Cash On Delivery

Main Site features.

  1. 11+ payment gateways.
  2. Custom / Subdomain Supported
  3. Path Based Subdomain.
  4. Resume Builder
  5. Digital Business Card Builder
  6. 4 Portfolio Templated
  7. Admin can directly log in to the customer panel.
  8. 2 VCard Templates
  9. 5 CV Templates
  10. Role-based admin.
  11. Multi-language (menu & text).
  12. SEO settings.
  13. Cron job configuration.
  14. Social login (Facebook google github)
  15. Admin can set domain registration type
  16. Drag and drop menu builder
  17. Blog
  18. Mailchimp modules
  19. Seo modules
  20. Awesome admin dashboard
  21. Tax modules for subscription
  22. Templates upload modules
  23. Order Report
  24. Subscription notification before expire
  25. Subscription notification after expire
  26. Google Analytics
  27. Many more…

Customers Features.

  1. Customer can change theme
  2. Qr code
  3. Domain Request Modules
  4. Storage limit check
  5. CV Builder
  6. Blog Modules
  7. VCard
  8. Complete Portfolio site builder
  9. Many more…
Security issue fix
some minor issue fix
Well Documentation 
Some minor issue fix
Zip code change to text format
Some minor issue fix
security update
initial release v1.0
Sat, 04 Nov 2023 18:30:51 +0100 Kristyna
Filebob &#45; File Sharing And Storage Platform (SAAS Ready) v1.8

✔ Price: $49

Filebob is a file-sharing and storage platform, for single or multiple files. You can add files easily by dragging and dropping them anywhere or clicking. upload progress is visible and intuitive and uploaded files can be previewed or downloaded and every file uploaded will have a specific URL that can share anywhere. the interface is completely responsive and easy to use, and the script has a SAAS version with pricing plans that you can set from the admin panel so you can start earning money from your customer’s subscriptions.

Filebob - File Sharing And Storage Platform (SAAS Ready) - 7 Filebob - File Sharing And Storage Platform (SAAS Ready) - 8 Filebob - File Sharing And Storage Platform (SAAS Ready) - 9  Filebob - File Sharing And Storage Platform (SAAS Ready) - 11

Frontend Features

Great user interfaces responsive and compatible with all devices with new features.

  • Responsive design : Responsive design and compatible with all devices.
  • New home page: The design of the home page is now more professional and responsive.
  • Optimize ad placements: New and improved ads on all pages (blog, download, home, etc…)
  • Multilanguage : Now you can translate your website into more than 100+ different languages.
  • Upload files : Uploading files from home page and file manager.
  • Improved Upload box: We’ve improved the upload box and added new features.
  • File Protection : Users can now protect their files with a password.
  • File expiration time : Easily set file expiration time through upload box.
  • Chunk upload: Upload large files easily by chunking them
  • Preview links: Get a preview link for files when uploading images or PDF.
  • Blog : New blog layout with comments added.
  • Contact & FAQ pages: In addition to the presence of the contact form and FAQ on the main page, there is a special page for each of them.
  • New authentication pages : Authentication pages are more professional.
  • Email verification: Confirm the email for each new user and can be activated or disabled from the control panel.
  • User Account
    • Subscription: View subscription details and transactions, with the possibility to upgrade or renew the subscription.
    • Notifications: The user receives notifications about the status of a subscription when it is nearing expiry or complete expiry.
    • File manager
      • New design : New and smoother design.
      • Uploading files: Easily upload files without going back to the home page.
      • Easily manage files : Manage files easily with the new file manager.
      • File sharing : Share files by generating links.
      • Renaming and deleting : Rename or delete files temporarily or permanently.
      • File Protection Control : Make the file private or public with password set.
    • Settings
      • Account Details : Editing personal details including name, email and address.
      • Change Password : Changing the account password.
      • Two-Factor authentication : Account protection by enabling two-factor authentication.
  • Download page
    • New design: Redesign of the file download page with the improved placement of ads.
    • Hot links protection : Protect hot links by disabling access to them.
    • File Shares : Improved file sharing method and added Sharing buttons
    • Report files : Improved file reporting form.
    • File preview : The ability to preview image or PDF files.
    • Articles and additional texts: Articles appear on the download page with the ability to add other texts from the admin panel.

Backend Features

Now as admin you will be able to control your website easily with our new admin panel and features.

  • Dashboard: View your site statistics, users, earnings, uploads, etc…
  • Users: Manage your site users, control their accounts, and view all their activities.
  • Uploads: Manage the uploads of files on your site, whether the uploads of users or guests.
  • Reported Files: Protect your site by reviewing files reported by users or visitors.
  • Subscriptions : Easily manage subscriptions for your site users.
  • Transactions: Manage your users’ transactions and review your site’s earnings.
  • Pricing Plans : Create and edit your subscription plans for your site.
  • Coupons : Create coupon codes to boost your site’s earnings.
  • Advertisements : Increase your earnings by adding advertisements to your site.
  • Navigation : Easily manage and control your site navigations.
  • Blog: Increase your site’s ranks in search engines by adding articles to your site’s blog.
  • Settings
    • General : Manage your website general settings.
    • Upload : Control the upload settings in your website.
    • Storage : Manage and set your website storage.
    • SMTP : Edit and update your SMTP information.
    • Pages : Create and update your website pages.
    • Admins : Add and update your website admins.
    • Extensions : Enable or disable your website extensions.
    • Languages : Add and update your website languages or translate.
    • Mail Templates : Manage your website mail templates.
    • SEO Configurations : Create and manage your SEO configurations.
    • Payment Gateways : Manage your website payment gateways.
    • Taxes : Manage your website taxes for every country.
  • Extra Features
    • PopUp Notice: Post an announcement or alert on all pages of your site using the popup notice.
    • Custom CSS: Change the look of your site by adding CSS codes.
  • Addons Manager : Control the add-ons installed on your site.
  • Clear Cache : Delete your site cache when making any modifications.
  • Manage sections
    • Slide Show: Control your website slideshow and upload an image or video slide.
    • Home Features : Add or edit site features on the home page.
    • Home FAQ : Add or edit site FAQ.
    • Download Page: Add texts or instructions to the file download page of your site.


  • Server Requirements
    • PHP 8.1x
    • Operating System : Linux or Windows
    • Shared, VPS or Dedicated Server
    • MySql: 5.7+
  • Required Upgrades
    • Enabling of allow_url_fopen
    • Increasing of max_execution_time
    • Increasing of max_input_time
    • Increasing of post_max_size
    • Increasing of memory_limit
    • Increasing of upload_max_filesize
  • PHP Extensions
    • BCMath PHP Extension
    • Ctype PHP Extension
    • Fileinfo PHP Extension
    • JSON PHP Extension
    • Mbstring PHP Extension
    • OpenSSL PHP Extension
    • PDO PHP Extension
    • pdo_mysql PHP Extension
    • Tokenizer PHP Extension
    • XML PHP Extension
    • cURL PHP Extension
    • GD PHP Extension

What’s Included

  • Script Files : All script files open source.
  • Documentation: How to install on Cpanel, with full instructions.

Note! We are not required to provide the installation instructions for each server there is 1000+ server provider over the internet



You will get a full guide to install the script, but you can always ask for our help by ordering our service for 25$.


Version 1.8

[UPDATE] Upload and download functions updated
[UPDATE] Updated chunks delete cron command
[UPDATE] Addons system updated
[UPDATE] Admin panel design updated
[FIX] Installation requirements problem fixed
[FIX] Addons upload error fixed
[FIX] Stripe payment error fixed
[FIX] Razorpay payment error fixed

Version 1.7

[NEW] IDM Supported
[NEW] Google Analytics 4 Added
[NEW] Option To Remove Language Code From URL
[NEW] Mollie Payment Gateway Added
[NEW] Razorpay Payment Gateway Added
[NEW] Admin Dashboard Login Statistics
[FIX] Stripe Payment Error
[FIX] Taxes Error
[FIX] CSS issues

Version 1.6

[FIX] Stripe payment error and PayPal currency problem
[FIX] Slideshow problem and sharing modal problem
[FIX] Installation error in some servers
[UPDATE] Checkout code and upload functions

Version 1.5

[NEW] PHP 8.1x Supported
[NEW] Laravel upgrade to the last version 
[UPDATE] Changing the file manager to a simple and unique one like the old versions
[UPDATE] Adding statistics and chart to the user dashboard

Version 1.4

[NEW] A completely new and improved version

Version 1.3

[NEW] Hotlink protection / Disabling direct download.
[UPDATE] Download URL more dynamic /
[FIX] File renamed problem fixed / By adding string to the original name.
[UPDATE] Max file size changed / Converted by size.
[NEW] All file extensions are allowed.
[NEW] Ability to change waiting time from admin panel.
[NEW] Ability to change and adding file icons from the admin panel.
[NEW] Ability to change colors from the admin panel.
[NEW] Ability to add User or Admin on admin panel.
[NEW] New home page design /  SEO friendly and Full control in the admin panel.
[NEW] Adding blog posts/solution for Adsense approval.
[UPDATE] Ads places and sizes have been changed.
[FIX] Fixing scroll down problem.
[NEW] Adding report link on download page.

Version 1.2

[NEW] Backblaze integration
[FIX] Fixing large file download
[FIX] Fixing errors on admin panel
[FIX] Amazon download error fixed
[FIX] Wasabi download error fixed

Version 1.1

[NEW] Adding copy button
[NEW] Adding waiting time on download button
[FIX] Fixing some errors

Version 1.0

- Initial Release
Wed, 04 Oct 2023 23:29:34 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
AmazCart &#45; Laravel Ecommerce System CMS Multi&#45;Vendor

✔ Price: $39

New Theme:

Admin Login:


Password: 12345678

Customer Login:


Password: 12345678

AmazCart is a complete E-Commerce system to easily start your online E-Commerce business. This Software has been developed for people who want to create an online store that can sell everything! Single eCommerce store. AmazCart’s online store will make you successful in the eCommerce industry as well as will save thousands of marketing costs even don’t need any coding skills.

AmazCart - Laravel Ecommerce System CMS Multi-Vendor - 1  

Core Features

  • Advanced Mega Menu Builder
  • Left Menu Builder
  • Most of the Task Ajax based
  • Gift Cart
  • Guest Checkout
  • Physical Product
  • Digital Product
  • Home Page Builder
  • Unlimited Email Template Creation
  • Dynamic Slider
  • Multi Langual (Add 170 languages but same time can use only one language)
  • Multi Currency
  • Order Management
  • Brands
  • Verified Reviews
  • Product Deals
  • New User Zone
  • Trusted Seller
  • Wishlist
  • Dynamic Coupon
  • Guest Checkout
  • Multi Level Category
  • Category wise commission Setup like Daraz
  • Product Rating
  • Product Gallery with Zoom
  • Social Login
  • Google Recaptcha
  • Newsletter
  • Product Attribute
  • Strong Security
  • Product Compare
  • Quick Buy (Coming soon)
  • Google Analytics
  • Google Analytics GA4
  • Facebook Pixel
  • PWA Ready
  • One Click Demo Import
  • Custom SMS gateway Integartion

New Features

  • Facebook Messanger integrate
  • Decimal Digit set for currency
  • Default Country, State setup Option
  • Currency Symbol position

Additional Features

  • Social Sharing
  • Rating Approval
  • Customer Review
  • Product Rating & Review
  • Blog
  • Product Video
  • Quick View
  • Product SKU
  • Unlimited Varient, Color, Size, Style, etc.
  • Responsive for all device
  • Customer to Seller
  • Multiple Shipping Charge Options
  • Dynamic TAX/GST Calculation
  • Easy Video URL
  • Easy Blog as like WordPress
  • Unlimited Page
  • Dynamic Product Filter
  • Product Tag with Color
  • Product Variant by Picture/color
  • Google Analytics
  • Facebook Pixel
  • Global Shipping Estimation
  • discounts
  • Sell Simple or Variable Products
  • Built-in Order Tracking page
  • Unlimted Categories & Sub-Categories
  • Single checkout page
  • Amazon S3, DigitalOcean Spaces
  • Translation tool: easy to translate the front theme and admin panel to your language
  • Beautiful theme is ready to use.
  • Powerful Role Permission System: Manage user, team, and role by permissions. Easy to manage users by permissions.
  • Admin template comes with color change option to match your taste
  • Up sells
  • Cross sells
  • Invoice
  • Bulk Product Import
  • Subscriber POPUP
  • Create Order from the Back Office
  • Low Inventory Alert
  • Annauncements
  • Email Notification ON/OFF
  • SEO Optinised
  • Google Map API
  • Dynamic Preloader
  • RTL
  • One Click Update
  • About Detail Page
  • Contact Us Page
  • Blog’s
  • Invoice PDF Download
  • Language Translator
  • Notification
  • SEO Ready plain URL
  • Bootstrap 5 Framework
  • W3C Valid Markup
  • Font Awesome Icons
  • Documentation Include
  • Clean Code and Clean Design
  • Testimonial

Dynamic Feature

  • Toaster makes the dynamic position, multiple colors, and time duration for admin and frontend
  • Dynamic dashboard for widget show hide, data show hide also color, style can change
  • Each seller can quickly view the shop link
  • Notification setting for SMS, system, Email, Mobile app also each user personal setting which notification
  • Dynamic home page customization with live preview
  • Avoid root index in the main domain for security increase
  • color scheme change with Live preview
  • Dynamic top bar with show/hide
  • Mega and multi mega menu with highly dynamic management
  • Dynamic Header management
  • Clone product
  • Inhouse order
  • Local Pickup

Admin Features

  • Rich Text Editor
  • Media Gallery
  • Media File Manager
  • Transactions History
  • Advanced Report System
  • TAX/GST Configuration
  • Mail System
  • Maintenance Mode
  • StoreFront Setting
  • Custom CSS/JS

Seller Feature

  • Free Shipping
  • Local Pickup
  • Flat Rate shipping
  • Additional Shipping Charge for other Cities

Module List with Features

  • Dashboard
    • Total Product
    • Total Seller (Multi vendor – sold separately)
    • Total Customer
    • Category wise product quantity
    • Category wise product sale
    • Total Total Sale (Multi vendor – sold separately)
    • Today visitor
    • Top 10 Product list
    • Top 10 Seller list (Multi vendor – sold separately)
    • Total Review – card
    • Todays Revenue
    • New Customer
    • GA or site analytics
    • Top referrers
    • Graph Product
    • Graph Sellers (Multi vendor – sold separately)
    • Graph Sale History – monthly
    • Latest Search Terms
    • Latest Orders – last 10
    • Goal Completion – if possible
    • Recently Added Products – list
    • Appealed Disputed list
    • Total Subscriber – card
    • Active Customers – card
    • Recent Reviews
    • On/OFF options
    • Role permission
  • Frontend CMS
    • Home Page
    • Features
    • Merchant Content
    • Return Exchange
    • Contact Content
    • Dynamic Pages
    • Subscribe Content
    • About Us
    • Related Sale Setting
    • Footer Settings
  • Appearance
    • Themes
    • Color Scheme
    • Menus
    • Header
    • Dashboard Setup
    • Dashboard Color
  • Blog
    • Blog
    • Blog Category
    • Blog Tags
  • Customer
    • All Customer
    • Active Customer
    • In active customer
  • Manager Seller (Multi vendor – sold separately)
    • Active Seller List
    • Add Seller
    • Inactive/Request Seller List
    • Commision Setup
    • Price plan
    • Subscription Payment
    • Auto approve Seller Configuration
  • Wallet Manage
    • Online Recharge Transaction
    • Bank Recharge Transactions
    • Withdraw Requests
    • Offline Recharge
    • Auto approve Wallet Configuration
  • My Staff
  • Customer
    • Themes
    • Menus
    • Header
  • Contact Request
    • Contact Mail List
  • Marketing
    • Flash Deal List
    • Create Coupon
    • New User Zone List
    • News Letter List
    • Create Bulk SMS
    • Subscriber List
    • Referral Code List
  • Gift Card
    • Gift Card List
  • Products
    • Category
    • Brand
    • Attribute
    • Unit
    • Add new Product
    • Bulk Product Upload
    • Inhouse Product List
    • Recently Viewed Product Configuration
  • Review
    • Product Review List
    • Seller Review List
    • Auto approve Review Configuration
  • Order Manage
    • My order
    • Confirmed Orders
    • Complete Orders
    • Pending Payment Orders
    • Refused/Cancelled Orders
    • Total Orders
    • Inhouse order
    • Delivery process
    • Cancel Reason
    • Track order Configuration
  • Refund Manage
    • Pending refund requests
    • Confirmed refund requests
    • My refund requests
    • Reasons
    • Refund Process
    • Configuration
  • System Setting
    • General Settings
    • Email Template
    • Company Information
    • Email Settings – SMTP and PHP mail
    • SMS Settings
    • Analytics tools
    • Google analytics
    • Facebook Pixel
    • Activation
    • System Notification Setting
    • Social Login Configuration
    • Maintenance Mode Setting
    • About & one-click Update
    • Module Manage
  • Payment Gateway
    • 1. Paypal
    • 2. Stripe
    • 3. PayStack
    • 4. Razorpay
    • 5. PayTM
    • 6. Instamozo
    • 7. MidTrans
    • 8. PayUMoney
    • 9. JazzCash
    • 10. Google Pay
    • 11. FlutterWave
    • 12. Bank Payment
    • 13. COD
    • More will add soon
  • Setup
    • Language Setup
    • Currency
    • Location – Add Country, City, State
    • Shipping method
  • GST Setup
    • GST List
    • GST Configuration
  • Accounts
    • Chart of accounts
    • Bank Accounts
    • Bank Accounts
    • Income
    • Expense
    • Profit
    • Transaction
    • Statement
  • Support Ticket
    • Support Ticket list
    • Category
    • Priority
    • Status
  • Activities Logs
    • Activity Logs
    • Login – Logout Activity
  • Human Resource
    • Staff List
    • Role
    • Department
    • Attendance
    • Attendance Report
    • Event
    • Holiday Setup
  • Visitor Setup
    • Ignore IP
    • White list IP
  • Sidebar Manager
    • Manage Left Menu
    • Drag & Drop left menu
    • Sub-menu
  • Customer Panel
    • My Purchase
    • Gift Card
    • Digital Products
    • My wishlist
    • Refund and Disput
    • My Coupon
    • My Account
    • My Referral

Admin Report

  • Seller Wise Sales (Multi vendor – sold separately)
  • Keyword search
  • Visitor – IP, Agent, Device, Location, Date
  • Inhouse product sale
  • Product stock
  • Wishlist
  • Wallet recharge history
  • Top Sellers (Multi vendor – sold separately)
  • Top Customers
  • Top selling item
  • Order
  • Payment
  • Product Review
  • Seller Review


  • Backup

11 Payment Gateway Included

  • Paypal
  • Stripe
  • Razorpay
  • PayStack
  • PayUmoney
  • GPay
  • instamozo
  • MidTrans
  • JazzCash
  • PayTM
  • FlutterWave

Email Template Editor

  • Order Invoice
  • Refund Declined
  • Refund Money Paid
  • Refund Completed
  • Order Pending
  • Order Confirmed
  • Order Desclied
  • Paid Payment
  • Order Completed
  • Refund Pending
  • Refund Confirmed

Menu Manager (Drag & Drop)

  • Create new pages
  • Use Static Pages
  • Use Custome link
  • Nested Flyout menu
  • Open New Tab
  • Flyout menu Left or Right

Paid Module (sold separately)

  • Shiprocket
  • Bkash

Security Features

  • JWT Authentication
  • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Protection
  • SQL Injection Protection
  • CSRF Protection
  • Secure Encrypt Password Hashing

AmazCart - Laravel Ecommerce System CMS Multi-Vendor - 4 AmazCart - Laravel Ecommerce System CMS Multi-Vendor - 5 AmazCart - Laravel Ecommerce System CMS Multi-Vendor - 6 AmazCart - Laravel Ecommerce System CMS Multi-Vendor - 7 AmazCart - Laravel Ecommerce System CMS Multi-Vendor - 8 AmazCart - Laravel Ecommerce System CMS Multi-Vendor - 9 AmazCart - Laravel Ecommerce System CMS Multi-Vendor - 10 AmazCart - Laravel Ecommerce System CMS Multi-Vendor - 11 AmazCart - Laravel Ecommerce System CMS Multi-Vendor - 12 AmazCart - Laravel Ecommerce System CMS Multi-Vendor - 13 AmazCart - Laravel Ecommerce System CMS Multi-Vendor - 14 AmazCart - Laravel Ecommerce System CMS Multi-Vendor - 15 AmazCart - Laravel Ecommerce System CMS Multi-Vendor - 16 AmazCart - Laravel Ecommerce System CMS Multi-Vendor - 17 AmazCart - Laravel Ecommerce System CMS Multi-Vendor - 18 AmazCart - Laravel Ecommerce System CMS Multi-Vendor - 19 AmazCart - Laravel Ecommerce System CMS Multi-Vendor - 20 AmazCart - Laravel Ecommerce System CMS Multi-Vendor - 21 AmazCart - Laravel Ecommerce System CMS Multi-Vendor - 22 AmazCart - Laravel Ecommerce System CMS Multi-Vendor - 23 AmazCart - Laravel Ecommerce System CMS Multi-Vendor - 24 AmazCart - Laravel Ecommerce System CMS Multi-Vendor - 25 AmazCart - Laravel Ecommerce System CMS Multi-Vendor - 26 AmazCart - Laravel Ecommerce System CMS Multi-Vendor - 27 AmazCart - Laravel Ecommerce System CMS Multi-Vendor - 28 AmazCart - Laravel Ecommerce System CMS Multi-Vendor - 29 AmazCart - Laravel Ecommerce System CMS Multi-Vendor - 30 AmazCart - Laravel Ecommerce System CMS Multi-Vendor - 31 AmazCart - Laravel Ecommerce System CMS Multi-Vendor - 32 AmazCart - Laravel Ecommerce System CMS Multi-Vendor - 33 AmazCart - Laravel Ecommerce System CMS Multi-Vendor - 34 AmazCart - Laravel Ecommerce System CMS Multi-Vendor - 35 AmazCart - Laravel Ecommerce System CMS Multi-Vendor - 36 AmazCart - Laravel Ecommerce System CMS Multi-Vendor - 37 AmazCart - Laravel Ecommerce System CMS Multi-Vendor - 38 AmazCart - Laravel Ecommerce System CMS Multi-Vendor - 39 AmazCart - Laravel Ecommerce System CMS Multi-Vendor - 40 AmazCart - Laravel Ecommerce System CMS Multi-Vendor - 41 AmazCart - Laravel Ecommerce System CMS Multi-Vendor - 42


AmazCart - Laravel Ecommerce System CMS Multi-Vendor - 43 AmazCart - Laravel Ecommerce System CMS Multi-Vendor - 44

Fri, 29 Sep 2023 22:19:24 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
Bayanno Hospital Management System v4.4

✔ Price: $20

Bayanno Hospital Management System is the most complete and multi-functional hospital or medical center management system on Codecanyon. It collaborates admin, patients, doctors, nurses, laboratorists, pharmacists, receptionist, accountants so that all the paperworks and manual tiresome works can be automated easily and efficiently.


  • Hundreds of automation features
  • 8 type of user accounts
  • Easiest appointment booking system
  • Private communication with doctors
  • Easiest management of hospital accommodations
  • Tracking of medicines
  • Records of blood donors
  • Records of diagnostics and reports
  • Payroll management
  • User friendly accounting
  • Patient Management
    • Ability to request appointment with a doctor
    • Keep records of patient’s prescriptions and medications
    • Keep track of patient’s payments
    • See all diagnostics
    • Manage operation reports
    • Private communication between doctor and patient
  • Manage Doctors
    • Searchable doctor’s list with full profile
    • Categorize doctors according to departments
  • Hospital management
    • Manage blood bank
    • Keep records of blood donors
    • Allotment of beds and cabins
    • Keep records of medicines
    • Ability to save reports
    • Payslip generation for hospital staffs
  • Take care of tiresome paperworks
    • Ability to add receptionists to take appointments
    • Add pharmacists to take care of medicines
    • Add nurses to look after patients’ informations
    • Automated generation of diagnostic reports
    • Automated generation of prescriptions
    • Easiest billing system
  • Create your own website with your contents
    • Ability to set emergency contacts, opening/closing hours
    • Manage the services you provide
    • Ability for patients to request appointments from website
    • Simple yet convenient blog
    • Expose your hospital to the world


  • Apache server for running php
  • Database access,purchase code during installation
  • Php curl should be enabled
  • One purchase code is legal for using one domain only

Update History

Version 4.4, May 2019

- report export issue addressed and fixed
- language translation process updated to file system
- enhanced user experience in some places
- compatibility support for php 7+
- Minor bug fixes
- Performance improvements
- Fixes an issue where different modals were misplaced on screen
- Fixes an issue where in many cases modal contents were not appearing
- Fixes an issue where laboratorist's dashboard was redirected in navigation
- Fixes an issue where department facility modal was not working properly
- Added option for laboratorists to upload pathology test reports
- Users can now select time while requesting appointment from frontend website
- Minor bug fixes
- Performance improvements
- completely new look and feel
- integration of hospital website
- integration of doctor's social profile
- integration of department facility management through website
- online appointment system from hospital website
- fixes javascript errors during login
- fixes javascript errors during password reset
- fixes email validation issues
- ability to upload hospital logo
- ability to check contact emails sent from hospital website
- ability to configure recaptcha for website
- automated installation
- minor bug fixes
- performance improvements
- Fixes an issue in all modals where rich text editor icons were not working
- Added password reset option for all users
- Fixes emailing issues where previously mail was not sent to a new account creation
- Minor bug fixes
- Performance improvements
- Strict SQL Mode issue fixed
- All sort of form submission is subjected to validation
- Minor bug fixes
- Performance improvements
- pharmacist can now manage medicine inventory
- brand new 'Medicine Sales' module added in pharmacist panel
- pharmacist can now keep track of all medicine sales to patients and generate sale invoices
- Minor bug fixes
- patient can view doctor profile
- fixes an issue where in accountant panel, invoice creation was failing
- the sql for blood group now updates with a default blood group value
- multiple file upload module for doctors and nurses
- downloadable files for doctors, nurses and patients
- performance improvements
- Minor bug fixes

Version 3.4 – 14 August, 2016

- Fixes the Javascript issue for Safari in El Capitan OSX
- Ability for doctors to write their own profile
- Ability for patients to print doctors' profile
- Minor bug fixes

Version 3.5 – 20 February, 2017

Update History

Version 3.3 – March 23rd, 2016

- Important bug fixes.
- Software stabilization.

Version 3.2 – October 24th, 2015

- Updated to CodeIgniter 3.
- Language form submission issues fixed.
- Language saving during re-login issue fixed.
- Receptionist can create patient account.
- Duplication email validated during account opening.
- Appointment sorted time wise in doctor’s panel.
- Invoice printing fix in accountant panel, admin panel.
- Text editors changed to normal text area in some forms for ease of usage.

Version 3.1 – March 18th, 2015 ( Update instruction )

- Patients profile view with past medication history.
- Doctors can view patient past history during medication / prescription.
- Hospital noticeboard / schedule.
- Patient can Apply for appointment.
- Appointment confirmation patients with sms.
- Receptionist account.
- Receptionist can set appointment for a doctor and patient.
- Messaging between doctor and patient, who have appointments.
- Admin configure sms settings from sms settings menu with clickatell account information.

Version 3.0 – December 10th, 2014

 - Re-written whole softwares UI with neon admin theme.
 - User profile image for admin, doctors, patients, nurses, pharmacists, laboratorists, accountants.
 - User own profile data update option enlarged.
 - Date + Time based patient appointment.
 - Appointment calendar with time based scheduling view.
 - New designed dashboard for admin with hospital summary counter.
 - New designed dashboard for doctor with appointment calendar schedule.
 - New interface for prescription add / edit.
 - Prescription printing feature with patient's info, doctor's info, case history, medication, doctor's note, date, time.
 - Updated newly designed and recoded diagnosis report management with every prescription.
 - Patient will see the appointment calendar in his/her panel in calendar view.
 - Invoice fully redesigned with dynamic invoice entry creation and printing option.
 - New login, password resetting option with ajax interface.
 - Previous report upload bugs fixed.
 - All major / minor bugs fixed.

Version 2.0 – December 27th, 2013

 - RTL version added.
 - Default language selector.
 - Patient profile with photo management added.
 - Patient prescription and appointment history for doctor.

Version 1.2 – November 23rd, 2013

 - Updated language conversion system
 - 20 new languages added
 - Some minor bug fixed

Version 1.0 – October 13th, 2013

 - Initial release
Wed, 27 Sep 2023 15:57:12 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
DownGrade &#45; Single Vendor Digital Marketplace With Subscription v5.6

✔ Price: $95

downGrade is single vendor digital marketplace with subscription.You can selling your items an online store to suitable marketplace. Suitable selling items are themes,plugin and scripts. Script Developed with PHP Laravel & Mysql and Bootstrap4 Support. There are many powerful features for user roles, flash deals, blog, payment gateways, social login & shares, multilanguage & recaptcha, import / export product, invoice generate, newsletter, guest checkout…ect we provide to help of details documentation it will take few minutes to quick installation.

Payment Gateways:

payment gateways

File Cloud Storage:

File Cloud Storage

Guest Checkout:

Guest Checkout

User Features:

  • Sell Digital Products
  • Single Vendor Support
  • 100% responsive design
  • Laravel 10.22.0
  • Bootstrap
  • Font awesome icons
  • Easy installation
  • Build Your Own Store
  • Multilanguage
  • Featured items
  • Flash Sale items
  • Free items
  • Popular items
  • Newest items
  • Related items
  • Ajax autocomplete
  • Price filter,category, text filter and display order filter
  • Pagination for blog and product items,product comment,product reviews..ect
  • Open exchange rates currency conversion
  • Blog
  • Google recaptcha V3
  • Cookie Popup
  • Comment for blog and product items
  • Product items license support system
  • Dynamic pages
  • Pages menus are main menu and footer menu
  • Contact Us Page
  • Login,Register,Forgot
  • Email confirmation for registration
  • Social Share, Social Login & Social Links
  • Without Login Add to Cart
  • Shop page
  • Invoice PDF Generate
  • Google Adsense
  • Cart
  • Checkout
  • Report This Item
  • My Purchases
  • My Profile
  • My Favourites
  • Watermark
  • Guest checkout
  • Tawk live chat
  • Refund request system
  • Review and Ratings for items
  • Rating notification email
  • Payment Gateways are Paypal, Stripe, Paystack, Localbank, Razorpay, Coingate, CoinPayments, PayFast, PayHere, Flutterwave, Mercadopago Integrated
  • Withdrawal Option for paypal, stripe, paystack, localbank
  • Customer withdrawal request
  • Blog Category
  • Items Category
  • Items SubCategory
  • Pending refund request
  • Pending Withdrawal
  • Order Management
  • and more….

Admin Features:

  • Powerful Admin Panel
  • Dashboard
  • Admin sales report chart
  • Total orders
  • Total customers
  • Admin manage add,edit and delete product items
  • Product Import / Export Excel
  • Wasabi Storage
  • Amazon S3 Storage
  • Progressive Web Apps (PWA)
  • Backup System
  • Google Analytics
  • Manage categories
  • User Role Management
  • Products List
  • Attributes Dynamically add / edit / delete
  • Email Template
  • Subscription
  • Drag and Drop Product Files Upload
  • Package Include
  • Compatible Browsers
  • Google Adsense
  • Coupon System
  • Voucher System
  • Affiliate Referral System
  • Website Maintenance Mode
  • Country
  • Clear cache
  • Newsletter
  • Order Details
  • Refund Request
  • Rating & Reviews
  • Withdrawal Request
  • Dynamic Pages
  • Contact Information
  • Blog Management
  • General Settings
  • Color Settings
  • Email Settings
  • Media Settings
  • Currency Settings
  • Payment Settings
  • Social Settings
  • Limitation Settings
  • and more…


  • PHP >= 8.1
  • MySQL >= 8.1
  • BCMath PHP Extension
  • Ctype PHP Extension
  • JSON PHP Extension
  • Mbstring PHP Extension
  • OpenSSL PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • Tokenizer PHP Extension
  • XML PHP Extension


Frontend :

Admin :

Username : admin

Password : admin

Customer :

Username : customer

Password : 123456

Online Documentation:

Laravel Version:

laravel 10.22.0

Change Log:

Version 5.6
Add    - Backup System added (database & files)
Update - Wasabi storage updated
Add    - Amazon S3 storage added
Add    - Progressive Web Apps (PWA) integrated
Update - Admin Orders page updated
Update - Laravel 10.22.0 updated
Remove - Dropbox, Google Drive storage removed
Fix    - Featured, New, Free, Popular Items page issue fixed
Update - Some css design updated
Version 5.5
Add    - Mercadopago payment gateway integrated
Update - Google recaptcha V3 updated
Update - Google analytics updated
Add    - Mercadopago checkout, subscription updated
Fix    - Admin panel product search issue fixed
Update - Some css design updated
Version 5.4
Update - Subscription plan also coupon code system updated
Update - Footer item sold & members count value change option updated
Update - Fake sale & fake review option updated
Add    - Item main file type 'Link/URL' option added
Add    - Watermark repeat ON/OFF option added
Add    - Watermark position option added
Update - Some css design updated
Version 5.3
Add    - Localbank payment option added
Add    - Withdrawal localbank option added
Fix    - Subscription wallet option issue fixed
Fix    - Homepage blog display issue fixed
Update - Payment settings page updated
Update - Some css design updated
Version 5.2
Add    - Coupon system added
Update - Item preview option updated
Add    - Voucher system added
Add    - Affiliate referral system added
Add    - Report this item added
Add    - Pinterest & Whatsapp product share added
Add    - Website maintenance mode added
Update - Google recaptcha enable / disable option updated
Update - Flash sale discount percent option updated
Add    - Updates menu item updated on header and display latest products list view
Add    - Wallet balance to buy product option added
Fix    - Profile menu withdrawal menu fixed
Update - Some css design updated
Version 5.1
Add    - Email template option updated
Update - Laravel 8.83.27 latest version updated
Add    - Subscription added with enable / disable option
Add    - Product preview image field added
Add    - Attributes option added
Add    - Subscription renewal reminder option added
Fix    - Contact page issue fixed
Fix    - Flash sale price issue fixed
Update - Some css design updated
Version 5.0
Update - Website speed optimization updated
Update - Laravel 8.83.23 latest version updated
Add    - Guest checkout updated
Add    - Tawk live chat integrated
Add    - PayFast payment gateway integrated
Add    - PayHere payment gateway integrated
Add    - Flutterwave payment gateway integrated
Update - Some css design updated
Version 4.9
Add    - Subcategory added 
Update - Laravel 8.83.9 latest version updated
Add    - CoinPayments integrated
Update - Order page column updated
Fix    - Product import / export column issue fixed
Update - Some css design updated
Version 4.8
Add    - Google drive storage added
Update - Withdrawal delete option updated
Update - Laravel 8.83 latest version updated
Update - Refund request delete option updated
Update - Some css design updated
Version 4.7
Add    - Registration email confirmation ON / OFF option updated
Update - Laravel 8.80 latest version updated
Fix    - Item details empty space issue fixed
Add    - Newsletter subscription added
Add    - Clear cache option added
Update - Item details page short description updated
Fix    - Language issue fixed
Update - New currency conversion updated
Update - Some css design updated
Remove - Open exchange rates removed 
Version 4.6
Add    - Dropbox storage integrated
Update - Laravel 8.70 latest version updated
Update - Product file download option updated
Fix    - Withdrawal page issue fixed
Update - Withdrawal Request enable / disable option updated
Fix    - Footer page link fixed
Update - Some css design updated
Version 4.5
Add    - Wasabi storage integrated
Add    - Google analytics code option added
Update - Laravel 8.53 latest version updated
Update - Admin panel also mlti-language translation updated
Update - Admin orders delete option updated
Update - Rating edit option update via admin
Update - Refund Request Enable / Disable option updated
Update - Some css design updated
Version 4.4
Add    - Product (images / zip) files Drag and Drop upload
Update - Laravel 8.45 latest version updated
Update - Pages,Items,Blogs Slug updated
Update - Coingate payment gateway integrated
Update - Some css design updated
Version 4.3
Update - svg extension also support logo,favicon,banner...ect
Update - Laravel 8.38 latest version updated
Fix    - Admin contact page field issue fixed
Add    - Google adsense dynamically manage pages
Fix    - Product add / edit watermark image issue fixed
Update - Google adsense ON / OFF updated
Update - Some css design updated
Version 4.2
Update - Without login Add to cart updated
Update - Laravel 8.32 latest version updated
Fix    - Some css design fixed  
Version 4.1
Update - Laravel 8.25 latest version updated
Add    - Open exchange rates currency conversion integrated
Update - Some css design updated  
Version 4.0
Update - Laravel 8.18 latest version updated
Update - Dynamic translate update. Multilanguage add / edit/ delete any languages.
Update - RTL Support updated
Fix    - Add to favorites issue fixed
Update - Some css design updated  
Version 3.0
Update - Laravel 8.13 latest version updated
Add    - Watermark option added. it's using product images
Fix    - Flash sale issue fixed
Add    - Product update notification email send to purchased buyer 
Update - Some css design updated  
Version 2.0
Add    - Paystack payment gateway integrated
Add    - Razorpay payment gateway integrated
Update - Paystack withdrawal option updated
Update - Payment settings page via admin panel
Update - Some css design updated  
Version 1.0 - Initial Release
Tue, 26 Sep 2023 20:07:22 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
Jobpilot &#45; Job Portal Laravel PHP Script v2.77.17

✔ Price: $59

 Jobpilot-changes-v2-71 What-s-New-Banner-1 What-s-New-Banner-15th-May What-s-New Customer-Review

What-s-New-Banner jobpilot-v2-4 jobpilot-v2 Jobpilot, Job Portal, Job Marketplace, Laravel Script Jobpilot, Job Portal, Job Marketplace, Laravel Script Jobpilot, Job Portal, Job Marketplace, Laravel Script Jobpilot, Job Portal, Job Marketplace, Laravel Script

Admin Login Credentials

Login Url –

Username –

Password – password

Company/Candidate Login Credentials

Login Url –

Username –

Password – password

Stripe Testing Card Details

Card Name: Anything You Want
Card Number: 4242424242424242
Expiry Month: 12
Expiry Year: 2024
CVV: 123
Tue, 26 Sep 2023 15:18:53 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
Max Profit &#45; Online Multipurpose Investment Platform v6.2

✔ Price: $99

Maxprofit is a multipurpose investment script built to help you get your investment platform of any type running in no time. It has a modern and fully responsive user and admin interface.

This script is suitable for bitcoin investment platform, forex trading investment or any other type of investment system

We have integrated major payment gateways such as Stripe, Paypal, Paystack, Perfect Money, Payeer and Coinpayments (accepts BTC, and ETHEREUM). Direct bank deposit option is also supported.

Maxprofit allows unlimited investment packages based on your business plan. Getting started with your own investment platform has never been easier.


  • Blockchain Payment Gateway
  • Perfect Money Payment Gateway
  • Coinbase Commerce
  • Coinpayment ETH
  • Payeer Payment Gateway

Key Features

  • User Friendly Dashboard
  • Responsive Interface
  • Multi Language Support
  • Profile Verification
  • KYC Verification
  • 2FA Authentication
  • Multiple Deposit Options
  • Wallet Funding
  • Daily, Weekly and Monthly Investment Plan
  • Bitcoin Payments
  • Direct Bank Deposit
  • Internal Transfer (User to User Fund Transfer)
  • Single and Multi Level Referral System
  • Internal Support Ticket System
  • Withdrawal
  • Advance Report System

Admin Features

  • Website Configuration
  • User Management
  • Create and Manage Administrators
  • Deposit Management
  • Withdrawal Management
  • Plan/Package Management
  • Create Unlimited Investment Package
  • Pause Investment Plans
  • Mass Notification to Users
  • SMTP Mail Configuration
  • Enable/Disable Registration
  • Enable/Disable Withdrawal
  • Set Referral Bonus
  • Full Control over the System

We will continue to improve this script with more features
Website Settings: Admin can set logo, website name and description, change website colour (header and footer, turn ON/OFF any payment gateway and many more…

Password: 12345678

Register an account to test


  • PHP 8.0+
  • SSL Certificate
Tue, 26 Sep 2023 13:35:42 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
SMM Matrix &#45; Social Media Marketing Tool v3.2

✔ Price: $33

SMM Matrix is a social media marketing tool. This software includes almost everything for you need to do a social media marketing business. It has services lined up for every social media platform and hence is a very versatile platform. Be it likes, followers, views, or even general engagement or website traffic, SMM Matrix can get it all, and that too at a price that does not burn a hole in your pocket.

Frontend Link:

User Login:

Username: demouser
Password: demouser

Admin Panel :

Username: admin
Password: admin

SMM Matrix - Social Media Marketing Tool - 1

Sun, 24 Sep 2023 21:49:30 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
TruelySell &#45; Multi Vendor online Service Booking Marketplace Nearby Web+iOS+Android v2.3.0

✔ Price: $99

Truelysell admin  


Username: demo
Password: demo

Truelysell admin  


Mobile Number Login:
Username: +91 9988776655
Password: 1234

Email Login:
Email :
Password: 123456

Truelysell admin  


Mobile Number Login:
Username: +91 9876543210
Password: 1234

Email Login:
Email :
Password: 123456

Download  Truelysell IOS APP

IOS APP Demo Login

Username: demo
Password: 12345

Download Truelysell Android APP

Android App Demo Login

Username: demo
Password: 12345

Wallet Details


Stripe sandbox account details for provider payout (withdraw amount)

Card Number: 4000056655665556
MM YY: 11 / 22
CVC: 123


Stripe sandbox account details for customer added amount to wallet

Card Number: 4242424242424242
MM YY: 11 / 22
CVC: 123

TruelySell provides a multiple on-demand service based on nearby locations, by using this web application simply you view and book a service or provide a service to the customers.

\\ \\   Truelysell Features 

 Truelysell Features     

System Requirements:

  • PHP Version: 7.4
  • MySQL Version: 5.x
  • Server: Apache/NGINX, Dedicated Server or VPS root access or AWS Server
  • cURL PHP Extension
  • GD library

Amazing Features for Professionals:

  • Quick Signup/Login: Professional can sign up/login with registered mobile number.
  • Category List: Service Provider can choose your category and subcategory list.
  • Subscription: While posting a service, Provider must choose the subscription.
  • Post a Service: Professionals can post your services in detailed information about what you are going to provide the services.
  • Service Locations: Professionals can set service locations in single click.
  • Chat System: After booking, confirmed customers and providers can communicate via chat system.
  • My Service: Here a provider has an option to view our own service, also able to active/inactive the services.
  • Booking List: Professionals can check booking status whether it is completed or in-progress or cancelled.
  • Notifications: Once the customer is booked the service, Provider will receive the notifications.
  • Wallet/Amount Withdraw: At any time Service providers are able to withdraw the payment from wallet to stripe account.

And much more…..

Booking for Users:

  • Location Based Search: Users can book service nearby locations.
  • Choose Category: Customers can choose the relevant category based on your service needs.
  • OTP based Signup/Login: Customers can Sign Up/login with a registered mobile number.
  • Time Slots: Here customer can see the service provider’s availability timing; based on your convenience time, we can book service
  • Notifications: Once the service has finished, you will receive the notifications in your dashboard.
  • Chat System: Once the booking is confirmed you can communicate to the service provider via chat system.
  • Booking Status: In this menu, customers can easily check the booking status.
  • Wallet Transaction: If a customer wants to book a service, the customer must add the payment, that payment will be credited to the customer’s wallet.
  • Payment Gateway: We have integrated the stripe payment gateway. Customer can make the payment through stripe, after detecting the stripe’s charges remaining payment will be credited to the customer’s wallet.

And much more…

Admin Features:

  • Category/Sub Category: Admin can add multiple category and sub category list.
  • Subscription: Admin can add/Edit the multiple subscription lists.
  • Users List: Admin has an option to view all customer lists, also he is able to block the customers.
  • Service Provider List: Admin can view all the service provider’s list and detailed information like subscription plan, Reg date and etc.,
  • Service List: Admin can view all service lists, also you are able to make active/inactive the service.
  • Payment Transaction: Admin can track all the payment transaction details.
  • Wallet Transaction: Admin has an option to view all the wallet transaction history.

And much more…


  • Admin user with Access privilege TruelySell - Multi Vendor online Service Booking Marketplace and Nearby Service Finder Software (Web - 5
  • Forgot password in Admin Dashboard TruelySell - Multi Vendor online Service Booking Marketplace and Nearby Service Finder Software (Web - 6
  • Enquiry option in Contact us page TruelySell - Multi Vendor online Service Booking Marketplace and Nearby Service Finder Software (Web - 7
  • Email Template in Admin Dashboard TruelySell - Multi Vendor online Service Booking Marketplace and Nearby Service Finder Software (Web - 8
  • Multiple Payment Gateways TruelySell - Multi Vendor online Service Booking Marketplace and Nearby Service Finder Software (Web - 9
  • Cluster Map in Admin Dashboard TruelySell - Multi Vendor online Service Booking Marketplace and Nearby Service Finder Software (Web - 10
  • SEO improvementsTruelySell - Multi Vendor online Service Booking Marketplace and Nearby Service Finder Software (Web - 11


  • Fully responsive
  • Stripe Payment Gateway
  • Simple and Powerful Chat Option
  • Option to choose Providers
  • Super Admin | Vendor Dashboard
  • Subscription Module
  • SMS Notifications
  • Add Multiple Category list
  • Featured Category list
  • Most popular services list
  • OTP Based Signup/login
  • Wallet Module
  • Review system
  • Location based search
  • User friendly design
  • Manage Business Hours
  • Accept/Reject service
  • Multiple Service Listing
  • Instant Booking approvals
  • Booking list history
  • Active/Inactive services
  • Add/Edit/Delete service details
  • Profile Settings
  • Service provider’s Registration date & last seen timing options
  • Book the service in single click
  • Email Settings
  • Payment Gateway settings
  • Easy to find all booking status
  • User Friendly Code
  • Cross browser support
  • SEO Friendly URLs
  • Individual Dashboard for Customer & Service providers
  • Admin General Settings


  • Booking System
  • Wallet System
  • Review System
  • COD
  • Subscriptions
  • Email
  • SMS
  • Chat System
  • User Management
  • SEO
  • Blog
  • Cache System
  • Multi Currency
  • Multi Language
  • Payout
  • Google Map
  • Bank Transfer
  • Theme Settings
  • Membership System
  • Wallet System
  • Refund
  • Abuse Reports


  • General Settings
  • System Settings
  • Localization
  • Login Settings
  • Email Settings
  • SMS Settings
  • SEO Settings
  • Service Settings
  • Payment Settings
  • Chat Settings
  • Language Settings
  • GDPR Cookie Settings
  • Currency Settings
  • Theme Settings
  • Cache Settings
  • Profile Settings
  • Pages Settings


  • Stripe
  • Paypal
  • Razorpay
  • Paystack
  • Paysolution
  • Midtrans
  • Flutterwave
  • Iyzico
  • Bank Transfer
  • COD
  • Wallet


  • Nexmo
  • 2Factor
  • Twilio


  • PHP Mail
  • SMTP
  • Sendgrid
Sun, 24 Sep 2023 11:37:09 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
Slippa &#45; Domains,Website ,App &amp;amp; Social Media Marketplace PHP Script v3.9

✔ Price: $99

Create your digital marketplace in 5 seconds !!

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USER LOGIN (Demo user panel)





ADMIN DEMO (Demo admin control panel)

USERNAME : admin



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Slippa script is a PHP Based advance marketplace script. Which allows its user’s to create a Digital marketplace in seconds.

Slippa Marketplace currently supports Selling Domains, Websites & Online Businesses. Admin can easily customize all features of the marketplace through the admin panel itself therefore no programming skills are required. Slippa has many features that leading digital marketplaces does such as Domain Ownership verification, Real Time Google Analytics Reports, User Email Notifications for all user activities, fully functional Bidding System, Chat/Message System and etc.

Slippa enables its owner to create a marketplace where buyers can Sign up and list their domains, websites or online businesses. Then sellers can buy these digital products from the marketplace, Site Owner will receive a commission from each success sale. This success fee commission can be controlled by the site admin. Furthermore admin also has ability to charge from the buyers when they do list their services on the marketplace.

Let us guide you through the core features of our script.


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Fully Functional Bidding System

Slippa has all the main features that a bid system should have. This system will control each bid according to the rules which were set by the seller & admin. Also from the backend automatically highest bidder will be selected as the winning bid, then seller will have the option to open a contract with the buyer from the script’s itself. (All the tools which are required for this process will be provided by the Slippa User Panel.)

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Classified Ads

Slippa isn’t only an auction Marketplace, it also has ability to run Classified & Auction Marketplace together. So Buyer can make offers to a listing then from the backend seller can select an offer to open a contract.

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Internal Chat/Message System

Slippa has a fully functional Chat/Message system where buyers and sellers can communicate within the marketplace.

Email Notification System

Slippa has an advance email notification system which could be really useful for buyers and sellers. Email notifications do work for all main activities such as when seller receives a new bid or an offer, when seller approves a new bid, also all previous bidders will be notified when a new bidder placed a higher bid than their current bid. And there are lot more useful email notifications.

Easily Customizable

Most of the images can be changed from the admin panel itself and other styles can be easily customizable with a basic knowledge of HTML & CSS.

SEO Optimized

All our scripts pages are fully optimized so you will not need to worry about the speed, rankings, fast indexing of your site.


Script can run multiple in languages. Admin has ability to add any language from the admin panel. So yes you website can have as much as languages you want.

Multiple Ad Options

Earn not only from marketplace also from ads. We have multiple ad spots. All ad spots are responsive. Even Though your ads aren’t responsive our script will make them responsive so your website design won’t affect them.

Life Time Free Updates

Once you make the purchase you will receive lifetime updates. We do update and add advance features frequently. 

Multiple Payment Gateways

Currently script supports PayPal Express, PayPal Pro & Stripe Payment Methods and more payment options will be added in future updates as well.  If you need any additional payment options you may contact us, we might be able to help you.


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And there are many other important features within the script that makes your website one of the top marketplace available in the market. Plus many more features will be introduced in future. This script will generate money while you sit and relax…!




  • Fully functional Bidding System
  • Sell Domains, Websites, Apps & Online Businesses
  • Sell telegrams channels and social accounts New on v2.4
  • Image sliders and multiple image options New on v2.4
  • Escrow services module included New on v2.1
  • Mailchimp Newsletter New on v2.1
  • Escrow services direct selling or sell as a broker New on v2.1
  • DNS domain ownership verification New on v2.1
  • Admin Domains & Websites Listings New on v2.1
  • Sell only as an admin New on v2.1
  • Bulk Listing Uploads
  • Earn Commission from each sale
  • Charge listing fees
  • Multilingual
  • Charge a processing fee according to payment method
  • Fully functional blog
  • Powerful admin panel
  • Powerful user panel
  • Reported Listing Manager
  • Withdrawal System
  • Contract System
  • Internal Chat/Message System
  • Dispute Manager
  • SEO Friendly
  • Easily customizable
  • AdSense friendly
  • Multiple Ad Options
  • Unlimited Pages
  • Multiple Payment Gateways.
  • Real time Google Analytics reports
  • Domain Ownership verification
  • Auction & Classified Listings System
  • User Control
  • Responsive Elegant Design
  • One Click Installation
  • Detail Reports.
  • Charts & Comparisons
  • And lot more features.


Our documentation will guide you through step by step , how to configure and install the script according to your requirement, since this script contains an installation setup available you will need only basic details such as database name and password.


Problems to configure Your new Script? Or do you have Questions?

We are available 24/7 to help you to get the best from your doo-downloader script. Send us a message.



These are the minimum server requirements which is required to run Slippa script on your server.

  • Apache/Linux Server
  • PHP >= 7.x
  • CURL module active
  • Apache mod_rewrite
  • allow_url_fopen enabled (Standard on most shared hosting)
  • file_get_contents enabled (Standard on most shared hosting)
  • PHP Exec Enable
  • CRON, Crontab active
  • Envato Purchase Code
  • PHP libxml enabled
  • MYSQL Version > 5.6
Sat, 23 Sep 2023 10:01:27 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
WorkDo Dash SaaS &#45; ERP with Multi&#45;Workspace v2.4

✔ Price: $49

WorkDo Dash SaaS presents an efficient solution, encompassing a range of key features. It offers a unique multi-workspace function for tailored company-specific management, all within a flexible cloud-based SaaS model, eliminating the need for local installations and facilitating easy scalability. This platform also supports multi-addons, allowing users to personalize the system with extra modules, enhancing adaptability to diverse business needs. This comprehensive approach fosters seamless collaboration, streamlined data management, and optimized processes, all contributing to heightened productivity and improved operational efficiency for organizations.

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URL : Demo Link
Login as Super Admin : / 1234
Login as Company : / 1234

What can you expect from WorkDo Dash SaaS – Open Source ERP with Multi-Workspace?

  • Multi-Workspace Functionality: Efficiently manage multiple workspaces tailored to distinct companies for enhanced organizational control and flexibility.
  • Premium Add-ons Customization: Design your SaaS platform by seamlessly integrating Premium Add-ons that cater to your specific business requirements.
  • Full White Label Customization: Tailor the platform to your brand with a comprehensive white label setting for a seamless user experience.
  • Multi-Theme Interface: Choose from a range of visually appealing themes with various color options to personalize the user interface.
  • Flexible Add-on Pricing: Super Admin can establish custom monthly and yearly pricing for add-ons, providing pricing flexibility to suit diverse user needs.
  • Add-on Configuration: Configure specific setups within add-ons to precisely align the platform with your business processes.
  • Add-on Selection and Subscription: Empower users to select and subscribe to desired add-ons, enhancing adaptability to their unique needs.
  • Unified User Registration: Register a single user with multiple companies and roles using the same email, streamlining user management.
  • Visually Engaging Dashboards:
  • Present data effectively with visually attractive dashboards, facilitating insights and decision-making
  • Granular Roles and Permissions: Manage user access with roles and permissions, ensuring data security and controlled usage.
  • Comprehensive Business Modules: Seamlessly handle various business aspects, including products, services, proposals, invoices, projects, and project reports.
  • Robust Accounting Management: Effortlessly manage customers, vendors, banking, income, and expenses, and generate insightful reports.
  • Holistic HR Management: Streamline HR tasks with employee management, payroll, leave tracking, event management, document handling, and company policy administration.
  • Efficient CRM Tools: Manage leads, and deals, and generate reports to enhance customer relationship management.
  • Integrated POS System: Seamlessly controls warehouses, purchases, POS orders, and point-of-sale transactions.
  • Messenger Module: Facilitate communication within the platform through an integrated messenger module.
  • Enhanced User Experience: Provide image upload previews, password reset pages, and security via email verification.
  • Cloud Data Storage Integration: Seamlessly integrate with local, AWS, and Wasabi cloud data storage solutions for flexible data management.
  • Multi-Currency Support: Add and manage currencies as required for global accessibility.
  • Multi-Language Availability: Ensure global accessibility with support for multiple languages.
  • Customizable Layout Settings: Customize settings for RTL support, primary colors, sidebar preferences, and layout themes.
  • Print Customization: Personalize printed materials with attractive PDF templates and a customizable color palette.
  • Enhanced RTL Experience: Ensure a user-friendly experience for RTL languages like Arabic, Hebrew, and Urdu.
  • Flexible Payment Methods: Any of the plans’ payments can be done using 20+ diverse payment gateways namely Stripe, Paypal, Paystack, Flutterwave, Razorpay, Paytm, Mollie, Skrill, Mercado Pago, CoinGate, Paymentwall, SSPay, toyyibPay, PayTabs, Iyzipay, Payfast, Benefit, Cashfree, aamarPay, PayTR
  • Built on Laravel 9: Built on the reliable Laravel 9 framework for robust performance.
Fri, 22 Sep 2023 19:17:48 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
ERPGo SaaS &#45; All In One Business ERP With Project, Account, HRM &amp;amp; CRM v5.8

✔ Price: $69


ERPGo SaaS is the most competent utility tool to help you manage every aspect of Account, HRM, CRM, and Project with the utmost ease. It’s difficult to manage various tools for varying business purposes. With the ERPGo SaaS version, you can manage every aspect of your business under one tool.

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Url : Demo Link
Login as Super Admin : / 1234
Login as Company : / 1234
Login as Client : / 1234
Login as User : / 1234

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What to expect from ERPGo SaaS – All In One Business ERP With Project, Account, HRM & CRM

  • A comprehensive dashboard with all requisite information under one tab
  • Easy management of staff details, be it, employees or clients, with easy filter options
  • Management of various aspects of HR. From Attendance to Resignation, from Training to Performance, everything related to employee management becomes easy with ERPGo SaaS
  • Managing pre-sales effectively through Leads, Deals, and Estimate Management
  • Kanban and List view for the convenience of users
  • Manage the minutest aspects of the project for effective implementation
  • Manage Invoices, Payments, Expenses, and Credit Notes through easy clicks. Never miss the due date from now on
  • Inventory Management in Invoice and Bill
  • Proposals, Invoices, and Bills details can be checked with QR codes
  • Customer/ Vendor Statement Report
  • Contract Module for Digital Signature
  • Added GDPR Cookie to make the next visit easier and more useful
  • Stock/ Inventory Management
  • New Stock Report
  • Image Uploaded Preview
  • Email Templates
  • reCaptcha in Login & Reset Password Page
  • Integration of Cloud Data Storage like Local, AWS, and Wasabi
  • Project Report Module
  • Duplicate Project Module
  • Google Calendar for Meetings, Holidays, Events, Project Tasks, Interview Schedules, Zoom Meetings
  • Build on Offer Letter, Joining Letter, Experience Certificate, and NOC
  • Form Builder
  • POS Module
  • Discount on POS Products
  • Barcode Print Module in POS System
  • Thermal Print in POS Module
  • Added iframe embed link in the form builder
  • Customized settings options for RTL on/off, Primary Color, Sidebar, Layout
  • Themes Color Setting, Transparent Layout, and Dark Layout under Theme Customizer
  • Email Verification Security in the User Registration
  • Slack Integration
  • Zoom Integration
  • Telegram Integration
  • Twilio Integration
  • Desktop Application to Track Project Activities/Hours
  • Keep a tab on expiring contracts
  • Chat with users without having to switch tools
  • Manage your goals with ERPGo SaaS
  • Budget Planning Feature
  • Get a detailed report on each aspect of the Project, Sales, HR, and Pre-sales
  • Customize your business, system, and print settings in ERPGo SaaS
  • Available in Multiple languages
  • A user-friendly RTL experience for customers using Arabic, Hebrew, and Urdu-like languages.
  • Any of the plans’ payments can be done using 10 diverse payment gateways namely Stripe, PayPal, Paystack, Flutterwave, Razorpay, Paytm, Mollie, Skrill, Mercado Pago, CoinGate, Paymentwall
  • Built with Laravel 9

Salient Features of ERPGo SaaS – All In One Business ERP With Project, Account, HRM & CRM

Create Plans and Get Payment – A special SaaS Feature

With a Super Admin Login, create plans that are most feasible for your business model. Select appropriate pricing and duration for the created plan. Make payments using various payment gateways. The plan would be disabled if not renewed after its expiry.

The Stunning Dashboard

ERPGo SaaS has the most comprehensive dashboard with all the essential details under one head. We all can agree that dashboards have made our lives easier. Well, from every minute detail like total Clients, Users, Invoices, Projects, and estimations to Leads, Deals, and items, you can get quantitative data in the most simple layout. You get an overview of Estimates, Invoices, top-due Payments, Projects, and Tasks to take timely actions. Get a reminder of meeting Schedules, Expiring Contracts, Weekly Events, and new clients as you scroll down. Lastly, a Pie Chart can help you understand various project statuses. In short, every activity of your business can be handled through this useful tool.

Manage Staff

Manage your Employee and Client’s personal as well as company details through easy-to-create options. You can edit and manage the information and status at your convenience. You can search for staff through easy filter options based on department and designation.

Assign roles to each staff

Our multi-user accounting tool allows you to assign roles to each of your staff. By managing their permissions gain control over their access to certain parameters.

Employee Management

Through a detailed HR section, you can manage Attendance, Bulk Attendance, Holidays, Leaves, Meetings, Assets, Documents, and Company Policies. Create, Edit, and Filter at your convenience. You get a detailed understanding of each aspect of the employee. You can also manage Awards, Transfers, Promotions, Complaints, and many such HR aspects of employees with easy tabs. The training and Performance of each employee can be planned, handled, and taken care of with ERPGo SaaS.


With the help of the Payroll module, the set salary feature will help you to set the salary of your employees, particularly under various different heads set by you. Also, with the payslip feature, you can generate bulk payments.

Added Performance Module Like Indicator, Appraisal & Goal Tracking


The overall performance of each Designation of each Department of the Branches is given which includes a total of three competencies namely, Technical, Organizational, and Behavioral. The predefined settings can be done/ updated through Setup.


Any of the goals including, temporary, short-term, long-term, etc. can be set through this module. One can update the progress by editing the entry manually. The predefined settings can be done/ updated through Setup.

Added Chat Module

Direct Communication is an important aspect of any business. The easy-to-access and use Chat Module provided in ERPGo SaaS, helps you to be in direct and constant touch with the users and clients.

Added Contract Module

Contract Module is very helpful for proper documentation of the contracts done with clients showing the type of contract, the value, and time duration. The predefined settings can be done/ updated through Setup.

Manage Pre-Sale


You can view all the generated leads through a Kanban and List view. Create pipelines and assign stages to various leads. You can manage the leads by adding Users, Items, Files, Notes, Sources, Call Details, Emails, and Discussions. Get all the requisite information on any particular lead in an easily laid layout.


Just like lead management, you can view deals in Kanban or List view. Get an overview of deals in a week, month, and deals in the last 30 days. Assign Tasks, Products, Files, and Users for each deal. Manage discussions and notes. Also, get a calendar view for every deal detail. In short, managing deals has never been easier.


Keep a tab on issued estimates. Manage the estimates by assigning Clients, Status, and Expiry Dates to each. You can easily generate new estimates by assigning Clients, Categories, Issues, and Expiry Dates. You can add items in the required quantity and apply discounts and tax as requisite. Generate estimates within minutes through ERPGo SaaS.

Added Form Builder

Create and manage various required forms with diverse form fields, like, Text, Email, Number, Date, and Description as per the business needs of the users at large.

Project Management


You can manage and filter each project available in Kanban and List view again. Get an overview of Project Status, Expenses, Budget, and Due Date to manage projects. Add or Remove the users and check tasks completed by them. Create a task list and assign priority to each task. Get an overview of tasks through the Kanban board. Add Milestones, Notes, Files, Comments, Payments, Timesheets, Client Feedback, Expenses, Invoices, and anything related to the project. Think of a project and consider everything you would need to manage for a successful project. Well, you get to manage them easily with ERPGo SaaS.


Successful project implementation requires small tasks that can help achieve the ultimate goal. Well, you can manage various tasks through an easy filter option. View the priority of each task and the due dates to complete each task. You can also add a checklist for tasks and track your progress. Again add comments and files as required.


Create a timesheet by assigning Projects, Tasks, and Users. Assign a starting and ending date as well as a time. This allows you to manage your project most efficiently.

Inventory Management in Invoice and Bill

Isn’t it effortless to check the inventory status of each of the items you are using for your business activities? Sounds Fascinating!
Here, through the inventory management feature, you can monitor the inventory of each item you have registered with you. After generating the Invoice/ Bill, the quantity will automatically be updated in “Product & Services” for scrutiny. Overall, it is painless to maintain the inventory level of the products.

Customer/ Vendor Statement Report

With the help of this “Customer/ Vendor Statement Report” Module, you can review the filtered particulars of that customer/ vendor for a certain period. This statement report includes the start and end dates, order details, and payment details along with the transaction history with the customer/ vendor.

Thermal Print in Sales Module

The main goal of a business is to cut both fixed and operational costs. Thermal Print’s feature here is extremely helpful. Thermal Printing is faster than other printing with fast and accurate services of Faster Labeling, Package Printing, and Receipt Printing. It also offers quick printing, sharpn

Desktop Application for Tracking Project Hours

You can track the time spent while working on any given project and its task by starting a timer. In addition, you can customize the settings for generating automatic screenshots of the tracker running within a particular time gap. You can set a minimum of 1 minute for the time gap between screenshots. Also, you can check the screenshots and delete the unnecessary and inappropriate ones if needed.

Email Templates

The email templates feature enables the user to choose from pre-defined and individualized email layouts rather than creating an entirely new email each time. Additionally, this provides readiness, uniformity of drafts, accessibility, and reduced effort required to draft the same email repeatedly. These templates can be created according to various needs.

An inline frame (iframe) of a form builder performs as an external form of the product which can be attached to any of the other websites without redirecting the internal form and getting the responses to the main product. This mainly works as a third party to get more leads from various websites.

Integration of Cloud Data Storage like Local, AWS, and Wasabi

Integration of Cloud Data Storage like Local, AWS, and Wasabi Protection of your is indeed mandatory. This feature of Cloud Data Storage helps the user with the same.
It facilitates both the internal and external data storage space for backup and archiving, disaster recovery, cloud data processing, and storage tiering based on a range of requirements of costs, availability, performance, recovery, and migration. AWS and Wasabi are third-party authenticated Cloud Data Storage providers that safeguard the data from hacking and are cost-efficient.

Slack Integration

Receiving instant notifications of the company’s activities is one of the most painless ways to keep a tap on them. With the help of Slack Integration, you can get insight into the major actions through the specific channels and when they are performed. It also helps you to schedule the messages for future dates. Rectifying mistakes is also not burdensome.

Zoom Integration

Virtual meetings are no new to us. The Zoom Integration provides a platform where you can create a zoom meeting after giving inputs of asked details like; Client, User(s), Meeting Time, and Duration, and it generates a link through which people can join the meeting. You can create, View, Start, and Delete meetings with ease.
Along with that, the zoom meeting created will be synced with the calendar which will show the meeting details, as well as which are people joining the meeting and at what time. This calendar syncing feature helps to schedule meetings accordingly.

Telegram Integration

Hassle-free and instant message is one of the absolute ways to stay in tune and connected with projects and activities of the projects. With the Telegram Integration, you can get the notification of the actions performed regarding anything which interests you. Staying in tune with the performing jobs is smooth with this feature.

Twilio Integration

The Twilio Integration for receiving the text messages of the jobs performed is a very handy and convenient feature. You can get an instant text message of the activities on the registered mobile number even when your phone is not connected to the internet, which is one of the most important benefits of Twilio Integration.

Managing Items

Add items and assign Categories, Purchases, Sales Prices, Taxes, Units, and Product types to them. Conclusively, everything you would want to keep a tab on.

Double Entry Module for Accounting

The Double Entry module within ERPGo is the cornerstone of robust financial management, comprising six crucial columns. The “Chart of Accounts” column lays the foundation, offering a comprehensive view of account details, including codes, names, types, journal and transaction balances, and status. “Journal Account” records specific transaction details, while the “Ledger Summary” column provides historical snapshots of account balances. The “Balance Sheet” column facilitates the creation of this vital financial statement. Additionally, the “Profit and Loss” section generates income statements, and the “Trial Balance” ensures the accuracy of the entire accounting system by reconciling debit and credit balances. This module empowers organizations to maintain precise financial records, track transactions, and produce essential financial reports, fostering transparency, compliance, and informed decision-making.

Sales Management

Manage various aspects of sales like sending Invoices, making Payments, managing Expenses, and Credit Notes in a single tool. You can create new invoices and edit existing ones. Add new products and receipts to existing Invoices, edit Payments and Products. Resend the Invoices, send the payment reminders, and print the Invoices simply through a click. Similarly, you can manage Payments, Expenses, and Credit Notes with the utmost ease. All in all, keep all your sales fears at bay.

Budget Planner

A budget is a financial plan for a specified period to keep in check with the working capital. This feature here helps to maintain the capital flow. You can set monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, or yearly budgets according to your business plans and needs. The main categories are “Income” and “Expense” where one can edit /update /delete the sub-categories as well.

Keep a tab on Contracts

It’s hard to keep everything aligned in business. However, never miss a contract date from now on. Manage your contracts with utmost ease by assigning Start and Due Dates along with Contract Type, Value, Client, and a Description if required.

Events and Notice Board

Always be prepared for an upcoming event. Assign Employees and Departments to each event reminder. Create Events and add Descriptions to always keep a tab. Create and Issue a notice to Users, Clients, or Employees.

Goals and Notes

You can create goals and choose whether or not to display them on the Dashboard. You can also add files to your notes for support. Simple, isn’t it?


Management shall go to waste if its result cannot be seen in reports. You can get a detailed report in the form of Graphs for Tasks, Time Logs, Financial Details, and Incomes/ Expenses. You can filter and search for reports for a specific time. Also get a detailed report of Leaves, Estimates, Invoices, and many similar aspects.

The GDPR Cookie is an authenticated one that helps the users to save their personal information in the browser for future online service logins only with their permission. Because the initial log-in process will be skipped and the user will be taken directly to the landing page, this will save time.

Business Settings

Manage business and company settings. Customize your system settings and print settings for Invoices and estimates. Also, manage the pusher settings.

Fri, 22 Sep 2023 19:05:02 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
AstroTalks &#45; Astrology Consultation Script v1.0

✔ Price: $50

Are you looking to start your own astrology business but don’t know where to begin?

Look no further than our new AstroTalks app! Our app includes mobile apps for both customers and partners, who can be astrologers, counselors, or subject experts. With our ready-made system, you can launch your very own astrology app in no time and start earning money immediately.

Our app is based on the trending businesses like Astrotalk, Guruji,Yodha,Astroyogi and similar, which have already proven to be successful in the market. By investing in our app, you can tap into this growing market and offer your customers the insights they crave.

Our app comes with a fully functional backend developed in Laravel, which is a widely used PHP-based web application framework. This means that our app is easy to customize and can be tailored to meet the specific needs of your business. We also use cutting-edge technologies like Agora for live audio and video calling and Firebase for instant messaging between customers and partners. This ensures a seamless and reliable user experience that your customers will love.

One of the key features of our app is the audio and video calling system, which allows your customers to connect with astrologers in real-time. This feature is powered by Agora, which ensures high-quality audio and video calls that are stable and reliable. In addition, our app also comes with an instant messaging system powered by Firebase, which allows customers and partners to communicate with each other easily.

Our app also offers live streaming for astrologers like tiktok, which allows them to connect with a larger audience and share their expertise with others. Customers can book appointments with their favorite astrologers, send them gifts as tokens of appreciation, and even review them based on their experience.

As the owner of the app, you can earn commission on every transaction that takes place on the platform. You can also sell astrology-related products, such as books or crystals, to your customers. This means that you can earn money not only through the services provided by astrologers but also through the sale of related products.

Overall, our new astrology app is the perfect solution for anyone looking to start their own astrology business. With its easy-to-use interface, powerful features, and cutting-edge technologies, our app is sure to become a favorite among astrologers and customers alike. Don’t wait any longer – invest in our app today and start your journey towards success!


Admin Panel:


Password: admin123

User App Download Link:

Astrologer App Download Link:

What You Will Get?

1) Website + Admin Panel

2) Mysql Database File

3) User App Flutter File(Android & IOS)

4) Astrologer App Flutter File(Android & IOS)

5) Documentation


Here’s an updated list of features:

1. Flutter Mobile apps for both customers and partners, who can be astrologers, counselors or subject experts

2. Fully functional backend developed in Laravel

3. Audio and video calling system with astrologers powered by Agora

4. Instant messaging system powered by Firebase

5. Daily horoscope feature that allows users to check their horoscope on a daily basis

6. Kundli builder that allows users to build and share their kundli as well as their family and friend’s kundli

7. Matchmaking feature that allows users to match their kundli with others and share the results with anyone they choose

8. Live streaming for astrologers

9. Booking system for appointments with astrologers

10. Gift sending feature for customers to send tokens of appreciation to astrologers

11. Review system for customers to rate and review astrologers based on their experience

12. Commission system for app owner to earn on every transaction

13. E-commerce functionality to sell astrology-related products

14. Admin can set different commission rates for all astrologers or default set for all

15. Wallet feature: users can recharge their wallet to use app features like chat, audio or video call.

With these features, our astrology app provides a comprehensive solution for anyone looking to start their own astrology business or for customers who want to connect with astrologers from around the world.

The daily horoscope feature allows users to check their horoscope on a daily basis, while the kundli builder and matchmaking features provide even more insights into their future.

The audio and video calling system, instant messaging system, and live streaming features ensure that customers can easily connect with astrologers and get the insights they need.

Additionally, the gift sending feature and review system provide a way for customers to show their appreciation for the services provided by astrologers.

Finally, the e-commerce functionality and commission system provide a way for the app owner to earn money on every transaction. Overall, our app is the perfect solution for anyone looking to start their own astrology business or for customers who want to connect with astrologers and get insights into their future.


PHP version 8.0 Or Higher

Cpanel Hosting Will Work

Flutter 3.10.6
PHP extensions: Mysqli, cURL, Mbstring, PDO, openSSL, JSON, Ctype, fileinfo, BCMath, GD
MySQL 5.7.7+ (recommended MariaDB 10.3.35)
Server space for project files, media assets


We've created easy-to-understand documentation (you'll find it in the Documentation folder) to guide you as you work on your Asatrotalks app. 

Here is an simple instruction to start using this code.

1) Buy This Code From Online
2) Install Backend In Your Web Hosting
3) Setup Your Website Configuration
4) Download Android Studio, Import Our Code And Build Apk
5) Upload It in play store and start earning.

Fri, 22 Sep 2023 18:36:24 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
BeDrive &#45; File Sharing and Cloud Storage v3.1.2

✔ Price: $59

BeDrive - File Sharing and Cloud Storage - 1

BeDrive allows you to create your own fully-featured, self-hosted file sharing and hosting website in minutes without any coding or server management knowledge.

BeDrive - File Sharing and Cloud Storage - 2

Admin Account and Panel

When accessing login page on demo site, you will get admin account credentials pre-filled. Note that destructive actions like deleting and editing are disabled on demo site.

Admin accounts will reset every hour and be populated with some sample files.

To test a regular user, create a fresh account by registering on demo site.


  • Editable Homepage – Default landing page can be easily edited via built-in appearance editor with live preview and no coding knowledge.
  • Easy Installation – Install BeDrive easily with no coding or server knowledge in a few minutes with our easy to use installer and documentation.
  • SaaS mode – Earn money with built in premium subscription system. Create different plans for users to subscribe to and control how much storage space, what functionality and limitations each plan has.
  • High Performance – BeDrive is lightweight and has lighting fast performance and page load time out of the box.
  • Sharing – Users can share files and folders with multiple users, allowing collaboration.
  • Upload Status – See status, progress, estimated time left and more for all current uploads.
  • Shareable Links – Create publicly shareable links for files and folders with optional expiration date, password and permissions.
  • Translations – BeDrive is fully translation ready and can be easily translated to any language from admin area.
  • Responsive – BeDrive is fully responsive and will work on desktop, mobile, tablet and other devices.
  • Dark Mode – BeDrive comes with pre-built light and dark themes. You can fully customize them or add new themes via appearance editor.
  • File Previews – Preview multiple file types including audio, video, text, pdf, zip and images right in the browser without the need to download the file.
  • Amazon S3, DigitalOcean, Dropbox Storage – Easily store user upload files on many different cloud services and providers.
  • Documentation – BeDrive comes with in depth documentation that explains everything from installation to all the features.
  • Authentication – Fully featured authentication system with social login (facebook, twitter and google), normal login, registration, password recovery, account settings and more.
  • Permissions and Roles – Use fully featured permission and role system to allow (or disallow) users, subscription plans or guests to perform specific action across the site.
  • Disable Registration – Registration can be fully disabled from admin panel so only users you create manually from admin panel will be able to login.
  • Grid and List views – Both grid and list views are available and freely switchable by the user so they can select the one they prefer more.
  • Ads - Paste ad codes into integrated ad slots in admin panel and BeDrive will display them automatically.
  • Professional Design – Pixel-perfect professional design based on google’s material design.
  • Appearance Editor – Easily manage your site appearance (colors, logo, landing page, menus etc) from appearance editor.
  • Settings – Admin panel has many settings that allow you to fine-tune the site to your needs.
  • Analytics – Google analytics are integrated right into admin panel so you don’t need to open a separate page to see how your site is doing.
  • Multiple Homepages – Choose between multiple homepages including landing page, login page or your own custom html page.
  • Drag and Drop – Natural drag and drop features for uploading, selecting and moving files & folders.
  • Context Menu – Fully integrated context menu (right click on file or folder) is available with all the actions you’d expect like delete, copy, share, move, rename, get link and more. This menu can be accessed from navigation bar as well on touch based devices.
  • Trash – Deleted items will first be moved to trash so they can be restored later.
  • Favorites – Favorite files or folders so you can find them easily from favorites page later.
  • Search – Powerful search will find files and folders that are at any level of depth.
  • File Details – Sidebar on the right will display selected file or folder details as well as preview (if available).
  • Source Code – You will receive full, unencrypted source code upon purchase, allowing easy custom modifications.
  • Custom Pages – Custom pages (for example terms of service, about us etc) can be created using built-in WISIWYG editor.
  • Menu Editor – All the menus across the site can be easily edited via drag and drop without any coding knowledge.


  • PHP >= 8.0
  • PDO Extension (enabled by default)
  • php_fileinfo Extension (enabled by default)
  • MySQL Database Server.
Fri, 22 Sep 2023 12:11:15 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
SMMCrowd &#45; Marketplace of SMM Services v1.5

✔ Price: $39

SMMCrowd is an innovative social media marketing platform that stands at the forefront of industry advancements. Developed using the latest Laravel framework, it embodies the perfect synergy between cutting-edge technology and exceptional marketing capabilities.

With SMMCrowd, businesses, and marketers gain access to a comprehensive suite of tools and features that streamline and optimize their social media marketing efforts. The utilization of the Laravel framework ensures a robust, scalable, and secure platform, capable of handling the dynamic nature of social media marketing.

In summary, SMMCrowd represents a powerful and comprehensive social media marketing platform built on the latest Laravel framework. It combines cutting-edge technology, unparalleled marketing capabilities, and a user-friendly interface to empower businesses and marketers in achieving their social media marketing goals with utmost efficiency and effectiveness.

Top Features

– Beautiful Frontend and Backend Template
– All Browser and Device Support.
– Multi-language.
– Global Settings.
– SEO, Recaptcha & Live Chat.
– 10+ Payment Gateways
– Email Setting.
– Email and SMS Templates.
– GDPR Cookie Policy.
– Privacy Policy Pages.
– Fast support.
– Easy Documentation

Admin Features

– Services Management
– Branding Packages
– Manage Users
– Pages.
– Page Contents.
– Global Settings.
– Subscribers.
– Logo settings.
– Live Chat.
– SEO.
– Recaptcha.
– SMS Gateways.
– Payment Gateways.
– Email Settings.
– GDPR Cookie Policy.

User Features

– User Panel
– Orders Management
– Wallet Management
– Profile.
– Security Settings.
– Two Factor Authentication.

Technology Used

Built with future-proof technologies.
– Laravel 10
– Bootstrap 5.x
– jQuery 3.7.0

Demo Access:


Admin: Username: admin | Password: admin

Included with the script

– Documentation
– Source Code
– Database


Version: 1.5 – 18 August 2023

- ProviderSMM added
- VINASMM added
- Minor bugs and fixed

Version: 1.4 – 20 June 2023

- Fixed bug in API orders

Version: 1.3 – 11 June 2023

- Fixed API service provider pricing
- Email Settings Improvement 
- Cron Command changed

Version: 1.2 – 8 June 2023

- Minor Bugs and fixes

Version: 1.0.0

Thu, 21 Sep 2023 22:25:49 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
News &#45; News &amp;amp; Magazines Script &amp;amp; Laravel News &amp;amp; Magazines / Blog / Articles OpenAI Writer / OpenAI

✔ Price: $19

Need Help ?


Frontend URL:

Backend URL:

InfyNews is a fully Dynamic and Complete News & Magazines CMS portal to start your online news and magazine portal.

Here are some Key Features and Concepts that InfyNews provides.

InfyNews – Laravel News and Magazines & Blog / Articles PHP script




Key Features

Key Features

Key Features

Feature Description:

Here are some Key Features and Concepts that InfyVCards-Saas provides.

Landing Page

Beautiful landing page from where users can get related post of information about the article post, gallery post and sort list post.

Top Stories

Here we are listing the top news that is viewed most by users, so users can easily read latest and top news.

We provide albums for galleries, So there will be multiple images within one album. You can use this to show some images for specific category, we are using attractive gallery UI.

Admin can mark some posts as features that will be highlighted into landing page with separate badges, so users can view directly it.

Contact Us

Users can submit their enquiries regarding the site and other informations they want. Admin can see the enquiries and then reach back to the users.

Admin Panel

We have created beautiful and user attractive admin panel to manage the contents for landing page. User can create new stuff’s and update the contents from there.


Dashboard contains the powerful information of whole project from where you can get short and quick overview what is going on your application. Here you can see the latest registered users lists and the page analytics views that your site receiving.


Here admin can manage the staff of the system. He can add / update / delete staff.

Also he can change staff status to in-active if something bad activity is reported. In-active users can no longer access to login to system so by this way we can prevent the security.


We are giving 3 kinds of post creation as of now. Article, Gallery and Sorted List posts are supported right now.

You can create post with SEO settings and other additional features like auto publish feature that will automatically change post status to publish on given time.

Other major features are also supported here that, you can mark post to show it on headline on home page, or show it on slider on home page, or you can manage the visibility of posts from here.


In Albums you can define set of images.

You have to create the album category first then you can assign that category to album.

While uploading images you can select the album so that particular images will be linked to that album.

In Home page there is Gallery menu where we are showing all the images per albums with attractive UI.


Here admin can create customize pages and update / delete pages and front side he can handle the pages.


If you want to add your custom menu with any custom name to the front website then yes its possible via this interface. You have to create new menu and link it to the navigation menu.


Navigations menus are so important for any CMS sites, so we have take care of it and providing easiest interface to manage the navigation menu.

You can also manage the ordering of the menus by dragging it to up or down. There are two/ three & static menus which orders will be never changes. e.g Home / Gallery.


Sometimes its will be good idea to gather data of our site and other informations from the users via taking feedback from them.

For this we have to create the questions lists we are calling it polls. And you can add related answers for it.

Polls will be visible to users in website there they can add their feedbacks and submit it, we are also showing the results per answers there.


Categories are most important when we have bulk data in sites, so we can filter data by categories.

While creating posts we can assign categories to it, we are also supporting the sub categories of category.

Sub Category

You can create sub category when needed and assign it to posts. Posts will be filtered by the category and sub categories. By this way we can find the more accurate posts, and it will also help users to find related posts of related categories or subcategories.

SEO Tools

In this tech world its more difficult to ranked up our site and get in top. as we have lots of competitors.

The only way is the SEO, we are supporting the SEO management of pages, so you can configure the keywords as per your need and add / edit keywords as per your need.

We are using that keywords to front websites that will help your site to rank up in search engine.


Languages are most important as each user don’t want same language, so here we are with Language Management tool.

You can add your language and also add your translations keys as per your language.

News Letter

We have subscription options into front website from where users who are interested in our site is going to subscribe to our application.

Admin can see the lists of subscribers in the admin panel, when admin create any newsletters it will be sent to all the subscribers, so they will get notified by latest updates.


By using this module you can manage all type of mail and give permission to visitor send mail or not and much more.

You can add your mail settings from here like the mail driver, mail from name, mail from address, username and the password settings.

Role & Permission

We are supporting the roles and permission features. So, you can create a different kind of roles as per your need. you can create role by selecting different permissions whatever you want to select for given role.


As we have the posts listing its important to have the comments on it.

Users can do comments on the posts and all users can see it default. if admin found that comment is kind of vulgar then he can hide that comment from the admin panel.

Also admin can decide that default added comments should be auto approved or be in pending state.


Here admin see all contact information and manage all contact information.


Admin can manage all the system setting from this menu.

There are lots of basic setting there like Application settings which contains the logo, favicon, emails and other information settings.

There are CMS settings from where you can add text of the privacy and terms and conditions text.

There are contacts, cookies settings and social media links settings too.


  • articles
  • news
  • magazine
  • laravel news
  • laravel news magazines
  • laravel articles
  • online news
  • quiz
  • google advertise news
  • news PHP script
  • laravel cms
  • viral news
  • viral media
  • enews
  • online magazines
Thu, 21 Sep 2023 22:12:20 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
Zontal Arcade HTML 5 Game Portal PHP Script

✔ Price: $15


 The Zontal PHP Script, the ultimate HTML 5 Games Portal/CMS that is packed with amazing features and functionalities With  over 1200+ games and a wide range of capabilities, this script is the perfect solution for anyone looking to create a stunning gaming website.


  • Easy setup/installation
  • Category management
  • Advanced game management
  • Tailwind CSS Framework
  • Clean and Responsive Design
  • Advanced admin panel
  • Upload game, fetch games
  • Ads Manager
  • Game Comment and Rating
  • System Detection Dark Mode
  • Category Slider
  • Like / Unlike System
  • Login System
  • SEO Friendly Url
  • Banner ads (site ads) 
  • Easy setup installation
  • Lightweight
  • Admin dashboard
  • Pages
  • Change Logo, Site Title, Site Description, etc. from Admin Panel
  • Game API
  • Pretty URL
  • Upload game, fetch games
  • Game search
  • Documentation(included)
  • SEO Optimized
  • Game Slider 
  • Sidebar
  • Mobile App Free


  • PHP 7 support
  • Apache 2 with mod_rewrite enabled
  • MySql
  • cURL Module


App demo:

admin link:

Admin panel

Username: admin

Password: admin

Thu, 21 Sep 2023 19:28:54 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
Onlinetrader v5.0.3 &#45; Forex Signal Service and Investment Management Solution

✔ Price: $79

In less than 20 minutes, Onlinetrader will help you to create and launch your own self hosted

Investment management website
Signal providing website
Forex education/mentorship website
MAM website that let your followers to copy your trades to their metatrader account.

Choose how you want to use Onlinetrader by enabling the features or modules that you need and disabling what you don’t need.

Onlinetrader is a full responsive & dynamic system built with Laravel Framework.

You can easily use our system with your preferred wordpress frontend

NB: MT copier API cost $7.99/month/account

Note that some features has been disabled on demo

Test before you buy!


User login
Password: test1234

Admin login
Super admin email:
Password: test1234

Our guarantee

  • Patch and fix any bugs or broken content
  • Answer any questions you may have
  • Help get you setup and installed!
  • Provide excellent support with a fast response rate

Onlinetrader - Forex Signal Service and Investment Management Solution - 2

Go unique – Get premium user dashboards to standout

Onlinetrader - Forex Signal Service and Investment Management Solution - 3

Onlinetrader - Forex Signal Service and Investment Management Solution - 4

Onlinetrader - Forex Signal Service and Investment Management Solution - 5

OnlineTrader5 – Simple yet a powerful solution.

Key features
=> Signal providing module – free addon
=> Membership module to educate your clients or sell courses – free addon
=> MAM module – Web based tradecopier included (MT copier API costs $7.99/month/account)
=> Flexible investment management system
=> Crypto swapping module
=> Automated and dynamic ROI (Return on investment topup)
=> Email notification on registration, when ROI drops and at the end of investment circle.
=> Beautiful default email template for all notifications
=> CRM on admin end
=> Admin roles
=> User to user wallet transfer
=> Admin can add unlimited custom payment methods with barcodes
=> Timezone setup
=> Audit logs – View users login activities & IP blacklisting
=> Users can setup OTP for withdrawal
=> Social login (Google Auth)
=> Google 2FA
=> Google Translate
=> Recaptcha
=> 5 Levels Referral System
=> KYC (Know your customers) Compliance
=> Advance users management
=> Simple and friendly frontend content editor from admin
=> Live chat management
=> Mass email to all users
=> Logo and favicon management


  1. Advance users management.
  2. Fully responsive design.
  3. Automatic top up to users account (Hourly, daily, weekly or monthly). As specified by admin
  4. Manual top up also included
  5. Stop ROI auto top up on users account on non working days (weekends or holidays)
  6. Customers testimonials.
  7. Withdrawal and deposit methods.
  8. Secure Database with input escaping so no SQL Injection!
  9. Protects against CSRF attacks!
  10. Standard passwords encryption.
  11. SEO friendly URLs.
  12. Informative USER Panel.
  13. Deposit history.
  14. withdrawal history.
  15. Earning history.
  16. Smooth and proper navigation.
  17. Admin specify system currency.
  18. Admin send notification to users dashboard.
  19. Advance system settings/control page.

Onlinetrader - Forex Signal Service and Investment Management Solution - 7

Payment methods

CoinPayments automatic methods.

  • Bitcoin
  • Ethereum
  • Litecoin


  • Credit card (Paystack)
  • Bank deposit / transfer
  • Credit card (stripe)
  • PayPal
  • Bitcoin (Manual)
  • Ethereum (Manual)
  • Other methods provided by admin

Credit card test details

  • Expiry date: Any date above current date.(E.g. 07/2022)
  • CVV: Any four digit (E.g. 7535)
  • Email: Any email provided.
  • Card number: 4242 4242 4242 4242
Tue, 19 Sep 2023 13:12:26 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
CredCrypto v3.1 &#45; HYIP Investment and Trading Script

✔ Price: $499

Lauch your investment, trading and HYIP website in minutes. No code knowledge required!


Docs :

Tue, 19 Sep 2023 12:00:35 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
WriteBot v2.8.0 &#45; AI Content Generator SaaS Platform

✔ Price: $39

depricated models

full blog generator

released 2.8.0


WriteBot – is an innovative SaaS platform that harnesses the power of OpenAI Artificial Intelligence technology to provide your users with a range of exceptional features. WriteBot, users can effortlessly generate unique and plagiarism-free content and images, taking advantage of multiple languages for enhanced versatility. It’s all in one SaaS platform to generate AI content, image and code.

It’s designed to help you generate high-quality texts instantly for everyone like Marketers, Copywriters, Journalists, eCommerce Professionals, Educators, Social Media Managers, Bloggers, SEO Experts, Content Writer, Support Agents, Song Writer and more. You can also easily edit, export, move, or publish your AI-generated result.

OpenAI’s cutting-edge DALL-E 2 models and Stable Diffusion to generate stunning images simply. Users can also leverage the Speech to Text feature powered by OpenAI Whisper, allowing them to transcribe audio and video files with utmost ease.

Supports – Text to Speech (Voiceover) Generation with GOOGLE, Text to Speech (Voiceover) Generation with AZURE, Multiple Open AI API keyPre-paid Plan

Payment Gateways: Paypal, Stripe, PayTm, Razorpay, IyZico, Paystack, Flutterwave, Duitku, Yookassa and more coming…

online doc 

Online Demo

Front: (Click Here)

Password: 123456

Admin Panel: (Click Here)

Password: 123456

AI Dashboard Design

article widget

AI Image Stability AI Image OTP System

AI ChatBot Powered AI Code How to work WriteBot Template Build for Every One Unlimited Language Affiliate System  

WriteBot Used OpenAI Models

  • ChatGPT 3.5 (turbo)
  • ChatGPT 4 (Beta)
  • DALL-E 2
  • Whisper

WriteBot also generate high quality images for a wide range of applications, including webs design, social media marketer, Bloggers, Content Writer etc. It’s accurately transcribe your recordings audio in just minutes. If you are a programer then it can coding faster, easier, and more efficient than ever before. It’s help you streamline your coding process and get your projects deliver write time.

WriteBot included 72 custom built-in pe-made templates. WriteBot robust admin panel, you have the flexibility to specify which OpenAI Models, such as GPT4, GPT3.5, are available to each user group.

Main Features

  • 72 built-in pre-made templates
  • Custom templates support
  • Generate AI Code
  • Generate AI Image
  • Full Blog Article Widget
  • Easy to Generate any contents
  • Set any OpenAI models for customers (ChatGPT 3.5, ChatGPT 4 (Beta))
  • Support OpenAI DALL-E
  • Support Stable Diffusion
  • Text to Speech (Voiceover) Generation with GOOGLE
  • Text to Speech (Voiceover) Generation with AZURE
  • Multiple Open AI API key
  • Pre-paid Plan
  • Transcription of audio and video files
  • Unlimited Language Supported
  • Summernote WYSIWYG Editor
  • Simple installation and Upgrade
  • Multiple Payment Gateways support(5 add more coming…)
  • SEO Optimize Website
  • 100% Mobile Friendly and Responsive
  • Membership system (Monthly, Yearly, Lifetime)
  • Manage website blog
  • Newsletter Subscription
  • Complete ready for SaaS Platform
  • 6 Month Support Included
  • Powerfull Admin Panel
  • 72 Content creation templates available (More to Come Soon):
    • Blog section
    • Blog ideas
    • Blog Title
    • Blog intro
    • Blog conclusion
    • Blog tags
    • Blog Summary
    • Confirmation email
    • Discount email
    • Testimonial email
    • Promotional email
    • Follow up email
    • Discount promotion
    • Social media bio
    • Facebook ads
    • Instagram captions
    • Social media post
    • Event promotion
    • Google ads headlines
    • Google ads description
    • YouTube video title
    • YouTube video description
    • Youtube video tag generator
    • Website FAQ
    • Website FAQ answers
    • Website review
    • Website title
    • Website meta tags
    • Website meta description
    • Website about us
    • Article generator
    • Paragraph generator
    • Content rewriter
    • Product description
    • Product name generator
    • Product summarize text
    • Grammar checker
    • Creative story
    • Startup name generator
    • Pros & cons
    • Job description
    • Rejection letter
    • Offer letter
    • Promotion letter
    • Motivational quote
    • Song lyrics
    • Short story
    • Wedding quote
    • Birthday wish quote
    • Story outline
    • Story title and subtitle
    • Story ideas
    • TikTok video script
    • TikTok video caption
    • Video Ideas
    • Instagram story ideas
    • Instagram post ideas
    • Instagram reel ideas
    • Instagram hashtag
    • Career
    • Business
    • Start up
    • Matrimonial website
    • More Coming…

Best Benefits of AI Content Generators

  • Increased Productivity: By automating the content generation process, AI enables businesses and individuals to increase their productivity. Content creators can focus on more strategic tasks while AI handles the creation of routine content.
  • Cost Savings: Hiring freelance writers or maintaining an in-house writing team can be costly. AI content generators offer a cost-effective solution as they eliminate the need for hiring additional staff, reducing overhead expenses.
  • Consistency: AI-powered content generators ensure consistency in writing style, tone, and formatting across different pieces of content. This is especially valuable for branding purposes, where maintaining a consistent voice and messaging is essential.
  • Vast Content Variety: AI can generate content on a wide range of topics and in various formats. Whether it’s articles, product descriptions, email newsletters, or social media posts, AI content generators can produce diverse content tailored to specific needs.
  • Scalability: Scaling content production can be challenging for businesses, especially during periods of high demand. AI content generators can quickly generate large volumes of content, making it easier to scale up and meet growing content needs.
  • Language Adaptability: AI content generators can produce content in multiple languages, allowing businesses to expand their reach and target international audiences effectively. This feature is particularly beneficial for global companies and e-commerce platforms.
  • SEO Optimization: Many AI content generators come with built-in SEO capabilities. They can analyze keywords, incorporate them strategically, and ensure that the generated content is search engine optimized, enhancing its visibility and organic reach.
  • Customization and Personalization: AI content generators can be trained and customized according to specific requirements and preferences. They can adapt to a brand’s style guide, tone, and voice, enabling personalized content generation that aligns with the brand’s identity.
  • Idea Generation and Inspiration: Content generators equipped with AI algorithms can help generate new ideas and inspire content creators. They can provide suggestions, outlines, and even generate initial drafts, serving as a valuable resource to kickstart the content creation process.
  • Error Detection and Correction: AI content generators can detect grammar and spelling errors, improving the overall quality and accuracy of the generated content. This feature ensures that content is error-free and maintains a high level of professionalism.
  • Continuous Learning and Improvement: AI-powered systems have the ability to learn and improve over time. As more data is fed into the system and it receives feedback, the AI content generator can enhance its capabilities, resulting in higher quality and more refined content outputs.

Important Notes:

We have developed the Laravel script and working correctly. To run this application to generate the content, user needs to have a valid OpenAI account. To learn about OpenAI and price of the services, please visit here. To generate images using Stable Diffusion, the user needs a valid account from Stable Diffusion. Also, need valid accounts to use Text to Speech (Voiceover) Generation with GOOGLE, Text to Speech (Voiceover) Generation with AZURE. This is a web based, not a mobile application. This laravel script does not compatible with serverless system.


We do not provide a refund for mistaken purchases or changes of mind. The items we are selling are digital goods. It does not apply to returning it.

Release Notes:

v2.8.0 - 18 September, 2023
-Added Active or Inactive Frontend website option in admin panel
-Added Contact Us Queries hide and delete option
-Added language selection option in Blog Wizard keywords generation
-Added Stop Button for content generations in Templates & Custom Templates 
- Added unlimited balance options in subscription packages
- Improved broken & non-meaningful word/text issues in content generations

v2.7.1 - 8th September, 2023 
- Fixed 500 error while installation

v2.7.0 - 5th September, 2023
- Added live streaming option in Content Generation for Built-in Templates and custom Templates
- Added Stable Diffusion IMAGE to IMAGE &  Image UPSCALER features
- Added Automatic Active Now package based on Admin Setting
- Improved performance of content generation
- Improved AI Chat UI for different devices
- Deprecated GPT 3 Models for better content generation & performance (Ada, Babbage, Curie, Davinci). All the package's models will be set to GPT 3.5 Turbo, you can change them later
- Fixed discount Issue of a subscription package
- Fixed Title Word count issue of AI Blog Wizard

v2.6.1 - 2 September, 2023
- Improved Ai Blog Wizard Functionality
- Fixed AI Images Issue

v2.6.0 - 31st August, 2023
- Added Article Wizard to Generate Long Form Article
- Added AWS Storage
- Added Stable Diffusion Model SDXL 1.0 
- Improved Navigation for AI Chat
- Improved Menu Names - Generate Images to AI Images, Generate Code to AI Code & few others
- Improved Google Recaptcha validation 
- Fixed Mercadopago Payment Gateway 500 issue

v2.5.0 - 17th August, 2023
- Added predefined prompts for AI Chat
- Added AI Chat Expert Training feature with custom data
- Added discount option in Subscription Packages
- Added Starter package expiry date admin configuration
- Fixed Mercadopago Payment Gateway issue

v2.4.1 - 12th August, 2023
- Added active language option in language setting to show in content generation dropdown
- Add new customer/staff with previously deleted user's email is allowed now
- Improved phone required option based on admin setting in registration

v2.4.0 - 9th August, 2023
- Added Built-In-Template information edit feature
- Added Built-In-Template delete feature
- Added Customer Adding feature in Admin Panel
- Added Assign Package to Customer feature in Admin panel
- Added offline/manual payment methods
- Added CRON job feature to enable/disable subscribed or expired packages automatically 
- Added 3 payment gateways - Molile, Mercadopago, Midtrans
- Added download as PDF, DOC, HTML option in generated contents
- Added download as PDF, DOC, HTML option in AI CHAT
- Added copy conversation option in AI CHAT
- Added copy message option in AI CHAT
- Added Send in Email conversation in AI CHAT
- Improved AI Chat response time, it is faster now.
- Improved Documentation
- Improved Payment Methods Configuration UI

v2.3.1 - 29th July, 2023
- Added a unique folder name to create functionality & server side validation
- Added template category name to create functionality & server side validation
- Added blog category name to create functionality & server side validation
- Added template tag name to create functionality & server side validation
- Improved UI for required fields in different forms
- Improved Pagination UI for mobile devices
- Fixed the word balance issue of the customer while updating to the latest version for scripts that are not updated yet
- Fixed the paginate responsive issue in all projects for mobile view

v2.3.0 - 27th July, 2023
- Added Text to Speech (Voiceover) Generation feature with GOOGLE
- Added Text to Speech (Voiceover) Generation feature with AZURE
- Added Stable Diffusion Image Generation Feature with Negative Prompts & Multi-Prompts
- Added Multiple Open AI API key feature
- Added Multiple Stable Diffusion API key feature
- Added Custom CSS adding feature in admin panel
- Added scroll to top image changing feature
- Added Prepaid Plans
- Improved Subscription Package Ui & Functionalities, it is more efficiently manageable now from admin panel
- Improved Roles & Permission features
- Improved Documentation
- Fixed Ai template text in subscription visibility issue in dark mode

v2.2.0 - 17th July, 2023
- Added ON/OFF feature for AI Tools from OPEN AI Settings

v2.1.0 - 16th July, 2023
- Added Multilingual support for the Website
- Added Multilingual support for Built-in Templates
- Added Multilingual support for Custom Templates

v2.0.0 - 06 July, 2023
- Added AI Chat Expert Add/Edit/Show or Hide option
- Added delete feature in subscription packages
- Added google analytics feature
- Added about us page contents feature 
- Added custom script add feature in Header & Before Footer
- Added welcome email after registration 
- Improved SEO options for blogs in website
- Fixed AI Chat Issue for different Servers
- Fixed Stripe Decimal amount payment issue
- Fixed Duitku payment issue
- Fixed Yookassa amount issue
- Fixed Website Meta Tags Content Template Generator Issue
- Fixed Empty Contents Show issue after content generation

v1.9.5 - 25th Jun, 2023
- Added Payment in Multi-Currency Support, not only in USD
- Improved Custom Template Multilingual content generation
- Fixed Custom Template, Category Edit/Update issue
- Fixed Yookassa payment gateway issue
- Fixed Footer Multiple Page link spacing issue

v1.9.0 - 22nd Jun, 2023
- Added 4 new payment gateways (PayStack, FlutterWave, Duitku, Yookassa)
- Added Streamline (typing) Effect in content generation
- Added Streamline turn on/off configuration in admin
- Added preloader turn on/off configuration in admin
- Fixed starter package words add issue in social login/registration
- Fixed 500 error after login if no starter package is activated while registration

v1.8.0 - 19th Jun, 2023
- Added Chat Expert listing page 
- Editor Disabled By default on the content generation page
- Improved Content Generation UI
- Improved AI Chat Mobile UI 
- Improved Update to the latest version of Functionalities
- Fixed version 1.7.0 file issue

v1.7.0 - 18th Jun, 2023
- Added AI Chat Feature 
- Fixed reset password from email link is

v1.6.0 - 11th Jun, 2023
- Added 3 new built-in templates in SEO Tools Category
- Added Multi-Language Support in Custom Templates
- Improved Generate Images UI
- Improved Templates & Custom Templates UI
- Improved Dashboard Menu UI
- Provided more Simplified Prompts for Multiple Languages
- Improvements in content generation, more accurate data
- Fixed reset password issue
- Fixed Social Media login show hide issue

v1.5.0 - 7th Jun, 2023
- Custom Templates with own prompts Feature for every user
- 6 Dynamic Reports for admin
- 6 new built-in templates added
- Cookie Consent Feature added
- Show available template list in subscription pricing
- Show/Hide open ai model in pricing configuration

v1.1.0 - 3rd Jun, 2023
- Added Affiliate Marketing Module
- Added Sensitive Words Filter

v1.0.0 - 1st Jun, 2023
- Initial Release
Tue, 19 Sep 2023 10:31:50 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
InfixEdu School v7.2.1 &#45; School Management System Software

✔ Price: $57


Reliability is the key factor when it comes to running a School Management System. Any lag or disturbance can affect your reputation. And we completely understand this responsibility from our 20 years of experience working in this field. We know every nitty-gritty detail of this respected industry.

With our experience and state-of-the-art interface designs, we have created INFIX in School Management ERP System which is extremely reliable, intuitive, and easy to use. It can cater to all your needs of managing school, college, and any other educational institution eliminating the tedious manual processes.

With a framework built this solid and reliable, you can never go wrong. Whenever you face any difficulty, our friendliest support team will be with you at every step to guide the process. Once it is set up and running, you can stop worrying about the system and focus on the other more important things of your organization. The beauty of automation will be at your fingertips.

Why Choose Us

Right from the moment of your purchase,

  • You will be guided by our Comprehensive Documentation guide to getting the process up and running.
  • You will get the INFIX team’s award-winning after-sale service. Your every issue (even the tiniest technical bits) is equally significant for us as we are relentlessly working to make this platform better every day.
  • With this platform this solid and the after-sale service that comes along with it, you have nothing to lose. We provide value for every penny we take.

What Features Have INFIX that Different From Others in the Market?

Color, Design, Code & Customization: With due respect to other school management system providers in the market, we have noticed that most of them have put little emphasis on the color palettes and front-end design of the system. So we put some extra care into it because the look matters for the people who will be using them.

We pinpointed some areas which generally cause trouble while customizing these systems. We tried to make the process as easy as possible.

UI & UX Ready: Design happens to be your silent ambassador. With the end-level users in mind, this platform has been designed with a super intuitive and minimalistic approach. Its user-friendliness is its gorgeousness.

Documentation: The documentation guide is pretty comprehensive and divided into palatable parts. From beginner to advanced users, this documentation guide is generally enough to get the system up and running. We are continuously updating it to cover all your probable

InfixEdu School - School Management System Software - 3


INFIX Features Module:

  • Lesson Plan
  • Chat Module
  • Single Student Multi-class Allow
  • Menu Manager
  • Admin Section
  • Student Info
  • Academics
  • Study Materials
  • Fees Collections
  • Accounts
  • Human Resource
  • Leave Management
  • Examination
  • Online Examination
  • Home Work
  • Communication
  • Library
  • Inventory
  • Transportation
  • Dormitory
  • Reports
  • Role and Permission
  • System Setting
  • Style
  • Website Setting
  • One-click Update
  • Easy Installation




  • Add Homework
  • Evaluation Report
  • Upload Content
  • Assignments
  • Study Material
  • Syllabus
  • Other Downloads
  • Teacher
  • Managing students
  • Managing exam marks
  • Managing attendance


  • Get children marks
  • Get children payment invoices
  • Get children class routine
  • Messaging with teachers
  • Childs attendance tracking


  • Get class routine
  • Get exam marks
  • Get attendance status
  • Get study materials/files from teacher
  • Get payment invoices, pay online
  • Communicate with teacher
  • Online Exam


  • Admission Query
  • Visitor Book
  • Phone Call Log
  • Postal Receive
  • Postal Dispatch
  • Complain
  • Admin Setup
  • Student Certificate
  • Generate Certificate
  • Student ID Card
  • Generate ID Card


  • Student Category
  • Add Student
  • Student List
  • Student Attendance
  • Student Attendance Report
  • Subject Wise Attendance
  • Subject Wise Attendance Report
  • Student Group
  • Student Promote
  • Disable Student


  • Optional Subject
  • Section
  • Class
  • Subject
  • Assign Class Teacher
  • Assign Subject
  • Class Room
  • Class Time Setup
  • Class Routine


  • Upload Content
  • Assignment
  • Syllabus
  • Other Download
  • PDF View
  • Image Preview
  • Video Preview
  • Upload support: jpg,png,jpeg,pdf,doc,docx,mp4,mp3


  • Lesson
  • Topic
  • Topic OverView
  • Lesson Plan
  • Lesson Plan Overview
  • Can create multiple sections at a time
  • Student Panel


  • Fees Group
  • Fees Type
  • Fees Master
  • Fees Discount
  • Collect Fees
  • Search Fees Payment
  • Search Fees Dues
  • Bank Payment
  • Fees Carry Forward
  • Report
    • Collection Report
    • Monthly Collection Report


  • Account Dashboard
  • Profit
  • Income
  • Expense
  • Search
  • Account List
  • Payment Method
  • Bank Account
  • Payment History


  • Staff Directory
  • Staff Attendence
  • Staff Attendence Report
  • Payroll
  • Payroll Report


  • Marks Grade
  • Exam Time
  • Exam Type
  • Exam Setup
  • Exam Schedule
  • Exam Attendance
  • Mark Register
  • Send Mark by SMS
  • Exam Setup role: Final Mark from multiple Exam
  • Format Setting


  • Marks Grade
  • Question Bank
    • Multiple Choise
    • True False
    • Fill in the Blank
  • Online Exam


  • Add Home Work
  • Home Work List
  • Home Work Evaluation Report


  • Chat Box
  • Invitation
  • Blocked User
  • Setting
    • Pusher or jQuery
    • Can Teacher Chat With Parents
    • Admin Can Chat Without Invitation
    • Can Student Chat With Admin, Accounts
    • Open Chat System
    • Invitation Requirement
    • Can Upload File, Size Limit
    • Can Make Group
    • Teacher Can Pinned Top Message
    • Can Staff or Teacher Ban Student


  • Notice Board
  • Send Massage
  • Send Email/Sms
  • Email/Sms
  • Event notice
  • Event Logs
  • Holiday notice


  • Add Book Book List
  • Add Member
  • Member listing & manage
  • Book category/list
  • Issue/Return Book
  • All Issued Book
  • Card issuing


  • Item Category
  • Item List
  • Item Store
  • Supplier
  • Item Receive
  • Item Receive List
  • Item Sell
  • Item Issue


  • Routes
  • Vehicle
  • Assign Vehicle
  • Student Transport Report
  • Schedule/Routine


  • Dormitory Rooms
  • Dormitory
  • Room Type
  • Rooms monitoring
  • Student Dormitory Report


  • Student Report
  • Guardian Report
  • Student History
  • Student Login Report
  • Fees Statement
  • Balance Fees Report
  • Class Report
  • Class Routine
  • Exam Routine
  • Teacher Class Routine
  • Merit List Report
  • Oneline Exam Report
  • Mark Sheet Report
  • Tabulation Sheet Report
  • Progess Card Report
  • User Log
  • Previous Result
  • Previous Record


  • General Settings
    • Promote student without exam
  • Email Settings
  • Payment Method Settings
  • Role Permission
  • Base Group
  • Base Setup
  • Academic year
  • Session
  • Holiday
  • SMS Settings
  • Weekend
  • Language Settings
  • Backup


  • Header Menu Manager
  • Home Page
  • News Heading
  • News Category
  • News List
  • Course Heading
  • Course Details Heading
  • Course Category
  • Course List
  • Testimonial
  • Contact Page
  • Contact Message
  • About Us
  • Social Media
  • Page – Create unlimited pages
  • Footer Widget

INFIX has More:

  • Optimized Performance
  • One click update system
  • Clean Code quality
  • Installation wizard
  • Multi Lingual
  • Full Responsive
  • RTL – Now Available
  • E-mail notification with templates
  • Supports SMS notification
  • Printable Reports
  • Powerful permission editor
  • Flexible fee structure
  • Details students & stuff Profile
  • Student attended
  • Unmatched transport module
  • Complete digital library system

Common Features:

  • Added Menus
  • Added Media Manager
  • Added Pages
  • Added Event
  • Added Gallery
  • Added News
  • Added Banner Images
  • Added Human Resource with Payroll module
  • Added Staff Directory
  • Added enable/disable staff
  • Added Staff Attendance
  • Added Staff Attendance Report
  • Added Payroll
  • Added Payroll Report
  • Added Approve Leave Request
  • Added Apply Leave
  • Added Leave Type
  • Added Department
  • Added Designation
  • Added Front Office with Admission Enquiry module
  • Added Admission Enquiry with Status and Follow-Up
  • Added Visitor Book
  • Added Phone Call Log
  • Added Postal Dispatch
  • Added Postal Receive
  • Added Complain
  • Added Setup Front Office
  • Added ACL-based Roles and Permission module
  • Added Roles
  • Added Assign Permissions on Roles
  • Added enable/disable modules
  • Added Certificate and ID Card Print module
  • Added Student Certificate
  • Added Generate Certificate
  • Added Student ID Card
  • Added Generate ID Card
  • Added Homework module
  • Added Homework
  • Added Homework Evaluation Report
  • Added Calendar with To-Do List module
  • Added Calendar Event
  • Added Task for To DO List
  • Added File based Languages
  • Added class section and same role upload content in Download Center
  • Added Student Timeline
  • Added login with last logout page
  • Added character count in Email/SMS send message box
  • Added sibling feature in student edit
  • Added Fees Carry Forward to next session
  • Added Auto Backup using Cron
  • Added new navigation panel for students in same class
  • Added % in student attendance report
  • Added UTF-8 support for CSV file in student import
  • Added new fields in student import
  • Added enable/disable student
  • Added online payment in student panel
  • Added Assign Class Teacher
  • Added Teacher Restricted Mode
  • Added Student History
  • Added Guardian Report
  • Added Student Transport Report
  • Added Student Hostel Report
  • Added Student House, Blood Group, Height, Weight, As On Date, Father, Mother, and Guardian photo in student profile
  • Added hostel allotment in student admission
  • Added required filed red * mark in forms
  • Added sorting in student attendance page
  • Added Download Center in Parent Panel

Infix System Requirements

If you are not using Homestead, you will need to make sure your server meets the following requirements:

  • PHP >= 7.4
  • OpenSSL PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • Mbstring PHP Extension
  • Tokenizer PHP Extension
  • XML PHP Extension
  • Ctype PHP Extension
  • JSON PHP Extension
  • BCMath PHP Extension

* In most hosting accounts, these extensions are enabled by default. But you should check with your hosting provider.

After installation of Infix School to work properly, you must make a few directories/files writable, permission is 777. 

Below is a list of directories/files you should ensure that have to write permissions.

  • installation_dir/bootstrap
  • installation_dir/resources
  • installation_dir/storage
  • installation_dir/public

Important notice:

  • We offer free support (Time support can up to 2 days)
  • We don’t offer a refund (If the item has been downloaded or by Mistake)
  • We don’t support install and custom script free
  • Read all the product information before you decide to buy it
  • One purchase can use a maximum of one school only
  • We have a demo to check all the points after purchase cannot accept the refund this feature is not available. something like that.

InfixEdu School - School Management System Software - 4

Mon, 18 Sep 2023 21:50:53 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
HelpDesk v3.2 &#45; Online Ticketing System with Website &#45; ticket support and management

✔ Price: $25

Live Demo Online Documentation


HelpDesk is a powerful ticket management system that can manage massive data. It’s a single-page application made with Laravel, Vue.js, and InertiaJS.

You don’t need any other website as HelpDesk has front pages supporting the blog post, FAQ, services, privacy policy, terms, knowledge base, etc.



Change log:

--- 3.2 (26 Aug 2023) --- 
- FIXED: Customer can update status, select another customer, assign user (now customer won't be able to do) 
- FIXED & IMPROVEMENT: KnowledgeBase database and seeder.

--- 3.1 (14 Aug 2023) ---
- FIXED: Fixed ticket status issues while a ticket not closed
- IMPROVEMENT: Setup default ticket status and hide this from the initial ticket creation
- FEATURE: Auto fill up user details while create a new ticket by Logged in user from the front pages.
- FEATURE: Added CronJob URL, so cronjob can be set with cPanel or Shared hosting.
- NEW: Updated documentation for the email piping cronjob setup

--- 3.03 (14 July 2023) ---
* FEATURE: Remove further access for the closed tickets.
* NEW: Added Portuguese and Swedish Languages

--- 3.02 (15 Jun 2023) ---
* FEATURE: Added services front page

--- 3.01 (27 May 2023) ---
* FIXED: Pusher setup configuration page issue fixed for the admin panel.

--- 3.00 (22 May 2023) ---
* NEW: Email Piping (Sending an email will automatically create a new ticket)
* IMPROVED: FrontPages Update with New Design
* UPGRADE: Installation System Upgrade

--- 2.93 (10 May 2023) --- 
- IMPROVED: Improved installation functions and migration options 
- FIXED: Fixed permissions issues

--- 2.92 (4 May 2023) --- 
* FIXED: Auto logout issue while changing user profile photo

--- 2.91 (28 April 2023) ---
* TINY FIXED: Contact page email address link issue.
* TINY FIXED: Contact page phone number link issue.

--- 2.9 (13 April 2023) ---
- NEW: Added contact email recipient option where to send email
- NEW: Added an option login to create a new ticket for the front page
- FIXED: Browser top bar app title change

--- 2.8 (02 April 2023) ---
- FIXED & IMPROVEMENT: Chat Functionalities
- FEATURE: Permanently delete options
- FIXED: SMTP setup
- FIXED: Front page ticket submit issue (The email has already been taken)
- IMPROVEMENT: Improved some inner functionalities

--- 2.7 (20 March 2023) ---
- NEW: Added enable/disable options for Chat, Services, Knowledge Base, FAQ, Blog, Organization, Contacts, Notes and Show Login on the front page.
- NEW: Add/remove Language from the site, including the menu

--- 2.6 (25 February 2023) ---
- NEW: Footer text(under the Logo) change option for the front pages.

--- 2.5  (21 February 2023) ---
- NEW: Added Custom CSS option on the settings page
- NEW: Added favicon adding option
- FEATURE: Auto add default logo on the email template

--- 2.4  (08 January 2023) ---
- NEW: Added RTL feature for the front pages

--- 2.3  (05 January 2023) ---
- IMPROVEMENT: Refactor Contact Front Page
- FIXED: Contact Form Submission

--- 2.2  (02 January 2023) ---
- FIXED: View ticket link for the email

--- 2.2  (30 December 2022) ---
- NEW: front page footer(copyright) option
- FIXED: Ticket pages UID issues

--- 2.1  (16 December 2022) ---
- NEW: Import Databased Seed As Demo Data
- FIXED: FAQ items limitations
- FIXED: Internal System Performance
- FIXED: Migration

--- 2.0  (09 December 2022) ---
- NEW: RTL Support (dashboard)
- NEW: Hide particular ticket field option
- NEW: User Permission and Role Management
- NEW: Forgot Password option
- FIXED: Chat improvement
- FIXED: Fixed Organization and contact creation issues
- FIXED: Improved ticket filters

-- 1.0 (01.11.2022) ---
* Initial Release

\\ \\

HelpDesk has the following features:

  • Ticket Support/Assign
  • Email Notification
  • Front Pages with Management
  • Ticket/Thread Discussion
  • Live Chat
  • Contacts/Organizations Management
  • Notes modules
  • Customer/User management
Mon, 18 Sep 2023 20:45:29 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
LaraClassifier v14.0.1 &#45; Classified Ads Web Application

✔ Price: $79

Rebranding Customizable Classified Website Classified - Multi Countries Support Classified - Multi Skins Responsive Classified Ads Website Classified - Multi Languages Classified - Multi Countries Classified - Admin Panel LaraClassifier Features

LaraClassifier is the most powerful Classified Ads Web Application in the market. An Open Source and modulable classified app having a fully responsive design. It is packed with lots of features.

Online Demo

Front Area

Password: 123456                           

Admin Panel

Password: 123456                           

Support for multiple countries

Run our classified script only for your country or for multi-countries:


  • Custom Fields (Create your own Classified Ads, Auto Deals Classified, Real Estate Classified, Directory Listings or Jobs Portal websites)
  • Based on a REST API (RESTful API)
  • Clean and Modern Design
  • Fully Responsive (also in Admin panel)
  • Built with PHP/MySQL & HTML5/CSS3
  • Frameworks: Laravel, Bootstrap, jQuery, VueJS
  • Geo location supported (with Maxmind free or pro database)
  • Multi Currencies
  • Support for RTL direction
  • Multiple Languages Available
  • Unlimited Colors
  • Homepage Customization (Change and Order the Home Sections from the Admin panel)
  • Users, Roles and Permissions System (ACL) integrated in the Admin panel
  • PayPal Integrated
  • Google Adsense integrated
  • Google Maps integrated
  • Twilio and Nexmo APIs integration
  • Facebook comment integrated
  • ReCaptcha integrated
  • Turn ON/OFF Ads activation Option
  • Turn ON/OFF User account activation Option
  • Allow guests to post an ad without being logged
  • Email Notifications (Using local SMTP or Amazon SES, Mailgun, Mandrill, or Sparkpost API)
  • SMS Notifications (Using Twilio or Nexmo API)
  • Resend Mail or SMS verification feature (Get more users with valid email or phone number)
  • Messaging System between Sellers & Buyers integrated (NOTE: Only Buyers can start the conversation)
  • CMS for Static pages (Create pages like: About Us, FAQ, Terms & Privacy, etc.)
  • Contact page (Contact form & Google maps)
  • Website Sitemap page
  • Google XML Sitemap
  • RSS feeds generator
  • List of countries page (If activated, SEO supported)
  • SEO optimized
  • WebP image format support
  • Website backup (Admin panel module)
  • Blacklist (Admin panel module)
  • Plans/Packages (for Premium Ads)
  • Front End Listing Submission
  • Social Networks Login (Facebook, Google)
  • Protecting the users phone number against crawler
  • Well commented code.
  • Ready to use
  • Easy to use. Only 2 minutes to install it.
  • and much more..

LaraClassifier is built on Laravel, the most modern, powerful, and secure PHP framework ever created.

System Requirements

PHP 8.1 or greater (with all default PHP functions enabled including exec(), escapeshellarg(), etc.)
MySQL 5.7 or greater (The MySQL user need to have a full privilege to manage the database)
BCMath PHP Extension
Ctype PHP Extension
Fileinfo PHP extension
JSON PHP Extension
Mbstring PHP Extension
OpenSSL PHP Extension
PDO PHP Extension
Tokenizer PHP Extension
XML PHP Extension
GD PHP Extension (or Imagick PHP Extension)
PHP Zip Archive
Rewrite Module (Apache or Nginx)

PHP.INI Requirements

open_basedir must be disabled

Read about Laravel official requirements

Images, icons and plugins (add-ons) are not included.

Help Center

Mon, 18 Sep 2023 15:50:26 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
HYIP MAX v10.0 &#45; high yield investment platform

✔ Price: $39

HYIP MAX is a advanced , multilingual and stable HYIP Investment Management Platform. Is comes with the features like deposits, withdraw, investment plans, referral commission and fit for all kind of devices. HYIP MAX is simple but powerful Investment system with an easy operating system, any non-technical person now able to run their investment website cause of every part is dynamic and controlled by easy admin panel. Moreover lots of payment gateway and notification with email system makes you joyful. This application based on new Latest Laravel 7.2 Framework

Demo Access:

Frontend website Link :

Admin Login Link :

Admin Email :

Password: admin

Hyipmax has 6 template Now , we will add lots of exciting addons very soon , stay with us

New Red theme


New Orange theme


New purple theme

image image

update version 11

09 September , 2023

  • Template 6 Red has added
  • Minor issues fixed

update version 10

20 July , 2023

  • Template 5 Universe has added
  • Minor issues fixed

update version 7.8

22 May , 2023

  • Template 4 purple theme has added
  • KYC issue solved
  • Minor issues fixed

update version 7.6

08 April , 2023

  • User can cancel their subscribed plan
  • Referral commission can be plan based
  • Capital back issues has fixed

Changes Log -update version – 7.5

28 March , 2023

  • coinpayment payment gateway has fixed
  • perfect money payment gateway has fixed
  • Admin – user profile design has changed
  • some admin layout has improved

Changes Log -update version – 7.4

17 Januarry 2023

  • 1. interest time issues solved
  • 2. navbar notification issues solved
  • 3. user profile setting issue solved
  • 4. withdrawal exception has solved
  • update function has included
  • live chart has included

Changes Log – Version 7.1

27 November 2022

  • 1. Deposit Notification issues Fixed
  • 2. Plan investment Limit has set
  • 3. Exception handle issues fixed
  • 4. Manual payment gateway minor issues has fixed

Changes Log – Version 7

25 October 2022

  • 1. Perfect money Gateway added
  • 2. Mercadopago Gateway added
  • 3. gourl Gateway added
  • 4. Paytm Gateway added
  • 6. KYC verification added
  • 7. Transfer controller added
  • 8. Withdrawal controller added
  • 9. User refferal tree has added
  • 10. ROI issue fixed
  • 11. Refferal issue fixed
  • 12. Some Gramatical issue fixed

Changes Log – Version 6

09 September 2022

  • 1. Now theme Layout has two version, you can choose anyone
  • 2. Admin side Referral comission Log has updated
  • 3. Deposit Balance Notification has updated in admin side

Changes Log – Version 5

13 August 2022

    • 1. Unlimited Manual Payment Gateway you can create Now


Changes Log – Version 4

2 August 2022

  • 1. Deposit system has added
  • 2. User interest log has added
  • 3. Coinpayment issues has fixed up


Changes Log – Version 3

15 July 2022

  • 1. Transaction Log
  • 2. Signup Bonus
  • 3. Balance Add/Subtruct From Admin
  • 4. Balance Transfer User to User
  • 5. 2FA Authentication
  • 6. Paghiper Payment Gateway

Changes Log – Version 2

13 June 2022

  • Number Formatter
  • Admin Dashboard Pagination issue solved
  • User Interest Log issue solved
  • Razorpay Payment Gateway issue solved
  • Coinpayment Issue Solved
  • Mollie Payment Gateway Added
  • NowPayments Gateway Added
  • PayStack Gateway Added
  • Flutterwave Gateway Added
  • SMS gateway Added
  • Installer minor issue fixed

Core Features :

  • Referral System
  • Support Ticket
  • Payment Gateway
  • Email Notification
  • Plan Management
  • Multi-Language
  • Payment Log
  • Deposit Withdraw
  • Content Management
  • Schedule Management
  • Responsive Design
  • Report Management
  • Secure System
  • Google Analytics
  • Well Documented
  • Developer Friendly
  • Page Builder
  • Seo Friendly
  • Newsletter Subscriber
  • General Setting
  • Preloader Setting
  • Google Analytics
  • Cookie Consent
  • Google Recaptcha
  • Cache Clear
  • Live Chat Setting
  • Database Backup
  • Dashboard
  • Manage Time
  • User Interest Log
  • Manage Users
  • Manual Payments
  • Email Manager
  • Banner Section
  • About Section
  • Faq Section
  • Contact Section
  • Footer Section
  • Plan Section
  • How it works Section
  • Transaction Section
  • Team Section
  • Blog Section
  • Testimonial Section
  • Service Section
  • Privacy Policy Section
Sun, 17 Sep 2023 20:00:31 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
Xcash v2.2 &#45; Ultimate Wallet Solution Bundle ( Web + 3 apps )

✔ Price: $199

XCash Ultimate Bundle is a professional digital wallet application Bundle that comes with a complete Web Application, Android & IOS. which is designed to elevate your business to the next level. Our wallet system offers a range of premium features including currency conversion, secure QR code scanning, fast and secure money add and withdraw systems, smart payment, and money transfer systems, competitive currency exchange rates, customizable invoice and user-to-user money request systems, voucher creation, and redemption system, real-time push notifications, multi-language and KYC verification support, and multiple security layers via email, SMS, and 2FA verification.

With XCash Ultimate Bundle, you can enjoy the convenience, flexibility, and peace of mind that come with a secure wallet solution. Setting up the web and apps takes only a few minutes, and our regular updates and premium customer support ensure that you stay up-to-date and receive the help you need. Whether you’re an individual or a business owner, XCash Ultimate Bundle has you covered. Start your digital wallet business today with XCash Ultimate Bundle.

XCash Ultimate Bundle is an excellent choice for anyone who is seeking a complete digital wallet system for their business. With its range of premium features, easy installation and setup, customizability, security, and convenient payment options, XCash Ultimate Bundle is a top-notch digital wallet system that can help take your business to the next level. So, if you want to provide your customers with a secure and reliable digital wallet solution, XCash Ultimate is the way to go.

Product Included

  • Version | Web Complete Web Application – Laravel.
  • Xcash | User AXcash pp Mobile Application – Android & iOS (Flutter).
  • Xcash | Merchant App Mobile Application – Android & iOS (Flutter).
  • Xcash | Agent App Mobile Application – Android & iOS (Flutter).

Xcash - Ultimate Digital Wallet Solution Bundle - 2

Demo Access:

Web Version: Frontend
Web Version: User Panel
Web Version: Admin Panel
Web Version: Merchant Panel
Web Version: Agent Panel
Mobile App: User App
Mobile App: Merchant App
Mobile App: Agent App

Xcash - Ultimate Digital Wallet Solution Bundle - 3

Highlighted Features:

XCash Bundle offers a comprehensive set of features designed to provide a complete digital wallet solution for your business. Here are the main features of XCash:

QR Code Scanning System:
Users can scan QR codes to quickly process payments and transactions securely.

Money Transfer:
Users can easily transfer money within the XCash ecosystem, enabling seamless transactions between users.

Money Out:
Users have the flexibility to withdraw funds from their digital wallets and transfer them to their preferred payment methods, such as bank accounts.

Make Payment:
Users can make payments directly from their digital wallets, simplifying the payment process for goods and services.

Money Exchange:
XCash supports currency exchange, allowing users to convert funds between different currencies at competitive rates.

Multi Currency:
XCash Bundle supports multi-currency functionality, accommodating both traditional fiat currencies and cryptocurrencies

System’s Payment Gateway API:
XCash provides a robust payment gateway API that enables easy integration with other websites or merchants.

Voucher System:
The platform includes a voucher system, allowing users to create and redeem vouchers for transactions or promotions.

Money Request System:
Users can send money requests to others, facilitating convenient and prompt payments.

Manual Withdrawal System:
XCash offers a manual withdrawal system, giving users the option to initiate manual withdrawals when needed.

Dynamic Module System:
The platform features a dynamic module system that allows for flexibility and customization according to specific business requirements.

Other Devices Logout System:
XCash includes a feature that enables users to securely log out from other devices to protect their accounts.

Controllable Multilingual Support with RTL:
XCash provides controllable multilingual support, including right-to-left (RTL) language support, ensuring a seamless experience for users globally.

Strong Reporting:
The platform offers robust reporting capabilities, providing detailed insights into transactions, user activity, and performance.

25+ Payment Gateways:
XCash supports integration with more than 25 payment gateways, expanding payment options for users.

Easy Currency Exchange:
XCash simplifies currency exchange with its built-in currency conversion functionality, making it convenient for users to transact in their preferred currency.

Real-time Push Notification:
Users receive real-time push notifications for important updates, such as transaction confirmations or account activities.

KYC (Know Your Customer):
XCash incorporates a KYC verification process to enhance security and compliance with regulatory requirements.

2FA Security:
XCash implements two-factor authentication (2FA) for an extra layer of security, ensuring user accounts are protected.

In addition to these features, the XCash Bundle includes three mobile apps (Agent, Merchant, and User), an Admin Panel, a User Website, a Merchant Panel, and an Agent Panel, providing comprehensive management and accessibility across various platforms.

Built for the future

Using the best, future-proof, and secure stack are known to the world: Laravel, dart, and Flutter.

What will you get along with this script?

- Full Source Code
- Project Documentation
- Full Project Database

Sun, 17 Sep 2023 19:21:07 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
PHP FansOnly Patrons v2.3 &#45; Paid Content Creators Platform

✔ Price: $89

Start your own website like or and grow like mad. It’s like a social network but allows content creators to directly earn MONEY from their FANS for their PREMIUM content.

v2.0 - released

PHP FansOnly Patrons - Paid Content Creators Platform - 1

PHP FansOnly Patrons Description

Creators posts content

A creator can post two types of contents:

  • Unlocked: available to all free subscribers in their feeds and the public checking out their creator profile.
  • Locked: available to fans ( paid monthly membership subscribers ) or the ones who tip for the post.
  • Content types: text, image, audio, video

And have two income streams

  • Monthly membership fans these users will have access to all their content as long as they’re paying the monthly fee
  • Tips for single posts these users will have access a single locked post on which they need to tip a minimum amount set by creator.

Users can interact with posts

  • They can Love posts like on any social network
  • Leave comments on posts like on OnlyFans and Patreon

Worldwide Payments Coverage

Integrated the three ways to get paid:

  • Stripe for the credit card payments
  • PayPal for everyone
  • Manual where admin can take payments in cash and add plan manually to each user

DM Feature: Messaging made easy

Of course, what would be a social platform without a way to chat?

Notifications? We have that too!

An user will be notified on the platform when:

  • They get a new like
  • They get a new paying fan
  • They get a free follower
  • They get a tip from someone
  • They have an invoice processed
  • They have a payment issue
  • They have a comment on a post
  • They’re @mentioned in a post

Admin earns percentage from everything

This is how you will earn as an admin : You’ll configure a fee which you’ll take on any subscription and tips payments processed.

Admin panel demo
Pass: adminer

Built for the future

Using the best, future-proof and secure stack known to the world: twitter bootstrap, laravel framework, jQuery AJAX and Laravel Livewire for making everything realtime.

PHP FansOnly Patrons Requirements

Regular server with Apache/MySQL and PHP v7.3-7.4. (php-curl, php-gd, php-mysqli, php-fileinfo, php-mbstring extensions required, which 99.99% of hosts already provide)

PWA Support (Progress Web App) since PHP FansOnly v1.7

pwa support

Sun, 17 Sep 2023 18:43:36 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
Vinance v1.0 &#45; Digital Trading Platform

✔ Price: $199

Develop for Next Generation, Smart & Easy Trading system or Trading Automation system. No Monthly Fees, No Hidden Charges, and No Encryptions. comes for a lifetime at an affordable price. Vinance comes with all the essential features required to automate your Digital Trading business globally. It allows you to trade on digital assets, mainly cryptos. comes with ease, and allows the management of the Trading services. comes with automated connections with 21+ Payment Gateways, it is possible to set manual withdrawal/deposit system, and more are coming. It’s a next-generation Trading solutions automation software that automates users, payments, Trade, billing, management, support services, and other core services.

Our platform boasts a dynamic and ever-evolving trading system that keeps the excitement alive. Vinance ensures real-time cryptocurrency data, real-time trading, a dynamic & elegant wallet system, easy order & trade management, simple deposit system with a lot of payment gateways including copayments, NOWPayments, PayPal, Stripe & more. Share the excitement with friends and family and watch your rewards multiply! Our Multi-Level Referral System ensures that everyone benefits from spreading the trading. Your convenience is our priority. Vinance user-friendly interface ensures easy navigation, while the responsive and elegant design guarantees a seamless experience across all devices. Safety and security are at the heart of Vinance. Our advanced Two-Factor Authentication System ensures your account remains protected at all times, giving you peace of mind. Connecting to Vinance is a breeze with our Social Login System. Link your favorite social media accounts, and you’re ready to dive into the world of thrilling trading platforms.

Demo Access:


Base Overview:

– Crypto Currency Management.
– Fiat Currency Management.
– Auto Crypto Currency Data Update System.
– Market Management.
– Coin-pair Management.
– Order Management.
– Trade Management.
– Wallet Management.
– Multi-Level Referral system.
– User-Friendly, Responsive & Elegant Design.
– Dynamic Cron Manager.
– Multi-Language System.
– Users Management.
– Dynamic KYC form.
– Various Payment Gateway.
– Easy and complete project documentation.
– Regular updates facilities: premium and quick support.

Highlighted Features:

– 100% Secure Admin Dashboard.
– Automated Deposits Manager.
– Manual Deposits Manager.
– Withdrawals Manager.
– Report Manager.
– Extension Management.
– Language Management.
– Content Management.
– SEO Manager.
– Page Builder.
– Support Ticket Management.
– System Setting.
– System Configuration.
– Email Notification System.
– SMS Notification System.
– User Email & SMS verification system.
– 2FA-security system.
– Support modern browser and cross-browser compatibility .
– Dynamic CRON setting manager.
– System Update Manager.
– And More…..

Built for the future

Using the best, future-proof, and secure stack known to the world: Bootstrap, Laravel framework, jQuery.

What will you get along with this script?

- Full Source Code
- Project Documentation
- Full Project Database

Vinance - Digital Trading Platform - 4

Sun, 17 Sep 2023 17:20:16 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
PixaGuru v1.0 &#45; SAAS Platform to Create Graphics, Images, Social Media Posts, Ads, Banners, &amp;amp; Stories

✔ Price: $59

PixaGuru – SAAS Platform to Create Graphics, Images, Social Media Posts, Ads, Banners, Stories & Presentation is a user-friendly image editor tool developed using CodeIgniter technology. The tool is packed with over 2000+ ads, graphic banners, thumbnail images, and many more. It has really simple editing features that will make your work much more pleasant!

Demo Login Details

Admin Login Details

User Login Details

For more details, please check the Online Documentation of the script.

PixaGuru - SAAS Platform to Create Graphics, Images, Social Media Posts, Ads, Banners, & Stories - 3 PixaGuru - SAAS Platform to Create Graphics, Images, Social Media Posts, Ads, Banners, & Stories - 4 PixaGuru - SAAS Platform to Create Graphics, Images, Social Media Posts, Ads, Banners, & Stories - 5 PixaGuru - SAAS Platform to Create Graphics, Images, Social Media Posts, Ads, Banners, & Stories - 6

You can access a vast library of pre-created templates and editing tools to help you fine-tune the templates. The editor is integrated with various customization options, like adding text, shapes, or images to the templates or changing the background colour of the templates.

You have the ability to generate images using both Pixabay and the OpenAI API Additionally, with the Layer Panel, you can easily manage the elements within the editor.

Several filter options provide you with the flexibility to create posts, banner images, and covers for social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and many more. It has a wide collection of ad templates and website banners. It offers a variety of typography options to customise text, including font style, colour, and font size. Thus allowing you to create engaging content for the banners, ads, and posts.

The editor comes with the admin dashboard contains various settings to manage and regulate the functionalities. Admin can add users, and they can access the tool based on the plan they subscribe to. The Stripe payment gateway is also integrated with the tool.

Ignite your creativity and redefine the art of image editing with Pixaguru.

Admin Account Features

  • Create, Delete, Edit, and Manage Templates
  • Manage Templates Categories
  • Manage Users and Access Roles
  • Manage Subscription Plans
  • Manage Coupons

User Account Features

  • Create Campaigns
  • Create, Edit, Delete Templates
  • User Profile
  • Export Images in JPG and PNG File Formats

Other Features of the script

  • 2000+ Pre-built Templates
  • Integrated AI IMAGES Generator
  • Use images from Pixabay and OpenAI
  • Create Posts for Various Social Media Platforms Like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Many More
  • Create Attractive Ads and Banners
  • Variety of Typography Options
  • Multiple Shapes option
  • Image Library
  • Customizable Background Options
  • Stripe Payment Gateway Integration
  • Pixabay Integration
  • User Friendly
  • Lightweight
Sat, 16 Sep 2023 22:03:23 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
QuickDate v1.7 &#45; The Ultimate PHP Dating Platform

✔ Price: $69

QuickDate is a dating social script, QuickDate is the best way to start your own dating website!
QuickDate is fast, secured, and it will be regularly updated.
QuickDate is the only dating script in the market that fully support native mobile apps, thanks to our advanced API system!

  • Do you have any questions? take a look at our documentation.
  • Current Version: v1.7, View Full Change Log.
  • Looking For Demo? View Demo (You can sign up with any random information.)
  • Looking For Native Mobile Applications For QuickDate? Get All Applications

User Features (Demo)

  • Upload Images: Upload any image from your device and share it online with other users
  • High Performance & Capability: QuickDate can handle any amount of vidoes / images easily, with a very high performance and speed.
  • WoWonder Integration: With one click, user can login to your site using WoWonder Social Network.
  • Like: User can like users in find match page.
  • User Profile: User can create his own profile and upload unlimted images.
  • SEO friendly: SEO friendly links, and HTML code that Google will love!
  • Powerful Admin panel: Manage settings, videos, design, and a lot more easily from our admin panel.
  • Powerful UI: Beautiful and modern design.
  • Pro System: User can get top features by subscribing to one of the script pro packages.
  • Credit System: User should purchase credit to use it on messages, gifts, likes. etc
and much more…


PHP 5.5 or Higher.
MySQL 5.6 or higher .
GD Library.
A cronjob should run every 5 mintues, for file “cornjob.php”

Third Party Mobile Applications


Third party theme!

QuickDate - The Ultimate PHP Dating Platform - 5
Fri, 15 Sep 2023 22:57:39 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
Todate v1.3 &#45; The Ultimate QuickDate Theme

✔ Price: $25

Todate is a QuickDate theme, handcrafted with care. It offers the best performance and advanced features for your site. Todate is the perfect theme for your site.

Make Sure you are using QuickDate script before using this theme. Get Script here

Todate - The Ultimate QuickDate Theme - 2 Todate - The Ultimate QuickDate Theme - 3 Todate - The Ultimate QuickDate Theme - 4 Todate - The Ultimate QuickDate Theme - 5 Todate - The Ultimate QuickDate Theme - 6 Todate - The Ultimate QuickDate Theme - 7


Todate has all the important functions needed to create super fast responsive websites with amazing user experience. It comes with unique design crafted with love which gives your users a sense of true quality.


  • Home Page Style Todate theme provides you different type of designfor homepage that helps you make your site different from others.
  • Better Profiles Todate provides best User Experience. Always impress your users by providing them the experience they wanted always.
  • Mobile Ready This theme is fully responsive and looks great on any mobile device
  • PageSpeed Todate theme is now more faster than the default QuickDate theme.
  • SEO Friendly Get your site rank in search result more easily and faster than before.
  • Better Layout Better layout for Blogs, Profiles, Home, Matches, Settings and many others.
  • Many More
Fri, 15 Sep 2023 22:57:32 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
SkaDate v11.9.11120 &#45; Dating Software

✔ Price: $999

SkaDate v11.9.11120 - Dating Software

SkaDate has built a reputation as one of the best industry-leading matchmaking and dating software development company. We create match-based solutions for b2b, b2c, and other business models and setups.


Fri, 15 Sep 2023 21:19:45 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
Fundme &#45; Crowdfunding Platform

✔ Price: $49

Fundme Crowdfunding Platform It is a script for fundraising for various causes, the administrator can add volunteers who can create unlimited campaigns, this script is finished create a community where different people to help those in need either your community or different places.

Fundme - Crowdfunding Platform - 1 Fundme - Crowdfunding Platform - 2


  • Built with Laravel 8
  • Bootstrap 5
  • Font Awesome 5
  • IcoMoon
  • Rewards
  • Send mail to Organizer
  • Members can create unlimited campaigns
  • Updates campaigns
  • Option Delete Account
  • Members can change their name, email and password
  • Members manage their campaigns and see donations
  • Upload Avatar
  • Change password
  • Integration with PayPal
  • Integration with Stripe
  • Bank Transfer
  • XSS: Protection from cross site scripting
  • Secure Bcrypt password hashing
  • SMTP Support
  • Share social
  • Multiple currencies
  • Easy translation
  • Ajax pagination in Campaigns, Donations and Updates

Admin Features:

  • Change the site name
  • Change the site title welcome
  • Statistics
  • Set keywords for the site. (SEO)
  • Add a description (SEO)
  • Create/Edit pages e.g.: Help, Privacy, etc.
  • Payments Settings.
  • See Donations
  • Set up social accounts
  • Manage members.
  • Add / Edit members.
  • Manage campaigns.
  • Add / Edit Campaigns


  • PHP >= 7.4.0
  • MySQL >= 5.7
  • BCMath PHP Extension
  • OpenSSL PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • Mbstring PHP Extension
  • Tokenizer PHP Extension
  • XML PHP Extension
  • Ctype PHP Extension
  • JSON PHP Extension
  • Fileinfo PHP Extension
  • cURL
  • GD Library

Important: All images used in this demo are solely and exclusively from their owners

  • Mollie Payment (Not included, sold separately)
  • Razorpay Payment (Not included, sold separately)
  • Instamojo Payment (Not included, sold separately)
  • Paystack Payment (Not included, sold separately)
Fri, 15 Sep 2023 10:31:11 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
SMS Gateway v9.4.2 &#45; Use Your Android Phone as SMS/MMS Gateway (SaaS)

✔ Price: $79

Turn your mobile phone into the SMS Gateway for your applications. Send bulk SMS and MMS using your Android device SIM.

SMS Gateway key features


  • Send bulk messages :- Use CSV or Excel file containing numbers to send bulk messages.
  • Send bulk MMS :- It supports sending MMS too. You can send normal text messages as MMS or you can also attach image files with your messages. It also provides an API, so you can send MMS messages programmatically. This feature relies on MMS availability in your country and support from your network operator. The receiver must be capable of receiving MMS to receive it. If you can send MMS normally, then it should work. This feature should not be confused with RCS or any other messaging capabilities provided by the device manufacturer (e.g. Samsung message, Mi message etc.). It is a good idea to try out the demo from here to check MMS compatibility.
  • Supports sending USSD requests :- It also supports sending USSD requests. You will be able to send it using web panel or API. All the responses resulted from USSD requests will be visible in web panel. You can read responses using the API, or you can also subscribe to webhook to read it as soon as they arrive. This feature requires a device with Android 8.0 or above.
  • SaaS Ready :- You can sell it as a service with regular license. You can add plans with messages limit, contacts limit and devices limit. It provides PayPal integration, which allows you to process credit cards and debit cards. You can also accept offline payments (Cash, Cheque etc.) and start the subscription manually. The manual subscription will renew itself at a defined interval until you cancel it, or it reaches the expiry time.
  • Resource friendly and Scalable :- Unlike most app like this that uses long polling to send the messages, SMS Gateway uses the Firebase Push Notification. This allows it to work without overloading the server with requests even if you have millions of connected devices. It also saves your devices battery life by only contacting the server when there are new messages to send. If you don’t want to rely on a third party service like Firebase, then you can also use it without it.
  • Complete White-Label Solution :- You can completely white-label an Android app by changing its logo, name and server URL using our build server. You will be able to create up to 3 custom APKs for each new version.
  • Works in background :- You don’t need to keep the Android app open on the device for it to work. This makes it easier to use it with your regular device. You won’t need a dedicated device for it.
  • API :- Send SMS from your application developed using any programming language.
  • Supports very long messages :- Send SMS with virtually no limit. You won’t be bound by SMS character limit (160 Characters).
  • Supports delay between messages :- You can set delay between each message to send limited amount of messages in specific time interval.
  • Supports traditional and QR Code sign in :- You can log in into the mobile app using the QR code or by entering your credentials manually. There is no need to enter server URL and credentials manually in the app when you use the QR code.
  • Tracks message status :- Shows status of messages sent using SMS Gateway in Admin Panel.
  • Auto responder :- You can add responses for certain messages so whenever you receive that message app will reply it automatically.
  • Multi language support :- It supports multiple languages and comes with English and German. You will be able to add more languages easily by following instructions in the docs.
  • Supports SMS delivery reports :- It also supports tracking of delivery of SMS messages when you turn on delivery reports. It will report the message as ‘Delivered’ when the message is successfully delivered.
  • Receive SMS messages in Admin Panel :- Ability to receive SMS messages in the Admin Panel and respond to them using a WebHook. You can also activate the ability to receive SMS messages directly in your email.
  • Use multiple devices to send faster :- Ability to sign in using multiple Android devices to split messages between them when sending bulk messages.
  • Share devices :- Admin can share devices to multiple users, so they can use it for sending.
  • Blacklist :- Each user account have their own blacklist. Users can add numbers to blacklist to avoid sending messages to those numbers. Subscriber can also reply with “STOP” to add their number in user’s blacklist.
  • Create users :- Ability to create other users to let them use SMS Gateway from their mobile phones.
  • Limit users :- Control how many devices your users can register, how many messages they can send, how many contacts they can store and when their account will expire.
  • Schedule messages :- Send messages on schedule.
  • Supports Dual SIM devices :- Send messages using any SIM programmatically or using Excel file.
  • Contact lists :- Create contact lists and import contacts into them using Excel file.
  • Send message to contact list :- Send message to contacts in a contacts list.
  • Unsubscribe contacts :- Ability to allow a contact to unsubscribe from the contacts list.
  • Contacts API :- Add contacts or unsubscribe them from the list using the API.

If you want to try it out, then register here. Follow the instruction you’ll receive in the email to get started.

To integrate into your application, follow the guides on the API page after logging in to the Admin Panel.

How it works!


You will receive Admin panel when you purchase SMS Gateway. Install it on your web hosting. It comes with an installation script, so it should be easy.


You need to download Android App from here. After installing it you can log in to it using your Admin panel URL and it’s credentials.


Now when you send messages using API or Excel file it will be first stored on your server with the ‘Pending’ status.


After your server gets the messages, it sends the notification to SMS Gateway app on your mobile. When the app gets the notification, it queues the messages for sending and set their status as ‘Queued’.


After each message is sent they get the status ‘Sent’ if it was sent successfully, otherwise it will get ‘Failed’ status. SMS Gateway also checks for delivery of messages. If you turned on delivery reports in the app and your mobile network is unable to deliver the message, it will be marked as ‘Failed’ otherwise it will be marked as ‘Delivered’ status.

Server Requirements

  • Apache or Nginx
  • PHP 8.1 or above
  • MySQL


  • php_curl
  • php_gd2 (if not compiled in)
  • php_json
  • php_mbstring
  • php_mysqli
  • php_xml
  • php_zip

It is recommended to use VPS Hosting for SMS Gateway, but it should work perfectly fine on Shared Hosting too. If you decide to go with Shared Hosting make sure your host allows hosting of SMS Gateway application. Some hosts like HostGator and iPage don’t allow it, so it is more likely that they will block the app.

Android Device Requirements

  • Android 5.0 or above.
  • Device with 2 GB or more RAM. It works on lower spec devices, but you may experience degraded performance.
  • A device with Google Play Services. If your device has Google Play Store then it means it does have Google Play Services.


There was a policy change from Google for all apps requiring SMS related permissions, as you can see here. After March 9, 2019, this app won’t be available through Play Store. You will get all future updates notifications from CodeCanyon. You will need to install the APK file on your device to use the app. The app will function normally, and its functionality won’t be affected from this move by Google.

Thu, 14 Sep 2023 23:51:00 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
CloudArcade &#45; HTML5 / Web Game Portal CMS

✔ Price: $49

CloudArcade is a lightweight CMS specifically for HTML5 Games. CloudArcade is not an addons or extension, it’s a standalone CMS based on PHP 7 (Work with PHP 8+). With CloudArcade CMS, you can create your own Web Arcade or HTML5 Game Portal easily!

Add game options:

  • Upload game (Your HTML game files)
  • Fetch games (Import free games)
  • Remote add (Add game from url)
  • JSON importer (Bulk import)

By using “Fetch games” (import games from game distribution), you can add dozens of games with a single click, and with a few clicks you will have great library of HTML5 Games.

“Remote add” can be useful if you want to add existing game from another source. All method will be shown as same game list, so you can just combine them.

Admin dashboard:

cloudarcade dashboard stats

cloudarcade dashboard gamelist
CloudArcade comes with 2 free themes:

cloudarcade default theme

cloudarcade dark theme

Premium Theme (Sold separately):

cloudarcade arcade one
cloudarcade arcade two



Updater, You can update CMS through Admin dashboard, then system will be update specific part of it.

Backup, CloudArcade CMS also have a site backup feature. You can backup your site any time.

Small thumbnail, CloudArcade can generate small thumbnail (from thumb_2) automatically. so you don’t need to create it manually.

Fast and SEO friendly, Single game page with fully loaded HTML5 game still fast and have high score.

seo friendly cloudarcade

Player base, Anyone can join to your CloudArcade site as player. Players can gain XP points, increase Ranks.etc

player base cloudarcade

More info


  • Banner ads (site ads)
  • Easy setup/installation
  • Lightweight
  • Admin dashboard
  • Pages
  • Category management
  • Game management
  • Theme system
  • Layout or widget editor (text based)
  • User documentation
  • Leaderboard
  • Game API
  • Change Logo, Site Title, Site Description, etc. from Admin Panel
  • Password hash
  • Themes using Bootstrap 4 & jQuery
  • Clean and Responsive Design
  • Pretty URL
  • Upload game, fetch games, remote add
  • Game search
  • Comments
  • Player Rank
  • Player base
  • Thumbnails compressor
  • Game rating
  • Login attempts limiter


  • PHP 7+ or 8+
  • Apache (optional, for pretty URL since it’s use .htaccess), Nginx guide
  • Web Server
  • Mysql


  • Fetched games from game distributor always have ads.
  • There is no games included.
Thu, 14 Sep 2023 19:09:13 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
Premium URL Shortener &#45; Link Shortener, Bio Pages &amp;amp; QR Codes

✔ Price: $45

Premium URL Shortener Premium URL Shortener Premium URL Shortener Premium URL Shortener Premium URL Shortener

Premium URL Shortener


Premium URL Shortener is a PHP URL shortener script packed with many unique features. It allows you to shorten a long link into short smart link that you can use to monitor clicks and optimize your marketing campaigns. It provides you many unique tools to quickly bootstrap a link shortening website. Some of the features include geotargeting, device targeting, premium membership, powerful dashboard and admin panel and a series of CMS tools to help you build your dream. It is being actively developed for over 9 years so this means it will keep getting better and better with each update (incredible value!).

Live Demo of URL Shortener

You can test the script using the following credentials. This is an admin and a user account. Once logged in, simply click “Admin” at the top to access the admin panel. Please note that the demo will reset each week.

Admin Account

Email/Username: / admin

Password: adminpass

Login Page | Overlay Page | Sample Stat Page

Sample Short URL with Frame | Sample Short URL with Splash

Custom Splash | Custom Page

Some Awesome Features

Bio Profile/Link in Bio Generator

Generate beautiful bio profiles, share a single link and monitor traffic. Add widgets and links to social media account and customize bio profiles with stunning colors.

Advanced QR Generator

Generate unique QR codes and share them with the public. Use different types of QR codes, customize colors, add your logo, choose from different shapes and track scans.

Software as a Service (SaaS)

With the extended license, the script turns into a SaaS platform and automatically manages all payments through Stripe, PayPal and Bank Transfer.

Team Feature

The new team feature allows you to invite members to your group and operate the same account as a team. This is perfect for collaboration!

Custom Domain

The script supports custom domains for both users and the admin. If your users want to use their own domain, they can just add it and start using it. The admin can also add extra domains for customers to use. This is perfect if you don’t want customers to use your main domain name.

Campaigns & Link Rotator

The campaign feature allows you to regroup some links and will generate you a special link where you will be able to send that to people. That special link will allow them to see all links in the campaign and use them. Campaigns also aggregates statistics for all links in that campaign.

Splash & Overlay Pages

Script now automatically creates dedicated page for media URLs such as Youtube, Vine, Dailymotion, etc (View Demo). Users can now create a custom splash page and this can be a paid feature. Various CTA popups are also available as overlays.

Geotargeting & Device Targeting System

Users can choose to redirect visitors to a different page using their location based on both the country and the state or their device. This option can be disabled from the admin panel or per plan.

Custom Parameters & UTMs

User can add custom parameters like affiliate tags or use the system to add UTMs.

Pixel Tracking

User can add from over 15 provides including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, Bing, Google Ads, Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics, Snapchat, Reddit, Quora, Pinterest and much more.

Slack, WordPress & Zapier Integrations

Setup Slack and allow your users to shorten links directly from Slack using custom commands! Your users can setup Zapier and the script will notify Zapier when a new link has been shortened or when someone clicks a link! The script also includes a wordpress plugin for your customers so they can easily use the platform to shorten links.

Private Service

Are you looking to use this script for your own purpose? No problem. Just enable the private option in the admin panel and only you and all the accounts you only will create will be able to access the site and use the features.

Anonymous User History

Anonymous users can now keep track of their last 10 URLs without being registered. This option can easily be enabled or disabled from the admin panel.

Social Logins

User can now instantaneously login using their Facebook, Twitter or Google account.

Easy Translation

You can easily translate this script to any language you want by using the built-in language manager. Create a new translation, edit old ones or even deleted them with a click of a button. Everything is now automated meaning that languages will be added to the menu right away.

Full-Featured Blog

Create your own blog with ease right from the admin panel. No need for a third-party software.

Dedicated Help Center

Create your own help center with the click of a button and add questions & answers to help your customers. No need for a third-party service provider!

Advanced API System

Powerful API system requires users to authenticate using a unique API key associated to them upon registration. All URLs generated by a registered user get automatically saved on their account. 

URL Validation & reCaptcha Plugin

Extensive validation and URL filtering-system gives you the peace of mind. Several options are built-in to automatically disable “inappropriate” URLs or domain names (including tlds) from being processed by the system. The script also comes reCaptcha and SolveMedia Captcha. If enabled, the Captcha system will only be shown to anonymous users (users not registered).

Full-Featured Administration Panel

Powerful administration panel gives you total control on your website. It gives you the ability to manage URLs, users and custom pages. You can also control all of the features from the admin panel by enabling or disabling them with a click of a button. You can control Advertisement, Various Captcha Systems, Frame, API System, User Registration, URL Filtration, Themes and Maintenance and more.

Responsive Template with 3 Schemes including Dark Mode with built-in Template Editor

The default theme comes with 3 schemes (default, light and dark). You can easily edit the layout and the theme to fit your need with the new in-script editor. The script now supports child themes allowing you to easily customize the theme without worrying about updates overwriting them.

Quick & Easy Installer

Powerful, quick and easy installer sets up your website in a minute. You don’t need to go through the hassle of dumping SQL files and editing PHP files. It provides a step by step installation of this software.

1-Click Updater

Update the script directly from the admin panel with the click of a button. Hassle-free!

Enterprise-level Documentation

Extensive and thorough documentation helps you understand all aspects of the product. Views Docs


PHP 7.4+ and PDO Module

Mod Rewrite Enabled

Curl Enabled

ImageMagick with RSVG for advanced QR designs

Thu, 14 Sep 2023 18:47:32 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
MegaFaucet v1.1.0 &#45; Crypto Faucet Script

✔ Price: $54


One of the main features of this script is the faucet system, which enables users to claim a small amount of cryptocurrency for free. This is a great way for new users to get started with cryptocurrencies and learn more about them. The paid-to-click system is another feature that rewards users for viewing ads. Users can earn coins by clicking on ads displayed on the website.

Offerwalls are another feature of the script that allows users to earn coins by completing various tasks, such as downloading apps, completing surveys, or watching videos. Shortlinks are another way for users to earn coins by clicking on short links that are displayed on the website.

The script also includes tasks that users can complete to earn coins, such as playing games or solving puzzles. Referrals are also supported, which means users can earn coins by referring others to the website.

Overall, the crypto faucet PHP script built with Laravel framework provides users with a comprehensive set of features related to cryptocurrencies. It's a great way for users to earn coins and learn more about cryptocurrencies while also having fun by completing tasks.


✓ Full Responsive Design
✓ Featured Rich 
✓ Manual & Automatic Withdrawal
✓ Multiple Deposit Methods for PTC ADs
✓ Email Verification & Notification
✓ Fraud Detection
✓ Referral System
✓ Referral Contest
✓ Transfer Balances
✓ Faucet System
✓ PTC System
✓ Offerwalls System
✓ Shortlink System
✓ Tasks System
✓ Multiple ways of faucet protection
✓ 2FA Authenticator

✓ Top Up User


✓ Show Users Latest Earnings

✓ Blog System

✓ Global and System Ads

✓ Page System
✓ Responsive Design for All Devices.
✓ Modern browser support.
✓ Cross-browser compatibility.
✓ Most Powerful Admin & User interface.
✓ Clean & Easy Code Structure
✓ 24X7 Support
✓ Easy Documentation
✓ TOS & Privacy Policy
✓ FAQ Management
✓ Tawkto Live Chat Plugin
✓ Google captcha & Analytics
✓ Full Dynamic Content

✓Deposit API:

  • Faucetpay
  • Perfect Money
  • CoinPayments
  • Stripe
  • Paypal
  • Skrill
  • Payeer

✓Withdraw API:

  • FaucetPay


  • PHP >= 7.4
  • BCMath PHP Extension
  • Ctype PHP Extension
  • Fileinfo PHP Extension
  • JSON PHP Extension
  • Mbstring PHP Extension
  • OpenSSL PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • Tokenizer PHP Extension
  • XML PHP Extension

cPanel Hosting Recommended 
PHP MySQLi extension 
PHP curl extension 
Apache rewrite module


Installation instructions can be found in the documentation file.

Wed, 13 Sep 2023 23:43:03 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
Digiloads v1.0.1 &#45; Multivendor Digital Downloads Marketplace

✔ Price: $35

Digiloads, an extraordinary platform that redefines the way you discover and acquire digital products. Our innovative multi-vendor marketplace, meticulously built with the powerful Laravel framework, sets the stage for a seamless and immersive digital experience like never before.

With Digiloads at your disposal, there’s no need to start from scratch. Benefit from a fully-fledged digital products store, where customers flock to explore a vast array of captivating digital creations. From software solutions to awe-inspiring graphics and beyond, the possibilities are limitless.

Demo Access:


Admin: Username: admin | Password: admin

Top Features

- Beautiful Frontend and Backend Template
- All Browser and Device Support.
- Multi-language.
- Global Settings.
- SEO, Recaptcha & Live Chat.
- 10+ Payment Gateways
- Email Setting.
- Email and SMS Templates.
- GDPR Cookie Policy.
- Privacy Policy Pages.
- Fast support.
- Easy Documentation

Admin Features

- Services Management
- Product Management
- Manage Users
- Blog
- Pages.
- Page Contents.
- Global Settings.
- Subscribers.
- Logo settings.
- Live Chat.
- SEO.
- Recaptcha.
- SMS Gateways.
- Payment Gateways.
- Withdrawal Methods.
- Email Settings.
- GDPR Cookie Policy.

User Features

- User Panel
- Products Management
- Downloads Management
- Withdrawals Management
- Profile.
- Security Settings.
- Two Factor Authentication.

Technology Used

Built with future-proof technologies.
- Laravel 10
- Bootstrap 5.x
- jQuery 3.7.0

Included with the script

- Full Source Code
- Documentation
- Database

Built with future-proof technologies.
– Laravel 10
– Bootstrap 5.x
– jQuery 3.7.x


Version: 1.0.1 – 7 August 2023

- Design Improved

Version: 1.0.0

Wed, 13 Sep 2023 23:36:14 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
Crypto Net v5.4 &#45; CoinMarketCap, Prices, Chart, Exchanges, Crypto Tracker, Calculator &amp;amp; Ticker PHP Script

✔ Price: $49

Real-time Crypto Currency Market Capitalization – VIEW DEMO

With Crypto Net PHP Script, you can create a fully automated crypto currency tracker website in 5 minutes which display the real-time crypto currency coins market overview, live prices, market cap, coin market exchange data, available supply, historical data in charts and 24 hours volume & changes for 2000 crypto coins along with global data, trending coins, top gainers and looser coins page. You will have exchanges list page, derivatives exchange list page, exchange single page along with exchange trading pairs info, historical volume chart and crypto currency calculator. Now in our version 5.3, we have multiple currency options (160+), light/dark mode, derivatives exchanges single page. Also along with this, you can display the Top 25 crypto currency price ticker in the footer along with Top 10 coins market dominance. You can choose from 10 pre-built color schemes.

Crypto Net - CoinMarketCap, Prices, Chart, Exchanges, Crypto Tracker, Calculator & Ticker PHP Script - 1 Crypto Net - CoinMarketCap, Prices, Chart, Exchanges, Crypto Tracker, Calculator & Ticker PHP Script - 2 Crypto Net - CoinMarketCap, Prices, Chart, Exchanges, Crypto Tracker, Calculator & Ticker PHP Script - 3

Auto Generated Crypto Currency 2000 Coin Single Page With Unique SEO Meta Tags & Exchange Market Data – VIEW DEMO

2000 crypto coin single pages are automatically generated along with unique SEO meta title and description tags with Crypto Net PHP Script. Each crypto coin page shows the Live price, market overview, market cap, crypto calculator, historical data in chart display, coin description, 24h low and high price, price change of 24h, 7d, 14d, 30d, 60d, 1year & coin market exchange data. You can set affiliate link from the admin panel in the coin page Buy/Sell button links.

Crypto Net - CoinMarketCap, Prices, Chart, Exchanges, Crypto Tracker, Calculator & Ticker PHP Script - 4

Auto Generated Exchanges List Page – VIEW DEMO

This pages shows the top 70+ exchanges list which shows exchange logo, trust score, name, 24h volume and official website along with unique SEO meta titles.

Crypto Net - CoinMarketCap, Prices, Chart, Exchanges, Crypto Tracker, Calculator & Ticker PHP Script - 5

Auto Generated 70+ Exchange Single Page With Trading Pairs Info – VIEW DEMO

Top 70+ exchange pages are automatically generated along with unique SEO meta title and description tags with Crypto Net PHP Script. Each exchange page shows the market overview, volume, trading pairs, official website, trust score, historical volume chart & exchange trading pair data. You can set affiliate link from the admin panel settings Buy/Sell button links.

Crypto Net - CoinMarketCap, Prices, Chart, Exchanges, Crypto Tracker, Calculator & Ticker PHP Script - 6

Auto Generated Top Gainers Coins Page – VIEW DEMO

This page will display the list of Top 50 Gainers based on all coins listed.

Crypto Net - CoinMarketCap, Prices, Chart, Exchanges, Crypto Tracker, Calculator & Ticker PHP Script - 7

Auto Generated Top Losers Coins Page – VIEW DEMO

This page will display the list of Top 50 Losers Coins based on all coins listed.

Crypto Net - CoinMarketCap, Prices, Chart, Exchanges, Crypto Tracker, Calculator & Ticker PHP Script - 8

Cryptocurrency Calculator – VIEW DEMO

This pages shows the cryptocurrency converter and calculator tool with which you can convert top 2000 cryptocurrencies into fiat currencies in real time.

Crypto Net - CoinMarketCap, Prices, Chart, Exchanges, Crypto Tracker, Calculator & Ticker PHP Script - 9

Cryptocurrency Latest News Page – VIEW DEMO

This pages shows the latest news which is automatically updated on daily basis. The news section is also added to every page in the crypto net except the content pages.

Crypto Net - CoinMarketCap, Prices, Chart, Exchanges, Crypto Tracker, Calculator & Ticker PHP Script - 10

The footer of the website shows donation box, call to action section along with Trending Coins, Market Dominance, Top 5 Gainer Coins, Top 5 Rank Coins and Top 5 Looser coins in the footer section. You can show or hide the price ticker in the footer from the admin panel. Price ticker shows the Top 25 Crypto currencies with coin price and 24 hour change.

Crypto Net - CoinMarketCap, Prices, Chart, Exchanges, Crypto Tracker, Calculator & Ticker PHP Script - 11

10 Pre Built Colour Schemes to Choose From

Corona Net PHP script have 10 pre built colour schemes. You can simple choose the colour scheme from the admin panel.

Black & Yellow – View Demo
Dark Blue & Light Green – View Demo
Black & Red – View Demo
Dark Navy & Bright Grey – View Demo
Soft Navy & Bright Cyan – View Demo
White & Cyan – View Demo
White & Blue – View Demo
White & Green – View Demo
White & Red – View Demo
White & Black – View Demo

CryptoNet PHP Script Features List – VIEW DEMO

  • Fully Automated: The CryptoNet PHP script is fully automated. After the 2 Click installation, you have fully up website running as our demo.
  • Multiple Currency: You can convert 2000 cryptos into 160+ fiat & cryptocurrencies.
  • Light/Dark Mode: You can switch between light and dark mode with one click.
  • News Page: It display the latest 30 crypto news. This page is fully automated and updates automatically daily.
  • Lightweight & Fast Speed: Optimized for the speed. The saving and reuse of API data every 5 minutes to reduce the number of API calls.
  • 10 Color Scheme: You can choose from the 10 pre-built color schemes Yellow & Black, Dark Blue & Light Green, Red & Black, Bright Grey & Dark Navy, Soft Navy & Bright Cyan, White & Blue, White & Cyan, White & Red, White & Black and White & Green from the admin panel.
  • Live Price Updates: Realtime Live prices updates for each crypto coin on the website.
  • Coin Page: Auto generated coin single page for 2000 coins which display coin market cap along with market overview, chart, crypto calculator & market exchange data.
  • Cryptocurrency Calculator: With this tool you can convert more than 13000+ cryptocurrencies into fiat currencies in real time on coins single page and can convert top 2000 coins on calculator page.
  • Chart Data: Historical data in chart for each crypto currency coin page.
  • Exchange List Page: This page shows top exchanges list along with rank, pairs info, volume & official website of exchange.
  • Derivatives Exchange List Page: This page shows top derivatives exchanges list along with 24h open interest, 24h volume, perpetuals, futures & official website of exchange.
  • Exchange Page: Auto generated exchange single page for more than top 130+ exchanges which display exchange info, historical volume chart along with trading pairs data.
  • Top Gainer & Looser Coins: Top 50 Gainer and Looser coin pages are automatically generated and they shows realtime data of top gainer and looser coins for the day based on Top 250 coins.
  • Ads Area: You can add Ads in the Header and Footer of the Cryptocurrency listing area. Easily show or hide ads with preference option you select.
  • SEO Optimized: You can easily add Google Analytics Tracking code and Google, Bing verification Meta tags to verify site ownership. You can set Meta Title and Description tags for each page of the website.
  • Sitemap: You can easily access your website sitemap with all the coins, exchanges and website pages. The sitemap is auto generated and available at
  • Accept Donations: Accept donations from your website in Cryptocurrency. You can accept donations in 4 types of Cryptocurrency which is fully editable from the admin area. You can edit Currency Name, Currency Logo, Coin Address.
  • Call To Action: Fully editable Call to Action area in the Footer section. Set your own button text and link.
  • Footer: Footer section is fully automated which shows, Top 10 coins market dominance, Top 5 Gainer, Top 5 Rank and Top 5 looser coins data.
  • Price Ticker: Easily show/hide price ticker in the footer.
  • Contact Page: The entries which user fills on the contact us page is automatically submitted to your admin area. You can change Address, Phone, Email and Social media links.
  • Content Pages: There are 3 CMS Pages in the header Navigation and 3 CMS Pages are in the Footer Navigation. You can change the Title and Description of the CMS pages as per your requirement along with SEO meta title and description tags. You can Deactivate the extra pages from the admin area.
  • Fully Responsive: The website is fully responsive and works well on Laptop, desktop, mobiles, tablets.
  • Easy to Install: Get the website running within minutes with our 2 click installation process.
  • Powerful Admin Panel: Manage almost everything from our powerful admin panel area.
  • GDPR Compliance: There is a consent box in the website and in the contact us page form. The user must accept consent before submitting the form & using the website and all the contact entries you can see from the backend. As per GDPR, if a user want to request or delete personal information then you can easily access or delete the contact form queries from the admin area.

Front End & Admin Panel Demo

You can visit our CryptoNet PHP Script Front end demo here:

You can visit our CryptoNet PHP Script admin panel demo here:

Login Credentials
Password: asdf1234

Online Documentation

Crypto Net - CoinMarketCap, Prices, Chart, Exchanges, Crypto Tracker, Calculator & Ticker PHP Script - 12

Server Requirements & Installation Guide

Please check server requirements and installation guide here: View Server Requirement & Installation Guide

How to Update

Please check how to update guide here: View How To Update Crypto Net

Item Support

Please make a support request here and click on Contact Author button to send us an email. You will get a response from our team to your email within 2-3 working days.

Important Note

We have used the CoinGecko Free API and it has a rate limit of 10-50 calls/minute. We have optimised the API calls to save API rate limit but if the limit is reached then the script may do not show data for some time until the limit is refreshed. Also, we are not responsible for any wrong data related to any coins or exchange as the data is directly came via API from CoinGecko.


Version 5.4 | February 21, 2023

- Sitemap Feature Added.
- Top Gainers & Looser Page Data Problem Fixed.
- Rank Added on Top Gainer & Looser Page.
- Minor CSS Improvements
- Minor Code Improvements

Version 5.3 | October 30, 2022

- New API Integrated (200 API calls/minute)
- Derivatives Exchanges Single Page Added (New)
- Calculator Pages Now Converts 2000 Crypto to Fiat Currency
- Coins & Exchanges Logo Added
- Minor CSS Improvements
- Minor Code Improvements

Version 5.2 | August 05, 2022

- Fully Automatic News Page Added
- News Section Added on all Pages except Content Pages
- Exchange Single Page Design Modified
- Trust Score Added on Exchange Single Page Trading Pairs Info
- Exchange Logo Added on Coin Single Page Market Exchange Data
- Social Media Links Added on Footer
- Minor CSS Improvements
- Minor Code Improvements

Version 5.1 | July 13, 2022

- Derivatives Exchange Page Added
- Trending Coins Added on Homepage & Footer
- Coin Single Page Design Modified
- Trust Score Added on Coin Single Page Market Exchange Data
- Tags Added on Coin Single Page
- Minor CSS Improvements
- Minor Code Improvements

Version 5.0 | June 29, 2022

- Multiple Currency Option Added (160+ fiat & crypto conversions)
- NFT Coins page added
- Light/Dark Mode added
- Data Tables Sorting Problem Solved
- Trust Score Added on Exchanges Main Page
- Speed Optimization (API Data Reuse to Reduce API Calls)
- Minor CSS Improvements
- Minor Code Improvements

Version 4.1 | September 19, 2021

- 5 New Color Schemes Added.
- Search Bar Added on Homepage to Search for 9000+ Coins
- Search Bar Added on Exchanges Page to Search for 300+ Exchanges
- Minor CSS Improvements
- Minor Code Improvements

Version 4.0 | August 31, 2021

- New API updated.
- 9000+ Coins Data With Coin Single Page
- Coin Description, Coin Website Links & Social Media Links, Coin 24h Low & High Price, Price change for 24h, 7d, 14d, 30d, 60d, 1y & Some other stats added to Coin Single Page
- 300+ Exchanges Data With Exchange Single Page
- Historical Volume Data Chart on Exchange Single Page
- Top 10 Coins Market Dominance on Footer
- Crypto Global Data On Homepage
- Minor CSS Improvements
- Minor Code Improvements

Version 3.1 | July 30, 2021

- Cryptocurrency Calculator Added (New)
- Crypto Calculator on Single Coin Page (New)
- New Coin & Exchange Images Added
- Minor CSS Improvements
- Minor Code Improvements

Version 3.0 | June 03, 2021

- Exchanges Page Added (New)
- Exchange Single Page Auto Generated (New)
- Trading Pairs Info Added on Exchange Single Page (New)
- Coin Market Exchange Data & Coin Explorer URL Added on Coin Single Page (New)
- Live Pricing Design Changed on Homepage
- Minor Design Improvements on Coin Single Page
- New Coin Images Added
- Minor CSS Improvements
- Minor Code Improvements

Version 2.1 | April 16, 2020

- 4 Color Schemes Added
- New Coin Images Added
- Minor CSS Improvements
- Minor Code Improvements

Version 2.0 | August 14, 2019

- API Version 2 Updated
- Minor CSS fixes
- Other Minor Improvements

Version 1.3.1 | March 20, 2019

- New Coin Images Added
- Problem Solved in Step 2 While Installing CryptoNet
- Other Minor Improvements

Version 1.3 | August 17, 2018

- Https Issue Fixed
- New Color Scheme Blue and White Added
- Option to Show/Hide GDPR consent
- Other Minor Improvements

Version 1.2 | July 11, 2018

- Donation box admin panel image updation issue fixed
- Added Total Market Cap, Total Number of Coins, Bitcoin and Altcoins Total Market Cap in Top Header Area with an option of Show/Hide from the Admin Panel
- New Coin Images Added
- Other Minor Improvements

Version 1.1 | June 28, 2018

- Minor Improvements

Version 1.0 | June 26, 2018

- Initial CryptoNet PHP Script Release
Wed, 13 Sep 2023 19:04:23 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
SignalMax v4.0 &#45; Trading &amp;amp; Forex , Crypto Signal Notifier Subscription based Platform

✔ Price: $39

SignalMAX is an advanced , multilingual and stable Buy Sell notifier platform . With this script you may send signals for any market, including Forex, cryptocurrencies, stocks, CFDs. This platform is subscription based where users will take premium package using multiple payment gateway and they will get trading buy/sell notification via Email, SMS, personal Telegram , WhatsApp & Dashboard accounts. . Its also comes with the features like withdraw, referral commission , bulk email , support ticket and fit for all kind of devices. This application based on new Latest Laravel 8.x Framework

update verion 4 - 19 July , 2023

  • Red White template has added
  • white user dashboard has added

update verion 3 - 26 June , 2023

  • Trading features added
  • mobile device language problem solved
  • telegram bot documentation added on admin dashboard
  • minor issue has fixed

Demo Access:

Frontend website Link :


Admin Dashboard Login :

Admin Login Link :

Admin : admin
Password: admin

Red White template has added

SignalMax - Trading & Forex , Crypto Signal Notifier Subscription based  Platform - 1
SignalMax - Trading & Forex , Crypto Signal Notifier Subscription based  Platform - 2

Mobile Friendly User Dashboard

SignalMax - Trading & Forex , Crypto Signal Notifier Subscription based  Platform - 3


Update version 2 , Date : 21 May, 2023

  • KYC issue has solved
  • Page builder has some modification
  • Subscription issue has solved

update –

Update version 1 , Date : 06 April , 2023

  • perfectmoney gateway issues has fixed
  • admin user dashboard unique design
  • referral has improved
  • more easy installation system
  • theme setting live preview system

Core Features :

  • Easy installation system
  • Manage Subscription plan
  • Signal tools
  • Referral System
  • Support Ticket
  • KYC , Email , SMS Verification
  • Online / Offline Payment Gateway
  • Unlimited Manual Payment gateway can be added in this system
  • Deposit system
  • Email Notification
  • Currency Management
  • Multi-Language
  • Payment Log
  • User Interest Log
  • Razorpay Payment Gateway
  • Coinpayment
  • Mollie Payment
  • NowPayments
  • PayStack
  • Flutterwave
  • SMS gateway Added
  • Transaction Log
  • Signup Bonus
  • Balance Add/Subtract From Admin
  • Balance Transfer User to User
  • 2FA Authentication
  • Paghiper Payment Gateway
  • Withdraw
  • Content Management
  • Responsive Design
  • Report Management
  • Secure System
  • Google Analytics
  • Well Documented
  • Developer Friendly
  • Page Builder
  • Seo Friendly
  • Newsletter Subscriber
  • General Setting
  • Preloader Setting
  • Google Analytics
  • Cookie Consent
  • Google Recaptcha
  • Cache Clear
  • Live Chat Setting
  • Database Backup
  • Dashboard
  • Manage Time
  • User Interest Log
  • Manage Users
  • Manual Payments
  • Email Manager
  • Banner Section
  • About Section
  • Faq Section
  • Contact Section
  • Footer Section
  • Plan Section
  • How it works Section
  • Transaction Section
  • Team Section
  • Blog Section
  • Testimonial Section
  • Service Section
  • Privacy Policy Section
  • Facebook , google login system
  • Dynamic content management
Mon, 11 Sep 2023 17:50:13 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
Elite Quiz v2.0.6 &#45; Trivia Quiz | Quiz Game &#45; Web Version

✔ Price: $19

Elite Quiz - Trivia Quiz | Quiz Game - Web Version - 1

Elite Quiz - Trivia Quiz | Quiz Game - Web Version - 5

Elite Quiz - Trivia Quiz | Quiz Game - Web Version - 6

Elite Quiz - Trivia Quiz | Quiz Game - Web Version - 7 Elite Quiz - Trivia Quiz | Quiz Game - Web Version - 8

Elite Quiz - Trivia Quiz | Quiz Game - Web Version - 9

Elite Quiz - Trivia Quiz | Quiz Game - Web Version - 10 Elite Quiz - Trivia Quiz | Quiz Game - Web Version - 11 Elite Quiz - Trivia Quiz | Quiz Game - Web Version - 12 Elite Quiz - Trivia Quiz | Quiz Game - Web Version - 13  

Version 2.0.6

(9 Aug 2023)

+ [Added] New Home screen design
+ [Improve] UI Improvements

Version 2.0.5

(20 July 2023)

+ [Added] Battle UI
+ [Improve] Minor Bug Fixes

Version 2.0.4

(20 June 2023)

+ [Added] Guest Mode
+ [Added] Profile Custom Image
+ [Updated] Updated Latest Library
+ [Improve] Improvements & bug fixes

Version 2.0.3

(20 May 2023)

+ [Added] Added Firebase, Logo, Footer etc data from Admin Panel
+ [Added] Added Coin History Feature
+ [Added] Added Badges Feature

Version 2.0.2

(18 Mar 2023)

+ [Added] Added Sounds Feature on the answer
+ [Added] Added Admin Panel
+ [Fix] Fix Guess the word Feature

Version 2.0.1

(1 Mar 2023)

+ [Added] New Exam Module
+ [Fix] 1 vs 1 Battle and Group Battle
+ [Fix] General Improvements and Bug Fixes

Version 2.0.0

(10 Feb 2023)

+ [Added] Math Mania Feature
+ [Added] React 18 Added
+ [Added] Svg images Added
+ [Added] Loader Added with every Route 
+ [Optimize] Redux Store Optimize
+ [Fix] useEffect Cleanup Function Error Fix
+ [Fix] SelfChallenge issue Fix
+ [Fix] Improvements & bug fixes

Version 1.0.9

(1 Feb 2023 )

+ [Added] Audio Quiz
+ [Added] Redux Added
+ [Improve] 1 vs 1 Battle issue Fixed
+ [Fix] Improvements & bug fixes

Version 1.0.8

(11 Jan 2023 )

+ Added Group Battle Feature
+ Quiz Zone Issue Fixed
+ Added  more language labels
+ UI Improved

Version 1.0.7

(15 Nov 2022 )

+ Added Battle Quiz Feature
+ Added All Quiz Timer Dynamic from Admin panel
+ Theme Changed
+ Loader Added
+ Dynamic Mode Added and data added
+ Language Selector with slider fixed
+ Improvements and issues fixed

Version 1.0.6

(26 Sep 2022 )

+  Added Contest Play Mode
+  Improvements and Issue Fixed

Version 1.0.5

(14 Sep 2022 )

+ Added Self-Learning Feature
+ Improvements and Issues Fixed

Version 1.0.4

(19 Aug 2022 )

+ Added Guess the word feature
+ Fixed Language Mode Fix with Language Selector
+ Fixed Quiz Zone Question issue
+ Slider Improvement
+ Fun and learn question issue Improvement
+ UI Improvement
+ Spinner Improvement

Version 1.0.3

(17 June 2022 )

+ Added True / False Feature
+ Added Fun and Learn Feature
+ 50-50 Feature Disabled when true / false questions
+ fixed Audience Poll issue with true or false questions
+ Improve User Experience in Quiz Play Scrolling issue Fix
+ Fixed : Time Network error
+ Optimized Code
+ Fixed : Smooth Scroll 

Version 1.0.2

(27 May 2022 )

+ RTL Feature added
+ Footer Section Added
+ Login and Logout issue fix
+ UI Improvement and Animations Added

Version 1.0.1

(10 May 2022 )

+ Added daily quiz
+ Added maintenance mode
+ Added more animations 
+ Added more feature with payara
+ Optimization and Improvements of performance 

Version 1.0.0

( 29th Mar 2022 )

 + initial version with Base Quiz
Mon, 11 Sep 2023 00:15:19 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
Bicrypto &#45; Crypto Trading Platform, Exchanges, KYC, Charting Library, Wallets, Binary Trading, News

✔ Price: $325

Crypto Trading Platform, Exchanges, KYC, Charting Library, Wallets, Binary Trading, News

Code Version -> v1. (2022 summer)

\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\

Made with:

  • Laravel 9
  • Vue 3
  • Tailwind
  • Livewire
  • AlpineJS
  • Ethers
  • Web3


  • Included in the installation folder

Demo User:

Demo Admin:

  • user: demoAdmin
  • pass: 123456

Requirements (minimum):

  • A Knowledge in running a server or any hosting with ssh and root access
  • Having time to read the documentation
  • PHP 8.1
  • PHP extensions: memcached php-memcache php-pear php-imagick php-gmp php8.1-cgi php8.1-mysql php8.1-curl php8.1-gd php-gd php8.1-imap php8.1-tidy php8.1-xmlrpc php8.1-xsl php8.1-mbstring php8.1-zip php8.1-cli php8.1-bcmath php-bcmath php8.1-gmp php-curl php8.1-fpm php8.1-mcrypt nano curl
  • Composer +2
  • Node JS +16
  • Server with SSH that has Permissions, not shared server without any permissions
  • VPS at least 6GB Ram to be able to execute orders smoothly
  • VPS at least 250GB Storage
  • Make sure the provider allows the services of trading or referral system you are going to implant
  • Make sure the VPS country is allowed by the provider you going to purchase like binance or kucoin or use Ecosystem if u want global coverage without the usage of providers


  • Ubuntu 20
  • Composer +2.2.5
  • Node JS +16
  • VPS with root access
Sun, 10 Sep 2023 02:20:55 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
Hyip Rio &#45; Advanced Hyip Investment Scheme With Ranking System and Automatic Withdraw

✔ Price: $199

Hyip Rio – is an Advanced Investment System that is mainly used for the Hyip Investment Website. It is a highly secure and fast dynamic Hyip Investment Script. In the system user can register to the application and can deposit to the account and can Invest in any of the Investment Plans which is called Schema in the system. Users can get the Signup Bonus for registering to the website and they also can earn to referral. It has various referral levels to get the referral bonus. There is an integrated automatic payment gateway like Paypal, Stripe, Mollie, Coinbase, Paystack, VogurePay, Coingate, and Flutterwave. Also, it has an automatic withdrawal method to withdraw the money to the user account directly. It has a manual deposit method available. There is a Ranking system on the website, users can achieve any of the rankings to earn from investment and can unlock ranking badges. One user can transfer the fund to other users. There is an investment and deposit bounty available. All the systems and features are managed by the admin.

Login Details:

All Demo:

Default Theme:

Money Invest Theme:

Mining Invest Theme:

Admin Login:
Email:, Password: 12345678

Stripe Demo Card: 4242424242424242
Expiry Date: Any date in the future, CVV: 123

Hyiprio  Hyiprio Hyiprio Hyiprio Hyiprio Hyiprio

Admin Features

In the Dashboard menu, If there is a Manual deposit, Pending Withdraw request, and Pending KYCs then Admin can see this after login into the admin panel. They are immediate tasks to complete first. Then admin can see the cards of all the basic data of the website. Also can see the statistic for the Last 7 Days of Deposits and Investments. Can explore Recently Registered users and Latest Investments.

In the Customers menu, there are all the registered users can be found, There are other Active users, Disabled Users, and the admin can send all the users any message immediately. Admin can edit any of the customer details to find his activities. Admin can add or substruct balance from any user. Admin can change all the performing statuses.

KYC Management
Admin can set the KYC form and check and review each of the user’s KYC.

Admin can see all the notifications here.

Manage Roles and Manage Staffs
In the Manage Roles menus, the admin can add any of the roles to the application and can assign any of the permissions to that role. And in the Manage Staffs menu admin can add new staff and can assign any of the roles to the staff with his permission.

Manage Schema
Schema is the Investment Plan or Package. In the Schedule menu, the admin can set the New Schedule on using an hourly basis. And in the Manage Schema menu admin can add a new Investment plan or edit any of the existing Schemas.

All the Transactions can be explored in this menu.

All Investments can be monitored from this menu.

User Profits
User All Profits can be explored in this menu.

Automatic Gateways
Admin can see the automatic payment gateways for deposit and withdrawal. He can set multiple currencies in a single gateway supported. Multiple currency-supported gateways are available.

In the Deposit menu, the admin can edit any of the automatic deposit methods. Also, can set the Manual Deposit methods and review any of the manual deposit requests. Also can explore the deposit histories.

Automatic and Manual Withdraws
Admin can set for user automatic withdraw and manual withdraw methods.

Manage Referral
Admin can set the Referral Targets and can assign those Targets to the Deposit and Investment Bounties. Every Investment and Deposit Bounty can set the Targets, Amounts, and Percentages to earn the users. When the user full fills any of the targets he gets the bonus according to the percentage.

User Rankings
Admin Can set the Rankings Levels with the Badge system. Once the user reaches the amount to earn using the profit wallet the user will unlock the Badge and get a bonus. The bonus amount will be set by the admin.

Landing Page
All the home page sections can be managed by the admin here.

Page Settings
Page Breadcrumb image will be updated from here.

All the page’s contents and can add a new custom page from this menu by admin.

Site Navigation
All the site Navigation and Footer Navigation can be handled from this menu.

Footer Contents
All the Footer Contents can be handled from this menu.

In the Site Settings menu Global, Permission, Site Fee, Limit and Bonus, Site Maintenance, and GDPR settings can be handled by the admin. In the email settings, the admin can set the mail configurations. Plugin Settings admin can manage Tawk Chat, Google reCaptcha, and Google Analytics.

Language Settings
In the Language Settings, the admin can set any of the Language.

Email Template
There are Email templates to send emails to the user for their activities.

Theme Management
There are multiple themes, any one admin can active and run. Also, there is an option to upload an HTML theme to run the HTML template on as a website landing page or other pages.

All Subscribers
Admin can see all the subscribers and send the message to them from here.

Support Tickets
Admin can explore all the Support Tickets from this menu.

Custom CSS
Admin can add custom CSS code from this menu.

Clear Caches
Admin can Clear Caches to click this menu.

Application Details
In this menu, the admin can explore the full Application Details

User Features

In the dashboard sidebar, there are two wallets one is the Main, and the amount one is the profit wallet. There the user can see the KYC submission bar to submit the KYC if the user does not submit the KYC before. On this page, users can also see the Ranking Level with Badge and Referral Links. Also, users can explore statistics and Recent Transactions.

All Schemas
Users can explore all the investment plans here and can invest in any of the plans.

Schemas Logs
There are All Invested plans to show.

All Transactions
User All Transactions will show there.

Add Money
Users can deposit from here using any automatic or manual deposit method.

All Deposit Log

User can explore all the deposit history here

Wallet Exchange
Users can exchange any amount from one wallet for another.

Send Money
Users can transfer the fund to another user.

Send Money Log
Users can see the Send Money Log here.

Withdraw Money

User need to add Withdraw account first then can request a Withdraw. Once a request is created the admin need to review the request and send money to the user manually.

Withdraw log
Users can explore all the Withdraw history here

Ranking Badge
The user can see which badge he achieves. The badge will unlock once he achieved and got the bonus.

All the user Referral details will show here. The referral target bonus will show here.

On the settings page, the user can edit and update all the profile settings here.

Support Tickets
Users can create a support ticket from here and can communicate with the admin directly.

Key Features:

  • Customer Management
  • Support Ticket
  • KYC Management
  • User & Admin Notifications
  • Login as User
  • Staff Management
  • Role Management
  • Advanced Plan Management
  • Invested Plan Cancellation
  • Plan Off Day system
  • Landing Page
  • Fully Responsive
  • Dark and Light Mode
  • User Profit
  • Automatic Gateways
  • Automatic and Manual Deposit
  • Automatic & Manual Withdraw
  • Crypto and Fiat Currency
  • 2FA Verification
  • Multi-Level Referral with Tree
  • Target Based Referral
  • User Rankings System
  • Admin URL changeable
  • User Ranking System
  • Rankings Badge
  • User Fund Trasfer
  • Signup Bonus
  • Referral Bonus
  • Rankings Bonus
  • Main and Profit Wallets
  • Fund Add and Subtract all the Wallets
  • Wallet Exchange
  • Landing Page Management
  • Pages Management
  • Home page redirection
  • SMS Settings
  • Page Management
  • Pages SEO
  • Site Navigation
  • Site Footer
  • Custom Site Currency
  • Notification with tone
  • Theme Management
  • Dynamic Landing Theme
  • Site Maintenance Mode
  • GDPR Settings
  • Language Settings
  • Tawk Chat
  • Google reCaptcha
  • Google Analytics
  • Email Newslatter
  • Custom CSS
  • Clear Caches
  • Application Details

System Requirements:

  • Laravel >=9.3
  • PHP >= 8.1
  • MySQL 5.7+


  • Font Awesome Icon
  • Lucid Icons
  • Flaticon
  • Ant Icon

Photo Credit:

  • Freepik
  • Pexels

Version 2.4 – 9 September, 2023

[Added] - 8 New Automatic Payment Gateways
[Added] - 5 New Automatic Withdraw Gateways
[Fixed] - Manual gateway data appending issue on the payment preview page.
[Fixed] - Bounty Error fixed
[Fixed] - Plugin issue fixed

Version 2.3 – 6 August, 2023

[Fixed] - Manual withdraw setup issue fixed
[Fixed] - Manual deposit set on admin dashboard
[Fixed] - Page settings
[Fixed] - Mobile version append issue fixed
[Fixed] - Plan to create 500 issues fixed

Version 2.2 – 31 July, 2023

[Added] - Notification on Admin and Users
[Added] - Investment Plan cancellation system
[Added] - Investment Plan Trending Sign
[Added] - All the payment gateways are together including Deposit and Withdraw
[Added] - Automatic Withdraw Methods
[Added] - Deposit and Withdraw in multicurrency supported
[Added] - Customizable admin URL
[Added] - Crypto and Fiat Currency as site currency
[Added] - Home page redirection on other pages
[Added] - Introducing SMS Settings including Nexmo and Twilio
[Added] - Introducing push notifications using Pusher plugin
[Added] - Added Notification Tone
[Added] - Full site language support including Admin and Users both
[Added] - Registration page field management on page settings
[Added] - Added Two new themes
[Added] - Ranking System updated
[Added] - Theme management and Dynamic Landing theme using HTML template
[Added] - SMS and Push notification Template
[Added] - Daily Limits on Wallet exchange, Send money, Withdrawal, Investment Cancellation
[Added] - Referral code limit in letter

Version 2.1 – 03 April, 2023

[Fixed] - Investment auto-off issue fixed
[Fixed] - Added holidays on the front-end investment plans

Version 2.0 – 29 March, 2023

[Added] - Multi-Level Referral with Tree
[Added] - Plan Holiday System
[Added] - Add money on Profit wallet from Admin

Version 1.2 – 21 Feb, 2023

[Added] - Timezone
[Added] - Withdraw Weekly Scheduled
[Added] - Messenger Chat
[Added] - SMTP Checker
[Added] - Newsletters
[Fixed] - New manual gateway deposit goes to 500 error
[Fixed] - The capital back amount was incorrect
[Fixed] - Added a field of Number of Periods on the User Dashboard and Admin Dashboard
[Fixed] - Blogs issue fixed
[Fixed] - Rich editor data saving issue fixed
[Fixed] - Withdraw Account disable issue fixed

Version 1.03 – 06 Jan, 2023

[Added] - Coninpayment deposit gateway
[Added] - Withdraw and Deposit newsletters
[Fixed] - Investment Calculator inactive plans showing issue fixed
[Fixed] - Browser refresh double transaction issue fixed send money, withdraw, and manual deposits
[Fixed] - User fund transfer balance issue fixed
[Fixed] - Paypal live mode issue fixed

Version 1.02 – 11 Dec, 2022

[Added] Two automatic deposit gateways are added (Monnify and SecurionPay)
[Fixed] The decimal value in profit and fees.
[Fixed] The Direct Gateway investment, all gateway showing issue

Version 1.01 – 24 Nov, 2022

[Added] Two automatic deposit gateways are added (Coingate and Flutterwave)
[Fixed] User Dashboard 'Add Money Log' table issue fixed
[Fixed] User Registration page country and country code issue fixed
[Fixed] Email SMTP Settings updated issue fixed on Admin Dashboard
[Fixed] User registration 500 error fixed
[Fixed] Contact form error fixed on Front end
[Fixed] Image previews are fixed on User Panel

Version 1.0 – 21 Nov, 2022

Initial Release

Note: Full system is ready for business instantly.

Sun, 10 Sep 2023 02:01:43 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
Sponzy &#45; Support Creators Content Script

✔ Price: $99

    Sponzy – Support Creators Content Script is a platform where content creators, writers, designers, developers, photographers or any other branch can monetize their content by receiving subscriptions from their most loyal followers or just anyone who likes their work. They can create free and premium posts for their subscribers.

    Sponzy - Support Creators Content Script - 2 Sponzy - Support Creators Content Script - 3 Sponzy - Support Creators Content Script - 4 Sponzy - Support Creators Content Script - 5 Sponzy - Support Creators Content Script - 6 Sponzy - Support Creators Content Script - 7 Sponzy - Support Creators Content Script - 8 Sponzy - Support Creators Content Script - 9


    • Built with Laravel 10
    • Subscription system
    • Stripe Connect
    • Live Streaming
    • Stories
    • Push Notifications
    • Users can set the monthly subscription price
    • Multiple file uploads in one post and Message Chat
    • Creator can send message to all its subscribers at the same time (Mass Messages)
    • Bootstrap 4
    • Font Awesome 5
    • Implemented GDPR
    • Banner Cookies Policy
    • Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) in stripe for customers with business in Europe.
    • Dashboard with Statistics and balance of your account
    • Storage (Local, Amazon, DigitalOcean, Wasabi, Backblaze B2 and Vultr)
    • Notifications Real-time
    • Online / offline user
    • Google reCAPTCHA
    • Edit your page (profile)
    • Account verification by uploading ID or Passport
    • Verified users will display a badge
    • Create unlimited posts Free and Premium
    • Creators can change their name, username and password
    • Creators manage their posts
    • Feed from recent posts of creators subscribed
    • Infinite scroll
    • Categories
    • SEO on Pages
    • SEO on Categories
    • Upload Avatar
    • Upload Cover
    • Setting your Payout method (PayPal or Bank Transfer)
    • Make withdrawals when you reach the minimum amount established by admin
    • Search creators by Name/Username, categories and filter by featured and new
    • Integration with PayPal (Recurrent)
    • Integration with Stripe with (SCA) (Recurrent)
    • Creators Featured
    • Social Login with Facebook and Google
    • Email Verification
    • Users can like in posts
    • Users can comment on posts
    • Ajax Comments
    • Upload Photos
    • GIF Animated
    • Upload Videos MP4/MOV (quicktime)
    • Upload Audio MP3
    • Social profiles
    • Sending mail to the user when a withdrawal payment is sent.
    • You can report posts and creators
    • Current balance of the creator in the drop-down menu
    • XSS: Protection from cross site scripting
    • Secure Bcrypt password hashing
    • SMTP Support
    • Share your page URL (Profile) or share on Facebook and Twitter
    • Easy translation
    • Multilanguage
    • Option Delete Account
    • Link to @username and #hashtag on posts and comments
    • Progress bar on Upload
    • Message system with creators, they can send photos, videos and audios
    • Infinite scroll on Message system
    • Creator can edit posts and replace Media
    • Lazyload Images
    • History of payments made and received
    • Sitemap
    • Email notifications (New subscriber, Tips, PPV)
    • Blog
    • Contact us page
    • Invoices for payments made

    Admin Features:

    • Set General Settings (Name Site,Keywords,Currency Position,others)
    • Change Logo/Favicon/Avatar Default/Images on Index
    • Manage Subscriptions
    • Accept / reject, ID verifications
    • Create/Update/Delete Categories
    • View/Delete Reports
    • View/Pay Withdrawals
    • Add code Google Analytics
    • Update/Delete Members
    • Create/Update/Delete Pages
    • Set Payment Settings
    • Set Profiles Social
    • Set limits (Auto approve Post, File size allowed, etc)
    • Statistics
    • Maintenance mode


    • PHP 8.1 or Greater
    • MySQL 5.7 or Mariadb 10.3.17
    • Ctype PHP Extension
    • cURL PHP Extension
    • DOM PHP Extension
    • Fileinfo PHP Extension
    • Filter PHP Extension
    • Hash PHP Extension
    • Mbstring PHP Extension
    • OpenSSL PHP Extension
    • PCRE PHP Extension
    • PDO PHP Extension
    • Session PHP Extension
    • Tokenizer PHP Extension
    • XML PHP Extension
    • GD or Imagick
    • EXIF
    • allow_url_fopen (PHP.INI) is ON
    • FFMPEG
    Sat, 09 Sep 2023 22:30:46 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
    Iori &#45; Business Website for Company, Agency, Startup with AI writer tool &amp;amp; shopping cart

    ✔ Price: $49

    Latest Version 1.1.0 Release Aug 14, 2023

    • Fix download app widget
    • Fix blog search
    • Fix issue with PostgresSQL
    • Fix UI issue in customer reset password page
    • Fix bug: AI Writer can not open when editing category
    • Fix FAQ section
    • Fix issues when deactivating some plugins
    • Add service/package detail page
    • Add careers page
    • Add product search box in products list page
    • Add recaptcha to newsletter & contact form
    • Make old shortcodes for services/pricing plans work as previous version
    • Improve cart/compare/wishlist page
    • Improve products filter
    • Improve theme UI
    • Improve core & performance

    Iori – Business website for Company, Agency, Startup with AI writer tool & shopping cart

    Iori is a Startup / Agency / Company script that is specifically designed to make modern websites. You can use it to build an agency, digital agency, startup agency, creative agency, creative business, company, creative multipurpose website, or freelance website…

    You can avoid expensive web development and minimize your design costs using Iori – Multipurpose Agency/Business/Company website script.

    document online demo online


    Test accounts for payment

    • PayPal: – 12345678
    • Credit Card for Stripe: 4242 4242 4242 4242 – Anything in the CVV and expiration date
    • Credit Card for SSLCommerz & Razorpay: 4111111111111111, Exp: 12/25, CVV: 111

    Key Features

    • Buy One Time & Get Free Updates Forever Free updates forever
    • Free Theme Installation – If you will face any problem during installation – we will help you and It’s FREE
    • 12 different homepages to give you the best selections in customization.
    • Fully responsive layout.
    • AI writer tool, easy to generate content for your page/post/product… in seconds, save your time to write your content. Demo:
    • Optional shopping cart features, it’s useful if you need to sell your company products directly on the website.
    • Powerful admin panel, all things can be changed from the admin panel, no hard-code.
    • Nice and clean design from our designer expert.
    • Easy to install with UI:
    • Multi-language & multi-currency support.
    • Right To Left (RTL) language support.



    • Apache, nginx, or another compatible web server.
    • PHP >= 8.0 >> Higher
    • MySQL Database server
    • PDO PHP Extension
    • OpenSSL PHP Extension
    • Mbstring PHP Extension
    • Exif PHP Extension
    • Fileinfo Extension
    • XML PHP Extension
    • Ctype PHP Extension
    • JSON PHP Extension
    • Tokenizer PHP Extension
    • Module Re_write server
    • PHP_CURL Module Enable


    Version 1.1.0 – Aug 14, 2023

    - Fix download app widget
    - Fix blog search
    - Fix issue with PostgresSQL
    - Fix UI issue in customer reset password page
    - Fix bug: AI Writer can not open when editing category
    - Fix FAQ section
    - Fix issues when deactivating some plugins
    - Add service/package detail page
    - Add careers page
    - Add product search box in products list page
    - Add recaptcha to newsletter & contact form
    - Make old shortcodes for services/pricing plans work as previous version
    - Improve cart/compare/wishlist page
    - Improve products filter
    - Improve theme UI
    - Improve core & performance

    Version 1.0.0 – Jul 19, 2023

     - First release.
    Sat, 09 Sep 2023 22:19:07 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
    Sngine &#45; The Ultimate PHP Social Network Platform

    ✔ Price: $89

    Sngine is a PHP Social Network Platform is the best way to create your own social website or online community. Launch it in just 1 minute with ultimate features. It’s fast, secured, and it will be regularly updated.

    Sngine Updated to Version 3.10 (What’s New?)
    Check Sngine Android App Demo From Here
    Check Sngine blog for Tutorials and How-to Sngine Blog

    Sngine - The Ultimate PHP Social Network Platform - 1


     Sngine - The Ultimate PHP Social Network Platform - 3 Sngine - The Ultimate PHP Social Network Platform - 4 

    Need Hosting?

    Only -> Link


    User Demo::
    Demo Link (You can register and test it yourself)

    Admin Demo::
    Demo Link (Login using this username/password)
    Username: demo.admin
    Password: 123456
    (This account can’t do any action on the demo version)

    Admin Moderator::
    Demo Link (Login using this username/password)
    Username: demo.mod
    Password: 123456
    (This account can’t do any action on the demo version)


    • Apache, Nginx or IIS Sever
    • PHP 7.4+ and MySQL 5.0+ (Sngine also supports PHP 8+ and MySQL 8+)
    • PHP Extensions: mysqli, mbstring & curl
    • PHP Library: GD
    • PHP Funcrions: allow_url_fopen() & mail()
    • SSL certificate (Required if you want to enable Audio/Video calls or live streaming or to build the mobile apps)

    Change Log / Updates

    Version 3.10 07-09-2023

    • [Updated] Documentation
    • [Updated] System Security
    • [Updated] System Optimization
    • [Updated] Sngine PHP Dependencies
    • [Updated] Sngine JS Dependencies
    • [Added] Market Purchase Module
    • [Added] Tips To Blogs
    • [Added] Admin ability to turn Switch Accounts On/Off [Admin Panel]
    • [Added] Sngine Login as Social Login
    • [Added] Enable/Disable Reactions [Admin Panel]
    • [Added] SMS Limit/Hour
    • [Added] Wallet Transfer Maximum [Admin Panel]
    • [Added] Send Tips in Profiles
    • [Added] User ability to turn Send Tips in his profile On/Off [User Settings]
    • [Added] Tips Button in Pages
    • [Added] Page’s Admin ability to turn Send Tips in his page On/Off [Page Settings]
    • [Added] Products Limits Per Package
    • [Added] Business Tax Info, Address, Website with Pages Verification Requests
    • [Added] Change Profile Cover from Old Photos
    • [Added] Change Page Cover from Old Photos
    • [Added] Change Group Cover from Old Photos
    • [Added] Change Event Cover from Old Photos
    • [Added] Hide Permissions For Disabled Modules in Packages
    • [Added] Enhanced The Search System
    • [Added] Products Tab in Profile Page
    • [Added] Manage Profile Top Photos
    • [Added] Manage Profile Top Friends
    • [Added] Photo Link Copy When Sharing Single Photo
    • [Added] Create Funding from Publisher
    • [Added] Page Description Supports Multiple Lines
    • [Added] Group Description Supports Multiple Lines
    • [Added] Event Description Supports Multiple Lines
    • [Added] Show User’s Marketplace Balance in Admin Panel
    • [Added] Show User’s Funding Balance in Admin Panel
    • [Added] Show User’s Monetization Balance in Admin Panel
    • [Added] Enhanced Articles Tags System
    • [Added] More Zones for Wasabi Settings
    • [Added] Upgrade FontAwesome to v6+
    • [Added] Upgrade Installer Wizard to v5+
    • [Added] Upgrade Updater Wizard to v5+
    • [Fixed] Minor Bugs
    • [Fixed] Change OG-Image with Video Thumbnail
    • [Fixed] Exclude None-Activated Users From New People
    • [Fixed] Exclude Super Admin From New People
    • [Fixed] Ads for Pages & Groups
    • [Fixed] Noty Notification not Clickable
    • [Fixed] Pro Packages Price Format
    • [Fixed] Profiles/Pages/Groups/Events UI make info first
    • [Fixed] Stories ADS Last More Than 24 Hours
    • [Fixed] Funding Post’s Title Open New Window
    • [Fixed] Change People UI Make Search At Bottom
    • [Fixed] Hide Boosted Pages if Pages Disabled From Sidebar Menu
    • [Fixed] Super Admin Can Change His User Group
    • [Fixed] OneSignal Icon Position Issue

    Change Log / Updates

    Version 3.9.1 17-06-2023

    • [Fixed] Minor Bugs
    • [Fixed] Cover image position issue
    • [Fixed] DataTables alert issue when edit user in admin panel
    • [Fixed] Critical Security Issues & Thanks to @IlyasMakari (
    • [Fixed] Profile picture when start chat from profile, market, popover …etc
    • [Fixed] Replaced CDN for “Bootstrap” & “tinymce-i18n” with local files (JsDeliver CDN has some issues with some countries)
    • [Fixed] Fixed “Forget Password” link position
    • [Fixed] Admin panel badge text white colors in day mode
    • [Fixed] Stories Issue
    • [Fixed] Fundings Permission

    Version 3.9 05-06-2023

    • [Updated] Documentation
    • [Updated] System Security
    • [Updated] System Optimization
    • [Updated] Sngine PHP Dependencies
    • [Updated] Sngine JS Dependencies
    • [Added] Migrate to Bootstrap v5+
    • [Added] New Default Theme
    • [Added] Fluid Design Option
    • [Added] Admin ability to turn Fluid Design Option On/Off [Admin Panel]
    • [Added] Change Icons Colors [Admin Panel]
    • [Added] New Social Login via WordPress
    • [Added] New System Ads Slot For Specific Pages
    • [Added] New System Ads Slot For Specific Groups
    • [Added] Emojis Menu Lazy Loading
    • [Added] MoneyPoolsCash Automatic Withdrawal Payments
    • [Added] Movies Pay Per View Module
    • [Added] Switch Accounts
    • [Added] Share Stories As Ads
    • [Added] Videos Categories
    • [Added] Manage Videos Categories [Admin Panel]
    • [Added] Manage Custom Users Groups [Admin Panel]
    • [Added] Manage Permissions Groupss [Admin Panel]
    • [Added] Pro Packages With Permissions Groups [Admin Panel]
    • [Added] Pro Packages With Picked Videos Categories Access [Admin Panel]
    • [Added] Pro Packages With Picked Blogs Categories Access [Admin Panel]
    • [Added] Admin ability to turn Verification Docs On/Off [Admin Panel]
    • [Added] Make “Boosted” Posts Visible To Website Visitors
    • [Added] Uploads Permission for Non-Logged In Users
    • [Fixed] Minor Bugs
    • [Fixed] Games Genres Issue
    • [Fixed] Publisher Privacy Dropdown Menu in Mobile
    • [Fixed] Video Player Aspect Ratio
    • [Fixed] Stripe with JPY currency
    • [Fixed] Backup contains content\backups folder
    • [Fixed] Facebook Embed Responsive Issue

    Version 3.8 31-03-2023

    • [Updated] Documentation
    • [Updated] System Security
    • [Updated] System Optimization
    • [Updated] Sngine PHP Dependencies
    • [Updated] Sngine JS Dependencies
    • [Added] New Landing Page Design
    • [Added] Watch Module
    • [Added] Tips Module
    • [Added] Content Monetization Custom Plans Module
    • [Added] Reactions Order [Admin Panel]
    • [Added] Allow Animated Images for Avatars/Covers
    • [Added] Admin ability to turn Animated Images On/Off [Admin Panel]
    • [Added] Games Genres
    • [Added] Discover Pages by Categories
    • [Added] Discover Groups by Categories
    • [Added] Discover Events by Categories
    • [Added] Discover Games By Genres
    • [Added] Edit Pages Description SEO [Admin Panel]
    • [Added] Edit Groups Description SEO [Admin Panel]
    • [Added] Edit Events Description SEO [Admin Panel]
    • [Added] Edit Games Description SEO [Admin Panel]
    • [Added] Manage DayTime Messages [Admin Panel]
    • [Added] List Marketplace Posts [Admin Panel]
    • [Added] Backbalze New Location [Admin Panel]
    • [Added] Moneypoolscash Payment Gateway
    • [Added] Show Ads Campaigns for Non-logged-in Members
    • [Fixed] Pages Fake Generator
    • [Fixed] Bank Transfers Accept [Admin Panel]
    • [Fixed] Highcharts.js Translation [Admin Panel]
    • [Fixed] Group Cover Image Position Issue
    • [Fixed] Post Title With Feelings Issue
    • [Fixed] Super Admin Can’t Be Demo Account
    • [Fixed] Dark Logo If Not Uploaded
    • [Fixed] Advanced Search With Empty Query Links Issue
    • [Fixed] Friends Count To Exclude Banned Users
    • [Fixed] Posts limit/hours for articles
    • [Fixed] Fullname in Forums if Usernames Only Enabled
    • [Fixed] Deleting Comments When Post Deleted
    • [Fixed] Deleting Article Cover Image When Article Deleted
    • [Fixed] Pinned Post Twice Views
    • [Fixed] Promoted Jobs Not Open
    • [Fixed] Images & Videos Aspect Ratio

    Version 3.7 01-01-2023

    • [Updated] Documentation
    • [Updated] System Security
    • [Updated] System Optimization
    • [Updated] Sngine PHP Dependencies
    • [Updated] Sngine JS Dependencies
    • [Added] Content Monetization for [Profiles|Pages|Groups]
    • [Added] Manage Reactions [Admin Panel]
    • [Added] Add Follower/Followings Privacy Settings
    • [Added] Ads Free System for Pro Accounts
    • [Added] Admin ability to turn Ads Free System On/Off [Admin Panel]
    • [Added] Posts Count in [Profile|Page|Group|Event]
    • [Added] Photos Count in [Profile|Page|Group|Event]
    • [Added] Videos Count in [Profile|Page|Group|Event]
    • [Added] Who can Send Gifts [Everyone|Verified|Pro|Admins]
    • [Added] Who can Upload Videos [Everyone|Verified|Pro|Admins]
    • [Added] Who can Upload Audios [Everyone|Verified|Pro|Admins]
    • [Added] Who can Upload Files [Everyone|Verified|Pro|Admins]
    • [Added] Who can Add Colored Posts [Everyone|Verified|Pro|Admins]
    • [Added] Who can Add Feelings/Activity Posts [Everyone|Verified|Pro|Admins]
    • [Added] Who can Add Poll Posts [Everyone|Verified|Pro|Admins]
    • [Added] Who can Add Geolocation Posts [Everyone|Verified|Pro|Admins]
    • [Added] Who can Add GIF Posts [Everyone|Verified|Pro|Admins]
    • [Added] Who can Post As Anonymous [Everyone|Verified|Pro|Admins]
    • [Added] Stripe New Checkout APIs
    • [Added] Dark|Light Logo [Admin Panel]
    • [Added] Mixcloud Support
    • [Added] Backblaze Bucket Region “eu-central-003” [Admin Panel]
    • [Fixed] FastCGI Issue
    • [Fixed] Pro System Charts in Admin Panel
    • [Fixed] Pro Earning of Current Month
    • [Fixed] Disabled Currencies in Admin Panel
    • [Fixed] Auto Followings Check
    • [Fixed] Quick Search Log Check
    • [Fixed] Delete Original Video After FFmpeg Convert
    • [Fixed] Backups Function
    • [Fixed] Campaign Potential Reach
    • [Fixed] RazorPay Issue
    • [Fixed] Stories Preview Issue with Videos
    • [Fixed] Mass Notifications Extrenal Link Open New Tab
    • [Fixed] Minor Bugs

    Version 3.6.3 12-10-2022

    • [Fixed] Categories Translation
    • [Fixed] FFmpeg issue with Cloud Saving
    • [Fixed] Minor Bugs

    Version 3.6.2 20-09-2022

    • [Updated] Sngine Default Theme Colors
    • [Added] New Post Reactions Images
    • [Fixed] Minor Bugs

    Version 3.6.1 12-09-2022

    • [Fixed] Newsfeed Countries Issue
    • [Fixed] @mentions Issue
    • [Fixed] Save To Cloud Storage Issue
    • [Fixed] Vkontakte Adaptor Issue
    • [Fixed] Tinymce Uploading Images Issue
    • [Fixed] Custom CSS Colors Issue
    • [Fixed] Minor Bugs

    Version 3.6 01-09-2022

    • [Updated] Documentation
    • [Updated] System Security
    • [Updated] System Optimization
    • [Updated] Sngine PHP Dependencies
    • [Updated] Sngine JS Dependencies
    • [Added] Move Sngine JS Dependencies to NPM
    • [Added] FFMPEG Support
    • [Added] Admin ability to turn FFMPEG On/Off [Admin Panel]
    • [Added] All Comments Sorting in Comments
    • [Added] Backblaze Cloud Storage
    • [Added] Manage Reserved Usernames [Admin Panel]
    • [Added] Profile Image Required While Sign Up On/Off [Admin Panel]
    • [Added] Location Data Required While Sign Up On/Off [Admin Panel]
    • [Added] Education Data Required While Sign Up On/Off [Admin Panel]
    • [Added] Work Data Required While Sign Up On/Off [Admin Panel]
    • [Added] Allow Special Characters in Names [Admin Panel]
    • [Added] Share the post to Event
    • [Added] Publish Articles Inside Pages
    • [Added] Publish Articles Inside Groups
    • [Added] Publish Articles Inside Events
    • [Added] Posts Views System
    • [Added] Admin ability to turn Posts Views System On/Off [Admin Panel]
    • [Added] Points/Post View in Points System
    • [Added] Custom Countries for Auto-Friend Feature
    • [Added] Custom Countries for Auto-Follow Feature
    • [Added] Custom Countries for Auto-Like Feature
    • [Added] Custom Countries for Auto-Join Feature
    • [Added] Native Emojis Support
    • [Added] Newsfeed Location Filter
    • [Added] Admin ability to Enable/Disable Any Currency [Admin Panel]
    • [Added] Pro Package Badge with Comments
    • [Added] Video.js Langauges
    • [Added] New Ads Positions Under The Post & Article
    • [Added] Stories Preview
    • [Fixed] Agora Cloud Recording
    • [Fixed] Wasabi Files Delete After Deleting The Post
    • [Fixed] Update Pages, Groups & Events Counters When Delete User
    • [Fixed] Default Website Description Translation
    • [Fixed] Scraper Bug
    • [Fixed] Dark Mode Pagination Colors
    • [Fixed] Live Video Screenshot
    • [Fixed] Video Calls UI
    • [Fixed] User Online Bug
    • [Fixed] Offers Date Format Match System Date Format
    • [Fixed] Delete Album Photos After Load More
    • [Fixed] Minor Bugs

    Version 3.5 05-06-2022

    • [Updated] Documentation
    • [Updated] System Security
    • [Updated] System Optimization
    • [Updated] Sngine Libs
    • [Updated] Sngine JS Dependencies
    • [Added] Move libs to Composer
    • [Added] Razorpay Payment Method
    • [Added] Cashfree Payment Method
    • [Added] Coinbase Payment Method
    • [Added] SecurionPay Payment Method
    • [Added] Live Streaming on Pages
    • [Added] Live Streaming on Groups
    • [Added] Live Streaming on Events
    • [Added] Copy Post Link to Clipboard
    • [Added] Account Activation Required
    • [Added] Admin ability to turn Activation Required On/Off [Admin Panel]
    • [Added] @mentions Now Support Any Language
    • [Added] Translate Site Title To User Language
    • [Added] Google Cloud Storage
    • [Added] Admin ability to turn Google Cloud Storage On/Off [Admin Panel]
    • [Added] Category Name with Product Details
    • [Added] Report Categories and Report Reason
    • [Added] Admin ability to Manage Report Categories [Admin Panel]
    • [Added] Admin ability to Manage HTML support in Rich Text Editor [Admin Panel]
    • [Added] Search Box in Blogs Module
    • [Added] Different Currencies per Product
    • [Added] Remove Upload Limits for Admins/Mods
    • [Fixed] Re-Share Public Group Post
    • [Fixed] Blog Comments For Visitors
    • [Fixed] Delete Reports If Content Already Deleted
    • [Fixed] Translation [Select All|Deselect All|Nothing Selected] in Ads Manager
    • [Fixed] Multiple Select Custom Field Value
    • [Fixed] Lightbox Arrows Directions in RTL Languages
    • [Fixed] Video loaded with “View X New Posts” Not Playing
    • [Fixed] Edit Comment reflected on Replies Bug
    • [Fixed] Adblock Detector
    • [Fixed] Videos
    • [Fixed] Banned.Video Videos
    • [Fixed] Brighteon Videos
    • [Fixed] Mutual Friends Loader
    • [Fixed] User Name on Video/Audio Calls
    • [Fixed] Disabled Countries Issue
    • [Fixed] Minor Bugs
    Sat, 09 Sep 2023 02:23:51 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
    Veno File Manager &#45; host and share files

    ✔ Price: $30

    VFM is a simple and flexible plug-and-play file manager, easy to use and plenty of options. Send files to your customers, create new users with dedicated folders, or simply use it as your personal file cloud. Access from any device, manage users and general settings from an intuitive administration panel, customize it to your brand.

    - Easy installation: simply copy all VFM files to your server, do your first login and update your password. That’s it.

    - No DataBase needed
    - No coding skills required
    - Supports any language (including Right-to-Left option)
    - Easy customization

    - Chunked file uploads: with the HTML5 file api you can upload BIG files without worring about your server upload_max_filesize limit

    - Retina ready Icons

    Veno File Manager - host and share files - 3 Veno File Manager - host and share files - 4 Veno File Manager - host and share files - 5 Veno File Manager - host and share files - 6 Veno File Manager - host and share files - 7 Veno File Manager - host and share files - 8 Veno File Manager - host and share files - 9 Veno File Manager - host and share files - 10 Veno File Manager - host and share files - 11 Veno File Manager - host and share files - 12 Veno File Manager - host and share files - 13 Veno File Manager - host and share files - 14 Veno File Manager - host and share files - 15



    • Folder tree navigation
    • Rename Files and Folders
    • Sortable items by name, date and size
    • Pagination
    • Download Folders
    • Group actions
    • Download multiple files as .zip archives *
    • Delete files and Folders
    • Move files through directories
    • Copy files through directories
    • Server side processed lists via Ajax


    • Multiple roles with custom permissions
    • Assign one or more specific directories per user
    • Optional Max available space per user
    • User Sign Up (optional)
    • User panel
    • Profile picture & default avatars
    • Password recovery
    • Upload notifications between users
    • E-mail notifications to new users


    • Upload BIG files
    • Remote uploader
    • Pause / Resume
    • Drag & drop uploader
    • Multiple file uploading
    • Upload progress


    • E-Mail form
    • Link expiration time
    • Optional password protected links


    • Quick image preview *
    • Inline thumbnails
    • Audio player
    • Video player
    • Global search
    • Quick search module
    • Archive map navigation


    • IP blacklist / whitelist
    • Optional CAPTCHA security code for login and shared links
    • Google reCAPTCHA
    • Hotlinks prenvented *


    • Daily / Weekly / Monthly reports
    • Trend charts for date ranges
    • Export logs as .csv
    • Optional E-mail notifications for any activity


    • Multilanguage (20+ included)
    • RTL support
    • Translations editor


    • 30+ skins included
    • Customizable Logo, Header, Description
    • Customizable alerts
    • Custom E-Mail HTML templates
    • Custom administration panel color schemes
    * Thumbnails preview for .pdf files requires ImageMagick
    * ZipArchive class needs the Zip extension installed (usually enabled in most servers)
    * Hotlinking-block via .htaccess
    Sat, 09 Sep 2023 02:09:26 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
    66biolinks &#45; Bio Links, URL Shortener, QR Codes &amp;amp; Web Tools (SAAS)

    ✔ Price: $69

    66biolinks (former phpBiolinks) is the only social bio link platform you’ll ever need, including a fully-featured URL Shortener, a QR Codes system & a Web Tools system featuring 120 useful tools.

    66biolinks - Bio Links, URL Shortener, QR Codes & Web Tools (SAAS) - 1 66biolinks - Bio Links, URL Shortener, QR Codes & Web Tools (SAAS) - 2 66biolinks - Bio Links, URL Shortener, QR Codes & Web Tools (SAAS) - 3 66biolinks - Bio Links, URL Shortener, QR Codes & Web Tools (SAAS) - 4 66biolinks - Bio Links, URL Shortener, QR Codes & Web Tools (SAAS) - 5 66biolinks - Bio Links, URL Shortener, QR Codes & Web Tools (SAAS) - 6 66biolinks - Bio Links, URL Shortener, QR Codes & Web Tools (SAAS) - 7 66biolinks - Bio Links, URL Shortener, QR Codes & Web Tools (SAAS) - 8 66biolinks - Bio Links, URL Shortener, QR Codes & Web Tools (SAAS) - 9 66biolinks - Bio Links, URL Shortener, QR Codes & Web Tools (SAAS) - 10   


    66biolinks Demo
    Username: admin
    Password: admin


    UNLIMITED BIOLINK PAGES – Users can create multiple Biolink Pages from one single account.

    HIGHLY CUSTOMIZABLE BIOLINK PAGES – Just check out the demo and you will see for yourself :) !

    BIOLINK PAGES EMBEDS – Including YouTube, Soundcloud, Spotify, Twitch, Vimeo & TikTok ready embeds.

    URL SHORTENER READY – Your users can use the product as an URL Shortener as well!




    UNLIMITED QR CODES – Users can create, save & update multiple QR codes and manage them as they wish.

    HIGHLY CUSTOMIZABLE QR CODES – Colored QR Codes, Gradiented QR Codes, Logo over the QR code and many more.

    QR CODES TEMPLATES – Text, URL, Phone calling, Facetime calling, Email, Whatsapp, Crpyto, Location, Wifi, Complex Vcard QR Codes, Paypal payments.

    ADVANCED STATISTICS – All links get detailed statistics regarding their visitors which access their pages.

    TRACKING PIXEL INTEGRATIONS – Facebook, Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, LinkedIn, Twitter, Quora, Pinterest pixel integrations for bio link pages & shortened URLs.

    UNLIMITED PROJECTS (CATEGORIES) – The solution to easily categorize your resources.

    LOGIN WITH FACEBOOK / GOOGLE / TWITTER / DISCORD – To help users login to your website faster.

    TWO FACTOR AUTHENTICATION – To help your users with their account security.



    SEO FRIENDLY – Proper URLs, dynamic titles, highly controllable via per language.

    SITEMAP – The full sitemap is automatically generated for you and ready to be used.

    120+ WEB TOOLS – Helpful dev web tools system included.

    • DNS Lookup tool
    • IP Lookup tool
    • Reverse IP Lookup tool
    • SSL Lookup tool
    • Whois Lookup tool
    • Ping tool
    • HTTP headers lookup tool
    • Safe URL checker tool
    • Google cache checker tool
    • URL redirect checker tool
    • Password strength checker tool
    • Meta tags checker tool
    • Website hosting checker tool
    • Text separator tool
    • Email extractor tool
    • URL extractor tool
    • Text size calculator tool
    • Duplicate lines remover tool
    • Text to speech tool
    • IDN Punnycode converter tool
    • Case converter tool
    • Character counter tool
    • Base64 encoder tool
    • Base64 decoder tool
    • Base64 to Image tool
    • Image to Base64 tool
    • URL encoder tool
    • URL decoder tool
    • Color converter tool
    • Binary converter tool
    • Hex converter tool
    • Ascii converter tool
    • Decimal converter tool
    • Octal converter tool
    • Morse converter tool
    • PayPal link generator tool
    • Signature generator tool
    • Mailto link generator tool
    • UTM link generator tool
    • WhatsApp link generator tool
    • YouTube Timestamp link generator tool
    • Slug generator tool
    • Lorem Ipsum generator tool
    • Password generator tool
    • UUID v4 generator tool
    • Bcrypt generator tool
    • MD2 generator tool
    • MD4 generator tool
    • MD5 generator tool
    • Whirlpool generator tool
    • SHA-1 generator tool
    • SHA-224 generator tool
    • SHA-256 generator tool
    • SHA-384 generator tool
    • SHA-512 generator tool
    • SHA-512/224 generator tool
    • SHA-512/256 generator tool
    • SHA-3/224 generator tool
    • SHA-3/256 generator tool
    • SHA-3/384 generator tool
    • SHA-3/512 generator tool
    • HTML minifier tool
    • CSS minifier tool
    • JS minifier tool
    • JSON validator & beautifier tool
    • SQL formatter/beautifier tool
    • HTML entity converter tool
    • BBCode to HTML tool
    • Markdown to HTML tool
    • HTML tags remover tool
    • User agent parser tool
    • URL parser tool
    • YouTube thumbnail downloader tool
    • Image optimizer tool
    • QR code reader tool
    • Exif reader tool
    • PNG to JPG tool
    • PNG to WEBP tool
    • PNG to BMP tool
    • PNG to GIF tool
    • PNG to ICO tool
    • JPG to PNG tool
    • JPG to WEBP tool
    • JPG to GIF tool
    • JPG to ICO tool
    • JPG to BMP tool
    • WEBP to JPG tool
    • WEBP to GIF tool
    • WEBP to PNG tool
    • WEBP to BMP tool
    • WEBP to ICO tool
    • BMP to JPG tool
    • BMP to GIF tool
    • BMP to PNG tool
    • BMP to WEBP tool
    • BMP to ICO tool
    • ICO to JPG tool
    • ICO to GIF tool
    • ICO to PNG tool
    • ICO to WEBP tool
    • ICO to BMP tool
    • GIF to JPG tool
    • GIF to ICO tool
    • GIF to PNG tool
    • GIF to WEBP tool
    • GIF to BMP tool
    • Celsius to Fahrenheit tool
    • Fahrenheit to Celsius tool
    • Miles to Kilometers tool
    • Kilometers to Miles tool
    • Mph to Kph tool
    • Kph to Mph tool
    • Kilograms to Pounds tool
    • Pounds to Kilograms tool
    • Number to Roman Numerals tool
    • Roman Numerals to Number tool
    • Liters to Gallons (US) tool
    • Liters to Gallons (Imperial) tool
    • Gallons (US) to Liters tool
    • Gallons (Imperial) to Liters tool

    and many many more..

    Administrative Features

    STRIPE PAYMENTS – Earn money by charging One time, Recurring or Lifetime payments from your users for custom plans via Stripe.

    PAYPAL PAYMENTS – Earn money by charging One time, Recurring or Lifetime payments from your users for custom plans via Paypal.

    OFFLINE PAYMENTS – Earn money by charging offline payments (ex: via bank transfers or other methods). The best way to get paid by your users if you do not use Paypal or Stripe.

    COINBASE CRYPTO PAYMENTS – Earn money by charging One time or Lifetime payments from your users for custom plans via Coinbase. CRYPTO PAYMENTS – Earn money by charging One time or Lifetime payments from your users for custom plans via

    RAZORPAY PAYMENTS – Earn money by charging One time, Recurring or Lifetime payments from your users for custom plans via Razorpay.

    PAYU PAYMENTS – Earn money by charging One time payments from your users for custom plans via PAYU.

    PAYSTACK PAYMENTS – Earn money by charging One time, Recurring or Lifetime payments from your users for custom plans via Paystack.

    MOLLIE PAYMENTS – Earn money by charging One time, Recurring or Lifetime payments from your users for custom plans via Mollie.

    YOOKASSA PAYMENTS – Earn money by charging One time or Lifetime payments from your users for custom plans via

    PADDLE PAYMENTS – Earn money by charging One time or Lifetime payments from your users for custom plans via

    MERCADOPAGO PAYMENTS – Earn money by charging One time or Lifetime payments from your users for custom plans via

    DISCOUNT AND REDEEMABLE CODES – Create unlimited discount or redeemable codes from the admin panel for your users.

    TAXES – Easily create, configure taxes and attach them to paid plans.

    INVOICING – Configure and generate proper invoices, displaying potential discount codes and applied taxes for your users.

    FREE, TRIAL PLAN CUSTOMIZATION – Configure exactly what each defined plan can or can not do or disable them completely.

    UNLIMITED CUSTOM PLANS – Create custom made plans for your users.

    PAYMENTS – Both you (as the admin) and your users will have access to their payments made on the platform.

    MULTILINGUAL READY – Easily translate via the admin panel and run multiple languages for your website. (Note: User generated content is not translatable.)

    STATISTICS – Get to know what happens on your website by checking out the statistics page.

    USERS – Create, view, edit, ban or delete any user on the platform via the admin panel.

    MULTILINGUAL PAGES – Create, view, edit or delete any custom page on the platform via the admin panel.

    MULTILINGUAL BLOG – Create, view, edit or delete any blog page or category on the platform via the admin panel.

    LINKS – View or delete any biolink or shortened link that have been created by your users.

    PROJECTS, QR CODES, PIXELS – Manage all the resources created by your users.

    CUSTOM DOMAINS – Allow your users to use multiple domains that you give them access to for Biolink pages or URL Shorteners.

    GOOGLE SAFE BROWSWING – Is implemented to help you fight phishing, malware or any threats from sites that spammers will try and link to.

    BROADCASTS / NEWSLETTER – Easily send emails in bulk directly via the admin panel.

    SETTINGS – This is the control page where you update your website and create it exactly as you wish by editing important details enabling or disabling certain features such as.

    • Disable the default landing page and redirect to your custom one
    • SMTP configuration
    • Enable or disable the Registration system
    • Enable or disable email confirmation for new users
    • Upload your own logo, favicon or opengraph image
    • Configure your business and payment settings
    • Set up your Social media links
    • Add your custom CSS or JavaScript code
    • Configure your ad codes to display ads to your users
    • Display announcements to your users with ease
    • Configure & choose your Captcha (Google, hCaptcha or a simple default one)
    • Configure email notifications for admins for certain events
    • Fully configurable cookie consent manager & implementation


    Please read the whole documentation along with the readme at 66biolinks Documentation.

    Hosting & domains

    These are my personal recommendations based on years of using them for my own projects, including based on opinions from my clients and their own usage.

    Tools external APIs

    This is a list of tools that use an external API to properly work. Consider the fact that these tools are dependant on the External API to work, so if something happens to those APIs, the tool will stop working.

    • Image optimizer – Free – API
    • Text to speech – Free – Google API
    • Website hosting checker – Free – API
    • Safe URL checker – Free – Google Safe Browsing API
    Thu, 07 Sep 2023 00:51:54 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
    FTP &#45; Droppy online file transfer and sharing

    ✔ Price: $12

    Note: This is an add-on for Droppy – Online file sharing, you can purchase Droppy over here

    Droppy with an external FTP server.

    The FTP Plugin for Droppy – Online file sharing connects your existing Droppy setup to an external FTP server. The FTP connections can be made using standard FTP or using SFTP. This way you can separate your uploads from your application server and store all the uploaded files on another server.


    • Connection via FTP or SFTP
    • Authenticate by username, password or Private key (RSA)
    • Easy installation
    • Fast support
    • Free updates

    Why should I store my files on an external server ?

    Sometimes your hosting provider doesn’t provide you with enough storage, by connecting Droppy to an external FTP server you are able to store larger files for longer times (This depends on the maximum storage size of your FTP server), keeping the files separated from your application server will also lead to better performance of your application.


    • Latest version of Droppy
    • Web server
    • MySql database
    • External FTP/SFTP server


    - Updated SFTP library
    - Added support for file previews
    V2.0.3 (27 January, 2021)
    - Fixed issue with external FTP servers that don't support ascii
    V2.0.2 (26 January, 2021)
    - Fixed issues with download from FTP server
    V2.0.1 (26 August, 2021)
    - Fixed port value from settings file wasn't used
    V 2.0 (17 March, 2019)
    + Support for Droppy V2 (Plugin has been rewritten from scratch)
    V 1.1 (25 February, 2017)
    - Added support for Droppy V 1.4.0
    V 1.0.0 (2 September, 2016)
    - Initial release
    Wed, 06 Sep 2023 23:40:23 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
    Droppy &#45; Online file transfer and sharing

    ✔ Price: $35

    Droppy FTP

    Droppy description start Droppy description start Droppy description 2 Droppy description Droppy - Online file transfer and sharing - 1 Droppy - Online file transfer and sharing - 2

    All features

    • Support for multiple files
    • Support for folders and folder structures
    • Support for multiple recipients
    • Drag & Drop support
    • File previews and individual file downloads
    • Image thumbnail generator (for previewing uploaded images)
    • Share files using email
    • Share files using a link
    • Automatic file destruction after a specified time or amount of downloads
    • Password protect an upload
    • File encryption
    • Chunked file uploads
    • Email verification
    • Automatic upload resume on connection loss
    • Option to specify default upload recipients
    • User accounts
    • Require login for upload and/or download page
    • Fullscreen backgrounds (image / video)
    • Space for 2 different Adsense ads
    • Fully translatable and support for multiple languages
    • Built in contact form
    • Terms and about pages
    • Admin panel
    • Upload and download statistics
    • Change site settings
    • Manage all uploads and downloads
    • Manage all email templates
    • Manage all backgrounds
    • Manage users
    • Manage upload settings (max files, max size, expiration time, blocked file types etc.)
    • Set custom analytics code
    • Support for different themes
    • Easily modify theme colors
    • Built in auto-update feature (update Droppy with 1 click)
    • (optional) FTP and SFTP support using the FTP add-on for Droppy

    Droppy is a comprehensive open-source, self-hosted online file sharing platform. It offers a robust set of features that makes file transfer and sharing a breeze for anyone, anytime, anywhere. With Droppy, you can effortlessly share multiple files or folders with friends, family, or colleagues through email or a unique link.

    Droppy prioritizes your control over your data. By hosting your own file sharing platform, you know exactly where and how your data is stored, setting your own file limits without having to rely on a third-party service. You can host Droppy on your own server, tailoring your own limits, and retain full control over your data.

    The platform offers flexibility with account management, allowing you to control who can upload or download files on your site. This feature is particularly beneficial for companies wanting to restrict file uploads to certain employees. Droppy ensures the safety of your files with automatic destruction after a specified time or after all recipients have downloaded the files.

    Droppy enhances security with an advanced file encryption feature. When enabled, all stored files are encrypted using a unique key, ensuring that the files can only be decrypted through Droppy, providing an added layer of security for your files


    V2.5.3 (3 September, 2023)
    - Added option to create multi-language pages
    - Moved about and terms pages to the new multi-language page system
    - Improved plugin loading
    V2.5.2 (8 July, 2023)
    - Fixed issue that caused mail to be sent to empty email address on upload destruction
    - Fixed dark mode issue for uploads table in admin panel
    - Added SMTP connection tester to admin panel email settings
    - Added option to admin panel to set frontend date format
    - Added option to admin panel to set session expiration timeout
    V2.5.1 (21 May, 2023)
    - Added support for PHP 8.2+
    - New documentation content and styling
    - Fixed admin panel uploads page navigation issue
    - Improved authentication
    - Updated spanish translation
    V2.5.0.1 (13 March, 2023)
    - Small patch update for issue with premium add-on
    V2.5.0 (13 March, 2023)
    - Added thumbnail generation for "large" images when file preview is enabled
    - Added improved uploads table to admin panel including the option to filter records
    - Added uploads export option to admin panel
    - Improved file preview layout
    - Increased length of background path and url
    - Decreased concurrent uploads to prevent possible server issues and improve performance
    - Fixed some styling issues for the premium add-on
    - Changes for upcoming premium add-on update
    V2.4.9 (12 February, 2023)
    - Fixed issue that caused upload button to no longer work after clicking it once when the fields are empty
    - Updated translation files
    V2.4.8 (30 January, 2023)
    - Added confirm delete upload page when file sender deletes upload
    - Added extra info to self-destruct option in admin panel
    - Added message to admin panel when using PHP 8.2 or higher
    - Fixed upload spamming by blocking the upload button until upload starts
    - Fixed error issues in log
    - Fixed missing assets errors
    - Fixed issue that caused htaccess to get removed from temp upload folder
    - Updated plugin list in admin panel
    V2.4.7 (14 November, 2022)
    - Fixed issue that caused upload folders to stay on the webserver when external storage plugin was installed.
    - Fixed limit issue on admin user page
    - Fixed email recipient list splitting
    - Changed some parts of the user authorization process
    - Changed droppy log to download button
    - Updated translation files
    V2.4.6 (13 October, 2022)
    - Added support for uploading folders
    - Added authentication support for future add-ons
    - Added download expiration time to download page
    - Added more options for email list pasting such as spaces " " or semicolons ";" 
    - Fixed issue that caused the amount of upload expire time options to be limited
    - Some general bug fixes and textual changes
    V2.4.5 (17 August, 2022)
    - Fixed issue that caused incorrect email error when trailing blanks were added in the email address
    - Fixed issue with the background on login page
    - Fixed issue that caused about tab to stay visible on mobile when the contents were empty
    - Fixed issue that allowed upload button spamming and multiple verify emails to being sent
    - Fixed issue that caused uploads with share mode link to still send out emails to uploaders
    - Updated translation files based on customer input
    - Updated core framework
    V2.4.4 (18 July, 2022)
    - Fixed issue with incorrect pointer icon on file previews
    - Fixed issue where temp folder wasn't automatically cleared in some setups
    - Fixed missing translation for "Preview files" text
    - Fixed some dutch translations
    - It is now possible to preview download details and view file previews when the upload is password protected
    V2.4.3 (11 July, 2022)
    - Fixed issue that caused cron to not work properly when using the S3 add-on
    - Fixed issue that caused the user to be redirected to a white page when the download password was incorrect
    - Fixed possible download issue with systems that were upgraded from Droppy V1 to V2
    - Fixed some issues with IP logging
    - Fixed some mobile height issues
    - The terms and about tabs will now be hidden when their content is empty
    - Added file previews on download page (optional feature)
    - Added new directory permission checks to admin panel
    - Deprecated: Themes "default", "grey" and "oldtimer" are now deprecated and will no longer be supported. Please use the new "modern" theme.
    V2.4.2 (5 May, 2022)
    - Fixed an issue that caused the downloading of files not to work in some mobile browsers
    - Fixed an issue that caused some incorrect tabs to be shown in the header when using the Premium add-on
    Wed, 06 Sep 2023 23:40:17 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
    VCard SaaS &#45; Digital Business Card Builder SaaS &#45; Laravel VCard Saas

    ✔ Price: $24

    VCard SaaS - Digital Business Card Builder SaaS - Laravel VCard Saas - 1

    VCard SaaS - Digital Business Card Builder SaaS - Laravel VCard Saas - 2


    Frontend URL:

    Backend URL:

    11 Default VCard Templates

    VCard SaaS - Digital Business Card Builder SaaS - Laravel VCard Saas - 3 VCard SaaS - Digital Business Card Builder SaaS - Laravel VCard Saas - 4 VCard SaaS - Digital Business Card Builder SaaS - Laravel VCard Saas - 5 VCard SaaS - Digital Business Card Builder SaaS - Laravel VCard Saas - 6 VCard SaaS - Digital Business Card Builder SaaS - Laravel VCard Saas - 7 VCard SaaS - Digital Business Card Builder SaaS - Laravel VCard Saas - 8 VCard SaaS - Digital Business Card Builder SaaS - Laravel VCard Saas - 9 VCard SaaS - Digital Business Card Builder SaaS - Laravel VCard Saas - 10 VCard SaaS - Digital Business Card Builder SaaS - Laravel VCard Saas - 11 VCard SaaS - Digital Business Card Builder SaaS - Laravel VCard Saas - 12 VCard SaaS - Digital Business Card Builder SaaS - Laravel VCard Saas - 13

    InfyVcards-SaaS is a Multi-user Digital Business Card Builder system, which allows many users to create their business digital card with lots of information and they can share it with their customers.

    Here are some Key Features and Concepts that InfyInvoices provides.

    InfyVCards-SaaS – Multi User Business Card Builder SaaS




    Key Features

    Key Features

    Key Features

    Key Features

    Feature Description:

    Here are some Key Features and Concepts that InfyVCards-Saas provides.

    Landing page

    Beautiful landing page from where users can get related pieces of information about the product. users can see the pricing here.

    About Us

    Users can get the product/company information from the about us section which is in the landing page.


    You can add a different kind of services that you are providing in your system, which will attract more users.

    Pricing plans

    Users can see the different pricing plans into landing page which is added by the admin from his panel.

    You can ask for inquiries and support from the landing page.

    User Registration

    If you are interested in the product and want to use it, you can register to the system by filling in some necessary details.

    You have to confirm your email address then for the login and then you will get your separate admin panel.

    Super Admin Panel


    Powerful super admin dashboard where admin can see overall information of this product.

    How many new user is registered, total plans he have, total vcard created, etc.

    Users Management

    Here admin can manage the users of the system. he can add / update/delete users.

    Admin also able to directly login into the user’s account. also he can change user status to in-active if something bad activity is reported.

    VCard Management

    Here admin can see all the vcards users has created and also see the preview URL.

    Admin can copy the preview URL from the listing and can see the actual preview by hitting that URL.

    Default VCard Templates

    Admin can see the default vcard templates here. right now we are providing 10 attractive vcard templates.

    Subscription Plans

    Admin can create a different kind of subscription plans from here as per need with templates selection.

    You have to add price, currency, which templates you want to select for given plans and the other features that vcard have.

    Front CMS

    Here you can manage the all the content of the landing page. you can see the contact us inquiries here.

    Can add new testimonials, can update the about us text and many other things.


    You can see different kind of currencies here that is pre-populated already.

    Countries / States / Cities

    By using this section you can add a different kind of countries/states within the countries and add cities within the states.


    Basic application settings will be configured from here. e.g Logo. favicon, application name, etc.

    User Panel


    User can see the overall vcards information from here. How many vcard he has and the enquiries count on vcards.

    VCard Management

    Here users can create new VCards as per his current plan. User can add his preview URL whatever they want.

    You can add the business hours and services, testimonials, social profile links and many other things from this section.

    Business hours

    Users can add business hours bu days of their business, which will be shown to vcards preview.

    Users can add different social platforms links that will be later used to vcards preview. customers can see that links and use it for more information.

    Custom Fonts

    You can add your own fonts whatever you want to add, selected fonts will be highlighted into vcard preview.


    Customers can submit the inquiry from the card preview & Received inquiries on business cards will be shown to related Vcards tables.


    • business card builder
    • business card
    • digital business card
    • visiting card
    • qr code
    • saas
    • saas business card
    • online business card
    • visiting card maker
    • vcard generator
    • vcard maker
    • portfolio maker
    • vcard
    • business card php script
    Wed, 06 Sep 2023 23:11:41 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
    Riverr &#45; Freelance Services &amp;amp; Projects Platform

    ✔ Price: $47

    Riverr - Freelance Services & Projects Platform - 1 Riverr - Freelance Services & Projects Platform - 2 Riverr - Freelance Services & Projects Platform - 3 Riverr - Freelance Services & Projects Platform - 4 Riverr - Freelance Services & Projects Platform - 5 Riverr - Freelance Services & Projects Platform - 6 Riverr - Freelance Services & Projects Platform - 7 Riverr - Freelance Services & Projects Platform - 8 Riverr - Freelance Services & Projects Platform - 9  Riverr - Freelance Services & Projects Platform - 11

    Online Demo

    Front: (Click Here)

    Password: demo                           
    Password: demo                           

    Admin Panel: (Click Here)

    Password: demo                          
    PayPal Checkout
    Credit Card Checkout
    • NUMBER: 4242424242424242
    • CVC: Any 3 digits
    • DATE: Any future date


    • PHP > = 8.1
    • BCMath PHP Extension
    • Ctype PHP Extension
    • cURL PHP Extension
    • DOM PHP Extension
    • Fileinfo PHP Extension
    • JSON PHP Extension
    • Mbstring PHP Extension
    • OpenSSL PHP Extension
    • PCRE PHP Extension
    • PDO PHP Extension
    • Tokenizer PHP Extension
    • XML PHP Extension


    • Dashboard analytics
    • Manage users
    • Users levels
    • Manage withdrawals
    • Manage portfolios
    • Manage gigs
    • Manage orders
    • Manage refunds
    • Manage reviews
    • Categories
    • Subcategories
    • Manage reported users
    • Manage reported gigs
    • Manage conversations
    • Manage advertisements
    • Support messages
    • Newsletter system
    • Export newsletter list
    • Unlimited languages
    • Manage pages
    • Manage countries
    • PayPal Service
    • Stripe Service
    • reCaptcha
    • System logs manage
    • General settings
    • Currency settings
    • Authentication settings
    • Commission settings
    • Footer settings
    • Payment gateways settings
    • Media settings
    • Publish settings
    • Security settings
    • SEO settings
    • SMTP settings
    • Withdrawals settings
    • ...

    • Seller dashboard
    • Responsive design
    • Clean code
    • Facebook login
    • Twitter login
    • Google login
    • Github login
    • Linkedin login
    • Advanced search
    • Verification center
    • Notifications system
    • Emails notifications
    • Become seller
    • Add to favorite
    • Edit profile
    • Billing info
    • Manage reviews (Buyer)
    • Manage refunds (Buyer)
    • Manage orders (Buyer)
    • Verify account using email address
    • Request verification link again
    • Add to cart as guest
    • Multi gigs checkout
    • Hire sellers
    • Seller availability
    • Seller languages
    • Seller skills
    • Conversations
    • Redirect links
    • Report gigs
    • Report users
    • Seller portfolio
    • Gigs documents
    • Gigs upgrades
    • Gigs FAQ
    • Contact page
    • PayPal checkout
    • Stripe checkout
    • Balance checkout
    • Gig analytics
    • Refunds system
    • Reviews system
    • SEO Ready
    • Sitemap
    • Multiple languages
    • Subscribe to newsletter
    • Seller earnings
    • Balance pending clearence
    • And many more…


    Version – July 15 2023
    - NEW FEATURE: New payment system ( min/max deposit amount ), ( percentage fee + fixed fee | e.g. 1.4% + 0.25$ )
    - NEW FEATURE: Now Riverr supports 29 payment gateways for free including offline payment method
    - NEW FEATURE: Ability to set a currency for offline payment method instead of default system currency
    - NEW FEATURE: Now email notifications support html tags
    - NEW FEATURE: New email notification template
    - NEW FEATURE: New deposit page layout
    - NEW FEATURE: New checkout page layout
    - FIXED: No email notification about new messages when user is offline
    - FIXED: other issues
    - IMPROVED: some system improvements 
    - UPDATED: dependecies and packages
    Version 1.3.2 – April 06 2023
     NEW - Projects
     NEW - Live chat system
     NEW - Ability to add images, links and videos in the html editor
     NEW - Custom head and footer code (HTML)
     NEW - New freelancer dashboard design
     NEW - payment gateway
     NEW - Ability to set default theme
     IMPROVE - RTL design
     IMPROVE - Dark mode
     FIXED - Bugs
    Version 1.3.1
    ### Added
    - New freelancer dashboard layout
    - Users transactions
    - New authentication layout
    - Gigs (Move to trash / Restore from trash / Permanently delete)
    - Orders (Move to trash / Restore from trash / Permanently delete)
    - Users (Move to trash / Restore from trash / Permanently delete)
    - * Projects (Under developement, it will be ready next update)
    - Premium project posting (Highlighted, Urgent, Featured, Alert)
    - Free project posting
    - Bidding on projects
    - Premium bids (Highlighted, Sealed, Sponsored)
    - Project milestones
    - Commission for projects (From freelancer and/or employer)
    - Projects categories with translations
    - Project skills
    - New toast notification design
    - Report bids
    - Report projects
    - QuillJs html editor
    - Crypto currencies payment gateway (
    - YouCanPay gateway
    - New hero section
    - Ability to upload your own defaul thumbnail
    - New cron jobs commands
    - Clearing system cache from dashboard
    - Increase loading speed 
    ### Under developement
    - Posting projects
    ### Updated
    - MercadoPago api
    - Mollie api
    - PayTR
    - VNPay
    - Razorpay
    - reCaptcha
    - Dependencies 
    ### Fixed
    - Bunch of bugs have been fixed
    ### Removed
    - Sliders
    ### Security
    Version 1.3 – 12/01/2022
    ### Added
    - Deposit money in wallet
    - Dark mode
    - New layout
    - Flutterwave payment gateway
    - Mollie payment gateway
    - MercadoPago payment gateway
    - VNPay payment gateway
    - Paymob payment gateway
    - Paytabs Payment gateway
    - PayTR payment gateway
    - Razorpay Payment gateway
    - JazzCash payment gateway
    - New become seller page
    - Ability to change primary color
    - Homepage slideshow
    - Deposit fee
    - Generate cron job commands from dashboard
    - Withdrawal using Bank account
    ### Updated
    - Stripe api
    - Paypal
    - Xendit
    - Paystack
    - Cashfree 
    - Project dependencies 
    ### Fixed
    - Bunch of bugs have been fixed
    ### Removed
    - Payment gateways settings page
    ### Security
    - Set x-frame options
    Version 1.2 – 10/12/2022
     NEW - Paystack payment gateway
     NEW - Cashfree payment gateway
     NEW - Xendit payment gateway
     NEW - Ability to change font from dashboard
     NEW - Add purchase code verification
     IMPROVE - Frontend design
     FIXED - Duplicated values while trying to translate a language
     FIXED - Bug when choose passport as verification document
     FIXED - No "make review" button in orders page
     FIXED - Bug when update seo settings
     FIXED - Language flag not visible
     FIXED - Text not visible in "Gig published" notification
     FIXED - Bug when you delete a user
     FIXED - 404 when trying to download delivered work
     FIXED - Other bug fixes ... 
    Version 1.1 – 09/27/2022
     NEW - Blog system
     NEW - Comments in blog section
     NEW - Offline payment (Bank, Check...)
     NEW - Top sellers in homepage
     NEW - A sellers page
     NEW - Control your homepage content from dashboard
     NEW - Invoices in dashboard
     IMPROVE - RTL design
     IMPROVE - Service page responsive design
     FIXED - Countries flags not visible
     FIXED - Bug when delete a file media
     FIXED - Unable to add video when trying to edit gig
    Mon, 04 Sep 2023 21:18:12 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
    PayMoney &#45; Secure Online Payment Gateway

    ✔ Price: $129

    Overview of PayMoney

    • PayMoney is an online payment gateway that ensures smooth and secure transactions
    • It will help to keep your account more secure & reliable. Enjoy safe online payments through PayMoney. This system is similar to larger payment services like PayPal or Stripe
    • You can deposit money in a few minutes with multiple currencies and multiple payment gateways like PayPal, Stripe, CoinPayments and much more
    • The main features of the application – Deposit, Payout, Transfer, Exchange, Request Payment, Ticketing system, Revenues, Merchants, Merchant Payment etc. If a user has any claim against any payment, he/she can claim to the defendant using Dispute.



    Demo Site info:

    Admin Login:
    username  :
    password   : 123456

    User Login:
    username   :
    passwrod    : 123456

    Merchant Login:
    username   :
    passwrod    : 123456

    Test Credentials:
    Stripe credentials (Deposit) 
    Card number  : 4242424242424242
    MM/YY   : 12/29
    CVC   : 123

    PayMoney Android Mobile APP:

    To Buy PayMoney Android App – Click here.


    Key Features


    Registered users can make deposit into payMoney. With our system payment methods, user can do deposit. User can select in which Wallet they want to deposit the amount.

    Transfer Amount

    It is possible transfer money to any registered or unregistered users. Unregistered users can see their money once they signup. Admin can block, refund for any illegal issues.

    Request Amount

    Registered users can request money to any Registered or Unregistered users. Request receiver has the option to approve the request or cancel it.

    Currency Exchange

    By pay Money, user can exchange any currency ‘From wallet’ to ‘To wallet’. Can set exchnage type as Local/API. Based on each currency exchange rate, amount will be converted and added on user wallets. Admin can see details about exchange in Currency Exchange.

    Payment Methods

    Currently, we have 7 payment methods to deposit money – PayPal, Stripe, 2Checkout, PayUMoney, Coin Payments, Bank & Payeer. From Currencies->Payment method, admin can activate/deactivate payment methods.

    Payouts / Withdrawals

    Money can be easily withdrawn from wallets. PayPal/Bank, how do you want to withdraw your money? To withdraw money, you must first enter your bank details in the withdrawal settings, or if it is PayPal, simply enter your PayPal email address. Withdrawal, on the other hand, is a manual process in PayMoney. Following the withdrawal request, admin will manually send the funds to the bank or paypal email address.


    Fixed amount charge & charge percentage is revenue in PayMoney system.For transaction typeseach currency, admin can set few amount of charges from fees that will separately show in Revenues in admin panel. Only admin can see revenues.

    Roles & permissions

    As owner of this site you can add other user as admin providing permission to specific role.

    User Group

    Admin can add default group for site users. For group users, admin gives specific permission to each group.For example, Users may apply to be Merchant and admin can change his group to Merchant providing extra permission.


    From settings-> preferences, admin can set Time zone, Date format, Money symbol, Thousands separator.

    Activity Logs

    Admin can see each users login activity from activity logs.

    Fees & Limits

    Fees & Limits are the combination of currency and payment methods (Deposit, Transfer, Payout, Request payment & Exchange.). Fees are applicable as charge percentage & charge fixed where limit is the combination of minimum limit & maximum limit.


    User can create merchants via this system. We have two types of merchant- Standard & Express.

    In PayMoney Standard type user can create merchant and generate merchant payment form. By this form user will get the pay now option & do payment to merchant.

    PayMoney Express Checkout gives your buyers a simplified and secure checkout experience using API that keeps them local to your website or mobile app throughout the payment process.


    User can contact with merchant through Dispute option if user have any claim about their product. Administration can take action (Approved or Reject) discussion on both parties.

    Create Tickets

    Ticket system is better way to dealing with customer about their issues where user can report or ask questions on various issues. If you have trouble with the site or program, you can use this option as help.

    Email Templates & settings

    To send mail we have dynamic email template which is changeable too. If you want you can change the template. It also supports multiple languages. We have two E-mail sending protocols. You can send email via SMTP and another one is default, send mail option.

    2-Factor Authentication

    2FA is an extra layer of security used to make sure that people trying to gain access to an online account are who they say they are. It is used to control access to systems and data from hackers. 2FA is allowed for By email, By Phone & By Google Authentication.

    By email & phone: When you verify for email, a 6-digits code will be send to your email to verified your eamil address. By phone, verification process is same as email processing system.

    By Google Authentication: Set up google authenticator app into your mobile phone before continuing, otherwise you will be unable to verify. Then scan QR code from your systems via phone & enter the 6-digit OTP from your app.

    Email/Phone verification

    Email verification services help you to portect your account.This process is helpful to confirming that an email address is valid or not. System automatically send a verification code to the email address used to sign up for the account.

    Manual Deposits & Payouts/Withdrawals

    The PayMoney system allows for manual deposits and withdrawals. For every specific user, the administrator can manually deposit and withdraw funds. Additionally, a user can manually deposit money via bank and withdraw funds to a bank or PayPal account.

    Know your customer (KYC)

    It is the process of knowing your customers. It helps to verify the identity of any clients either before or during the time you start the business with them. KYC allows companies to protect themselves by ensuring that they are doing business legally or not, and it also protects the individuals who might otherwise be harmed by financial crime.

    There are two types of verifications-

    1. Address verifications
    2. Identity verifications

    Address verifications: Go to user profile and upload appropriate file for address verification. If admin approves it, it will display ‘Address verified’ in users list in admin panel and also in user profile in user panel.

    Identity verifications: At first, from user panel select the identity type & provide your necessary credentials. When admin approves the user identity, it will show ‘Identity Verified’ in users list in admin panel and also as in user profile.

    Notification Settings

    During each transaction admin will get email as transaction notification. Admin will be able to set individual admin email for individual transactions types (Deposit, Send, Request, Payout, Exchange, Payment).
    To receive email notifications, admin must configure the notification settings from notification settings option. Admin can assign anyone (set email) for each transaction type.

    User Status Change: Admin can change user status to Active/Inactive/Suspend.

    Active: Users can do all types of activities from his/her panel.

    Inactive: Users can’t login to the system. While going to login into the system a message will appear to the user that he/she is inactivated.

    Suspend: Users will be able to login to the system, but they can’t do any type of transactions (Deposit, Send Money, Request payment, Exchange, Payout, Merchant payment)

    Send/Request Money via Phone number

    User can Send/Request money via user phone number ( Registered or unregistered users). While transferred amount or send request to user phone number, user get sms on their mobile number.

    Earlier Release (v-4.0.0)

    • Paymoney version v4.0.0 is supported with latest laravel version 10 and compitable with PHP version 8.1 or above. Bootstrap version is also upgraded to 5.0.2

    • Introducing the all-new and enhanced user dashboard with a sleek and stunning design! Completely revamped the user dashboard to a seamless and visually captivating experience like never before.

    Fri, 01 Sep 2023 13:28:06 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
    MagicAI &#45; OpenAI Content, Text, Image, Chat, Code Generator as SaaS

    ✔ Price: $39

    Meet MagicAI.

    All-in-one SaaS platform to generate AI content and start making money in minutes.

        MagicAI - OpenAI Content, Text, Image, Chat, Code Generator as SaaS - 5

    MagicAI - OpenAI Content, Text, Image, Chat, Code Generator as SaaS - 6 MagicAI - OpenAI Content, Text, Image, Chat, Code Generator as SaaS - 7 MagicAI - OpenAI Content, Text, Image, Chat, Code Generator as SaaS - 8 MagicAI - OpenAI Content, Text, Image, Chat, Code Generator as SaaS - 9 MagicAI - OpenAI Content, Text, Image, Chat, Code Generator as SaaS - 10 MagicAI - OpenAI Content, Text, Image, Chat, Code Generator as SaaS - 11 MagicAI - OpenAI Content, Text, Image, Chat, Code Generator as SaaS - 12 MagicAI - OpenAI Content, Text, Image, Chat, Code Generator as SaaS - 13 MagicAI - OpenAI Content, Text, Image, Chat, Code Generator as SaaS - 14 MagicAI - OpenAI Content, Text, Image, Chat, Code Generator as SaaS - 15 MagicAI - OpenAI Content, Text, Image, Chat, Code Generator as SaaS - 16 MagicAI - OpenAI Content, Text, Image, Chat, Code Generator as SaaS - 17 MagicAI - OpenAI Content, Text, Image, Chat, Code Generator as SaaS - 18

    MagicAI - OpenAI Content, Text, Image, Chat, Code Generator as SaaS - 19 MagicAI - OpenAI Content, Text, Image, Chat, Code Generator as SaaS - 20 MagicAI - OpenAI Content, Text, Image, Chat, Code Generator as SaaS - 21 MagicAI - OpenAI Content, Text, Image, Chat, Code Generator as SaaS - 22 MagicAI - OpenAI Content, Text, Image, Chat, Code Generator as SaaS - 23 MagicAI - OpenAI Content, Text, Image, Chat, Code Generator as SaaS - 24

    MagicAI - OpenAI Content, Text, Image, Chat, Code Generator as SaaS - 25 MagicAI - OpenAI Content, Text, Image, Chat, Code Generator as SaaS - 26 MagicAI - OpenAI Content, Text, Image, Chat, Code Generator as SaaS - 27 MagicAI - OpenAI Content, Text, Image, Chat, Code Generator as SaaS - 28

    MagicAI - OpenAI Content, Text, Image, Chat, Code Generator as SaaS - 29 MagicAI - OpenAI Content, Text, Image, Chat, Code Generator as SaaS - 30

    MagicAI - OpenAI Content, Text, Image, Chat, Code Generator as SaaS - 31 MagicAI - OpenAI Content, Text, Image, Chat, Code Generator as SaaS - 32

    MagicAI - OpenAI Content, Text, Image, Chat, Code Generator as SaaS - 33

    MagicAI - OpenAI Content, Text, Image, Chat, Code Generator as SaaS - 34 MagicAI - OpenAI Content, Text, Image, Chat, Code Generator as SaaS - 35 MagicAI - OpenAI Content, Text, Image, Chat, Code Generator as SaaS - 36 MagicAI - OpenAI Content, Text, Image, Chat, Code Generator as SaaS - 37 MagicAI - OpenAI Content, Text, Image, Chat, Code Generator as SaaS - 38 MagicAI - OpenAI Content, Text, Image, Chat, Code Generator as SaaS - 39 MagicAI - OpenAI Content, Text, Image, Chat, Code Generator as SaaS - 40 MagicAI - OpenAI Content, Text, Image, Chat, Code Generator as SaaS - 41 MagicAI - OpenAI Content, Text, Image, Chat, Code Generator as SaaS - 42 MagicAI - OpenAI Content, Text, Image, Chat, Code Generator as SaaS - 43 MagicAI - OpenAI Content, Text, Image, Chat, Code Generator as SaaS - 44 MagicAI - OpenAI Content, Text, Image, Chat, Code Generator as SaaS - 45

    #1 Best Selling Product

    MagicAI became the best-selling product on Anysourcecode within three days.

    AI Models

    MagicAI is designed to help you generate high-quality content instantly, without breaking a sweat. It supports the most popular AI generation models.

    • OpenAI
    • GPT 4
    • GPT 3.5
    • GPT 3
    • Dall-E
    • Ada
    • Curie
    • Davinci

    AI Generators.

    • AI Text Generator
    • AI Image Generator
    • AI Code Generator
    • AI ChatBot
    • AI Speech to Text
    • AI Voiceover


    MagicAI Writer is designed to help you generate high-quality texts instantly, without breaking a sweat. With our intuitive interface and powerful features, you can easily edit, export or publish your AI-generated result.


    Generate high qualtity images for a wide range of applications, including web design, advertising, and social media. Whether you’re looking to create eye-catching graphics for your business or simply want to experiment with different design concepts, MagicAI is the perfect solution.


    Get instant answers to your questions, no matter the topic. Whether you’re looking to book a reservation, get product recommendations, or just chat about the weather, MagicAI is always ready and willing to help.


    MagicAI is designed to make coding faster, easier, and more efficient than ever before. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or a coding newbie, our tool will help you streamline your coding process and get your projects up and running in no time.


    Accurately transcribe your recordings in just minutes. With our user-friendly interface, you can upload your files and have them transcribed in a matter of clicks.


    From captivating commercials to engaging narrations, our AI voice will bring your words to life. With its seamless delivery, natural intonation, and unrivaled versatility, our AI voiceover is the perfect choice for any project. Effortlessly choose from a variety of voices and languages while adjusting the pace to your preference.

    Magic Tools.


    Generate, edit, and publish unique text, image, code, and chat with the power of AI.


    Our latest wizard simplifies the installation process of MagicAI to an unprecedented degree, enabling you to effortlessly deploy the software with just a few clicks in a matter of seconds.


    Smart dashboard keeps your site up-to-date. Just click on the update button and MagicAI will be updated to the latest version for free.


    MagicAI is designed to work great on any device. A fully adaptive layout and native-like experience allow your customers to create content on any device regardless of the size.


    MagicAI’s exclusive tool allows you to easily train MagicAI on your own data and make your AI content exclusive just to your website.


    Use pre-made bots or create your own chatbot with custom avatars to craft exceptional and unique experiences for your customers.


    MagicAI uses cutting-edge technology called Stream to display each letter in real-time so you don’t have to wait while the AI is generating the output.


    Our tools can help you generate any kind of content from product descriptions and blog posts to email newsletters and social media updates.


    A responsive dashboard allows you to access valuable insight and analytics, monitor user activity, and manage site settings.


    Rock-solid structure and next-generation technologies deliver the maximum performance.


    MagicAI is designed to perform exceptionally regardless of your server configuration. Exclusive JS and server optimizations make it possible to use MagicAI at the best performance on any server.


    Securely process credit cards, debit cards, or other electronic payment methods such as Stripe, Paypal, 2Checkout, Yokassa, Iyzico, and Paystack.


    MagicAI supports prepaid, subscription, or lifetime-based pricing as well as a free trial so that your customers can try your AI services before purchasing the right plan.


    You can let your users experience the remarkable capabilities of MagicAI with the exclusive free trial.


    Ability to invite friends, set affiliate rules and earn commission from their first purchase.


    Frontend Editor allows you to edit the site content easily. Simply select the section you want to edit and update the content. That’s it!


    Experience the simplicity and ease of our WYSIWYG editor. Create and edit content effortlessly with our intuitive WYSIWYG interface.


    The ability to understand and generate content in different languages allows businesses to expand their reach and appeal to a wider audience.


    MagicAI allows you to translate strings and download new languages within the dashboard.


    Seamlessly adapt your dashboard, content, and overall user experience to meet the needs of RTL language speakers, enabling a truly inclusive and user-friendly environment.


    Transform the appearance of your dashboard effortlessly into an elegant dark layout with just a simple click of a button.


    MagicAI generates unique and optimized content so you can rank higher. 


    Use Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, or GitHub as an alternative login method.


    MagicAI is designed to safeguard your personal information and ensure compliance with GDPR. You can also add and manage Privacy & Policy or Terms of Service content.


    View and manage your project and server configuration.


    Export generated copy as plain text, PDF, Word or HTML easily and automatically integrate into a wider system or workflow.


    Access Support Tickets from your dashboard and update the entire platform with a single click.

    Live search gives your users relevant results within the same page.


    MagicAI supports the integration of API keys, providing limitless connections. This unique feature allows you to bypass key usage limitations and ensures that your AI interactions run smoothly and uninterruptedly.

    Custom Templates

    Create your own template or use pre-made templates and examples for various content types and industries to help you start quickly. 

    • Post Title Generator
    • Summarize Text
    • Product Description
    • Article Generator
    • Product Name Generator
    • Testimonial Review
    • Problem Agilate Solution
    • Blog Section
    • Blog Post Ideas
    • Blog Intros
    • Blog Conclusion
    • Facebook Ads
    • Youtube Video Description
    • Youtube Video Title
    • Youtube Video Tag
    • Instagram Captions
    • Instagram Hashtags
    • Social Media Post Tweet
    • Social Media Post Business
    • Facebook Headlines
    • Google Ads Headlines
    • Google Ads Description
    • Paragraph Generator
    • Pros & Cons
    • Meta Description
    • FAQ Generator (All Datas)
    • Email Generator
    • Email Answer Generator
    • Newsletter Generator
    • Grammar Correction
    • TL;DR Summarization
    • AI Image Generator
    • Custom Generation
    • AI Speech to Text
    • AI Code Generator

    How it Works:

    1. Simply explain what your content is about and adjust settings according to your needs.
    3. Input some basic information or keywords about your brand or product, and let our AI algorithms do the rest.
    5. View, edit or export your result with a few clicks. And you’re done!

    Unlock your business potential by letting the AI  work and generate money for you.  

    Release Notes


    NEW Introduced system health feature with the addition of cache clearing functionality.
    NEW Integrated Paystack payment gateway for expanded payment options.
    TWEAK Reduced the delay for webhooks timer to enhance performance.
    TWEAK Automatically clear cache after updates for a smoother experience.
    TWEAK Translated initial chat messages for better user engagement.
    TWEAK Removed display of used disk space to improve user experience.
    TWEAK Added subscription feature with 2checkout
    TWEAK Added prepaid feature with 2checkout
    TWEAK AI Image title & description translation support
    TWEAK Implemented CSRF token activation for enhanced security.
    TWEAK Adjusted the display of certain currencies to the right side for better visibility.
    FIX Fixed the issue where the custom template section was not being translated.
    FIX Fixed the issue where text strings was not being translated.
    FIX Resolved an issue where the jobs queue was not executing jobs as expected.
    FIX Moved the queue update to the AppServiceProvider to address a critical issue.
    FIX Fixed the max key length is 1000 bytes error in the update script problem.
    FIX Resolved global currency symbol problems.
    FIX Enabled the deletion of image files properly.
    FIX Addressed the dynamic loading of AI images on scroll-down functionality.
    FIX Made a minor adjustment to the license section.
    FIX Corrected the default avatar path for assets.
    FIX Made a slight adjustment to the 2checkout functionality.
    FIX Prevented 2checkout prepaid webhook from causing issues.
    FIX Addressed the paywith 2checkout card element problem.


    TWEAK Added save product on 2checkout.
    FIX Publishable key issue.
    FIX YoKassa controller subscription status issue.
    FIX Change product name on staging.


    NEW AI chat with GPT-4 feature.
    TWEAK Added cron job on yokassa payment.
    TWEAK Added 2checkout setting save feature.
    TWEAK Added two checkout blade.
    TWEAK Added hide English language on the menu option.
    TWEAK Removed some frontend options for better experience.
    TWEAK Added walletmaxpay controller.
    FIX AI image switch api to stability AI.
    FIX Brazilian phone number field.
    FIX GPT-4 feature on ai write and ai code.
    FIX Subscription with yokassa gateway.
    FIX Login confirmation email URL redirect to 404.
    FIX Lightbox not working on AI Image page.
    FIX LazyLoad issue on AI Image page.


    TWEAK Send confirmation email to each login try.
    TWEAK Minor UX improvements.
    FIX Speech to Text not working


    NEW YooKassa Gateway.
    NEW Language menu in mobile version.
    NEW Lithuanian language support.
    NEW Editable main strings. You can edit main strings (English Text) on the Language page now.
    TWEAK Improve site health strings.
    FIX Correct currency in payment page not appear.
    FIX 500 error on the updating process.
    FIX Added extra check for incomplete payments in Stripe.
    FIX User dashboard token chart texts are not translating.


    NEW LazyLoad images.
    NEW Control option Premium/Regular template for AI Writers.
    NEW AmazonS3 Storage option.
    TWEAK Payments look for live instead of sandbox first.
    FIX AI Image not working for some cases.
    FIX pt_BR language not selectable.
    FIX StableDiffusion settings are not saving.
    FIX User dashboard overview wrong data.


    NEW Paypal & Stripe webhooks.
    NEW Kazakh Language support.
    NEW Typing effect. When creating content from now on, you will see an typing effect.
    NEW Copy chat button. Copy your chat content with a single click.
    NEW OpenAI stream option. You can choose how to stream: Backend/Frontend.
    NEW Blog Posts! Enhance your online presence and share your thoughts with the world.
    NEW Email Template Editor. Now there is an area where you can manage your email templates through the panel.
    TWEAK Enable/Disable option for PreHeader.
    TWEAK Languages: Improved Translation process and desgin. You can manage the default languages on the dashboard now!
    TWEAK Custom template category deletion.
    TWEAK Added real names to Voiceover voices for better usage.
    TWEAK Hide image tokents left when disable Image generation feature.
    TWEAK Allow special characters for custom templates.
    TWEAK Hide language switcher button when active one language.
    TWEAK English corrections.
    FIX Layout responsive issues.
    FIX AI Writer categories cannot be removed.
    FIX Block access if user has no credit.
    FIX Affiliate code empty for Social Login.
    FIX Remaining tokens chart wrong data.
    FIX Social Login not working for some cases.
    FIX Custom template page-subtitle showing wrong description.


    NEW Released the AI Voiceover feature with Google TTS (Text-to-Speech) integration.
    NEW Upgraded the ChatGpt model to the 16K model to provide longer and more comprehensive answers.
    TWEAK Updated the 'My Orders' page to display the most recent orders first.
    TWEAK Removed the app_env check from the gateway mode for improved functionality.
    TWEAK Added a currency locale link for PayPal integration to ensure accurate currency display.
    FIX Resolved the issue causing Chat API errors.
    FIX Fixed the API error experienced by some users when using AI Writer.
    FIX Addressed the problem where AI Writer produced nonsensical output after a certain point.


    NEW Released the AI Voiceover feature with Google TTS (Text-to-Speech) integration.
    NEW Upgraded the ChatGpt model to the 16K model to provide longer and more comprehensive answers.
    TWEAK Updated the 'My Orders' page to display the most recent orders first.
    TWEAK Removed the app_env check from the gateway mode for improved functionality.
    TWEAK Added a currency locale link for PayPal integration to ensure accurate currency display.
    FIX Resolved the issue causing Chat API errors.
    FIX Fixed the API error experienced by some users when using AI Writer.
    FIX Addressed the problem where AI Writer produced nonsensical output after a certain point.


    NEW AI Writer maximum length set 400 to be default. It's no longer takes the value from maximum length from admin dashboard.
    FIX Fixed AI Writer content rewriting to reach maximum word error.
    FIX Fixed AI Chat doesn't response after few inputs.
    FIX Fixed Free credits issue upon registration via social methods.


    NEW Custom AI Writer Categories Create, Update, Delete menu added.
    NEW Implemented free credits upon registration. This feature can be found in the general settings.
    NEW Added custom code options for both frontend and dashboard.
    NEW Regenerated language files to address issues related to search and creating new strings.
    NEW AI Writer now can generate up to 2000 words.
    TWEAK AI Chat Responses are Improved
    TWEAK Refined the social login buttons.
    TWEAK Made minor bug fixes and improvements in various areas.
    FIX Fixed when used special characters on frontend strings it shows keyboard code.
    FIX Fixed when user sends email for affiliation button stuck.
    FIX Resolved the issue with custom templates filter selections.
    FIX Fixed the problem where custom template filters were not appearing.
    FIX Corrected the display of templates on the homepage based on active/passive states.
    FIX Fixed the issue where the site menu was not being translated.
    FIX Resolved the user deletion issue.
    FIX Fixed the 404 error when clicking the logo on the documents page.
    FIX The issue causing the Stripe 500 error after the payment has been resolved.


    FIX Login without mail confirmation removed for admin.


    NEW Implemented API key checks and error reporting for the user.
    NEW Disabled chat system input when no API key is provided.
    NEW Added an API key tester that identifies non-functioning keys and provides corresponding error messages.
    NEW Introduced a feature in the General Settings to prevent login without email confirmation.
    NEW Implemented Turbo mode for AI Chat and AI Writer.
    NEW Implemented additional checks to resolve Gateway 500 errors.
    NEW Added dev mode warnings for Gateways.
    NEW Added Terms Link and explanations for the Payment Save button.
    NEW Added frontend sign in and sign up text edits. (Frontend Settings)
    TWEAK Refined the layout of social login buttons.
    TWEAK Improved AI Writer prompts for better performance.
    TWEAK Improved translations for templates.
    TWEAK Enhanced the floating add menu to appear on hover.
    TWEAK Adjusted and fixed labels for better clarity.
    TWEAK Addressed the site health memory limit bug.
    TWEAK Enhanced the styling of social media buttons during registration.
    TWEAK Adjusted font sizes for better readability.
    FIX Resolved issues with the responsiveness of the dashboard.
    FIX Fixed the issues related to environment settings and Paypal credentials.
    FIX Temporarily disabled the new product feature for Cancelled orders.
    FIX Correctly displayed trial days in plans.
    FIX Implemented UI improvements for the Login page.
    FIX Disabled special characters in AI Writer custom template inputs, as they are not allowed in user input names.
    FIX Resolved HTML tags issues in AI Chat Turbo Mode.
    FIX Resolved the issue with displaying Cancelled Orders.
    FIX Updated word count display to show 'Unlimited' instead of -1.
    FIX Fixed the bug related to deleting custom templates.
    FIX Improved responsiveness of the GDPR box.


    FIX Minor Fixes
    FIX Hot Fixes; Payment issues resolved.


    NEW Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions options
    TWEAK Includes hotfixes for version 1.50
    FIX We have implemented forced SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) to address issues that some Cloudflare users were experiencing with AJAX requests.
    FIX Minor Fixes


    NEW Paypal Gateway - You can use PayPal as an alternative to Stripe.
    NEW GDPR Alert Box - Add an alert box for gdpr messages (Settings > GDPR).
    NEW Menu Manager - Manage site menu items as you want! (Frontend > Menu).
    NEW Social Login - You can now log in with your social media accounts. Available for: Google, Facebook and GitHub.
    TWEAK Removed zoom on inputs focus in iOS devices.
    TWEAK Improved Animations on the landing page. Animations will now happen faster.
    TWEAK Improved the sticky header styles for better design.
    TWEAK Improved the landing page performance. The landing page will now open faster.
    TWEAK Improved the text editor on the RTL version.
    TWEAK Improved Login page translations.
    TWEAK Generate image input placeholder color.
    FIX Fixed Scrolling issue on the Chat page.
    FIX Translated text not affect on the Hero section.
    FIX Number of results not affecting on the writer.
    FIX OpenAI general settings not working for: Language, maximum lenght and tone of voice.
    FIX Header logo width issue.
    FIX Dashboard seach shourtcut not working on Windows
    FIX 404 error during change language on the Translate Strings page
    FIX 404 error mail URL's was taken from installation file. Now it is taking it from settings.


    NEW Meta Keywords Option - Introduced a new feature that allows users to specify meta keywords for improved search engine optimization.
    NEW Custom Pages - Added the ability for users to create custom pages, enabling them to tailor their website content according to their specific requirements.
    NEW Low Specs Option for Shared Hosting - Implemented a low-specification option for shared hosting plans, catering to users with limited resource requirements.
    FIX Localize Strings - Resolved an issue where certain strings within the application were not properly localized, ensuring consistent language support across different regions.
    FIX Changelog Styling - Fixed the styling of the changelog section, improving its visual presentation and readability.
    FIX Safari Styling Issues - Addressed styling issues specifically affecting the Safari browser, ensuring a consistent and optimal user experience across different web browsers.
    FIX Removed Navbar Expand - Corrected a functionality issue where the navigation bar would expand unnecessarily, providing a more streamlined and user-friendly interface.
    FIX Disabled Features Showing in Floating Add New - Resolved an issue where disabled features were still visible in the floating "Add New" menu, ensuring that only active and relevant options are displayed.
    FIX Activation URL - Fixed a problem with the activation URL, ensuring that it functions correctly and allows users to activate their accounts without any issues.
    FIX Documents Border Width - Adjusted the border width of documents, improving their visual appearance and ensuring consistent styling throughout the application.


    NEW Added infinite word and image tokens when creating plans.
    NEW Added the ability to send test emails.
    NEW Added Site Health feature.
    NEW Added feature for active-passive management, allowing users to toggle between active and passive modes for various AI capabilities: AI Writer, AI Image, AI Chat, AI Code, AI Speech to text, affiliates.
    NEW Implemented a new UI design, providing a fresh and updated look and feel to enhance the user experience. The new design includes improved aesthetics, intuitive navigation, and enhanced usability.
    NEW Introduced the ability to create custom chatbots, allowing users to design and configure chatbots according to their specific needs and preferences.
    NEW Implemented a sticky header on mobile devices, providing users with a consistent navigation experience as they scroll through the page on their mobile devices.
    NEW Added a sticky header logo to the landing page, ensuring that the logo remains visible and easily accessible as users scroll through the page.
    NEW Added the option for Chatbot training via JSON.
    NEW Chatbot training included examples for better understanding and guidance.
    NEW Implemented the Chatbot Avatar feature, allowing users to customize the appearance of their chatbots.
    NEW Introduced a language dropdown on the landing page, enabling users to select their preferred language for a more personalized experience.
    NEW Multiple Gateway structure (Only stripe works for now)
    NEW Sandbox support (fields) on Development mode
    NEW Membership plans generate required product id and price id values in all enabled gateways on save dynamically.
    NEW Activating gateway triggers generating all membership plans product ids dynamically in saved gateway.
    NEW Added info area below save button on membership plan edit page to show created data.
    NEW Added Translate Strings Feature. You can now edit new translation strings and new language options on the dashboard.
    FIX Fixed an issue where extra fields were being removed from the plans section.
    FIX Resolved the problem of being redirected to the dashboard upon deleting an image.
    FIX Fixed the issue where the admin dashboard image counter always displayed zero.
    FIX Resolved the problem of replicated options when adding a plan.
    FIX Fixed the issue where prepaid payments were not properly filling the stripe settings.
    FIX Addressed the problem where the lightbox did not load upon image creation.
    FIX Fixed the issue of ignoring the generated content language.
    FIX Recognized user inputs correctly for custom templates.
    FIX Made the image generator fields visible in dark mode.
    FIX Resolved the issue with the chat welcoming message dot.
    FIX Fixed the styling of alerts.
    FIX Addressed the problem with the S.E.O. settings not functioning.
    FIX Improved the form fields by changing them from select boxes to on-off switches.
    FIX Fixed the ticket user interface.
    FIX Resolved the issue with the default tone of voice selection not working.
    FIX Fixed the document blink issue in dark mode.
    FIX Addressed chat issues and improved responses.
    FIX Reorganized the settings.
    FIX Price table badge width is adjusted.
    FIX Resolved responsibility issues.
    FIX Cancelling subscription deletes all tokens ( including pack tokens bought before ). Now only subtracts amounts defined in plan.
    FIX Renamed "Credit" to "Token", "Prepaid Plans" to "Token Packs" 
    FIX Improved the page titles for better dashboard.
    FIX Logo width issue on the dashboard.
    FIX Fix: Dark logo does not appear on the Login Screen


    NEW Improved styles for a better user experience.
    NEW Added more frontend options for enhanced customization.
    NEW Increased logo options for greater branding flexibility.
    NEW Included a password change option in the profile settings.
    NEW Added support for GPT-4 (available to beta key owners).
    NEW Enabled the addition of multiple OpenAI API keys, with random selection.
    FIX Fixed an issue with the YouTube title generator prompt.
    FIX Made improvements to prompts in various features.
    FIX Resolved a problem with AI chat and other writers' responses.
    FIX Fixed the mobile bottom menu bug.
    FIX Corrected linking issues in the mobile bottom menu.
    FIX Ensured that selecting a subscription AI model now affects generations.
    FIX Fixed HTTP 500 errors.
    FIX Introduced a new installer.
    FIX Made improvements to the auto-updater.


    NEW Added an auto-updater feature.
    NEW Implemented frontend management capabilities.
    FIX Fixed frontend-related issues.
    FIX Resolved 500 and 404 errors.


    NEW Added pagination to documents and users pages.
    FIX Fixed an issue with the documents page.
    FIX Resolved 500 and 404 errors.
    Thu, 31 Aug 2023 12:21:04 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
    METROHYIP &#45; Premium Theme For HYIPLab

    ✔ Price: $19

    METROHYIP is an amazing premium theme for HYIPLab that works efficiently with all devices. This is a well-designed, well-optimized, and SEO-friendly web template for HYIPLab.

    METROHYIP - Premium Theme For HYIPLab - 1
    Please Note: This is a premium theme for HYIPLab and not a standalone application. You have to purchase HYIPLab first to use this premium theme. You can purchase from here : HYIPLAB – Complete HYIP Investment System

    Demo Access:

    Preview of the Theme: Click Here

    What you will get along with this script?

    – Full Source Code
    – Total Project Documentation


    Version 1.1 – 12th July 2023

    • [PATCH] Compatible with HyipLab v3.7
    Mon, 28 Aug 2023 22:37:05 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
    RedHyip &#45; Premium Theme For HYIPLAB

    ✔ Price: $19

    REDHYIP is a amazing premium theme for HYIPLab that works efficiently with all devices. This is a well-designed, well-optimized, and SEO friendly web template for HYIPLab.

    RedHyip - Premium Theme For HYIPLAB - 1

    Please Note: This is a premium theme for HYIPLab and not a standalone application. You have to purchase HYIPLab first to use this premium theme. You can purchase from here : HYIPLAB – Complete HYIP Investment System

    Demo Access:

    Preview of the Theme: Click Here

    What you will get along with this script?

    – Full Source Code
    – Total Project Documentation

    Mon, 28 Aug 2023 22:37:02 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
    HYIPLAB v3.6 &#45; Complete HYIP Investment System

    ✔ Price: $199

    HYIPLAB - Complete HYIP Investment System - 2

    HYIP Lab is an advanced investment platform that works efficiently with all devices. This is a well-architect, powerful, secure, well-optimized, and SEO Friendly web application that comes to satisfy all investment platform owner needs. HYIP Lab is ready to use web script for the business owner who wants to run and promote their next HYIP Investment business flawlessly.

    HYIP Lab is the most advanced HYIP investment system script in Codecanyon. This comes with easy to use admin panel which leads to use without any coding knowledge. This script comes with 20+ Automated online payment gateways to make the payment easier.

    We will update this script continuously and come with new features and security patches. Our goal is to be the best HYIP script provide in the market.

    Demo Access:

    Frontend Demo:
    Admin Access:

    HYIPLAB - Complete HYIP Investment System - 6
    HYIPLAB - Complete HYIP Investment System - 7
    HYIPLAB - Complete HYIP Investment System - 9
    HYIPLAB - Complete HYIP Investment System - 10

    HYIPLAB - Complete HYIP Investment System - 11

    HYIPLAB - Complete HYIP Investment System - 12

    Mon, 28 Aug 2023 22:36:59 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
    Datinghey &#45; The Ultimate PHP Dating Platform

    ✔ Price: $60

    Datinghey - Your PHP social dating web applicationDatinghey - Your PHP social dating web applicationDatinghey - Your PHP social dating web applicationDatinghey - Your PHP social dating web applicationDatinghey - Your PHP social dating web applicationDatinghey - Your PHP social dating web applicationDatinghey - Your PHP social dating web applicationDatinghey - Your PHP social dating web application

    The ultimate social dating software that empowers you to effortlessly create your own dating or social network platform. With the latest VueJs & Quasar (UMD) frameworks and simple PHP - modernity and reliability are at your fingertips.

    Discover the ultimate social fusion in Datinghey, where the best features of Instagram and Facebook (including stories, feeds, profiles, and reels) meets the exciting vibes of Tinder. Experience it all at lightning speed – that's the magic of Datinghey.

    Some highlitghs of Datinghey

    • Clean and secure codebase, error-free user experience, prioritizing the safety of user data
    • Strategically designed for revenue generation
    • Adaptable and user-friendly interface (desktop, mobile devices)
    • Engineered for easy updates and customization
    • Well-developed features (aligned with the latest trends)

    Live preview


    • Posts & Tags: Easily share photos, videos, tags, location info, and tag friends. Control post visibility, engage with likes and comments, and discover personalized content.
    • User Profile: Showcase posts, info, avatar, cover image, and more. Add personal details, interests, and links to social media for enhanced connectivity.
    • Explore: Discover potential connections based on mutual interests and preferences.
    • Heyreal: Ensure photo authenticity with front and rear camera capture for trust within the community.
    • Stories: Share temporary visual content with filters and text for increased engagement.
    • Feed: Get a personalized stream of content from friends and followed accounts.
    • Mplay: Watch and interact with video posts from others, fostering community engagement.
    • Friends: Easily connect, send friend requests, and build meaningful relationships.
    • Notifications: Stay informed about interactions and activities related to your account.
    • Chat: Real-time conversations and secure messaging.
    • Subscriptions & Purchases: Access subscriptions and in-app purchases for an enriched experience.
    • Location Detection: Personalized content and targeted recommendations based on accurate geographical coordinates.
    • Languages, Security & Privacy: Seamless language switching, robust security, and user-controlled privacy settings for trustworthiness.
    • ControlProvider: Empowering owners with administrative functionalities and insights for effective platform management.

    The best part? You don't need to be a tech expert to use Datinghey, so start now!


    • PHP version 7.2 or higher
    • MySQL database
    • Secure SSL certificate
    • Server space for project files, database, and media assets


    We've created easy-to-understand documentation (you'll find it in the Documentation folder) to guide you as you work on your Datinghey app. 

    The documentation includes:

    • Customizing the 'config.php' file
    • Importing application files to the server root
    • Importing the database (SQL)
    • Functionality diagnostic
    Mon, 28 Aug 2023 19:33:34 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
    QR Code Generator BioLinks vCard SaaS

    ✔ Price: $33


    AI QR Codes

    Watch Demo

    Lead Form

    Bio Links

    Watch Demo

    Restaurant Menu

    Watch Demo


    Business Profile


    Advanced gradient

    Outlined Shapes


    Payment Processors

    Advnaced Stats

    Custom Domains

    Feature Wall

    Quick Code is an advanced QR Code generator platform, it can build customized and unique QR Codes. With rich feature set, such as logos, stickers, and outlined shapes. You can build eye catching QR codes, which result in a higher conversion rate.

    Add beautifull stickers with text to QR codes to make it even more appealing

    Add text – in your native language – along with your QR code, the text feature supports almost every language. You can choose your preferred font from 1400+ supported fonts.

    Quick Code QR Code Generator will help you create beautiful stickers with no designing skills required.

    Font feature is built on top of Google fonts, no API key is required to use this feature.

    Complex layout languages are supported, like Arabic, Urdu and Farsi, along with Chinese, Japanese, Hindi and all of Latin languages.

    Make your QR codes unique with many custom patterns

    Instead of building QR codes with the traditional square pattern, you can choose one of many available patterns and finder shapes. Quick Code QR Code Generator has the following patterns:

    • 15 Custom patterns.
    • 9 Finder shapes.
    • 8 Finder dot shapes.

    Outlined shapes

    Outlined shapes is a special technique that allows us to fill dummy data around your QR code. Choose the right shape that match your business category, and start creating unique QR codes that reflect your business.

    Quick Code QR Code Generator available shapes are:

    1. Circle
    2. Cloud
    3. Shopping Cart
    4. Gift
    5. Cup
    6. T-Shirt
    7. Home
    8. Book
    9. Message
    10. Bag
    11. Truck
    12. Trophy
    13. Umbrella
    14. Van
    15. Watch
    16. Water
    17. Bulb
    18. Sun
    19. Car
    20. Pet
    21. GYM
    22. Salon
    23. Food
    24. Ice Cream
    25. Search
    26. Burger
    27. Apple
    28. Barn
    29. Sun Rise
    30. Star
    31. Realtor
    32. Legal
    33. Juice
    34. Water Glass
    35. Electrician
    36. Plumber
    37. Builder
    38. Home Mover
    39. Cooking
    40. Gardening
    41. Furniture
    42. Mobile
    43. Restaurant
    44. Travel
    45. Dentist
    46. Golf
    47. Pizza
    48. Locksmith
    49. Bakery
    50. Painter
    51. Pest
    52. Teddy
    53. Boot
    54. Shield

    QR Code Types

    Quick Code QR Code Generator comes with many QR code types, every type has its own form fields and the result QR code opens the related app on the user device.

    1. Dynamic URL (dynamic).
    2. Event (dynamic) Regular and Extended License.
    3. Bio Links (dynamic) Extended License.
    4. Restaurant Menu (dynamic) Extended License.
    5. Business Profile (dynamic) Extended License.
    6. vCard+ Extended License.
    7. Google Review Collector (dynamic) Regular License.
    8. Product Catalogue (dynamic) Extended License.
    9. VCard (static).
    10. Static Text / URL (static).
    11. Email (static).
    12. SMS (static).
    13. WIFI (static).
    14. WhatsApp (static).
    15. FaceTime (static).
    16. Location (static) with ability to select the application (Google Maps, Waze, or device default app).
    17. Crypto (static) Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Lite Coin, Dash.
    18. PayPal (static).
    19. Zoom (static).
    20. Skype (static).
    21. Brazilian PIX Payments (static).
    22. Call (static).
    23. Telegram (static).
    24. Messanger (static).
    25. WeChat (static).
    26. Viber (static).

    Image Fill

    Exclusively available with Quick Code QR Code Generator, this feature allows you to fill your QR Code with your custom art instead of solid color or gradient fill. QR code pattern would be masked with your image, to create even more unique experience.

    Gradient Fill

    Advanced gradient, you can add as many colors as you want, with easy to use user interface. This can be done only with Quick Code QR Code Generator.

    • Supports multiple colors (not just start and end color).
    • Can delete and add color as you go.
    • Each color opacity can be changed.
    • Draggable UI builder.

    Add your own logo or choose from many predefined logos (28 preset logos available).

    You can resize, rotate or move your logo. If your logo is transparent, you can add rounded or square background to it. You can change the backround color of the logo as well right from within the user interface of Quick Code QR Code Generator.

    Custom Domains & URL Shortening

    Allows you to provide your customers with many custom domains to server dynamic QR codes from. Your customers can submit their own domains also.

    Customers can change the URL of the dynamic QR codes generated by Quick Code QR Code Generator, they can choose the domain as well. All with a simple 2 clicks.

    For more details, please have a look at Custom Domains Feature Docs.

    You can set a default QR code to be shown when opening the root URL of any custom domain anstead of showing your script homepage.

    Content Management

    Quick Code QR Code Generator comes with many modules to help you customize your content. Blog posts and dynamic pages are server side rendered to help you with SEO.

    You can create unlimited pages right from within your admin panel, and keep your pages intact even after software update.

    It is possible to edit the meta description for every page / blog post which is essential for SEO.

    Translation Support

    Once you install Quick Code QR Code Generator, you will get many languages added automatically for you. You can add your own translation by modifiying a single json file.

    Auto translation feature is built using Google translation API. Instead of writing all translation lines yourself, you can add your language and auto translate it with a single click.

    These languages are added by default:

    1. Romanian
    2. Chinese Simplified
    3. Japanese
    4. Norwegian
    5. Turkish
    6. Swedish
    7. Vietnamese
    8. Italian
    9. Hindi
    10. German
    11. French
    12. Spanish
    13. Portuguese
    14. English (Default – read only).

    Integrate with your own app with built-in API

    Every single function of the application is built using its API, however, the API documentation is work in progress and is available on Demo Api Docs.

    If you feel this feature is essential for you, leave us a comment so we can prioritize our work on the docs.

    Easy to use UI / UX

    Quick Code QR Code Generator is built on multiple steps while creating QR codes, to make the process easier, every step is focused on a single task.

    The UI is carefully crafted from ground up, we did not build it based on any template, dashboard pages and even data tables are mobile first, and work very well on desktops and on large screens (e.g. iMac).

    Most of the advanced design features are available on the home page, so guest users can test out all the features before signing up.

    Start your own business with Quick Code

    Quick Code QR Code Generator is a SaaS script, so it supports user registration and user managment (sign up, reset password, login).

    Available Payment Processors (Regular License)

    1. PayPal subscription based integration, automatic webhook registration.
    2. Stripe subscription based integration, automatic webhook registration.
    3. PayU international (, one time payment integration.
    4. Paddle subscription based integration.
    5. RazorPay subscription and one time payments integration.
    6. Mercado Pago one time payment integration.
    7. Pay TR one time payment integration – not tested, because we do not have test keys.
    8. PayFast one time payment integration.
    9. Xendit one time payment integration.
    10. Mollie one time payment integration.
    11. PayStack one time payment integration.
    12. AliPay – China one time payment integration – not tested, becase we do not have test keys.
    13. YooKassa one time payment integration – not tested, becase we do not have test keys.
    14. Offline Payment Integration receive payment receipts and approve transactions manually.

    Folders and User Invites (Extended License Only)

    Create folders to organize your workflow, move QR codes between folders and allow your clients to invite their team members and give them access to a specific folder only. This is to make the daily use of Quick Code QR Code Generator easier.

    Other Features

    • Dynamic sitemap.
    • Change the script colors and add your own branding to it.
    • Advanced favicon configuration available to enable your website to be added to the client device home screen in a beatiful way.
    • Built-in captcha (there is no need to obtain 3rd party keys to use captcha).
    • Disable or enable the frontend, usefull if you want to use your own theme or CMS (e.g. Wordpress) and keep the script for dashboard use only. Check out this guide.
    • Disable or enable new user registrations.
    • Menu builder: add your customer portal link or your company contact links to the clients dashboard sidebar.
    • Each frontend generator has it’s own editable page which could help you with SEO. Links can be translated from the System Settings > Pages tab.
    • Custom Codes: you can add custom codes to be served in multiple places like header, footer, between blog posts in blog sidebar, even above the dashboard area content. This allows you to serve ads in dashboard area, as well as the frontend.
    • Custom gradient builder.
    • Custom color picker that can generates new color palette with a single click.
    • Auth0 integration: which would allow you to use social logins with the software.

    Important Note About SVG Files

    We are gradually adding features to be available in the SVG exported file. Currently all outlined shapes (50+ shapes) are available in SVG format. See the point in our roadmap.

    We are happy to hear your thoughts

    We are open to feature requests and user feedback. We listen carefully to our customers words, if you have any feature you would like to see added, please let us know, we will be very happy to hear it!

    Support and docs

    For bug reports and feature requests please use our customer portal.

    For documentation and user guides please refer to:

    Thank you!

    If you have reached this far reading about Quick Code, we would like to say Thank you! And we will be looking forward to having you one of our customers ;)


    Admin User

    Demo URL:

    Regular User

    Demo URL:

    Wed, 23 Aug 2023 13:22:23 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
    MineLab &#45; Cloud Crypto Mining Platform

    ✔ Price: $79

    MineLab, a Laravel-made crypto mining platform that enables an excellent opportunity to create your cloud crypto mining website. worlds are becoming cashless and crypto is becoming more popular day by day. it’s an $8 Billion industry currently. a lot of people are now interested to run their cloud mining platform, some datacenter who has a lot of mining tools are interested to connect those online so that’s can peoples able to invest there. we got hundreds of requests to develop such items and we collect ideas from some popular cloud mining platforms: genesis mining, shamining, hashshiny, iqmining.

    MineLab is a complete cloud mining platform, that gives profits to users by following rules set by the admin. MineLab is easily installable, and controllable through the admin panel and comes with a responsive design, high security, interactive User interface. support plugins, LiveChat, Google ReCaptcha, analytics, automatic payment gateway, cards, currencies, and cryptos.

    Demo Access:

    Admin Access:

    MineLab - Cloud Crypto Mining Platform - 1

    Highlighted Features

    • Clean and modern user interface.
    • Strong and powerful admin interface.
    • 20+ Automated Payment Gateways
    • Functionality is Simple and all Dynamic Features.
    • Easy Installation and Documentation.
    • Responsive & retina ready with cross-browser compatibility.
    • Premium and quick support.

    User Dashboard Features

    - 100% Secure User Dashboard.
    - Multiple Coin Wallet.
    - Security setup.
    - Deposit and Withdraw.
    - Purchased Plans Logs.
    - Profile setup.
    - Monthly Deposit Statistic.
    - Automatic Payment Method.
    - Support Tickets.

    Admin Features

    - 100% Secure Admin Dashboard.
    - User Manager.
    - Miners Manager.
    - Plan Manager.
    - Plan Feature Manager.
    - All sales log.
    - Deposit Manager.
    - Withdraw Manager.
    - Support Ticket.
    - Transaction Logs.
    - User Login History.
    - Language Manager.
    - Subscriber Manager.
    - Basic Setting.
    - Logo & Favicon Setting.
    - Extensions Setting.
    - SEO Manager.
    - Email Setting tools.
    - SMS Manager.
    - SMS API Setting.
    - Page Builder.
    - Frontend setting and section manager.
    - And More….


    Version 2.2 – 12th February 2023

    • [FIX] Admin can’t add or update miners.
    • [FIX] 405 error while updating General Setting.
    • [FIX] 404 error while approving pending withdrawals.
    • [FIX] Submenu not appearing on mobile devices.
    • [FIX] Error while rejecting pending payment.
    • [FIX] Error on viewing ticket from admin panel.
    • [FIX] Error on viewing payment details.
    • [FIX] Rounding very small decimal numbers making 0.

    Version 2.1 – 12th January 2023

    • [ADD] API for mobile application.
    • [FIX] 404 issues in withdrawal details.
    • [FIX] Automatically enable 2FA after user registration.
    • [FIX] Invalid form label in miner add/update form.
    • [FIX] Invalid chart in the admin dashboard.
    • [FIX] Controlling multilingual system from admin panel.
    • [PATCH] Currency-wise chart in the admin dashboard.
    • [REMOVE] Chart in user dashboard.
    • [REMOVE] Deposit to base currency wallet (User can pay directly via payment gateways).

    Version 2.0 – 18th November 2022

    • [ADD] New Template
    • [ADD] Strong Reporting
    • [ADD] Controllable language system
    • [ADD] Maintenance Mode
    • [ADD] Cookie Policy
    • [ADD] KYC Verification
    • [ADD] Force Secure Password
    • [ADD] Agree Policy at Registration Page
    • [ADD] Force SSL
    • [PATCH] Admin UI/UX
    • [PATCH] Bootstrap 5
    • [PATCH] Laravel 9
    • [PATCH] PHP 8.1

    Version 1.2 – 27th May 2021

    • [FIX] Wallet address Issues in admin panel
    • [FIX] Prevent withdrawal request without wallet address
    • [ADD] Removed exponential number format
    • [ADD] Add withdrawal limit for miners

    Version 1.1 – 25th May 2021

    • [FIX] User profile picture upload issue
    • [FIX] Timezone error issue
    • [FIX] User wallet update issue
    • [FIX] Automatic daily return amount issue
    • [FIX] User Dashboard 500 Error issue
    • [ADD] Referral system
    • [ADD] Cron Job instruction
    • [PATCH] Latest Laravel Security Patch

    Built for the future

    Using the best, future-proof, and secure stack known to the world: Bootstrap, Laravel framework, jQuery.

    What will you get along with this script?

    - Full Source Code
    - Project Documentation
    - Full Project Database

    MineLab - Cloud Crypto Mining Platform - 4

    Wed, 23 Aug 2023 13:05:21 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
    WhatsApp ChatGPT AI Responder + SaaS | WhatsApp Automation

    ✔ Price: $49

    The Power of ChatGPT on WhatsApp

    Are you tired of typing out long messages on your phone while using WhatsApp? Do you wish you could get instant, intelligent replies without lifting a finger? Look no further! With our revolutionary desktop application, WA GPT Responder, you can now seamlessly connect ChatGPT to your WhatsApp, making communication faster, smarter, and more efficient than ever before!

    WhatsApp ChatGPT AI Responder + SaaS | WhatsApp Automation - 1

    WA GPT Responder brings the incredible capabilities of ChatGPT directly to your WhatsApp chats. Gone are the days of waiting for someone to respond or searching for the perfect reply. Our AI-powered ChatGPT can analyze messages instantly and craft personalized, contextually-aware responses, making your WhatsApp conversations feel more natural and engaging.

    Seamless Desktop Integration

    Using your own desktop PC, you can now run ChatGPT alongside your favorite apps and programs. No need to switch devices or disrupt your workflow. With a simple setup, WA GPT Responder becomes your dedicated AI chat assistant, always ready to assist you or your contacts with a wide range of queries and conversations.

    Monetize Your Conversations

    That’s right! With WA GPT Responder, your WhatsApp chats can now become a lucrative source of income. We’ve integrated Stripe, a secure and reliable payment gateway, allowing you to charge people for access to your WhatsApp number. Whether you’re a business offering premium customer support or an influencer providing personalized advice, you can set your own subscription rates and earn from your valuable conversations.

    WhatsApp ChatGPT AI Responder + SaaS | WhatsApp Automation - 2

    Automate Customer Support and Save Time

    Are you tired of managing customer inquiries manually and losing valuable time during peak hours? As a business owner, you understand that providing prompt customer support is crucial to building trust and loyalty with your customers. This is where GPT Whatsapp Responder comes in handy. It harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to provide instant responses to your customer’s inquiries, 24/7, without the need for human intervention.

    Embrace the Power of SaaS: Monetize, Communicate, and Scale with Ease!

    WhatsApp ChatGPT AI Responder + SaaS | WhatsApp Automation - 3

    By leveraging our innovative desktop application as a SaaS solution, you can unlock a world of possibilities for your current business or even run a totally new business using this combination. With the ability to run WhatsApp, connect it to Chat GPT, and seamlessly integrate Stripe for subscription management and payment processing, our SaaS offering empowers you to monetize your services, streamline communication, and provide exceptional value to your customers. Say goodbye to the complexities of managing infrastructure and focus on delivering a superior user experience. With our SaaS application, you can effortlessly scale your operations, generate recurring revenue through subscriptions, and enjoy the benefits of a fully managed solution. Experience the ease, efficiency, and revenue potential of our SaaS application today and take your business to new heights.

    Suitable for All Businesses

    Whether you run a restaurant, a retail store, or a service-based business, Whatsapp Responder can benefit your business. The tool is designed to answer basic questions about your business, such as location, business hours, phone number, and more. By automating customer support, you can save time and focus on other important aspects of your business.

    WhatsApp ChatGPT AI Responder + SaaS | WhatsApp Automation - 4

    Specialized Bots for Improved Customer Experience

    In addition to answering basic questions, Whatsapp Responder also enables you to run specialized WhatsApp bots that answer questions related to any subject. For instance, if you run a sports store, you can set up a sports bot that answers questions related to sports in general, such as rules, techniques, strategies, and more. This ensures that your customers get accurate information and improves their overall experience with your business.

    Efficiently Handle Multiple Conversations

    One of the significant benefits of Whatsapp Responder is its ability to handle multiple conversations simultaneously. This means that you can manage a large volume of customer inquiries efficiently, without getting overwhelmed. By providing instant responses to customer inquiries, you can improve the overall customer experience and build trust and loyalty.

    WhatsApp ChatGPT AI Responder + SaaS | WhatsApp Automation - 5

    Highly Scalable for Growing Businesses

    Whatsapp Responder is also highly scalable, allowing you to manage an unlimited number of customer inquiries without the need to hire additional staff. This means that you can continue to provide high-quality customer support as your business grows, without incurring additional costs.

    Experience the Future of WhatsApp Communication

    WA GPT Responder is the game-changer you’ve been waiting for. From lightning-fast responses to monetizing your valuable conversations, this desktop application brings WhatsApp to a whole new level of productivity and profitability.

    Embrace the Power of WA GPT Responder! Get Started Now!

    System requirements:

    - Windows 10 or above

    - .Net framework 4.8.0 or higher

    - Chrome Version 114.0.5735.110 or higher

    Wed, 23 Aug 2023 12:42:43 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
    Martvill &#45; A Global Multivendor Ecommerce Platform to Sell Anything

    ✔ Price: $35


    image image image

    image image
    image image
    image image
    image image

    image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image

    Demo Site info:

    Admin Login:



    password: 123456

    Customer Login:



    password: 123456

    Vendor Login:



    password: 123456

    Wed, 23 Aug 2023 12:30:19 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
    JustFans &#45; Premium Content Creators SaaS platform

    ✔ Price: $69

    JustFans – Premium Content Creators SaaS is a fully-featured PHP platform that allows you to start your own premium content-based social media platform in no time.

    The experience is powered by a mobile-first, clean and easy-to-use design, with Dark and Light mode themes, RTL, and localization capabilities. It allows your creators to sell their premium content via monthly subscriptions, offers, bundles, tips, and pay-to-unlock posts.

    Give it a try
    Demo URL:
    Admin URL:
    Credentials are pre-filled – Admin features partially disabled
    Demo video: Link

    JustFans - Premium Content Creators SaaS platform - 1 JustFans - Premium Content Creators SaaS platform - 2 JustFans - Premium Content Creators SaaS platform - 3 JustFans - Premium Content Creators SaaS platform - 4

    Main Features

    • Advanced posts creation module

    1. Multiple file upload
    2. Chunked files uploads
    3. Uploaded file previews
    4. Post draft save
    5. Video conversion via FFmpeg – fallback to mp4 only uploads
    6. Watermarking for images & videos
    7. Posts notifications
    8. Posts scheduling (Release&Delete dates)
    9. AI-based post descripton suggestions

    • Advanced feed module

    1. Bidirectional feed module with swipeable gallery and full-screen view
    2. Media galleries with support for audio, video and image files
    3. Post comments, reactions & comments reactions

    • Search module (Posts & Users search, Top, Latest, Photo, Video filters)
    • Multiple payments providers & ways of monetizing content

    1. Stripe & Paypal payment processors
    2. CCBill payment processor, for adult content payments
    3. Coinbase & NowPayments processors for crypto payments
    4. Paystack (for deposits, tips and unlocks only)
    5. Offline Payments
    6. Monthly/Biannual/Annual subscriptions
    7. Time limited user subscriptions offers
    8. Post & User tips
    9. Pay to unlock posts
    10. Ad spots
    11. Free profiles (Open for registered users)
    12. Open profiles (Open for everyone)

    • Live streaming

    1. RTMP Ingestion – OBS or alternative required for creators
    2. HLS Output with Adaptive Bitrate
    3. Private/Public streams
    4. Pay per view & Subscription locked streams
    5. Live stream chat & Live viewers counter
    6. Stream VODs

    • Multiple storage drivers supported

    1. Locally hosted files
    2. AWS S3 stored files (CDN & Presigned URLs support)
    3. Wasabi stored files
    4. DigitalOcean spaces stored files
    5. Minio storage

    • User messenger

    1. Live messenger and notifications
    2. Audio,Video and Photo attachments
    3. Paid messages
    4. Mass messages
    5. Pusher & Soketi websockets drivers

    • User notifications (Email & on site, live notifications)
    • User bookmarks (Allow users to save content for later)
    • User lists (Allow users to store users into custom lists)
    • Multiple emailing drivers (Log/Mailgun/SMTP)
    • Ability to enforce creator’s identity verification
    • Ability to disable right-clicking on user posts
    • Printable invoices for each transaction

    • User settings

    1. Profile settings (username, name, bio, birthdate, location, website)
    2. Account (Reset password)
    3. Wallet settings (Deposit & Withdraw)
    4. Payments settings (View transactions data and invoices)
    5. Rates settings (General price, bundles and offers)
    6. Subscriptions settings (View and manage subscriptions)
    7. Notifications settings
    8. Privacy settings (Set your profile to public or private)
    9. Verify identiy settings

    • Fluent, mobile-first design (PWA App included)
    • Light & Dark Themes
    • Easy to rebrand via custom themes generator
    • RTL/LTR & Translatable ready
    • Advanced admin panel (Over 100 different settings)
    • Strong SEO practices (Sitemap,, Social media meta)
    • GDPR, Cookies policy banner, NSFW content consent dialog
    • Unique, hand-drawn vector illustrations
    • Social logins (Facebook, Twitter & Google)
    • Email-based 2FA logins
    • GEO-blocking capabilities
    • Email deliverability check on register
    • reCAPTCHA integration for public forms
    • Referral system
    • OpenAI-based suggestion for new post and profile pages
    • And so much more..

    Techs behind it
    • Backend powered by Laravel
    • Frontend powered by Bootstrap & jQuery
    • Aditional 3rd party backend and frontend drivers

    View the full list of requirements over this documentation section.

    Fri, 07 Jul 2023 14:09:53 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
    Valexa PHP Script For Selling Digital Products And Digital Downloads 4.2.5

    ✔ Price: $49

    Valexa PHP Script For Selling Digital Products And Digital Downloads - 1 Valexa PHP Script For Selling Digital Products And Digital Downloads - 2 Valexa PHP Script For Selling Digital Products And Digital Downloads - 3 Valexa PHP Script For Selling Digital Products And Digital Downloads - 4 Valexa PHP Script For Selling Digital Products And Digital Downloads - 5 Valexa PHP Script For Selling Digital Products And Digital Downloads - 6

    Thu, 06 Jul 2023 13:57:11 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
    Bitcoin Faucet List | Social Networking

    ✔ Price: $59

    Introducing the Bitcoin Faucet List | Social Networking website, your ultimate online destination for discovering and engaging with a wide range of Bitcoin faucets while connecting with fellow cryptocurrency enthusiasts. Our website combines the convenience of accessing a comprehensive list of Bitcoin faucets with an interactive social networking platform, creating a unique and immersive experience for Bitcoin enthusiasts of all levels.

    With our Bitcoin Faucet List feature, you gain access to a curated and regularly updated collection of reputable Bitcoin faucets. These faucets provide opportunities to earn free Bitcoin by completing simple tasks, such as solving captchas or watching ads. Explore a diverse selection of faucets conveniently organized in one place, allowing you to maximize your earnings and discover new faucet opportunities.

    • Comprehensive Faucet List: Access a curated collection of reputable Bitcoin faucets, ensuring you have a wide range of options to earn free Bitcoin.
    • Faucet Tracker: Keep track of your earnings from different faucets, monitor your progress, and optimize your earning potential.
    • Social Networking Platform: Connect with a vibrant community of Bitcoin enthusiasts, engage in discussions, share insights, and learn from others.
    • User Profiles: Create your own profile, showcase your faucet earnings, and customize your avatar to express your unique Bitcoin journey.
    • Notifications: Stay informed about new faucets, community updates, and important announcements to never miss out on exciting opportunities.
    • User-Friendly Interface: Enjoy a seamless and intuitive design that makes navigating the website and interacting with the Bitcoin community effortlessly.

    Whether you are new to Bitcoin or a seasoned cryptocurrency enthusiast, our Bitcoin Faucet List | Social Networking website provides a valuable resource for earning free Bitcoin and connecting with the dynamic Bitcoin community. Join our website today and embark on an exciting journey of faucet exploration, earning potential, and engaging interactions with fellow Bitcoin enthusiasts. Start earning, connecting, and exploring the fascinating world of cryptocurrencies like never before!

    Wed, 05 Jul 2023 12:53:03 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
    OpenAI Davinci &#45; AI Writing Assistant and Content Creator as SaaS

    ✔ Price: $49


    OpenAI Davinci is a powerful SaaS platform that allows your users to use sophisticated OpenAI Artificial Intelligence technology to generate various Text Contents, such as articles, blogs, ads, media and so on in 52 languages. Potentials of what your users can generate is basically endless. Users can also generate AI Images just by describing the image via OpenAI DALL-E-2 and Stable Diffusion (by solutions. Davinci has a powerful backend admin panel that allows you to control what kind of Openai Models (GPT4, GPT3 Turbo, GPT3: Davinci, Curie, Babbage, Ada) you want to allow for each user groups. AI Code feature is also available, users can generate code in any programming language with the help of the AI. Our interactive AI Chat system will allows your users to ask any questions and get any result as they prefer and come with 42 AI Chat Bot Assistants to use by default, just like ChatGPT platform. Users can also create a transcription of audio and video files with the Speech to Text feature via the OpenAi Whisper model. On top of the features above, your users can also generate AI Voiceovers with more than 540 Voices and 140 Languages and Dialect, combine up to 20 Voices in a single task, and synthesize text up to 100K characters, all powered by leading cloud service providers: Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform. You can also create granular subscription plans that will include precise models to use and plenty of additional features. Its writing assistant capability fits into any business and helps to save ton of time. Start your personal SaaS business within minutes with Davinci today!

    For all Prepaid and Lifetime plans you can also accept Bitcoin | Bitcoin Cash | Ethereum | USD Coin | Litecoin | Dogecoin | Dai cryptocurrencies via Coinbase gateway.

    Online Demo

    OpenAI Davinci - AI Writing Assistant and Content Creator as SaaS - 2 OpenAI Davinci - AI Writing Assistant and Content Creator as SaaS - 3 OpenAI Davinci - AI Writing Assistant and Content Creator as SaaS - 4

    Features of OpenAI Davinci:

    1. Set any of OpenAI Models as needed (GPT4 (8k/32k), GPT 3.5 Turbo (16k), GPT3: Ada, Babbage, Curie, Davinci)
    2. Support for OpenAI DALL-E-2 to generate AI Images
    3. Support for Stable Diffusion to generate AI Images
    4. Support for Generating Text in 37 Languages
    5. Unlimited Custom Template creation feature
    6. Unlimited Custom AI Chat Bots creation feature
    7. AI Speech to Text feature
    8. AI Text to Speech feature with 540 Voices and 140 Languages (Azure & GCP)
    9. AI Chat Assistants feature with 42 Different Bots
    10. Available 69 Prebuilt Templates (More to Come Soon):
      • Blog Titles
      • Blog Section
      • Blog Ideas
      • Blog Intros
      • Blog Conclusion
      • Facebook Ads
      • Article Generator
      • Content Rewriter
      • Paragraph Generator
      • Talking Points
      • Pros & Cons
      • Summarize Text
      • Product Description
      • Startup Name Generator
      • Product Name Generator
      • Meta Description
      • FAQs
      • FAQ Answers
      • Testimonials/Reviews
      • Problem-Agitate-Solution
      • Video Descriptions
      • Video Titles
      • Youtube Tags Generator
      • Instagram Captions
      • Instagram Hashtags Generator
      • Social Media Post (Personal)
      • Social Media Post (Business)
      • Facebook Headlines
      • Google Ads Headlines
      • Google Ads Description
      • Academic Essay
      • Welcome Email
      • Cold Email
      • Follow up Email
      • Creative Stories
      • Grammar Checker
      • Summarize for 2nd Grader
      • Video Scripts
      • Amazon Product Description
      • Text Extender
      • Rewrite with Keywords
      • Song Lyrics
      • Business Ideas
      • LinkedIn Posts
      • Company Bio
      • Email Subject Lines
      • Product Benefits
      • Selling Product Titles
      • Product Comparisons
      • Product Characteristics
      • Twitter Tweets
      • TitTok Video Scripts
      • LinkedIn Ad Headlines
      • LinkedIn Ad Descriptions
      • App and SMS Notifications
      • Tone Changer
      • Amazon Product Features
      • Dictionary
      • Privacy Policy
      • Terms and Conditions
      • Clickbait Titles
      • Company Press Release
      • Brand/Product Press Release
      • Attention-Interest-Desire-Action (AIDA) Framework
      • Before–After–Bridge (BAB) Framework
      • Promise–Picture–Proof–Push (PPPP) Framework
      • Brand Names
      • Ad Headlines
      • Newsletter Generator
    11. AI Code Feature
    12. Control Text Result Lengths
    13. Convert any Template to Professional Category
    14. WYSIWYG Editor
    15. Combine up to 20 voices on single synthesize task
    16. Synthesize text up to 100K characters in length
    17. Export results in PDF, Word and Text documents
    18. Set Templates as Favorite
    19. Store AI Image results in Wasabi and Amazon S3
    20. Control Template Category Access per User Group/Subscription Plan
    21. Control AI Chat Bot Category Access per User Group/Subscription Plan
    22. Google 2FA Authentication
    23. Google Adsense Support
    24. Openai Multi API Feature
    25. Stable Diffusion Multi API Feature
    26. Sensitive Words Filtering Feature
    27. Live Chat with Feature
    28. Monitor User Spendings and Balance
    29. Promocode feature for Prepaid and Lifetime plans
    30. Full Affiliate/Referral system
    31. Fully Responsive Interface
    32. Create Prepaid Plans
    33. Create Monthly Subscription Plans
    34. Create Yearly Subscription Plans
    35. Create Lifetime Subscription Plans
    36. Various Included Payment Gateways:
      • Paypal (Online) (Prepaid/Monthly/Yearly/Lifetime)
      • Stripe (Online) (Prepaid/Monthly/Yearly/Lifetime)
      • Razorpay (Online) (Prepaid/Monthly/Yearly/Lifetime)
      • Paystack (Online) (Prepaid/Monthly/Yearly/Lifetime)
      • BankTransfer (Offline) (Prepaid/Monthly/Yearly/Lifetime)
      • Mollie (Online) (Prepaid/Monthly/Yearly/Lifetime)
      • Braintree (Online) (Prepaid/Lifetime)
      • Coinbase (Online) (Prepaid/Lifetime)
    37. Closely Monitor Monthly & Yearly Incomes
    38. Fully Ready to go SaaS Platform
    39. Dark Mode
    40. Powerful Admin Panel
    41. Developed with PHP 8.1 and Laravel 9.1
    42. Detailed and Comprehensive Documentation
    43. One Click Update Feature
    44. 6 Month Support Included


    Please note, for the script to work correctly, you need to have a valid OpenAI account. It is a 3rd party AI service provider and they provide a paid service. Also note that this is not a mobile application.

    OpenAI Prices

    Visit Pricing Page

    Tue, 04 Jul 2023 21:10:48 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
    66aix &#45; AI Content, Chat Bot, Images Generator &amp;amp; Speech to Text (SAAS)

    ✔ Price: $35

    66aix is the ultimate AI assistant tool that helps you generate unique content, fix your already existing one or improve it. You can also generate complete AI images from scratch. There is also a fully featured Speech to Text & Text to Speech AI conversion & AI Chat Bot system included too.

    66aix - AI Content, Chat Bot, Images Generator & Speech to Text (SAAS) - 1 66aix - AI Content, Chat Bot, Images Generator & Speech to Text (SAAS) - 2 66aix - AI Content, Chat Bot, Images Generator & Speech to Text (SAAS) - 3  66aix - AI Content, Chat Bot, Images Generator & Speech to Text (SAAS) - 5 66aix - AI Content, Chat Bot, Images Generator & Speech to Text (SAAS) - 6 Demo

    66aix demo
    Username: admin
    Password: admin


    Custom AI Chat bots

    AI Images generator (StableDiffusion & OpenAI DALL E)

    AI Images Upscaling

    AI Speech to Text converter

    AI Text to Speech converter

    50 AI Templates

    • Python snippet
    • CSS snippet
    • HTML snippet
    • JS snippet
    • SQL query
    • PHP snippet
    • Quote generator
    • Summarize
    • Explain like I am 5
    • Song lyrics
    • Joke generator
    • Text spinner/rewriter
    • Keywords generator
    • Grammar fixer
    • Text to Emoji
    • Blog Article Idea
    • Blog Article Intro
    • Blog Article Idea & Outline
    • Blog Article Section
    • Blog Article
    • Blog Article Outro
    • Reviews
    • Translate
    • Social media bio
    • Social media hashtags
    • Video Idea
    • Video Title
    • Video Description
    • Tweet generator
    • Instagram caption
    • LinkedIn post
    • Website Headline
    • Twitter thread generator
    • SEO Title
    • Welcome email
    • Outreach email
    • Pinterest caption
    • SEO Description
    • Facebook advertisement
    • TikTok video caption
    • SEO Keywords
    • Google advertisement
    • Ad Title
    • TikTok video idea
    • Ad Description
    • LinkedIn advertisement
    • Name generator
    • Startup ideas
    • Viral ideas
    • Custom prompt

    CUSTOM TEMPLATES – Fully custom templates & categories, manageable from the admin panel.

    ANTI NSFW – Checks the user input for NSFW text, violence, hate…etc to avoid getting your OpenAI API key banned.

    CONFIGURE AI MODELS – Can be set on a per-plan basis, via the admin panel.

    UNLIMITED PROJECTS (CATEGORIES) – That users can create to manage and categorize their resources.

    LOGIN WITH FACEBOOK / GOOGLE / TWITTER / DISCORD – To help users login to your website faster.

    TWO FACTOR AUTHENTICATION – To help your users with their account security.



    SEO FRIENDLY – Proper URLs, dynamic titles, highly controllable via per language.

    SITEMAP – The full sitemap is automatically generated for you and ready to be used.

    and many many more..

    Administrative Features

    STRIPE PAYMENTS – Earn money by charging One time, Recurring or Lifetime payments from your users for custom plans via Stripe.

    PAYPAL PAYMENTS – Earn money by charging One time, Recurring or Lifetime payments from your users for custom plans via Paypal.

    OFFLINE PAYMENTS – Earn money by charging offline payments (ex: via bank transfers or other methods). The best way to get paid by your users if you do not use Paypal or Stripe.

    COINBASE CRYPTO PAYMENTS – Earn money by charging One time or Lifetime payments from your users for custom plans via Coinbase. CRYPTO PAYMENTS – Earn money by charging One time or Lifetime payments from your users for custom plans via

    RAZORPAY PAYMENTS – Earn money by charging One time, Recurring or Lifetime payments from your users for custom plans via Razorpay.

    PAYU PAYMENTS – Earn money by charging One time payments from your users for custom plans via PAYU.

    PAYSTACK PAYMENTS – Earn money by charging One time, Recurring or Lifetime payments from your users for custom plans via Paystack.

    MOLLIE PAYMENTS – Earn money by charging One time, Recurring or Lifetime payments from your users for custom plans via Mollie.

    YOOKASSA PAYMENTS – Earn money by charging One time or Lifetime payments from your users for custom plans via

    PADDLE PAYMENTS – Earn money by charging One time or Lifetime payments from your users for custom plans via

    DISCOUNT AND REDEEMABLE CODES – Create unlimited discount or redeemable codes from the admin panel for your users.

    TAXES – Easily create, configure taxes and attach them to paid plans.

    INVOICING – Configure and generate proper invoices, displaying potential discount codes and applied taxes for your users.

    FREE, TRIAL PLAN CUSTOMIZATION – Configure exactly what each defined plan can or can not do or disable them completely.

    UNLIMITED CUSTOM PLANS – Create custom made plans for your users.

    PAYMENTS – Both you (as the admin) and your users will have access to their payments made on the platform.

    MULTILINGUAL READY – Easily translate via the admin panel and run multiple languages for your website. (Note: User generated content is not translatable.)

    STATISTICS – Get to know what happens on your website by checking out the statistics page.

    USERS – Create, view, edit, ban or delete any user on the platform via the admin panel.

    MULTILINGUAL PAGES – Create, view, edit or delete any custom page on the platform via the admin panel.

    MULTILINGUAL BLOG – Create, view, edit or delete any blog page or category on the platform via the admin panel.

    BROADCASTS / NEWSLETTER – Easily send emails in bulk directly via the admin panel.

    SETTINGS – This is the control page where you update your website and create it exactly as you wish by editing important details enabling or disabling certain features such as.

    • Disable the default landing page and redirect to your custom one
    • SMTP configuration
    • Enable or disable the Registration system
    • Enable or disable email confirmation for new users
    • Upload your own logo, favicon or opengraph image
    • Configure your business and payment settings
    • Set up your Social media links
    • Add your custom CSS or JavaScript code
    • Configure your ad codes to display ads to your users
    • Display announcements to your users with ease
    • Configure & choose your Captcha (Google, hCaptcha or a simple default one)
    • Configure email notifications for admins for certain events
    • Fully configurable cookie consent manager & implementation


    Please read the whole documentation along with the readme at 66aix documentation.

    You must also have an account on OpenAI with a working API key.

    You must also have an account on Amazon AWS with a working API key for the Text to Speech implementation.

    Tue, 04 Jul 2023 20:35:44 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts
    QuickAI OpenAI &#45; ChatGPT &#45; AI Writing Assistant and Content Creator as SaaS

    ✔ Price: $29

    QuickAI is a SaaS platform that allows your users to use OpenAI Artificial Intelligence technology to generate unique Content & images. It can generate new plagiarism-free content, and improve existing content in multiple languages. Users can also generate Images via OpenAI DALL-E 2 and Stable Diffusion by describing the image. Users can also create a transcription of audio and video files with the Speech to Text feature via the OpenAi Whisper model. AI Code feature is also available, users can generate code in any programming language with the help of the AI. And with the unique AI Chat feature users can chat with multiple chatbots and AI in real time. The Text to Speech feature via AWS is also available, users can create audio files from any text. A powerful admin panel in QuickAI enables you to specify what kind of OpenAI Models (GPT4, GPT3 Turbo, GPT3: Davinci, Curie, Babbage, Ada) you want to allow for each user group. Furthermore, you can create detailed subscription plans with all the features and specifications you want to use. Start your business with this SaaS script and start earning.

    Mulitple OpenAI Models

    • ChatGPT 3 (Ada, Babbage, Curie, Davinci)
    • ChatGPT 3.5 (turbo)
    • ChatGPT 4 (Beta)
    • DALL-E 2
    • Whisper

    QuickAI - OpenAI Content & Image Generator and Writing Assistant (SaaS)

    Online Demo

    Front: (Click Here)

    Username: demo                           
    Password: demo                           

    Admin Panel: (Click Here)

    Username: admin                           
    Password: admin                           


    Flutter APP Demo:

    QuickAI - OpenAI Content & Image Generator and Writing Assistant (SaaS)

    QuickAI - OpenAI Content & Image Generator and Writing Assistant (SaaS)

    QuickAI - OpenAI Content & Image Generator and Writing Assistant (SaaS)

    quickai openai features

    quickai openai features

    quickai openai reviews

    The Benefits of AI Content Generators and Why should you use AI writing assistance for your blog?

    Using content creation tools is a good idea for companies who want to create engaging quality content – at scale. Here are some benefits of AI writing assistance.

    • They provide assistance to copywriters by helping them generate content ideas at scale, which can save time and money.
    • AI writers can also help reduce the risk of writer’s block and provide more accurate results than manual writing processes.
    • With AI content generators, businesses are able to generate high-quality content faster and more efficiently than ever before, making them an invaluable tool for any content creator.
    • AI content generators can also be used to generate ideas for topics, create drafts, and even edit existing copy.
    • AI writing assistance, copywriters can produce more accurate and high-quality content in less time.
    • AI writing tools allow writers to quickly generate multiple versions of their work which can be used for A/B testing or other purposes.
    • AI writing assistants are also becoming increasingly powerful and can help writers with tasks such as research, keyword optimization, grammar checking and more. This makes them an invaluable tool for copywriters who want to create quality content faster and more efficiently.

    Powerful Features

    Create unique and refreshing content with QuickAI – the ultimate AI Writing Assistant and Content Creator as a Service. Improve existing content or let QuickAI create something new just for you; no matter what task you have on hand it will be taken care of in seconds. Get started today – our SaaS platform is the perfect solution to any writing need!

    OpenAI models

    Quickai is an AI-based platform that uses OpenAI models to produce automated writing. It is powered by the latest versions of ChatGPT, including ChatGPT 3 (Ada, Babbage, Curie and Davinci) and ChatGPT 3.5 (turbo), as well as the upcoming version of ChatGPT 4 (Beta). With Quickai, users can benefit from faster and more accurate content generation that is tailored to their needs. The platform also offers a range of features such as natural language processing and sentiment analysis that enable users to generate high-quality content quickly and efficiently.

    AI Chat

    AI chat

    QuickAI has developed an AI chat feature to help businesses provide a more personalized and engaging customer service experience. This AI chat is powered by natural language processing (NLP) technology, which allows it to understand customer queries and respond accordingly. It can also be used to generate automated responses for frequently asked questions, helping to reduce the workload of customer service staff. With this AI chat, customers can get quick answers to their queries in real time, making their experience more efficient and enjoyable.

    Speech to text

    speech to text ai tool

    Speech-to-text technology has become increasingly popular in the last few years. It is a powerful tool that can help convert audio files into text quickly and accurately. This technology offers many advantages such as faster transcription of audio files, improved accuracy, and reduced costs. With the help of these features of QuickAI content creator, you can save time and effort while still getting the job done accurately.

    Al Image Generator

    AI image generator

    Al Image Generator is a powerful tool that can help content creators and digital marketers generate visually appealing images quickly and easily. It uses advanced artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms to convert images into ai-generated art. With this tool, users can create stunning visuals with minimal effort, making it an ideal choice for those who need to produce high-quality visuals in a short period of time.

    Al Code Generator

    AI image generator

    QuickAI has revolutionized the way developers write code. With its AI code generator, developers can now generate code faster and with more accuracy than ever before. AI code generators understand the context of a programming task and generate optimized code for it by using natural language processing (NLP). Software developers can use this feature to save time and create more quality products.

    Affiliate Marketing Program

    AI affiliate marketing program

    Easily grow your registered users with the affiliate program of QuickAI content writer. Now invite advertisers or affiliates to join your affiliate marketing program and allow them to earn commission through referral income.

    Main Features

    • Set any of the OpenAI Models as needed (Ada, Babbage, Curie, Davinci, ChatGPT 3.5, ChatGPT 4 (Beta))
    • Support for OpenAI DALL-E and Stable Diffusion to generate AI Images
    • AI Chat – chat with the AI and ask your questions
    • AI Chat Characters (chatbots) – create unlimited AI chat characters.
    • Custom prompts for AI Chat
    • AI Code – Generate code in any programming language via AI
    • Speech to Text – create transcription of audio and video files
    • Text to Speech – create audio files from texts
    • Generate Content in any language
    • Unlimited Custom Templates
    • 60+ Content creation templates available (More to Come Soon):
      • Blog Ideas
      • Blog Intros
      • Blog Titles
      • Blog Section
      • Blog Conclusion
      • Article Writer
      • Article Rewriter
      • Article Outlines
      • Talking Points
      • Paragraph Writer
      • Content Rephrase
      • Facebook Ads
      • Facebook Ads Headlines
      • Google Ad Titles
      • Google Ad Descriptions
      • LinkedIn Ad Headlines
      • LinkedIn Ad Descriptions
      • App and SMS Notifications
      • Text Extender
      • Content Shorten
      • Grammer Checker
      • Quora Answers
      • Summarize for a 2nd grader
      • Stories
      • Bullet Point Answers
      • Definition
      • Answers
      • Questions
      • Passive to Active Voice
      • Pros and Cons
      • Rewrite With Keywords
      • Emails
      • Emails V2
      • Email Subject Lines
      • Startup Name Generator
      • Company Bios
      • Company Mission
      • Company Vision
      • Product Name Generator
      • Product Descriptions
      • Amazon Product Titles
      • Amazon Product Descriptions
      • Amazon Product Features
      • Social Media Post (Personal)
      • Social Media Post (Business)
      • Instagram Captions
      • Instagram Hashtags
      • Twitter Tweets
      • YouTube Titles
      • YouTube Descriptions
      • YouTube Outlines
      • LinkedIn Posts
      • TikTok Video Scripts
      • SEO Meta Tags (Blog Post)
      • SEO Meta Tags (Homepage)
      • SEO Meta Tags (Product Page)
      • Tone Changer
      • Song Lyrics
      • Translate
      • FAQs
      • FAQ Answers
      • Testimonials / Reviews
      • More Coming…
    • Multiple OpenAI API keys – Setup multiple API keys and the script will choose random API key to process the request. So you can use multiple free OpenAI API keys.
    • WYSIWYG Editor
    • Simple wizard installation and upgrade.
    • Membership system (Monthly, Yearly, Lifetime)
    • Multiple Payment Gateways support
    • Affiliate System
    • Advertisements – Add google ads and earn more money
    • Live Chat Support integrated
    • Custom bad words filter
    • Blog
    • Testimonials
    • FAQ
    • Custom Pages from the admin
    • Bootstrap – Classic Design – New php classified ads script
    • RTL Version
    • Multi-language Support (Arabic, Hindi, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Japanese Included)
    • Powerful Admin panel for controlling your site.
    • New pages (FAQ, Contact Us, Feedback, Privacy and Terms)
    • E-mail external services like: SMTP, PHPMail, Amazon SES, SendGrid, Mandrill
    • SEO optimised
    • Change the currency
    • Transaction History
    • Facebook Login
    • Google Login
    • Email template customiser
    • language file editor
    • No need to set up a cronjob
    • Unlimited Colors
    • Maintenance mode
    • Google and OpenStreet maps integrated
    • Google captcha integrated
    • Easy to edit html template files.
    • Fully Responsive
    • Fully Ready to go SaaS Platform
    • Detailed and Comprehensive Documentation
    • Powerful admin panel
    • One Click Update Feature
    • 6 Month Support Included
    • And many more…

    16 Payment Gateways Plugins

    • Paypal Payment Gateway Plugin
    • Stripe Payment Plugin
    • Offline Payment Plugin
    • Payumoney Payment Plugin
    • Razorpay Payment Plugin
    • Mollie Payment Plugin
    • Paystack Payment Plugin
    • Paytm Payment Plugin
    • 2Checkout Payment Gateway
    • CCAvenue Payment Gateway
    • Iyzico Payment Plugin
    • Midtrans Payment Plugin
    • Paytabs Payment Plugin
    • Telr Payment Plugin
    • Flutterwave Payment Plugin
    • YooMoney Payment Plugin


    First of all, copy the code folder and paste it to your server/localhost.

    • Run the QuickAI directory.
    • It will redirect to /install directory.
      • Step 1: Start installation
      • Step 2: Accept the license agreement of policy and click next.
      • Step 3: Create a database with phpmyadmin.
      • Step 4: Enter all details in the form and click install
      • Step 5: Installation done
    • All is done Installation completed. click on frontend and enjoy with QuickAI script

    System Requirements

    PHP 7.4 or greater
    OpenSSL PHP Extension
    Mbstring PHP Extension
    PHP Zip Archive
    Rewrite Module (Apache or Nginx)


    Please note that for the script to work correctly, you must have a valid OpenAI account. It is a 3rd party AI service provider that provides a paid service. Check OpenAI prices here. You can also use this price calculator.

    Tue, 04 Jul 2023 18:51:41 +0200 Unity Games and Scripts