Classima - Classified ads Android & iOS App

1 128
$89 $44.50
.apk, JavaScript JS

Classima – Classified ads Android & iOS App

Classima Classified ads mobile app is React Native based Android & iOS app for Classima – Classified ads WordPress Theme. Using this app you can access the most incredible classified marketplace in your country, where you can buy, search, and sell many different products on the go. Classified Listings doesn’t limit you in terms of the goods that you can buy or sell. It allows you to sell motorcycles, vehicles, electronics, and so much more. What’s more, if you’re interested in selling, buying, or renting a property, or posting or searching for a job within the country or overseas, you can find it all on Classified Listings.

Classima mobile app

Required Theme

Classima mobile app Classima moible app

Classima Classified ads Android App

Main Features:

  • Login/ Registration
  • Ad Posting
  • My Account
  • My Listings
  • Edit Profile
  • Favourite
  • Database Location
  • Top/ Featured & Bump up ads
  • Category page
  • Grid View
  • Ad detail Page
  • Related ads under detail page
  • Search
  • Location selection
  • Chat with seller
  • Email to Seller
  • Direct phone call
  • Report add
  • Conditional Fields
  • Google MAP & OpenStreetMap
  • Google Location
  • Radius Search
  • Store Facility
  • Membership
  • Payment (Offline, Card, Paypal &
  • Share option
  • Social login (Facebook & Google)
  • Business hour
  • Social profile
  • Google Admob
  • Rating & Review
  • Multilingual support
  • RTL Support
  • Social Profile Icon in Store detail
  • Razorpay Payment support
  • Push notification (Listing Approved, Listing Expired, Chat, Listing Created (Admin), Order Created (Admin)
  • Mobile no Verification using Firebase/twilio
  • Woocommerce payment gateway Integration

Change Logs

VERSION 2.39.5 (AUG 14, 2023)

Added: More Google admob banners on different screens.
Added: Option to open similar ads on the same page without navigating to a new page.
Added: Store only for membership features added in the app.
Added: Added cancel button on call modal.
Added: Google map marker press will open the default map app with the listing location.
Fixed: Multiple images not selected issue solved
Fixed: Listing submission button disabled without any error in form issue solved
Fixed: Membership package promotion ads number not showing issue solved
Fixed: Edit Profile button disabled issue solved
Fixed: Chat report error while open from listing page issue solved
Fixed: The user can not get membership promotion without logging out and logging in after buying membership packages issue solved

VERSION 2.33.14 (MAY 11, 2023)

 - Bug fix update

VERSION 2.33.13 (MAY 03, 2023)

Bug Fixed: Price not shown bug fix

VERSION 2.33.12 (MAY 02, 2023)

Added: clear button in the search bar
Added: Report Abuse in chat
Added: Privacy and safety (block user and ad)
Added: price type display in single listing and list
Added: Price hidden feature in single listing and list
Added: React native 0.71.3
Added: Android compileSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion set to API level 33 and iOS 16
Added: Subscription (view + remove + update)(Stripe & Authorize)
Fixed: Setting screen RTL fix
Fixed: Push register issue fix on start up
Fixed: Razorpay bug fix
Fixed: Stripe bug fix
Fixed: Register the device for push notification while logging in with Apple login
Updated: Update chat list on user switch
Fixed: Stripe payment issue fixed
Fixed: Fixed double popular badge issue
Fixed: Edit listing price issue fix (dot, comma)
Fixed: Invalid time issue fix in Listing Detail
Fixed: Big void space issue fixed in filter section

VERSION 1.14.3 (FEB 14, 2023)

Fixed: stripe payment issue
Fixed: Minor bug fix

VERSION: 2.14.2 (FEB 03, 2023)

Added: Multiple image selection
Added: Search feature in all stores
Added: User can now renew expired ads from the app
Added: Members can see available free ads
Added: Promotion and other badge text and color will be synced with the website
Fixed: Added Missing badges
Fixed: Price unit is back

VERSION 2.9.3 (DEC 21, 2022)

Fixed: Some Bug fix

VERSION 2.9.2 (DEC 14, 2022)

Added: App now fully supports multi-currency features both static and dynamic
Updated: New Expo SDK 46 with React native version 69.6
Fixed: Listing time bug fixed
Fixed: Chat time 
Improvement: Few minor UI changes.

VERSION 2.7.0 (AUG 17, 2022)

Added: Verified Seller Badge in the Store page
Added: Exit app prompt on android back button press
Added: Coupon code
Update: React Native 0.68
Update:  Android compile SDK Version 31(Android 12) and Java 11

VERSION 2.3 (JULY 26, 2022)

Added: Seller verification
Fixed: Minor Bug Fix

VERSION 2.2.5 (JUNE 30, 2022)

Feature: Added Country selection restriction and default selected country in Phone verification
Feature: Change category from Home Screen without resetting 
Bug Fix: Facebook login issue fixed
Bug Fix: App and device RTL conflict issue
Bug Fix: Time not being translated issue
Bug Fix: Week day not being translated issue also few minor bug fix.

VERSION 2.0.2 (JUNE 10, 2022)

Minor Bug Fix update

VERSION : 2.0.1 (JANE 07, 2022)

Fixed: Some Bug fixes
New: Redesigned UI
New: New Sidebar
Update: Increased performance
Added: Account deletion feature
Added: Phone verification using Firebase/twilio
Added: Woocommerce payment gateway

VERSION 1.21.4 (DEC, 24, 2021)

Fixed: iOS Stripe payment issue
Fixed: iOS App Store rejection for tracking policy issue

VERSION 1.21.2 (DEC 10, 2021)

Add: OpenStreet Map Support
Add: List view / Grid View Toggle mode
Fixed: Price unit issue fixed
Fixed: Custom promotion name issue fixed

VERSION 1.19.2 (NOV 17, 2021)


VERSION 1.19.0 (OCT 28, 2021)

Added: Push notification
Added: Login restriction for unverified user(email verification)

VERSION 1.17.4(OCT 01, 2021)

Added: Rating & Review
Added: Multilingual support
Added: RTL Support
Added: Social Profile Icon in Store detail
Added: Razorpay Payment support
Fixed: Checkbox value missing bug solved
Fixed: Custom field deleted value bug solved

VERSION 1.12.4 (AUG 25, 2021)

Fixed Some Bug
Fixed: APK run error

VERSION 1.12.3 (AUG 18, 2021)

Fixed: “NPM ERROR Invalid Version” Issue

VERSION 1.12.2 (AUG 13, 2021)

Add: Social login icon added in the login button
Add: Added Apple login for iOS
Add: Seller/ Store contact information restriction for guest/ register users.
Fixed: Sold out badge position bug fixed
Fixed: Crashed in single listing page bug fixed.
Fixed: Paypal Payment issue fixed.
Fixed: Offline Payment instructions show. 

VERSION 1.10.1 (JULY 19, 2021)

Add: Membership option add
Add: Payment (Offline, Stripe Card, Paypal &
Add: Social Share option
Add: Social login (Facebook & Google)
Add: Business hour
Add: Social profile
Add: Google Admob
Fix: Some minor bug fix and 
Improve: Performance improvements.

VERSION 1.3.9 (MAY 18, 2021)

Add: Image Mandatory
Add: Listing video option
Add: Category image support 
Add: Pricing control
Add: Language Support
Fixed: Some bug

VERSION 1.0.2 (APRIL 20, 2020)

Fix: Some bug 
Add: Image Mandatory 
Update: Supports more category Icon.


Add: Conditional Fields
Add: Google Location
Add: Radius Search
Add: Store Features
Add: Google Map
Add: More Category icon support.
Fix: Email click issue also some related issue fixed.



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