DownGrade - Single Vendor Digital Marketplace With Subscription v5.6

0 179
$95 $24.70
JavaScript JS, CSS, PHP, SQL

downGrade is single vendor digital marketplace with subscription.You can selling your items an online store to suitable marketplace. Suitable selling items are themes,plugin and scripts. Script Developed with PHP Laravel & Mysql and Bootstrap4 Support. There are many powerful features for user roles, flash deals, blog, payment gateways, social login & shares, multilanguage & recaptcha, import / export product, invoice generate, newsletter, guest checkout…ect we provide to help of details documentation it will take few minutes to quick installation.

Payment Gateways:

payment gateways

File Cloud Storage:

File Cloud Storage

Guest Checkout:

Guest Checkout

User Features:

  • Sell Digital Products
  • Single Vendor Support
  • 100% responsive design
  • Laravel 10.22.0
  • Bootstrap
  • Font awesome icons
  • Easy installation
  • Build Your Own Store
  • Multilanguage
  • Featured items
  • Flash Sale items
  • Free items
  • Popular items
  • Newest items
  • Related items
  • Ajax autocomplete
  • Price filter,category, text filter and display order filter
  • Pagination for blog and product items,product comment,product reviews..ect
  • Open exchange rates currency conversion
  • Blog
  • Google recaptcha V3
  • Cookie Popup
  • Comment for blog and product items
  • Product items license support system
  • Dynamic pages
  • Pages menus are main menu and footer menu
  • Contact Us Page
  • Login,Register,Forgot
  • Email confirmation for registration
  • Social Share, Social Login & Social Links
  • Without Login Add to Cart
  • Shop page
  • Invoice PDF Generate
  • Google Adsense
  • Cart
  • Checkout
  • Report This Item
  • My Purchases
  • My Profile
  • My Favourites
  • Watermark
  • Guest checkout
  • Tawk live chat
  • Refund request system
  • Review and Ratings for items
  • Rating notification email
  • Payment Gateways are Paypal, Stripe, Paystack, Localbank, Razorpay, Coingate, CoinPayments, PayFast, PayHere, Flutterwave, Mercadopago Integrated
  • Withdrawal Option for paypal, stripe, paystack, localbank
  • Customer withdrawal request
  • Blog Category
  • Items Category
  • Items SubCategory
  • Pending refund request
  • Pending Withdrawal
  • Order Management
  • and more….

Admin Features:

  • Powerful Admin Panel
  • Dashboard
  • Admin sales report chart
  • Total orders
  • Total customers
  • Admin manage add,edit and delete product items
  • Product Import / Export Excel
  • Wasabi Storage
  • Amazon S3 Storage
  • Progressive Web Apps (PWA)
  • Backup System
  • Google Analytics
  • Manage categories
  • User Role Management
  • Products List
  • Attributes Dynamically add / edit / delete
  • Email Template
  • Subscription
  • Drag and Drop Product Files Upload
  • Package Include
  • Compatible Browsers
  • Google Adsense
  • Coupon System
  • Voucher System
  • Affiliate Referral System
  • Website Maintenance Mode
  • Country
  • Clear cache
  • Newsletter
  • Order Details
  • Refund Request
  • Rating & Reviews
  • Withdrawal Request
  • Dynamic Pages
  • Contact Information
  • Blog Management
  • General Settings
  • Color Settings
  • Email Settings
  • Media Settings
  • Currency Settings
  • Payment Settings
  • Social Settings
  • Limitation Settings
  • and more…


  • PHP >= 8.1
  • MySQL >= 8.1
  • BCMath PHP Extension
  • Ctype PHP Extension
  • JSON PHP Extension
  • Mbstring PHP Extension
  • OpenSSL PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • Tokenizer PHP Extension
  • XML PHP Extension


Frontend :

Admin :

Username : admin

Password : admin

Customer :

Username : customer

Password : 123456

Online Documentation:

Laravel Version:

laravel 10.22.0

Change Log:

Version 5.6
Add    - Backup System added (database & files)
Update - Wasabi storage updated
Add    - Amazon S3 storage added
Add    - Progressive Web Apps (PWA) integrated
Update - Admin Orders page updated
Update - Laravel 10.22.0 updated
Remove - Dropbox, Google Drive storage removed
Fix    - Featured, New, Free, Popular Items page issue fixed
Update - Some css design updated
Version 5.5
Add    - Mercadopago payment gateway integrated
Update - Google recaptcha V3 updated
Update - Google analytics updated
Add    - Mercadopago checkout, subscription updated
Fix    - Admin panel product search issue fixed
Update - Some css design updated
Version 5.4
Update - Subscription plan also coupon code system updated
Update - Footer item sold & members count value change option updated
Update - Fake sale & fake review option updated
Add    - Item main file type 'Link/URL' option added
Add    - Watermark repeat ON/OFF option added
Add    - Watermark position option added
Update - Some css design updated
Version 5.3
Add    - Localbank payment option added
Add    - Withdrawal localbank option added
Fix    - Subscription wallet option issue fixed
Fix    - Homepage blog display issue fixed
Update - Payment settings page updated
Update - Some css design updated
Version 5.2
Add    - Coupon system added
Update - Item preview option updated
Add    - Voucher system added
Add    - Affiliate referral system added
Add    - Report this item added
Add    - Pinterest & Whatsapp product share added
Add    - Website maintenance mode added
Update - Google recaptcha enable / disable option updated
Update - Flash sale discount percent option updated
Add    - Updates menu item updated on header and display latest products list view
Add    - Wallet balance to buy product option added
Fix    - Profile menu withdrawal menu fixed
Update - Some css design updated
Version 5.1
Add    - Email template option updated
Update - Laravel 8.83.27 latest version updated
Add    - Subscription added with enable / disable option
Add    - Product preview image field added
Add    - Attributes option added
Add    - Subscription renewal reminder option added
Fix    - Contact page issue fixed
Fix    - Flash sale price issue fixed
Update - Some css design updated
Version 5.0
Update - Website speed optimization updated
Update - Laravel 8.83.23 latest version updated
Add    - Guest checkout updated
Add    - Tawk live chat integrated
Add    - PayFast payment gateway integrated
Add    - PayHere payment gateway integrated
Add    - Flutterwave payment gateway integrated
Update - Some css design updated
Version 4.9
Add    - Subcategory added 
Update - Laravel 8.83.9 latest version updated
Add    - CoinPayments integrated
Update - Order page column updated
Fix    - Product import / export column issue fixed
Update - Some css design updated
Version 4.8
Add    - Google drive storage added
Update - Withdrawal delete option updated
Update - Laravel 8.83 latest version updated
Update - Refund request delete option updated
Update - Some css design updated
Version 4.7
Add    - Registration email confirmation ON / OFF option updated
Update - Laravel 8.80 latest version updated
Fix    - Item details empty space issue fixed
Add    - Newsletter subscription added
Add    - Clear cache option added
Update - Item details page short description updated
Fix    - Language issue fixed
Update - New currency conversion updated
Update - Some css design updated
Remove - Open exchange rates removed 
Version 4.6
Add    - Dropbox storage integrated
Update - Laravel 8.70 latest version updated
Update - Product file download option updated
Fix    - Withdrawal page issue fixed
Update - Withdrawal Request enable / disable option updated
Fix    - Footer page link fixed
Update - Some css design updated
Version 4.5
Add    - Wasabi storage integrated
Add    - Google analytics code option added
Update - Laravel 8.53 latest version updated
Update - Admin panel also mlti-language translation updated
Update - Admin orders delete option updated
Update - Rating edit option update via admin
Update - Refund Request Enable / Disable option updated
Update - Some css design updated
Version 4.4
Add    - Product (images / zip) files Drag and Drop upload
Update - Laravel 8.45 latest version updated
Update - Pages,Items,Blogs Slug updated
Update - Coingate payment gateway integrated
Update - Some css design updated
Version 4.3
Update - svg extension also support logo,favicon,banner...ect
Update - Laravel 8.38 latest version updated
Fix    - Admin contact page field issue fixed
Add    - Google adsense dynamically manage pages
Fix    - Product add / edit watermark image issue fixed
Update - Google adsense ON / OFF updated
Update - Some css design updated
Version 4.2
Update - Without login Add to cart updated
Update - Laravel 8.32 latest version updated
Fix    - Some css design fixed  
Version 4.1
Update - Laravel 8.25 latest version updated
Add    - Open exchange rates currency conversion integrated
Update - Some css design updated  
Version 4.0
Update - Laravel 8.18 latest version updated
Update - Dynamic translate update. Multilanguage add / edit/ delete any languages.
Update - RTL Support updated
Fix    - Add to favorites issue fixed
Update - Some css design updated  
Version 3.0
Update - Laravel 8.13 latest version updated
Add    - Watermark option added. it's using product images
Fix    - Flash sale issue fixed
Add    - Product update notification email send to purchased buyer 
Update - Some css design updated  
Version 2.0
Add    - Paystack payment gateway integrated
Add    - Razorpay payment gateway integrated
Update - Paystack withdrawal option updated
Update - Payment settings page via admin panel
Update - Some css design updated  
Version 1.0 - Initial Release

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